1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Thanks girls! I am going to try to take a bump pic today.

AFM - planning on staying home this weekend and studying. I have been so tired so it's been hard to get into it. Anyone else have any plans?
Good morning, Ladies!!

Jess - your house is looking AMAZING! I'm so excited for you! How are you feeling now? Still nauseous? My nausea went away around this time, I think! Good luck studying :/ when is your exam?

Mel - your pics on facebook are too cute! I can't get over how much Oakley loves that video. Now we watch the other ones from the same makers - he loves them all! it's in our bedtime routine now, haha. How's baby #2 treating you?? I forget how far along you are - you must be getting close to 3rd tri!!

Rach - how you doing hun? I need to check your chart and see where you're at! You must be around O by now!

Sam - hope you're sleeping well the last few days! Is B eating well again? Oakley's back to drinking lots of milk and hardly eating anything. He goes in phases - drives me a little crazy!

Mar - hope you're feeling ok! How's that bathroom?! sparkling, yet????

AFM - I've had like 5 days of EWCM! I've never had this much CM. I had more when I had the mirena so maybe it's still from that?? Just seems like a lot! and it's kinda gross lol. I should be O'ing probably today so hopefully it'll calm down soon.
O is starting to get into his toddler stage, I think. If he doesn't get what he wants he'll go grab onto the nearest chair or table and arch his back and "fake" cry and then look to see if we're looking and if we are then he keeps going. Little tantrums are beginning!! It's hard to tell when I should go comfort him and where I need to set boundaries so he doesn't become "that" 2 year old!! you know what I mean? He's so precious it's hard to let him fuss! :p
Jess - hope you are not too busy revising and having some down time. Your house looks wonderful, its looks huge!! Happy 14 weeks, where's the bump pic?

Linds - It is so difficult knowing what to do when they have these tantrums. Is suppose it is a little funny, him looking to see if you are watching. I think I would go for the distraction if it was just a minor thing you are stopping him doing but I suppose I would be firmer if it was a danger thing iykwim. Probably no help there but I am glad that you can tell me all the things you did when we get there after you!!

Rach - how are you? Are you still planning things for the wedding atm?

Hi mar, mel, Kels - hope you are having a fab weekend

afm - B has another cold/snotty nose. So much for BF babies having less colds! So our sleep has been bad again as he can't breath properly, up every 45 mins last night till 1am then 2 hourly after that. I have done all the usual so just hope it passes quickly. I got a joint dentist reminder card through the post yesterday for me and Benjamin. Might delay making an appointment to see if any teeth arrive in the next couple of weeks!! Went out on Friday night for a meal for OH birthday to come home to find B in the settee with MIL/FIL watching TV!! argh!!
Sam - O is behind on his teeth too. We got the first two I think around 8-9 months and then the next two were just BARELY poking through at his 12 month appt and he's working on the first of the next top two but I think those were supposed to come in months ago. The doctor told me the longer they stay in the gums the better - they're protected in there! and somehow O has no problem eating anything - I guess his gums are hard or something? and with the discipline - I know, it's tough! I'm always fighting to not laugh at him when he does the silly tantrums because that can't be good to laugh at lol. But it's difficult to discipline him or tell him no - I'll let you guys know what I come up with! haha I know he understands me so I think I just need to stay firm with him but it often prompts him to challenge me...so we'll see!
Sam - so sorry B is sick again! It sounds like you had a rough night last night from your journal. The joys of having family members watch the little ones!!!

Lindsay - I'd probably start laughing too at little Oakley sitting there throwing a tantrum checking to see if you are looking! LOL I think you should hold firm and not give him to him though. Just let him scream it out so he sees that those tantrums don't work.

Mel - we need a pregnancy update from you!!!!

Rach - how are you doing with this cycle?

Mar - is that bathroom floor sparkling yet!!!??? :winkwink:

Kelsey - how is little Khloe doing? Looks like you got some time out with the girls! That's great!

Didn't get a chance to take a bump pic yesterday so I will try to take one today.
Hi All :)

Boo Sam!!! Everyone has a cold right now. My entire family came up this weekend for our early Thanksgiving (Canada - our normal one is in 2 weeks). They all brought their runny noses. Kids being sick is worse. :(

Jess and Linds! lol... NO I'm saving that task for ONE more week.

I've been having some INTENSE lightening like pain randomly zapping me in the lady parts for a good week or so now. My best friend says she experienced that about 3-4 weeks before she went into labour. Who knows! What I do know, ITS HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mar -I never had it but a few other ladies on another thread had it running up to labour. They called it lightening crotch!!! I think is baby pushing down and everything gearing up down there. When is the next check to see if babies position has changed?
Lightning crotch!!??? Omgosh that sounds terrible! Hang in there Mar! You're almost there!
Sam sorry you're having such a time with B. I hope he starts feeling better so you both can get some rest.

Jess Happy 14 weeks! Baby is a lemon? Wow! So hard to believe they're that small, but look SO big on the sonograms lol. How has the studying been going? When do you go to the doctors next?

Lindsay how is everything on your end? How is Oakley doing?

Mar sorry you're having lightening crotch... so funny to say that :haha: Not too long and baby Ariah will be here!! <3 Have you started scrubbing the floors yet?! LOL

AFM just been hanging out. Andrew found out on Friday that his job was putting him on rotation. Basically, he's laid off until they find him more work. Which totally sucks with the wedding and all. Makes me hate my job even more because i know i'm the one who has to support us right now. He can file for unemployment at the end of the week which will help. His work said it would take no more than a month to find him work. So i'm counting on that. Other than that things are good. It's weird... in the last 5 days it seems like Andrew and my relationship has grew so much stronger. I love it! We're still NTNP. I was looking at my charts to compare my last one to all the rest as to how i got pregnant vs. not getting pregnant at all for 2 years. Only thing i could come up with (other than losing a bunch of weight) is him and i never BD on CD22 and 23. Which were the last times we BD'd last month. So guess what CD today is? Yup, 22. LOL. So tempting....
Rach - hope you're getting in that bedroom tonight :sex: couch, floor, wherever!!! I say you just go for it!!! That sucks about Andrews job. I hope he doesn't go too long not working.

Lindsay - did you get Oakleys crib at Baby's R Us? I think I was looking at the same one this past weekend. We are nowhere near buying a crib but we thought it would be fun and it made things feel more real.

AFM - feeling a little better today I hope that continues.
Told work today. I thought it would be awkward but it wasn't too bad and everyone seemed excited for me. I feel a bit relieved.
Hey girls :hi:

This is very emotional for me. I was in a very dark spot in my life just a few months ago. I was comforting myself with food. I never realized it was messing with my chances of conceiving. Not only am i getting smaller, but i am feeling SO much better. I'm showing you this picture to show you how far i've come and that my rainbow is right around the corner!! I would've never shown you this picture of me before, but now i feel so comfortable with all of you that i know you won't judge me. The picture on the left was in 2010 when my twin nieces were just born. They will be 3 next month!


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Rach - I'm so proud of you, hun!! You're gorgeous now and you were gorgeous in 2010 but now you're body is so much healthier for your rainbow! It's really such an accomplishment becoming healthy and you should be thrilled with yourself :) Looks like your BD schedule is going great this cycle! Hope Andrew's job sorts itself out for you guys!! Sometimes I wish money didn't exist!

Jess - woohoo for telling work!! That must have felt amazing! Did you ever talk to your doctor about getting a scan at 16 weeks or you will when you're there? Or now that you have your doppler you're ok?? Do you listen every night? <3 I don't think I'd be able to resist!!

Mar - lightning crotch is the worst but also the best!! That means your cervix is effacing and getting ready for labor!! I had that the last month or so, I think!

Sam - Poor B!! Well the good news about him getting lots of colds now is when he goes to daycare he'll already have built up some immunity! That is if you're planning on ever taking him to daycare!

AFM - O'd yesterday!
Rach - soooooooo proud of you!!! :yipee: You look absolutely amazing!!! It a huge accomplishment to be that disciplined for that amount a weight loss and you've done it!!! Your rainbow is definitely right around the corner!!!

Lindsay - Yeah for O!!!!!!
Jessie---14 weeks---almost 15 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOST HALFWAY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting you told work, must make it a little more real. How crazy with your nose bleed, but it made me look back in my journal and I forgot that I had gotten a lot of nose bleeds too!
Sam what's a settee? Any teeth pop yet? Just realized that Khloe is getting her bottom 2 teeth. I kind of thought it was possible because her gums were looking rough and she was drooling more, but she wasn't acting any different. Now I can feel them and see the tips of them. She too has ANOTHER cold. Boo for our poor babies!
Rach---you just keep getting hotter and hotter! Andrew must chase you around the house ;) What's the grand total so far in weight loss (if you don't mind me asking)? Sucks about Andrews job, thank god you have yours. With this whole gov't shutdown going on right now my job is kind of in limbo too. So far we're still at work, just not sure when we'll get paid for it. Jess you said that Chris works for the govt too---is his job still ok?
Lindsay---did you BD at all around O? How's Oakley doing with his sippy? I've tried the trainer and a regular sippy with Khloe and she has no interest. I think she's used to her warm bottle, so wants nothing to do with anything cold. Because she sucks on the sippy, but then makes a face when she gets it.

AFM--Like I said, Khloe's getting her 2 bottom teeth and a cold. But still happy as can be, have not noticed any difference in her temperment--SO FAR. I've got the baby tylenol ready. Hope she stays sleeping good. Yes, last weekend I had a friend from college come visit, and we get so rowdy together. It was my first time out since I'm done nursing, so I guess there was nothing stopping me. I was so embarrassed when I saw the pics on fb! But, I had fun...
Jess - forgot to say that his crib is "baby appleseed" and we got it from buy buy baby but I think they sell it practically everywhere and we LOVE it! My favorite part is how sturdy it is - you can put your elbows on the edge to lean and look at bubs - so nice!

Kels - Sippy cups are the bane of my existence! He's 100% on the transition cup. I can get him to drink *some* out of a regular sippy but not as much as the transition cup. Give it time with Khloe - she's still little, just keep offering it! We did BD but we are "pulling out" :\ I know it's not a great way to prevent but like I've said a million times, we wouldn't mind if we got pregnant it would probably just make my job search a hell of a lot more difficult, but we'd be thrilled. I hate holding off for a job anyway as I don't even know for sure when I will graduate. We didn't BD last night as I could feel that I was O'ing yesterday so we held off. We would also be super nervous if my uterus was ready for a baby after the mirena - although I've had one AF so it's probably fine but yea! We keep having the "when do you want another?" conversation and it just doesn't seem to go anywhere. I wish I could see the future! haha it would make planning a lot easier :p
Rach - CONGRATS on feeling good!!!!!!! That's soooo important in everything you do in life. You are smoke'n hot!!!

AFM: Our little family of 5 (Erich - husband, me, Blue - our Aussie Shepherd, Oakley - Yorkie and Lulu - cat) has sadly become 4. Our little Oakley (sorry Linds for the name) died Sunday evening of a brain aneurism :( Horrible. Him and his brother Blue were playing in the backyard with my husband while I was doing some gardening. Blue and him always played! Next thing we know he just fell over. Nothing could be done.
I've been a wailing mess for the past two days. Today I feel a bit better but you're never prepared for that. I'm just so happy we had a great 24 hours with the little guy before.. he had slept with us Saturday night (which wasn't normal), had lots of snuggles on the couch, a treat, and died playing with his brother.

I know he was "just a dog" but he was a big part of our family and has been through all the ups and downs with us. We were supposed to be adding to our little family, not losing but I guess that's part of life.

We brought him home from the vet and buried him in our backyard under a little maple tree. That's where he belongs.
OMGGG MAR!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :hugs: There is no such thing as, "just a dog"! Our dog Presley is our BABY, and we celebrate adoption anniversaries and birthdays with him. I feel just awful for you to have to go through that!! How old was he?? How are your other lil fur babies handling the loss? Poor Blue....and it's even harder when you can't explain to them where their brother is...aww...omg i'm an emotional mess picturing you all! :cry:

Jessie, brighten up our group and show us a bump shot. Please? and Mar, we need an updated one from you as well. Since the threat of violence ( :grr: ) didn't work, I may have to just resort to a tantrum. :brat:
Hi ladies!
I'm trying loosely for number2! Smiley opk last thurs. so will prob start poas next thurs at 7dpo!
Aw, Mar! I'm so sorry!! Our dog is our baby too and I would be a horrible mess if he passed!! You have great taste in names by the way :p Hope you're doing ok today!! and I agree - I would LOVE to see another bump pic!

Gemini - good luck, hun!! so sorry for your loss! are you charting or anything? we a group of chart stalkers if so!!

AFM - secretly hoping the government shutdown will relieve traffic here in DC!! My commute has been 2+ hours EACH way lately! Driving me insane! Just sucks how many people this is affecting - it's not fair the people that made this decision are still getting paid - their salary should be the FIRST to go not the american people! Ok, rant over! back to happy things - bump pics please ladies!!
We also found out our renter's job is going to be moving and therefore, she'll be moving out of our old house - so we are starting all the necessary paperwork to put it up for sale! I'm kind of excited - it will relieve a lot of stress on our part, I just hope it sells quickly so we don't have to pay two mortgages for too long!

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