1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Jess - thats so frustrating, I want to slap him about :gun: for stressing you out, and it would be a serious slapping as I am in one of those moods today!!:growlmad: :haha: Where will you go in the meantime if t is not finished in time? I went to some antenatal classe but for me they where a bit of waste fo time but OH got some things from it (probably because he didn't read any books!) It does seem in USA they have a lot more interventions that they do here for Labour. My induction and epidural (leading to CS) wasn't straight forward and if I could have done natural I would. The epidural only worked down one side, which they tell you is really rare but since mine I have heard a few people that it happens too. Do you have a choice of hospitals to deliver in?

Linds - aww I am sure Oakley will settle fast, I have to think that as I want the same for Benjamin. When dropping of B on Thursday there where a couple of older babies, probably Oakleys age that just ran in all happy and hardly said a goodbye to their Mum. B start nursery Monday for proper :cry: and at least I might have time for a coffee now though!

Rach- wow way to go with losing more weight. I think you are doing the right things about taking it back as your shape may be totally different closer to the time, you may have a bump!
Sam - we would probably move in with Chris's parents for a week or 2 until the house is done. It not a huge deal, we lived there for about 9 months when we built our last house because Chris and I sold our condos so fast. What I am more concerned about is moving our stuff twice and looking into options to avoid this, like a POD.
So will you have some time to yourself now that B is starting day care before you go back to work?
I'll have Monday and Tuesday when he is in nursery, day together Wednesday and then I'll be in work Thursday, Friday. He won't be in for the full day but enough to get him used to it and them to his routine. I have lots of house tidying and DIY planned for the 2 days too keep me busy and not miss him!

Lets hope it doesn't come to you having to move twice.
Congrats Mar!! So sorry you've had a stressful start but sounds like you're taking it in stride and enjoying your little miracle!! It's such an amazing feeling! Do you plan to breastfeed?? Hope you get to go home with her tomorrow!!

Jess - ugh so sorry about your builder! How frustrating! My In-laws used the PODS and they actually really liked it but they had all of their kids (including us) to come load and unload them for them :p Often movers will let you store in their trucks for a little while too. I think it can get pricey but I'm sure it would be cheaper than moving twice! Or can you rent back from the people you're selling to for a week or two??

Sam - Oakley was still melting down when I left by the end of the week but I was dealing with it a lot better. He definitely loves it as when I get there in the afternoons he runs over to grab my hand and bring me over to his toys. He doesn't want to leave (but he doesn't want me to either! haha). It's relieved a lot of stress from me worrying about our parents watching him all the time! You'll enjoy it eventually - are you looking forward to getting back to work?

AFM - we bought Oakley a go-cart today. Well we got a good deal from a friend and we went ahead and bought it so when Oakley is big enough we already have it. I was driving it all over the yard today haha I think he'll love it when he gets big enough! For now, I can drive him around :) It's too small for Kirk to get in.
Mar - any new updates on baby Ariah? Hope you both are doing well and getting some rest.

Lindsay - that is soo cute you got him a go cart! I've always wanted one when i was a kid lol. I thought they were so cool. That's funny you can fit and Kirk can't. He's prob jealous ;) hehe. Oakley will love it!

Jess - sorry you're having to move again... So unfair that the guys working on your house are being a-holes about some of their work! That is bs. I hope you find a place to stay for time being. House should be done by the end of the month?

Sam - it will be nice to have some down time for yourself. I think every mom deserves that. Taking care of a child is definitely a full time job. I know you'll miss your peanut.

AFM just working and wedding planning. I can't believe it's November already. Any of you do Black Friday shopping? Have you even started on Christmas shopping yet?! lol. I love Christmas time. This year is gonna suck though bcz all my money is being filtered to the wedding. Oh well. Will be so worth it. Andrew is a huge Christmas freak so he's not taking the money situation so well. Sometimes i feel like i already have a kid! :haha:
rach - Kirk is totally jealous he can't drive it haha he wants to get one for us now :p I think he's excited that I enjoy driving it for some reason.
Yay for wedding planning! we paid for our own wedding too and I think it's better that way. I think I appreciated everything a lot more! can't wait to see pics of your wedding it will be here before you know it! you'll be such a gorgeous bride! :)
Aww thank you :) I am already appreciating everything. I can't wait for the day to get here so i can look back and see i worked my butt off to be able to pull it off ;) As for TTC.... Andrew and i DTD on CD19. Today my right boob has been throbbing on and off. If i O'd on CD19 today would be only 6DPO. There's no way my boobs would hurt already, right? Might be just AF or body changes?
My boobs hurt every month after I O, so I'm not sure it's the best indicator. Mine are killing me now and I'm def not preggo. I think the biggest indicator for me when I was pregnant was the montgomery glands on my nipples but those never went away so I guess that won't work next time haha.
I need to vent a bit if you girls don't mind! Someone we know (friend of a friend) just had their baby at 35 weeks yesterday and the baby is in the NICU - off breathing assistance now but we heard a few weeks ago that she's been smoking throughout her whole pregnancy. There should be some sort of child abuse line you can call while babies are still in the womb and I guarantee that's why she went into premature labor! Plus, all she would talk about was eating cheese fries and potato chips - while there are times for junk while pregnant, it shouldn't be all you eat, ya know?! ugh, it just makes me sick and I can't believe this baby is getting started out on the wrong foot just because she was selfish and didn't want to give up her bad habits!

Ok end rant - I feel better!!
Lindsay i understand what you're saying and where you're coming from. It's hard to watch someone do that. I know my mom smoked the whole time with my sister and i. Whenever i get pregnant i know i'll definitely try my best to make the most healthiest choices because i want my baby to come out as healthy as can be. It's extremely hard to hear what other people put their unborn babies through. I knew a girl who did heroin the whole time and her baby came out with withdraws and was so behind for her age. It's such a shame people can't be selfish for 9 months. It is very disgusting.
Yea, I know that Kirk's mom smoked with his sister but back then I don't think they really knew the effects. She stopped for Kirk and his brother but with all the knowledge out there about the effects it has on an unborn baby is just disgusting to think they would put their baby at risk like that. So sad!!
Hi girls!

Lindsay - no need to appologize for the rant here, that's what we're here for. It is ridiculous. I am surprised the doctors can't do something. I mean they must know when their patients smoke. Saw the cart you guys bought, Chris would be jealous! We are definitely planning on getting movers for our move - whether we go directly to the house (doubtful) or into a Pod. Chris and I can't be dealing with moving all that stuff and something always happens when friends help.

Sam - hope you are enjoying your last few days before going back to work. I think you said today was your day with little B.

Rach - how exciting on the wedding planning. We paid for our own wedding too and I did all my planning. It was very rewarding in the end. You might think of it as making Christmas tight but it will be so worth it!!

Mar - Hope you are home now, Looking forward to an update.

Kelsey, Mel - hope you girls are doing Ok.

AFM - I wish I was getting excited about Christmas, it's my absolute favorite time of the year but with this whole house in limbo I feel like I am going to end up spending another Christmas moving :cry: Ugh! We have a meeting with the Vice President of the construction company to talk about our situation with the developer so hopefully we will be able to get some things resolved.
Rach - we payed for it ourselves and I planned it all too, in fact it is our 15 year anniversary tomorrow! I loved doing it all but back then (makes me sound really old) the internet wasn't that widespread or available so didn't have access to a lot of thing people have nowadays. I think that though made it less stressful as it was just a simple traditional wedding. I hope you throbbing boob means something. After my fisr loss my boobs never got sore pre AF like they used to (pmt) but the cycle I was pg with B they hurt after ov for the first time so keeping it all crossed for you. I did slightly enjoy my time when B was in nursery but more so because I got so much done round the house!!

Linds - rant away. I feel exactly like you, my mum smoked through all 3 of her pg and once we were born (still smokes now) and I was diagnosed with asthma at 11 after years of chest xrays/tons antibiotics with Drs thinking I had recurrent chest infections and EVEN THEN she didn't (couldn't) stop. I get annoyed having to walk out of a restaurant, or the hospital past all the people crowded outside having their fags. Love the fact you have bought Oakley a go kart, I can imagine Kirk being jealous he can't fit in it!!

Jess - I hope the meeting means they get a move on and maybe you can get your move in date so your Christmas will be in your new home and you can really enjoy it this year.

Mar - hope you and Ariah are okay,

hi mel, Kels

afm - back to work tomorrow. OH say I am quite calm about it, not sure what he thought I would be like. B has a snottery nose again with a bit of a cough so has been a bit irritable today. I took him to the Dr as he has kept being sick after feeds/solids, not a lot and doesn't seem to be bothering but I thought Id get ti checked out. Anyway the Dr was great she checked for hernias etc but she thinking its reflux mainly due to increased mobility. The movement of crawling, sitting etc puts a bit of pressure on his tummy which then pushes a bit of it back up. I did think it probably wasn't coincidence it started just before he began to crawl properly.
I miscarried in early September and we are trying again... well, this month not trying/not preventing, I guess, but we did BD 2x in the four days before I O'd.

I think AF is due Nov 14th (PCOS and in month 2 on metformin... just now getting regular for the first time in my life)... I'm not really sure if I want her to come or not. Has that ever happened to anyone else?
jess - any progress with the builders? I hope so! how are you feeling? that bump of yours is probably so adorable by now! :)

sam - hope your first day back to work goes ok today! Oakley is doing a lot better at daycare this week, hope b is doing well with it still! have you decided if you'll have another yet?

al - so sorry for your loss and welcome! I don't think any of us have pcos but we can all relate to nut knowing where our cycles stand after a loss! do you chart? we are fans of staking and interpreting charts! :) when do you plan to be full on ttc?

afm - have my annual at my gyn today and I think I'll ask about bc options but I an really enjoying being hormone free! maybe I'll ask about a diaphragm or something.
Thanks! I do chart, mine is weird this month and since I'm in month 2 of metformin it might still not be regular. We're starting TTC again in earnest next cycle if nothing now... I'm really torn between hoping for AF November 14th or hoping for a BFP. Anyone relate?
Linds - maybe triphasic? !!!! Was bd CD13/14 unprotected? Glad Oakley is settling in well. OH dropped him off this morning and there was alot more tears, although B had a rubbish night and has another snotty, runny nose and a cough. He was smiling when I went to get him and they said he slept for longer naps today and ate all his snacks and dinner.

AL - sorry for your loss and hello. As linds said I we don't have much experience of PCOS but I suppose knowing the metaformin was working and your cycles are a bit more regular would be nice to know but a bfp would mean you won't have to bother about cycles for quite some time. Are you using opks to assess ov or just temping, I know opks don;t always work with PCOS.

Jess - how did the meeting go?

Hi Rach.

afm - first day back wen okay, nice to see everyone but I am really tired now but that may be due to B sleeping badly and taking 1.5 hours to get back to sleep last night. Its our 15th wedding anniversary today.
Hi Girls.... I imagine here soon I'll be able to catch up.

Because I cant remember if I told you...WE ARE HOME!!! Got home Saturday :happydance: Ariah's lung was 95% healed so they let us go.

We are doing well. She's getting up every 2.5-3.5 hrs to feed through the night and has taken to the boob like a Raptor to meat. lol. She will also take bottle too, so Erich's been able to help while he was off :thumbup:

I've attached a few shots. Me just prior to birth and of course of the lovely, Baby A.

xo's to you all for your care and concern.


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Al - I'm not too familiar with Metformin but I just googled it and it sounds like a good direction to go! You should put a link to your chart in your signature so we can keep track of how you're doing! Hopefully no AF will show and we will be tracking your pregnancy! :)

Sam - glad your first day back went well! It's tough getting used to being back to work but it is good socially, I think! You're on your feet a lot for work too, right? That has to be tough! Aw - your poor DH! It's tough seeing them cry but maybe it's easier on the dads! I think Kirk would handle it better than I do. Oakley did a lot better today, just a tiny fuss and then by the time I was out of his sight he was done. His favorite lady was in the room and I think she's been getting in there by the time Oakley gets there because she knows he gets so upset otherwise and she knows that makes me upset so - yea they're good to us! :) Oh and I'm pretty sure CD 13 and 14 were protected but maybe not?! I know CD10 and CD18 were not but I've never seen my chart do this before! My boss won't be happy with me if I get pregnant - she pulled me aside yesterday and told me to "make sure I wait to get pregnant until after I graduate" womp womp.... she's just trying to be nice in giving advice but I'm kind of sick of hearing it from everyone!

Mar - great pictures!! Baby A looks amazing!! Glad she's healing up nicely! So awesome she has taken to the boob AND bottle! Makes life a lot easier!!

AFM - had my annual today, went fine - got nuvaring if AF shows. Not sure how I feel about it. Might not fill the prescription or I might try it for a month and see how it goes. With EVERYONE telling me to wait for another until after I graduate, I'm kind of tempted to go on it for at least a few months so there's no question but I don't know...I guess it'd be good to do for the holidays

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