1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Wow Jess!! Look at your peanut! Amazing! I'm so happy everything is going great for you. Have you put anymore thought into a name? Can't even believe you're 18 weeks! Happy 18 weeks!! <3 Is the nausea gone? I'm so so so happy for you and Chris!!

Sam wow little B is certainly growing up! Wow standing up all on his own!! Before you know it he's gonna be running all around the house LOL.

Ugh i woke up this morning with a stuffy nose, headache and a bit of a sore throat. :grr: i hope i'm not getting sick! SOO cold here this morning. It's 930am and it's still 29 degrees. Unbelievable. Too early for this shit. My appt is at 1. eeeeekkk! So excited. I haven't even tried on any dresses yet. I've been shopping online really. I'm going by myself though. My sister is my MOH, but she lives in NY. Andrew's sister will be in the wedding as well, but she's working today. Therefore i am left to go by myself. Oh well. I hope i find one i'm in love with.
Aw, Rach - hope you feel better soon. That cold went through our whole family including Oakley! Congrats on getting some of the wedding planning done!! It can be overwhelming! I can't wait to see pics of you in your dress!! eee!! so exciting! That's ok to go by yourself! Hopefully the ladies there will make it an unforgettable experience for you!

Jess - gorgeous pictures! Great they're keeping a close eye on your little one - can't hurt! Happy 18 weeks! almost halfway there!!

Sam - I think you're right - I looked back and my EWCM did start early. Good luck with the crawling! It took a long time for Oakley to master crawling and he pretty much went straight to walking, so get ready! The changing of diapers does NOT get easier! It's a constant battle! I can not wait to start potty training Mr. O!!

Oakley only slept for 45 min and is flipping out right now because of a bad timed poo :( In for a grouchy Oakley later!! Gotta run! Hope you all are having a fantastic Friday :)
Hope Oakley is okay Lindsay! Poor baby.

Well here's a pic of the dress. It's simple, elegant and romantic. Totally different than what i imagined. I always thought i wanted a HUGE train, poofy bottom and gems. This dress is completely opposite. CRAZY! I love it though! Also no traditional veil. I'm using a 'birdcage' veil to make it more vintage!


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Rach! That dress looks rock'n. :) Nice choice and I'm also a HUGE fan on the birdcage - I also had a birdcage veil. Great choice!!
Jess - the scan pics a re amazing especially the 3d one, you must be over the moon seeing your little bub like that (we don't get 3d as routine we have to go private for that).

Rach - I LOVE the dress, despite being headless you look lovely!!! When I went to look for my wedding dresses I ended up with something I wasn't expecting and different from what I had imagine. The lady had to force me to try it on as I didn't like the look of it on the hanger. Its true you just 'know' when its the right dress. Had to google birdcage veil but now I know It will be lovely.

Linds - oh no I was really hoping you would tell me it gets better with the nappy changing. Those bad timed poos when it comes to napping are REALLY annoying.

Mar - hope you are having a relaxing weekend and not scrubbing the kitchen!

Kels - hope you are having a fab weekend, maybe a long birthday weekend planned?

afm -had a bad night with b last night, was up for 2 hours. I thought it might be teeth but he was very windy and had been 'off' all day Friday, not eating as much, sick after his milk and almost a bit like regurgitation etc. He seems much brighter today so hopefully if it was a tummy bug he'll sleep better tonight. The clocks go back to technically we gaining an hours sleep but tbh I am dreading it as it means he will be up an hour 'earlier' and maybe for a few days till he regulate himself back to the new time change.
LOVE it Rach!! It's perfect!! You look FANTASTIC - great job, hun! :) So exciting!

Sam - sorry about B - O was weird for a couple days too and was up at night for an hour two nights ago - I thought it was teeth too but thinking it was just a little bug or something as well. I'm dreading the time change as well!! Adjusting O's sleep schedule is always very painful!!
Linds - seems it was a bug as he was back to sttn night although up very early due the clocks going back :doh: Its not so much the early rise but having to adjust his whole daytime routine too till he gets back to normal. Hope O is feeling better too. Was it this weekend your clocks change?

I haven't been temping or anything but roughly know where I am in my cycle. The last 2 AF's have been more like pre pg of 28-29 days and I used to ov CD14 so today we bd unprotected and it wasn't till afterwards I realised this would be CD14, for some reason I thought it was only a week ago I had AF. Doubt anything will come from it but little bit concerned though.
oooo maybe it's meant to be Sam!! I'm def O'ing today or tomorrow - crampy!

O has his 15 month appointment tomorrow - I'm so curious how much he weighs! Then we're off to daycare Tuesday-Thursday :(
Our clocks turn back next weekend - at least I hope so or else I'll be in to work very early this morning, haha.
Mar - how you doing??? When's your next doc appointment? Any contractions? A friend of mine had false labor a couple days ago - wonder if you guys will deliver the same day!
Hi girls!
Happy Tuesday!

Rach - I love the dress. I am not sure what a birdcage is either so I am going to need to google it. I can't remember which day you finally decided on for your wedding - was it the 21st?

Mar - How are you feeling girl? Not too much longer for you.

Sam - Glad little B is feeling better and it doesn't take too long for him to get used to the time change. When does he officially start daycare?

Linds - did you guys all finally get through that bug that was running through your house?

Kelsey, Mel - hope you girls are doing well.

Did you girls take any pregnancy classes. Someone mentioned taking some so I may look into it.

AFM - Chris and I had a nice relaxing weekend out on the boat. Its starting to cool off here are night but still close to 80 degrees during the day. This type of weather is perfect, I wish it was like this all year!!! No news on the house yet. Ugh! I know we will get in there eventually but I just wish our builder would give us a date so we can start planning.
Yep! We're all healthy again. Oakley started daycare today though so I'm thinking we will all be sick again within the week :p I'm so proud of him - he did really great this morning. I only cried once I got back to the car but I was really relieved that he didn't cry when I was leaving. I forgot his sippy in the car so I ran out to go get it and he stayed and played with some books while the lady that works there kept his attention and she said he watched me leave and was totally fine. I came back in and said I'd be back for him later and he walked over to some other toys and turned to wave "bye bye" to me. When I turned my back he started fussing a little but by the time he couldn't see me any more he had stopped. So, I'm hoping he's happy all day! I'm worried about naptime because he's on a "cot" and not in a crib but I'm sure he'll get used to it! *sigh* glad it's over!!

Jess - we didn't take any classes but I read probably every book on the planet that had to do with pregnancy/giving birth. Totally up to you and what your preference is. Do you plan to get an epidural? If you plan to go natural I would take a class and meet with a midwife kind of thing, but if you're getting an epidural, it's kind of straightforward how things can go. You can't walk around and you're not in pain so there's not much else to do but either sleep or just hang out. I just read all the books to know what to expect in terms of water breaking/contractions, etc etc.
Glad you got out on the boat! Your house is looking fantastic!! :) :)
Aww glad Oakleys first day went okay and sounds like you did good. I am sure it will be great to have all the interaction.

I got a few books too that I am reading. Not sure which route I will take yet for delivery, I don't know much about any of it so suggestions you can provide would be great!
Andrew and i BD'd today. CD19. Could be around OV for me. Oops. :haha: So i got on the scale and i've lost another 10 lbs! Even 80 now! YAY!!

Happy Halloween everyone! :witch::devil::fool: Trick or treating has been cancelled here until Friday. We're suppose to get some severe storms.

Wedding planning has been going okay :wedding:. Waiting on the DJ to answer us back! I'm taking my dress back in a couple weeks because i have a feeling it's gonna be way too big at wedding time. I got the size the fits me right now. Fits like a glove! The girl at David's Bridal told me that i should just go with it incase i don't lose more weight. PSH! I'm down 5 lbs already since then! I think i'm gonna go down 1 more size and if i end up being 2 sizes smaller it will be easier for alterations to take in.
Morning ladies!!

Jess - I wanted to go natural for as long as possible if not all the way but had decided to get an epidural if I had to be induced based on stories about what happens when you get induced. Since I was induced, I still tried to hold out but it was too much and the epidural was nothing compared to the cramps and then I was able to sleep and it was actually quite nice, haha. I'm not sure what I'll do next time. I think I'll take the attitude of going natural for as long as I can but now that I know how lovely the epidural is and how smoothly Oakley's birth went, I think I might cave quicker. :p I have a friend at work that is planning a home birth with a midwife, I'm not sure I would recommend that as things can go wrong and I would want to be able to be rushed in for c-section or whatever the babies needs at a moments notice in a hospital.

Rach - way to go, hun! You could always wait until December/January to get it altered so it will be as close as possible and only alter it once - cheaper for sure! FX'd for you with BDing!

AFM - Oakley had a rough morning yesterday when I dropped him off. I guess he got the idea of what was going on and didn't want me to leave. Poor bug was crying hysterically waving "bye bye" to me. It was so sad! I hope he does better this morning!! I was a mess on the way to work yesterday but he's always so happy when I get there in the afternoon, so I know he's not melting down all day. They said he slept 45 min the first day and 2hrs yesterday. I'm so shocked as they have him sleeping on a cot - so impressed haha. I get him all to myself tomorrow - turning in our grant today, so I'm taking a day to recover tomorrow!!
Hi Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well..... Ariah Isabel Hunting was born Monday, October 28th at 1:15 p.m. weighing 7 lb 2 oz, 19 inches long. I started having horrible labour pains around 7 p.m. on Sunday night and by 10:30 we headed to the hospital. I was in TRUE labour (3 cm dilated) by 1:00 a.m. Epidural at 4:30 a.m. and started pushing at 11:15 a.m.
Now the bad news... as she was coming out, the doc said the cord was tight around her neck. Quickly it was taken off and she came out. Suddenly the respitory team was surrounding here and there was barely any noise coming from her. Anyways... she developed a pneumo thorax between the cutting of the cord and taking her first breath. So basically, she has 2 tiny cuts in her right lung causing it to collapse. :( she was TRANSFERED from the hospital I was in to the neighbouring town where they have a NICunit. My husband went with her, my parents were with me.

Now the good news: Erich and I had planned on doing the cord blood banking. Because of that we discovered that she didn't loose any oxygen to the brain during the transition - THANK GOD. Next, no medical assistance was required to get her breathing on her own... she did it all herself. Next, she was not in distress EVER. She's sooooo happy, calm, quiet and looks PERFECT!! All except the lung.
I got out of the hospital as quick as possible to get to her on Tuesday. We've been staying at the hospital in a little suite with her in the nursery next door. We can't wait to come home... I'm home right now for a few hours just to let my fur babies know I'm still alive.

Hoping for release on Monday as she is FINALLY breathing into her right lung - which means the cut is healing.

Stay tunned. I'll update again when I'm home with her permanently. I will also post pics then of this beauty. She has a full head of frizzy blonde frosted hair!! Amazing.
Congratulations Mar! So happy Ariah is here and is doing well. I'm so sorry for the cuts on her lung. That is SOOO sad. My heart goes out to you and baby A. I hope everything heals quickly and you all can get a good nights rest very soon. Whenever you can i'd love for you to post a picture! Please keep us updated. Tons of virtual hugs for you guys! :hugs: What a scare all this must have been. Sounds like things are going down the right path now. Poor baby <3 She's a strong little girl!! What a beautiful birthdate as well! Right before Halloween.
Congratulations Mar. Sorry it all wasn't smooth going but it sounds like both of you are doing great. Hope little ariah is well very soon so you can get home to start your family life. Can't wait to see a picture.
Oh my gosh Mar! My heart sank when I read your post!!! Glad little Ariah is here and both of you are doing great! :cloud9: She sounds like quite the little trooper! Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see her pic and hear all about your birth story! So how did the cord banking make a difference? Sorry I am not that familiar with this. Would they have done something different if you did not opt for this?

How is everyone doing? Chris and I are just fuming. Our builder is being a complete ass about fixing some stuff and still won't give us or our bank a closing date - he just told them November! I am trying not to get stressed about it but he's such a jerk. Anyway it's looking like closer to the end of the month and we have to close on the house we're in on the 22nd so I have a feeling we will be moving twice. :grr: We are going to start packing this weekend.

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