1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi, everyone... missed you all! I feel so sorry for all of you with sick babies, all of the kids in my class have been passing around a stomach bug and it was my turn this week. I had to take a day and a half off of work, and I am NEVER out sick! Hope everyone is feeling better by now. On the plus side, I lost five pounds... on the minus, now that I can eat food again, I'm sure it'll be right back. :)

Lindsay- still no AF, but I wonder if she'll be even LATER due to how sick I was this week. Feeling pretty stressed about it. I think it's nice to wait until after the holidays, Rob and I are really up in the air because we're still trying to figure out what's going on with our house and he just signed up for AFLAC which has great benefits for maternity, but doesn't go into effect until November. On the one hand, waiting for February really isn't THAT long, but on the other hand, I will be 31 on Thanksgiving and I'm getting really worried that if we wait, it'll never happen.

Rachael- when is the wedding? Rob and I did everything ourselves also, let me know if you need any last-minute ideas! I totally hear you on the 'bad feeling' thing, too. I had it from the moment I found out I was preggo with my MC and nobody believed me, not even my doctor... that's one of the reasons I switched.

Sam- so exciting that things are progressing... Baby dust to you!
Alyssa - I'm sorry you were sick too! It was the worst when I had it! Oakley had it and then I had it and then Kirk and now it's running through Kirk's family too :/ ugh!! Oakley and I only threw up once but Kirk and his family were throwing up all night from it, I felt so bad!
Don't stress about AF! I think you O'd later and hopefully on CD19 so you might have still caught that egg :) Have they talked about putting you on clomid or anything??
Would you have Maternity leave at all if you don't wait to deliver until Nov?
Well, I tested again this morning, totally negative. No symptoms, either. We'll see, I see the doc Tuesday if nothing else. I'd get leave through my job, it's more financial benefits from his insurance. I kinda feel like what's meant to be will be. We have talked about clomid or femara, I think we may try two more natural cycles and then start one of those in February if I haven't gotten preggo first.

I'm so glad you and Oakley are feeling better, and I feel bad for Kirk... I'm sure it's not the same thing, but this is the worst stomach bug we've seen at my school for a couple of years, and it wasn't pretty!
Sorry you haven't been feeling well Alyssa. That stomach bug is for the birds! I would much rather be sick with the flu than be throwing up all day and night. I can't take stomach aches at all. Glad you're feeling better. Sorry AF still hasn't got you. If you did have a MC maybe that is why it hasn't started yet. Also, it could be from stress. Just take it easy and try not to think about it. Easier said than done, i know. Just try your best.

Lindsay i'm glad you're doing okay. You seem to be anyways. I'm glad the pain isn't too bad. I think waiting the holidays out to try again is a great idea. I know Oakley was here for last Christmas, but since this Christmas he's a lot more alert and knowledgeable about everything it will make for a much better Christmas! Just enjoy the time you have with your little man. 2014 is going to be a GREAT year. I can just feel that it's going to be a life changing one for me. I can just feel like it on the tips of my fingers LOL.

Man today was an awful day at work. I am so glad it's over. I came home like a raging b!tch and treated Drew like such crap. I feel real bad. I am just so over my job and can't wait to find another. I'm thinking of just waitressing for time being. I am sooooooo sick of cleaning hotel rooms. I'm nervous to waitress though. I feel like i'm a dummy and would suck at it. I know it's quick, easy money though besides riding a stripping pole ;)
Oh Lindsay - hope you are doing ok and that the bleeding is not too bad. I think enjoying the holidays is a good idea!!! Did you go out for your glass of wine? So sorry you guys are all sick. :hugs: Amazing how insensitive people can be. They just have no idea what it's like to go through this.

Alyssa - so weird you haven't gotten AF yet. Looking forward to see what the doctor says on Tuesday. Do you think they will scan you just to check how things are looking in there?

Sam - how are you feeling? I can't remember if I mentioned it or not but I did up taking some meds for the nausea. It was all day long for me, not throwing up but I felt on the edge of it. I just took the meds as needed in the bad days and it helped. Is little B feeling better?

Rach - so sorry work has been terrible for you. Try to think of all the positive you have going on... You look AMAZING! ... And you'll be getting married in a couple months!!!! I planned my own wedding as well so let me know if you have any questions or need to bounce of some ideas. Have you decided on a theme? You should put a ticker in your signature with your wedding countdown!

Kelsey - sorry little Khloe is not feeling well either. Hope she doesn't get the ear infection.

We are not sure on a name yet. We wanted to go with something Spanish (I was born in Spain). We are leaning towards Isabella right now as a first name but trying to come up with a middle name to go with that has been tough. We kinda like Isabella Adelyn but not sure. Do you girls think the middle name sounds too long with Isabella? Any other ideas for names? First or middle?

Mar - how are you and little Aria doing?

AFM - Well we had a nice couple of days out on our boat. It was beautiful out yesterday and I even got a bit of a sunburn on my face. I wish we could have stayed out today too but a front was supposed to come through last night and it was going to be really windy! Boating is no fun when it's rough!!! So today I may go do some shopping with my mom.
I am so jealous of you Jess! I wish i was sunburnt! Only way that will happen is if i go to a tanning bed LOL. Glad you had fun and a great weekend. I don't have a theme for the wedding. Just using the color canary (light yellow). It's different and that's what i like lol. I tried to get theknot wedding ticker, but i was too dumb to figure out where it's at on their site LOL. OMGosh i love the name Isabella Adelyn. I think it has a nice ring to it and i absolutely love the way the middle name is spelt. So beautiful!

My weight is ticking me off! I'm at a plateau right now and my weight keeps fluctuating between 4 lbs. I haven't been counting my calories the best lately nor exercising which is probably the problem. It's just so hard to even do any of that this week. I am just overly exhausted somehow. I probably should have BD last night, but i was in such a horrid mood that Andrew slept on the couch. :nope: I think what i needed was sleep bcz i'm okay today. If i didn't know any better... i would've thought i was pregnant with that kind of mood! LOL.
Jess - I LOVE the name Isabella Adelyn!! How original but still so classic!! Beautiful!! Glad you got to relax on the boat! That sounds so amazing :) I did get my sushi and wine two nights ago - it was just lovely!!

Alyssa - your chart looks promising! How are you feeling??? No stressing allowed! :p

Sam - hope you're feeling OK!!

Rach - I think we all get in those moods sometimes! You have a lot going on right now, it's totally understandable! Planning a wedding is really tough on a relationship too, if you ask me! Kirk and I had to pay for and plan our whole wedding and it's really tough! I love yellow - great color for a wedding! Our colors were royal blue and yellow and I just loved it!! Don't worry about your weight being at a plateau - just focus on staying healthy and not so much on the numbers :)

Mar - hope you and baby A are doing great and you're managing to get a little sleep here or there!!

AFM - Oakley slept just awful last night so he's down for his nap about an hour early today. We have dinner plans with some friends tonight so I'm nervous he's going to get tired early and be a monster for them...ohwell! I have felt very indifferent since the miscarriage started but I've been very snippy and short with a lot of people so I think deep down my psyche is pretty pissed off. I've been a bit weepy randomly but that's just hormones, I'm sure. After the last miscarriage, Kirk's parents got us a sign that says "one day at a time". I'm going to relocate it beside the door in our house we use the most to remind myself to take everything one step at a time. I know everything is going to be fine, I really do, and that all these hurdles we encounter just make us realize the fragility and real beauty of life.
Alright, enough of that :p I'm going to try to get some work done - Thanksgiving is sneaking up on me and I'm not ready at all!! Hope you girls are having a great weekend!
Lindsay- I feel GRUMPY, but not preggo. I'm glad I'm seeing the doc in a few days and hoping that the extreme bad mood I've been in yesterday and today are PMS symptoms.

Rachael- I think I threatened to divorce Rob before we even had our wedding! It IS really stressful, but try to enjoy it. You'll laugh about it in a few months!

Jess- Isabella Adelyn is a beautiful name. I love little girl names with lots of nickname possibilities, once they get older they can choose their own!
Jess - I love the name and definitely not too long. Glad you had a lovely and relaxing day yesterday and enjoyed your shopping trip with your mum today. So jealous about the sun, winter beginning to bite here and I HATE the cold. Scan pics?!!!!

Linds- its great you are feeling positive about the future and waiting till after the holidays sounds like a great plan.

Rach - sorry the jobs is getting you down so much. I think we all have times where we are horrible to our OH's. Yellow is a perfect colour for a spring wedding, always joyful and celebratory I think.

Alyssa - I think the limbo of waiting for Af or whatever else is going on is stressful. Hopefully you'll get a few answers on Tuesday. Sorry you caught the tummy bug, it horrible when you can't keep anything in from either end.

Hi Kels, Mar.

afm - I had brown discharge/cm on Saturday, only small amount on wiping and then had some red this morning and again this evening but nothing since or inbetween. Not sure what is going on, I know it can be normal and okay but it is very worrying. I doubt I'll get a scan earlier than the one planned unless I get more/heavier bleeding. I was sick again this evening but that might have been a few chocolate biscuits I had, it seems chocolate is sending me over the edge atm as the nausea comes in waves during the day. Had some bad nights with B, I do think it might be his teeth but still nothing popping through.
Jess I love that name!! Sounds like a famous name :) Like I said on FB, totally jealous of your weather. Today 20 degrees and snowy and SUPER windy.
Sam, I had a decent amt of brown discharge at like exactly 4 weeks. Went away after a day, but totally freaked me out. What's the status of it today?
Rach, you're plateauing (sp) because you're just perfect and don't need to lose anymore weight :)
Linds how are you doing? How did Oakley sleep last night?
AFM-Had a scare Friday. Khloe's daycare called and said that she was overly sleepy and not herself in the morning, and that she seemed "lethargic" by afternoon. Well, I FREAKED. Flew to daycare, got her and she was just waking up from another nap. She didn't have any response to me calling her name or acknowlege me at all. She could have just been sleepy, but I was already a mess so it just scared me more. At times the daycare said it seemed she couldn't hold her head up. By the time I got her to the Dr's, she was her old self. had a 99.1 fever, but spunky. So Dr. just blew me off and when I asked if there wasn't SOMETHING she could test for, she actually LAUGHED, and said come on, we won't go nuts testing for something that happened ONCE. Thought it was so rude. Then on top of it, Ryan was gone for the weekend hunting, so it was just me. I set my alarm at night to keep checking on her, and she was fine all weekend, and had no symptoms again. Idk, weird and unsettling, but hopefully nothing. Then to top it off, on Saturday afternoon she fell backwards and hit her head HARD on a wooden ledge, and puked so I worried about concussion. Was feeling like a horrible mom....
Aw, Kelsey!! Oakley fell off his rocking chair about a week ago and landed flat on his head - I nearly took him to the ER and he was running around the house fine, ha! Oakley's been up the last two nights so I'm nervous his ear infections are coming back as he stopped his antibiotics on Friday but the doctor today made me feel like a crazy mom and told me to be more "behavorially firm" with him at night if he doesn't start sleeping through the night. SO rude! All she had to say was "he looks fine right now but if he gets worse bring him back in". He was just really warm this morning and with Thanksgiving coming up, I didn't want to be in the ER while all my family is here - plus I wanted to catch it early so he wouldn't suffer. I know an ENT (Ear/Nose/Throat) pediatrician at work that said he would look at Oakley's ears on Wednesday if he still wasn't sleeping well. So, at least I have that option!

Sam - Didn't you have some bleeding with B?? Mine was bright red from the start mixed with what looked like EWCM (nurse said that's bad) and once it started it got going like AF right away - I know it's unnerving but I'm sure it's normal! Did you call your doctor anyway?

Alyssa - still no AF? isn't today the doc appt??? Let us know what they say!!

AFM - I'm doing OK today - still feeling optimistic about the future but can't talk about the miscarriage in person. Wish my family would just stop bringing it up!
Kels - that sounds so worrying no wonder you were scared. I think that Dr was incredibly rude, whether she thought the test were pointless she shouldn't have dismissed and ridiculed your concerns.

Linds - will Kirk not tell them to be quite about it if you don't want to talk about it? You have us to say and vent about it all if you need to. Again your Dr was just awful, really there is no need to speak to people like that. Glad you have someone to check on O if things don't improve.

I did have some red bleeding at 12 weeks with B but other than that nothing. Only a very little brown CM today on wiping. I am not having cramps so hoping all is okay. I doubt the Dr will do anything, its very different over here. They may send me to the EPU but I don't think they'll scan me this early anyway. Of things change or get worse then I'll give them a ring, if not I'll stay positive and hope all is fine.
Are you still bleeding at all Sam? I hope everything is okay and nothing bad is about to happen. It may just be the new baby implanting deeper and deeper. I'm praying for you! I wish you could get to your appt sooner...

Kelsey wow what a scare! Poor Khloe has been through it all this weekend, huh? I hope she's feeling much better today. I would have been so scared of her bumping her head as well. Andrews sister has 5 kids and everytime they fall i flip out! She just laughs and says "they'll be fine". I guess after you have so much experience you just know, but it worries me. One time her litle boy had a HUGE knot on his forehead for 2 weeks. I'm like HELLO you need to take him to the dr!!!!!! Unreal how some ppl are.

Lindsay glad you're feeling optimistic. I know a baby is in the future very soon for you! You've been very fortunate to not have problems TTC, just the egg developing. So i'm sure things will be a lot better this next go round. Thinking of you lots and hope little Oakley is feeling better. What are you getting him for Christmas?!

Alyssa, i'm curious if AF has came yet too. Hope you're doing okay.

AFM today was hump day for me. I'll be off Thurs, Fri and Sat! YAY. I'm going black friday shopping. I get such an adrenaline rush when i go LOL. Andrew and i BD'd last night. Wondering how that will go over at the end of the cycle. Hoping for a pos. I feel very very..... optimistic about this cycle. Who knows though. I am the lowest weight that i've been since we've ever started trying so i hope my chances have increased tons!!
Sam :hugs: try to not stress! glad it's slowed down/stopped! I just realized it's almost B's birthday!! Any plans??

Rach - hope you caught that eggy!! We've gotten Oakley a little train set for Christmas so far and I want to get him some refrigerator magnets, and some blocks - I'm a terrible mother - I haven't gotten the boy blocks yet!!!

Had a pre-sale home inspection done on our house to make sure there are no major red flags before putting on the market and it went great!! Getting close to putting it on the market, I'm so excited!!
Here are a couple pics I promised from last week...


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Had trouble posting them together.


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Sam - I think a little brown or red blood is ok. I had that early on with a couple of my pregnancies and it was from the implantation spot. Keep,us posted. How I'd little B feeling now.

Lindsay - glad you got out for some sushi and drinks. How how I wish I could have a drink and sushi right now! I am really missing eating carpaccio too!!! Ugh! How are you feeling girl. Did it get any heavier then AF or more painful?

Kelsey - I would be freaking too. Glad she's feeling better. I can't believe that doctor would just check a few things for her. I think I would find a new doctor!!!

Rach - yellow sounds really great!!! Have you thought about what you're doing for favors yet? The last couple of weddings I went to had a candy bar and basically little boxes you could fill for your favor. I really thought that was a great idea and the display of glass jars of candy looks really cool too!

Alyssa - good luck on your appt tomorrow. I hope they are able to provide some answers. Print your chart and bring it too. My docs always found that to be helpful.

You girls are supposed to be helping me think of names... Any suggestions???
Jess- thanks, I will print it... I have it on my phone but printing makes a lot more sense. Your pics are beautiful. I've always liked Alana for a girl, for what it's worth, but couldn't name my own that because it's too close to my own name :p

Sam- I hope you can relax about the spotting and just enjoy... let us know how you're doing.

Lindsay- hope the house-listing process goes smoothly. It was so smart of you to get a pre-listing inspection... it would have saved us a ton of trouble if our sellers had done so! On that front, we're waiting to hear if our 'ultimatum offer' was accepted, meanwhile we looked on Zillow again and the house was relisted, but my attorney spoke to their attorney today and claims it was not put back up (not to mention they CAN'T put it up, we're under contract). SHADY!

Rach- hope you're feeling better. Sometimes Mondays are kind of cathartic... a new start to a new week. Another cute idea for a favor (and super easy!) is to choose a charity you and Andrew both support, and make a nice card for the table saying something along the lines of "in lieu of a favor, we are making a donation to X charity in honor of our wedding guests."

My appointment is tomorrow, still no Flo and no cramping at all. No idea what's going on, but i'll let you know... right now we are kind of consumed with the house nonsense. Hoping to get some resolution on that before the holiday. I'm going to ask the doc if it's okay for me to have a glass of wine on Thursday (not sure how it'll do with my meds) and I'm pretty excited... it'll be my first since the MC if I can have it, and I'll feel a little naughty in a good way :wicked:
You've got a little acrobat in there, Jess!! Have you been feeling her move around?? I don't think I can top your name so I'm not even going to try! I dread going through the naming process with Kirk again a little bit! ha! Although maybe I dread more our families - there was drama with Oakley's name up until a week before he was born amongst the family!! Something about "Annie Oakley" but that's their generation - not ours!

Alyssa - Yea until they give you an answer about your requests they definitely can NOT put it back on the listings! That's exactly why we got the pre-listing home inspection and I'm SO relieved the guy couldn't really find anything! Just little stuff that will be easy for Kirk to fix, thank goodness!! I'm signing the paperwork tonight to get it listed! The price is a lot lower than we think it should be but I'm hoping that will mean it will move a lot faster! I'm sure every seller thinks the price is too low though, ha!

Sam - How you doing???

AFM - bleeding is almost done - yippee!! I think that was the most frustrating part of this process!! I feel so much better emotionally today! It's kind of cruel they make you use pads during the process, ugh, just reminds you the whole time what's going on!
First winter storm is headed this way today - looks like it will only be a little bit of freezing rain and the rest will be rain today. Hoping my commute isn't awful!
Lindsay - yay to bleeding almost being over. I'm glad you're doing better than you were. It's such a hard process, but once the bleeding is gone it really does heal you faster. A train set is such a great idea! Andrew got one when he was little and to this day it's still his most FAVORITEST thing about Christmas!! Maybe Oakley will have it for years to come and will be the highlight for him too! :) Yay for winter storm. As long as i'm home and my loved ones are too then i LOVE winter storms!! Be careful coming home.

Alyssa good luck at your appt today. Def let us know how it goes! Mmm wine. I want a glass.... LOL. :wine: Have one for me if you can! As for favors... what i did was get canning jars and made homemade apple butter and canned it. I made everyone 1/4 pint. I found the idea on Pinterest and loved it. I never canned before and never realized how time consuming it is!

Jess wow i'm loving the sono pics!! What a little beauty. I honestly love the name you've come up with. I guess i'll start looking for more names for you :haha: Will be my homework for tonight! Any new word on your house?

Yesterday on and off all day my boobs hurt. Wondering if i was Oing?! If so i planned BD just right. We did again last night. Hoping for a BFP! Whoop. Ahhh just got to work today and tmrw then i'll be off 3 days. Hallelujah

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