1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Oh Lindsay your Dr. was so rude!!! Do you mean you brought him in and the Dr. didn't check him, or you called? That's so rude---how did he sleep last night? Once they have an ear infection, it's so hard because now everytime Khloe sleeps bad or is extra fussy, I always worry it's an ear infection! So I've taken her in 5 times now, and of those times 3 times she's had an infection. I'm just always paranoid about it.
Jess, nobody's thinking of names because we LOVE the name you choose! Love those sono pics, so detailed!!! Your house is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!
Rach I LOVE the color yellow! My SIL had a bright yellow, and so many people commented how much they loved yellow. Oh, and I think for sure you're BFP is going to come VERY soon! Your weight loss is amazing, and will result in a baby. Your hard work will be worth it in SO MANY WAYS!!!
Jess - the scan pics a re just wonderful. Look at her acrobat legs!! I too love the name, the ones I like are much more traditional.

Rach - fingers crossed its been well timed this month, and hope the boobs are a sign of ov. It was a sign for me the month of B's bfp. it would be lovely to get an early Christmas bfp. One more day to go before the shopping spree begins. I know all about Black friday but can't imagine all frurore about it. Do you get such massive deals? Is it better than the post Christmas sales?

Alyssa - hope you got on okay at your appointment. I don;t know anything about property sales over therm but it does sounds a bit suspicious.

Linds - glad the bleeding is slowing, It is always harder when you are still going through the physical effects of the loss. Hope your family have buttoned their lips. Fab news about the inspection report. Can you not say the price is too low if you are not sure about it? Hope you get home tonight before the storm hits. I think we are a bit soft over here about winter/snow. It all comes to a pathetic standstill if we have more than 1 inch of snow.

Kels - How is Khloe today. I feel the same about B's bad sleep at night, although I put it down to teething b/rather than ear infection but still nothing appears! You keep tking her if you worry, tthats what they are there fore and you have been right more often than not.

afm - still a very small amount of brown cm on wiping. Nausea up and down but no more sick since sunday night. Picked B up from daycare and had a lovely chat to the owner. She just adores him and say he is such a lovely smiley boy and is quite advanced for his age (cognitively rather than physically). Proud Mum beaming. Night time sleep still pretty bad. OH was talking to a friend who's son didn't get his first teeth till 16 months argh, He did say the all then shot through in what seemed a one'r though. Its B's birthday next Monday so we a re having a very small gathering on Sunday, Dad and step mum are driving op for the weekend, FIL and his wife, my friend and maybe another friend and their 2 kids but thats about it. Nothing too exciting, just a few balloons (which was ridiculed by my
'sort of' MIL!), cake and a few nibbles/drinks for the adults.
Sam- glad there doesn't seem to be more blood. As a teacher, the cognitively ahead kids def do better than the ones who are more physically advanced! You should feel proud, and the daycare person probably not only knows him well but also has met lots of other kiddos to compare him to! :) Your party sounds wonderful. Anybody who claims not to like balloons is lying. They're lovely.

Lindsay- glad your bleeding is slowing. How are you feeling otherwise? Getting excited for Thanksgiving?

Rachael- hope you wind up with your BFP this cycle! That would be wonderful!

afm, I had my appointment today. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new doc (this is the second time I've seen him). His wife has the same condition I have (PCOS) and they have 6 kids, which gives me a lot of hope. He thinks I ovulated late, probably on day 23. He also told me that sometimes with women who have PCOS, your hormones can get fouled up around ovulation and they can cause a positive on a pregnancy test. I knew that you can get a positive OPK when you're pregnant but had never heard the opposite before... still, it fits, sore boobs, moody, crampy. He also thinks I may have not gotten my period yet because my luteal phase is lengthening (which is a good thing, it was a very short 10-11 days before) but that I should get it soon. He's thrilled with my chart (thanks for the suggestion, Jess, it was so good to have them printed!) and has high hopes for me... another appointment in three months if I don't have a prenatal appointment first. Fingers crossed!
WOW Sam 1 year already?!? Good lord. That little man grew up quick! So happy and proud of little B being so smart. What a sweetheart. I hope the brown bleeding is okay. I mean since it's not red that's a good sign. You may just be having a 'period' while pregnant. Or it could just be baby borrowing in. I hope it's those 2 things. Try and keep it positive until your appt.

Alyssa i'm glad you love your doctor. That is a must have when discussing personal things with them. Feeling that connection. I'm glad you got some closure on what was going on. I hope you get a BFP before the 3 months is up. If not it's nice to know there is other options for you. My Dr was going to put me on Clomid 2 cycles ago, but i just haven't went to get it because i'm going to wait until after the wedding. If it happens naturally inbetween, i'll be so thankful!

Well just today and i'm off for a few days!!! YAYYY!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American girls. Hope you have a blessed one! Are you making anything to bring to dinner? I'm making Pumpkin swirl brownies, apple crisp and broccoli & cheese with french fried onions on top. Andrew is making potato salad and cornbread! Mmmm i can't wait to dig in LOL.
Sam - it took Oakley a long time to get his first teeth..I think 10 months for his first two and then he got his top four and one of the bottom ones all at the same time just a month or two ago. I thought they were never going to come in! the doctor said it's better they stay in longer for cavities but I think she was trying to make me feel better. I think he's getting a molar now but we'll see! hope your bleeding is all done now! I can only imagine howstressful that is for you! great you're having a party for b! balloons sound great! very cute! Kirks family is trying to be nice in taking to me about the miscarriage but I talked to his sister yesterday and told her to ask everyone to just drop it for now. I want to enjoy the holidays and move on from it and she said she totally understood and they were all there to talk if I wanted to in the future so it was a good conversation! I made sure she knew I appreciated they were trying to help!

rach - I hope you guys have a great thanksgiving and that bfp is waiting for you in December! your good sounds delicious! We are having thanksgiving at our house tomorrow and I'm visiting my grandmother today - I just love the holiday season! :)

Alyssa - I see you got a temp drop today... cramps at all? so glad you love your doctor! it's so important especially for people like us with difficult pasts ttc!

I got my blood results from Friday yesterday. went from 137 last weds to 122 Friday. they want to see it back to normal so she asked me to go in next week to make sure it's below 5. I ordered some hpts but I don't think they will come in until next week. been temping but they're still a bit high so there must still be some hcg in there I'm just glad it's on its way down!
Lindsay- glad it's going down for you. Waiting for it to be over is so hard!

Rachael- the brownies sound amazing! Let me know how they turn out, I am always looking for good pumpkin recipes. Hope you get your BFP, that would be a great early Christmas present!

AF started yesterday. Happy birthday to me, happy Hanukah to my MOTs, and happy Thanksgiving to all my ladies on this side of the pond!
Happy Thanksgiving, ladies!! Hope you all that celebrated are having a nice weekend! We're off to our second Thanksgiving tomorrow! Can't wait to keep eating!

Alyssa - sorry AF got you but at least now you know what's going on! Looking forward to stalking your chart again this month :p
Holy crap.... I've been away for too long. Sorry girls!!!

Where to begin??

Jess: Ariah's middle name is Isabel, so I clearly I love the name Isabella. Our friend is also from Spanish decent and named his daughter Baia (Bay-ya) and i'm pretty sure it means beautiful - - in case you still wanted more options.

Lindsay – Wow. You've had an intense couple of weeks. I felt very similar to you with my mc and was questioning all along and feeling 'unsure' or uneasy about how I felt I was progressing. Its to disheartening but you sound like you're being positive about everything and like you've got a good support system.

Alyssa– Welcome. i'm Marley, everyone calls me Mar.

Rach – I love your idea about being able to announce on your wedding day that you are pregnant. I hope your wish comes true!!

Sam - wow!!!!!! A million positive, sticky love vibes coming your way. Such wonderful news (unexpected or not)

Hey Kels and anyone else I may have missed.

AFM - Ariah is thriving!!!! Almost 2 weeks ago she had progressed from her birth weight at 7'2 to 8'6 in just 2 weeks and NOW she's a month old. HArd to believe. Everyday she does something cuter or amazing... I swear. lol.
Today we met up with my niece and nephew and took pictures for my parents of the kids with Santa. haha it was awesome.
Our sleep pattern is staying relatively consistent at 3.5-4hr between feedings. ahhhh. one day I will sleep through the night again.
Alyssa - the pumpkin brownies were fantastic!! I think i'm the one who ate most of them bcz i kept popping them into my mouth lol. Look on Betty Crocker and search "Pumpkin swirl brownies". The recipe will come up. Very delicious!! How was your Thanksgiving? I'm glad AF started for you! Now onto this new cycle for a new BFP!! Tons of babydust your way.

Lindsay - I'm glad your hcg is dropping. Hopefully it will be really low by your new appt this upcoming week. Good thing is, you won't need a D&C. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!

Mar - I'm glad Ariah is doing so great! Sounds like she's a healthy peanut after all that trouble you had with the birth. That's nice she has a sleeping pattern too. That way you can plan your day around it. Any new pics of her?!? :)

I am really hopeful for this cycle for some reason. Watch me say that now and totally ruin it. My brain is saying i O'd on 16/17 when honestly i have NO idea LOL. Just by the way things felt i guess. On and off my boobs will tingle/hurt, but nothing to really speak about. I feel SO bloated. Which could be from Thanksgiving lol. My boobs feel fuller today, but that could be my mind making it up. I also feel twinges down in my uterus. Crazy thing is i MIGHT have O'd only 4-5 days ago. The egg hasn't even implanted yet LOL. My mind is making up all these things. It always does.
Hi girls!
Hope everyone had a nice holiday!!!

Mar - glad little Aria is doing so well. 4 hour stretches between feeding sounds great. Post some pics when you get a chance.

Lindsay - How are you feeling? Glad your HCG is dropping on its own so you won't have to do any intervention. Will you guys start trying after the new year? I went to Buy Buy Baby today. Did you say you got the Davenport crib? If so I am in love with that one so I am leaning towards that right now in expresso. My mom thinks that will be too dark for a girls room but it goes really well with pink and I absolutely love the color!

Sam - how is your little bean doing? Is it this week you have your appointment? Is Benjamin feeling better?

Alyssa - glad you got AF to out some closure to that odd cycle. Sending you lots of :dust: this month!!

Rach - you are such a chef! Always cooking something! I'm not a great cook but I do well at following instructions! :thumbup: Are you getting in lots of BDing this month? How's the wedding planning coming along?

Kelsey, Mel - hope you girls are doing great!

AFM - Chris and I had a nice of thanksgiving holiday. Did a lot of Black Friday shopping as we had a few big ticket items to buy for the new house. Not a great deal for Black Friday but we still had to buy them. We are supposed to close on our house this Friday but I don't think that's going to happen. They still have quite a few small things to still do. Hoping by the end of next week, worst case so we can get settled before Christmas!
I sure hope you can close this week Jess! That would be a great Christmas gift. I went Black Friday shopping too! I didn't see a whole lot of great deals this year. Was kinda disappointed. We went to Walmart to get in line for a laptop that went on sale at 8pm. We got there at 6 and i asked if there was still any available and the guy was like, "No we passed out the wristbands for it at 330". I was so mad! So unfair i think lol. Oh well. Hoping to get something at midnight tonight for Cyber Monday! Yes, i do love to bake. I hate frying/grilling things, but i sure do love to bake. Wedding has been coming together. Andrew and his groomsmen got fitted for their tux's the other day. After we left i changed my mind about how i wanted it to look. I was wanting to go with a vest but now i think i want nothing but jacket, pants, blouse and silk pocket and bow tie. Looks so handsome like that. Once we get one thing squared away, i change my mind.
Jess - We do have the Davenport crib!! I think it's perfect for either boy or girl and ours is in espresso too! We got it because we thought it was so sturdy and perfect for either! I had a really dark bed growing up - very classic! You'll LOVE it :) We got the matching dresser as well and Kirk had made his niece a changing table that we now use for Mr. O. It's nice because it was used for both of his nieces, so lots of history! Hope you can settle on your house soon, the little last minute stuff can really add up, hope they don't keep you waiting too long!

Mar - How exciting you've already gotten to 3.5-4hrs between feedings at a month old! I think that's really great - I don't really remember already!! Sounds like you're settling into mommyhood just perfectly!!

Sam - your first appt is on Friday, right?? Can't wait to see scan pics!

Rach - Black Friday shopping is crazy! I've never actually done it, haha I can't stand crowded stores! You're going to change your mind a million times before you get married about stuff and then even afterwards you'll think back and think maybe you should have done something differently but ultimately, it's going to be perfect regardless of tuxes and flowers :) So excited for you!

Alyssa - I haven't checked your chart lately - you doing OPKs??

Kels and Mel - Hope you girls are doing great!

AFM - my OPKs and HPTs should be arriving today - I got the internet cheapies. My doc office wants me to go in for more bloodwork this week. I think the earliest my schedule will allow me to go in is Friday and if I get a negative HPT by then, I'm not sure it's really worth it to go in, but I guess it can't hurt, right? They didn't follow my numbers to 0 when I had the D&C so I'm surprised they're following them this time. Maybe because it's a second loss? Or maybe it's just the particular doctor's preference that I saw this time, I don't know! Kirk is already itching to start trying again and is resisting the condoms but I feel pretty strongly about giving my body a one cycle break, so I think he gets it but since the doctor said we didn't have to wait he just wants to jump right in. I didn't get to take my temperature all weekend because of the holidays but hopefully now that we're back on a normal schedule I'll remember!
Lindsay- it was really short and very very light. I'm still thinking it may have been a chemical, just trying to put it behind me and look forward to this cycle!
Life as I know it... my little rainbow.:cloud9:


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beautiful pics Mar! you both are!

I am feeling weird today. boobs hurt on and off and have felt extremely nauseous at Times. bad thing is when I got home from work I had a little red spotting. I'm only cd24. surely to God it isn't af already?
Lindsay - regarding the crib, it sounds like it comes with the toddler bed conversion but you need to buy the rails for the full conversion right? I think I will get the crib, dresser and hutch. I saw a separate changing table in espresso so I think I may get that too. Did you have to wait a long time for your furniture to arrive?
Oh and separate topic... did any of you girls get a diaper genie? some people said yes, others no, I'm so confused.
Regarding the bloodwork - some of my MC's they had me come in every couple days to watch it go to zero and others they didn't. I thought it was just for $$ really. I mean why can't they just have you come in about 2 weeks later and check it then!!??? If I were you I would go in but don't rush in, otherwise they may have you come back again if it's not quite to zero. I think it's exciting that Kirk is ready to try again but I agree with you, I would give your body a 1 month rest. Plus, you may want to do some drinking this month for the holidays!

Mar - LOVE the pictures. Aria is beautiful!!! I think you said you are in Canada right? Will you be off for maternity leave for a full year? I sooo wish we had that here!!!

Rach - I hope your symptoms are a good sign for you this month!!! :thumbup: I changed my mind a lot about wedding stuff. But Chris always tells me not to obsess about things. So I am passing this along to you now... you will drive yourself crazy and nobody else really notices all your details, you'd only be doing it for you.

Al - I hope your cycle gets back to normal this month. They say you are more fertile right after a MC so I hope that's the case and your get your BFP this month!!!

AFM - they laid sod at our house today, its really starting to look like home. Our contractor is supposed to have an update for me tomorrow regarding the scheduling of the last few items so I really hope we can get closed soon.
Rach - I think the spotting may be a great sign if it's this early! Give it a few days and then test!

Mar - your pics made me smile so much - just gorgeous!! The love is just indescribable and you can totally see it in your face!!

Jess - Yep - it comes with the conversion to the toddler bed but you have to buy the rails. We went ahead and bought the rails even though we weren't sure we'd use it for the full bed just in case we wouldn't be able to get them down the road if the company went out of business or something. I think we will use it though because the crib is just so gorgeous it will really make a beautiful bed one day even if Oakley doesn't use it. I don't think we'll get another conversion bed for the next baby though and will reuse Oakley's Davenport and get him little bunk beds or something more "fun" and exciting for when the next baby shows up (hopefully!).
Yea, my doctor did tell me to wait until this week to come in for the final bloodwork so I didn't have to make multiple trips. I did a HPT last night and it was negative in the 3 minutes and then I could just barely see a positive but that means it's at least really low. I think I may have ovulated yesterday too. Had a lot of O pains, had some EWCM and my OPK was pretty dark last night but not as dark as the test line - I might have missed it earlier in the day because my temp was up this morning. I'm kind of shocked if I've already O'd but I guess I'm used to MC after D&C where it felt like FOREVER until I got a negative HPT and a temp rise. We'll see if my temp stays up - my body may have just tried and not quite gotten there yet.
Best of luck to you with your house! I need some luck now too - they're taking pictures over at our old house today to put it up on the market hopefully today or tomorrow!! I would LOVE to be signing contract papers this weekend :) Wishful thinking with a house built in 1803!!!
and YES! Not only do I want to give my body a one cycle break, I thoroughly enjoyed my glass...ok ok - bottle of wine - at Thanksgiving and am looking forward to another at Christmas :p but it's very cute and sweet that Kirk wants another :)

Alyssa, Mar - are you ladies on Facebook??

AFM - We decorated for Christmas when we got home from visiting with Kirk's family on Sunday and the house just looks so nice! We haven't decorated in years because we're always full swing renovating a house and it really makes this place feel like home!
I lost my phone over the weekend - just poofed - gone!! Got a new one yesterday, happy to be connected again!
We spent the weekend with Kirk's family and got to spend some time with Oakley's cousin that is 6 months younger than him and it was just too cute for words to see the two of them together. Oakley did NOT deal well with me holding Cash, so hopefully we can work through that before the next one! I had a good chat with my SIL about the MC - I'm able to talk about it in person now without getting emotional so I feel really good about that :)
Lindsay _ I've read so much about being extra fertile after a MC so be careful just in case that was O yesterday. Good luck with your house. I think you will be fine. The market is up now especially with interest rates still being pretty low so its a great time to buy and even though your house was older you guys made it so nice with all the renovations. I am looking forward to putting up my tree this year. We did not really have a Christmas last year with all the moving so hopefully our A$$hole builder doesn't ruin it for us. I went out and bought a new tree on Black Friday - I've always wanted a tall one and we have the ceiling height for it now so I am looking forward to putting it up!!
Was the phone you lost an iphone? Yesterday I had major preggo brain and thought I lost mine. I called Chris in a panic and he was able to go online and there is a locator for my phone. The map showed it in the parking garage at work so after about 3 trips to the car I finally found it. Pretty cool feature. He was able to lock the phone online too and display a message that it was lost and if you really do lose it there's also an option to erase all the content!
they have that for my Samsung too but by the time I realized I had lost it it was already dead so it wouldn't work anymore :-(
we've been using condoms so we should be good just need to keep it up with them lol that was how we caught the egg last time was not being careful after o!
hope you get settled into your new house by Christmas!

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