1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi, everyone!

Jess- I'm kinda crossing my fingers that I'm extra-fertile right now. We'll see, I guess... I'm feeling good about this month. So glad they're moving toward closing for you... we're in the middle of it too, so stressful. Hopefully you'll get your new house for Christmas!

Mar- Hi! Where in Canada do you live? Aria is beautiful. You look like a natural at the mommy thing!

Rach- sounds like the spotting might be a good thing. Did you have implantation bleeding with your previous pregnancies?

Lindsay- Good luck, I hope you're getting back to normal quickly! It's SO frustrating to not know when to expect things to happen, I didn't even realize how much until I started to have a prayer of regularity with my new meds and new doc.

AFM, the sellers actually accepted our offer for a credit, so it looks like things might go through after all. We're cautiously excited, but not getting our hopes up yet. I am using OPKs, totally negative right now. I'm really not sure how far I can trust them and I'm also not sure what my cycle will look like this time, especially if I did wind up having a chemical pregnancy last cycle. I'm feeling hopeful that this will be my month, though... we'll see.

In other news, I have three cats, one of whom we adopted from a shelter, and she brought in a cat cold that the other two (older ones, 9-10 years) got about a year and a half ago. They've been sick on and off, and my oldest, favorite cat is sick again. She was really sick a couple of months ago and seemed to be doing better, but now she's feeling icky again. Lots of kitty drippy nose, and she just doesn't look like herself. I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow, and really hoping she's okay. It seems silly, but that's actually what's MOST on my mind right now... I feel like my "big three" are the house, the cat, and a baby, and it's seemed so long that NOTHING was working out, so now I am superstitiously afraid that if something looks like it's going to happen (the house), the other two won't go through (cat and baby). I'm crazy, right?

Yes, I am on facebook! Send me a message if you'd like to add me... I don't want to post my full name on here since I'm a teacher. :)
Samesies for me... I am on Facebook but due to mine and my husbands careers, my name is different on here than on there. ;) PM me for deets.

Alyssa, i'm in Ontario, Canada.
I will pm you girls with my Facebook stuff later... it's a pain to do it on my phone :p
Good morning, girls!!

How is everyone doing???

Our house is officially up on the market! The listing doesn't have the pictures yet but I'm hoping that will happen today. It's supposed to snow on Sunday so I doubt we'll get much traffic through then but maybe Saturday!
Any of you ladies that have had an early loss - did you spot for a long time afterwards? Including the AF like bleeding with spotting it's been over two weeks. I had a lot of EWCM yesterday with blood mixed in and my temps are still kinda high but I'm getting negative HPTs. Think I might call the doc today to ask if it's normal to have spotting for this long. They're probably just going to tell me everyone is different and to come in for bloodwork.

Oakley's up extra early today - I'll check in later on you ladies!
Linds- I spotted for about a week after my bleeding stopped, just an occasional smear a couple of times a day. Not sure what is normal, don't really think there is a normal.
Yea, it's not a lot..I can get away with one panty liner a day so hopefully it will go away soon!

saw both your requests on Facebook! glad you found me :)
Linds - yay for putting the house on the market, heres hoping you get lots of interest and an early sale. My 2nd mc was just over 5 weeks and never really had spotting, just heavy AF for 5-6 days. Like you said it probably is normal but can;t hurt to ask about it.

Mar- fab pics so adorable.

Jess - The house looks so close to finishing now and more word on moving in date? You need to post a pic of the house all decorated and of your huge tree. We just bought a smaller one as otherwise our usual one will be Benjamins new plaything!!

Alyssa -glad the house looks like it is going your way and I hope your cats get better soon. Keep hold of the PMA and hoping too this is your month.

Rach - how are you? Are you going to test and any more spotting?

afm - Was at the midwives on Tuesday and got the same one I had through pg with B. If you remember I wasn't enamoured with her initially but ended up liking her and she did remember me from before. So the 12 weeks scan referral will be sent off and I never told her I was getting a scan on Friday as the EPU is totally separate from the routine scans. Forgot to mention the spotting/bleeding but It tell them on Friday.

Put the decorations up today, it is a bit early for me but we bought a new tree and didn't see the point in putting it away to bring it out again a week or so later. We got a smaller slim line tree that we could put out of B's reach as the other one was a wide 7 footer.

Dad and step mum left this morning and it was so nice to have them here. They had the monitor one night as B has been really struggling with a bad chesty cough for 5 days and it is waking him up lots at night. Its not too bad during the day but really hacking at night but I think he is beginning to get a bit better now.
Good Morning Ladies!!

So, now that I said it 'outloud' that the bleeding just won't stop - it stopped!! Now, I'm onto massive amounts of EWCM and my cervix was really open this morning, so even though my temps seem a bit high, I think O is to come in the next day or two - which would be right in line with when I usually O after AF.

Alyssa - you doing OPKs this month?

Sam - let us know how your apt goes! Can't wait to see a pic of your little bean!!

Jess - any news on the house??? How are you feeling?

AFM - had a rough week at work this week. Boss is kind of insensitive sometimes and was a bit rough on me a couple days ago. I could tell she was trying to make up for it a bit yesterday but it didn't do any good. I'm working from home today to get a bit of distance - and to go shopping for a couple dresses for holiday parties this weekend with my mom :p hehe!!
Linds - some bosses are total numpties and seem to have a lack of common sense and compassion. Glad you are having a home day and enjoy shopping with your mum. So are you really going to be careful this months if O sounds so near? Must be tempting!!!

Hi alyssa, mar, Jess and Rach.

Just back form my scan this morning. I didn't get the really nice mw I had with my mc's but the one who told me when getting bloods done for rmc that I only had 2 years to get pg! She put my dates based on lmp as 7+4 (not 7+5 as I really am) they did this last time its like they don't count the first day of AF as day one - really annoys me as she kept saying I was 'only' 7 weeks.

Anyway she did an external scan which showed the sac and she measured it around 6 weeks and I couldn't see anything in it was was thinking 'oh no here we go again'. We switched to the vaginal u/s and there beanie was, grey squidge with a hb! CRL was measured at 7+3. I am going back in 2 weeks when according to her i'll be 9 weeks when In reality Ill be closer to 10 at 9+5. I'll put a pic on as soon as I can.
Aw - yay Sam!!! Beautiful bean!! I think it should be a requirement for anyone in OB stuff to be really nice and compassionate with patients!! Yes - O is like..now! So, it's very tempting but we are being extra careful this time. With all the spotting and everything, I just want to give my body a break. Plus, work is so ultra stressful right now that I don't think I could handle it all!!
Sorry for my absence, friends... Sam, so glad your scan went well! Lindsay sometimes it's more courageous to wait. Feel confident in your decision. Rachael, how are you feeling? Any more symptoms?

I've had a really hard week... we changed the cats' medicines on Wednesday, one started getting better, the other stopped eating and started vomiting. I took her in to the vet Friday morning and they gave her fluids. By Friday night she had gone completely blind. We took her to the emergency vet and they think she had a brain tumor. We wanted to take her home and keep her comfortable through the weekend so we could talk to our regular vet on Monday, but Friday night was horrible and she was suffering, so we had to put her down yesterday morning. I'm heartbroken. There's too much loss in my past four months, and my Grace cat was my oldest and most comforting friend when I lost my baby. I'm not sure what to do next. It seems like all the loss is piling up and I feel like I'm grieving my miscarriage again, but it oddly seems less real and impactful than my cat, who I've had for 9 years. Then I feel guilty for feeling that way, after all, it's a human vs. a cat. I feel so sad and wish there was something I could have done for her. I know intellectually that we did EVERYTHING we could and then made the best decision for her when we had to, but I still feel horribly guilty.

We were trying to do SMEP this month and I think we may have lost that chance too, although my temps are completely screwed up from the stress and lack of sleep. I may be stalking but not replying in the next few days, I'm really hanging on by a thread here.
Aww Alyssa <3 :hugs: I am so sorry. I hate losing an animal. I had adopted a stray cat last year to only have him 10 months before we had to put him down. It was so hard. They really are like our babies. I wouldn't feel bad for feeling more towards your cat than your miscarriage. You've got to remember... you have so much history with your animals than you do with losing a child you just conceived. Just remember your cat is in a better place now. No more suffering. It's soooo hard to come to terms with knowing they're no longer here. It's so hard.... just hang in there <3

Sam - so glad to hear everything is going great so far with the new baby :thumbup: Any thoughts or feelings on what the gender will be?

Lindsay is it hard to know O is right around the corner and you have to use protection? That's a nail biter for me. You're doing the right thing by waiting a month for your body to regulate before trying again. It's whats best!!

AFM ...... the witch came. Just now got over it. Thought for sure i'd get a bfp, but AF came very early. CD25! What the heck? Last month it was a 28 day cycle. I've never had that short of cycles back to back. Well wedding planning is still stressful than ever. Getting so much closer! I've been slacking in the eating right and exercising department. I need to get my butt in gear and start working out an hour a day and eating as clean as possible. I hope to lose another 35 lbs before the wedding, which is sooo doable since it's a little more than 3 months away!
Super tempting to just go ahead and try but my body is definitely all confused as it tried to O - got an almost positive OPK two days ago - didn't count it on my chart because I could tell it wasn't a strong positive - plus my temps were already up and now they're going back down. So...looks like I'll be tempted again before AF arrives :p She's testing me!!

Rach - sorry AF got you! Two short cycles in a row is a good thing though! Your wedding will be here before you know it! Will you go to the doctor before the wedding if you haven't gotten your BFP?

AFM - we are dealing with an ice storm this morning - had about 8" of snow yesterday (when they called for 1-2 at first!) and we're up to about a quarter inch of ice that is still coming down. I'll be home for at least the morning and most likely the whole day because of it. I think we're getting more snow tomorrow though so I might have to run in later after everything has melted. Kirk is staring out our front window seeing if anyone can get on the main road :)
alyssa - I agree with Rachel, as hard as it is having a mc you have so much more history and memories with your pet and they are still your fur babies and a re loved as such. You have had such a lot of stress going in in such a short amount of time no wonder you need a break. :hugs:

Linds - argh for not oving and the temptation still being there. When I was having my rcmc bloods done in Jan last year and decided to wait it was soooo hard not to give in but in the end probably for the best. hope the storm passes soon and everyone is safe. Any interest in the house?

Jess - Happy V day!! So jealous of the lovely weather and getting to chill out on the beach. Is the house all finished?

Rach - Hugs for Af arriving, maybe the stress of the wedding is making this months cycle so short. I know you'll get back into your healthy eating and I can;t believe it is only 3 months away, seems to have flown by. What are you doing for Christmas, out seeing family? I know you are far from your family but will you be travelling to see them?

Kels - loved the pic of Khloe on santas knee. I never thought about taking B, Like Khloe (4 seconds later) I don't think he'd be too happy about it all!!!

afm - Still beginning to sink in, in some ways I am still a little worried. I think with the pg with B I just knew all would be okay, I was good with all my vits and supplements for me and OH. And this time there was none of that so I know rationally it will probably still be okay but I don't have the back up of knowing I did everything I could before hand. I know it's irrational but that's whats going on in my head. My booking appointment at the hospital and 12 weeks scan came today. The booking appointment is 18th Dec and dating scan is Monday 6th Jan (I'll be 12+1)

Nausea not so full on today and first day not been sick at all. Very tired still despite getting a reasonable nights sleep. B has been sleeping much better the few nights, a couple of wake ups but easily settled. OH took him swimming with FIL this saturday so I had a nap on the settee which was great.

For some reason I am thinking girl, maybe as that was what the Chinese gender predicted too. I am trying to get OH to think it might be a boy as I know he really would like a girl so he won't be 'disappointed' if it was another boy. Don't get me wrong he is not upset we had a boy just that I think he had it in his head he would have a 'daddies girl'.
Aw, Sam - everything is going to be fine! Once you see the heartbeat, you're good! I know what you mean about not having a good feeling just because you didn't plan it all out - I get like that too! With anything! Hope you get a baby girl too!! Another boy would probably be "easier" with the clothes, etc but a baby girl would be so fun!!
We do have someone interested in the house - they tried to come back for a second look yesterday but the snow storm stopped them. I believe they'll be back out again today or tomorrow - they should probably try today as it is supposed to snow again tomorrow.
As tempted as I am to just go ahead and try again - I'm really confident in my decision. I feel like this cycle is all messed up and I would hate to start a pregnancy like that. I would be SO stressed!!!

Kelsey - Love the picture of Khloe! I still have to take Oakley! I'm nervous to as he doesn't deal well with strangers, haha!
hi girls!!

Alyssa : sorry to hear about the loss of your pet! I can appreciate how you feel as we just lost one of our dogs a month before Ariah was born. Its HORRIBLE.

Sam: nice bean shot - so exciting. Try to live in the moment. We all know how difficult that can be and me saying this is totally "pot/kettle" but there is nothing we can do to prevent, change or anticipate what will happen. What will be will be.

Linds: I had a MC a 5.5 and like Sam, bled very aggressively for 6-7days. No spotting.

afm: my post birth bleeding has almost completely stopped (which is great because today is 6 weeks). I still don't see my doctor for another week though. I never realized how little attention mom's get after the baby is born. I've looked... down there... a few times and honestly, I'm not sure if what I see is right or not. 7 weeks left unattended makes angry!! we will see what the doc says next week.

Ariah and I took a trip to visit my parents alone on Thurs - Sun as my husband was working. Its a 3 hr. drive and she made it 2 hrs. before having a complete meltdown. I quickly stopped, changed and fed her and carried on. she cried for about 7 minutes and she was out for the rest of the trip both ways. I think I can say that was relatively successful. haha.
Sounds like a very successful trip Mar. We live about 4.5 hours away from my parents and we travel in the evenings when he should be sleeping. We don't get a post natal check till 6-8 weeks. Having had a CS I can;t help with what is 'normal' down there after birth but if yu are concerned I hope they check you out.

Fingers crossed Linds they are really interested and get out to see it soon, sounds positive anyway.
Thanks Sam! yea we are just excited there is interest so quickly even with all the bad weather! the next storm is going to hit any minute. everything is shut down already.

my chart is so weird this month. temp is crazy low this morning... maybe that means o is finally around the corner.. we'll see!

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