1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Oh and Mar - it took me a long time to feel "ok" down there!! I took a peek probably once a week for a couple months because it just didn't feel right. I thought for sure my doctor was going to freak at my 6 week and she didn't say anything. My doctor had to cut me quite a bit though (yuck!) so I think it was not pretty down there. Kirk wouldn't even look for a while unless I begged him just to make sure it was healing properly. I had a lot of irritation/itching around the scar for a few months and they suggested diaper cream on it - it actually helped a lot!
I should have appreciated my 'self' more before Ari's grand arrival.

You have so much snow Linds!! More than us for sure.
lol you do go back to normal - or at least I feel normal again!
We do have so much snow! It's crazy for us this time of year - we never get this much snow this early! The almanac says it's going to be a rough winter and I'm thinking they may be right! We got 8" on Sunday and probably 4" yesterday. My area got much more snow than DC though (where I work) so I had to post the snow pictures so they knew why I wasn't as work - although none of them were at work either but I had a better reason :p

So - looks like AF is here. My body is all sorts of confused but I'm relieved! I hope it's a real AF and not just spotting, but it looked pretty red so I think it's the real deal. My body must be like I am - it didn't get O right this cycle so it just wanted to start over :) Now Kirk and I have a decision to make if we try this cycle or not! I don't know if I'll be able to resist!
How is the weather for you girls up north? I have seen lots of snow pics on FB. It is still in the 80’s here, I do wish it would cool off some. I’m rady for it to feel like Christmas.

Alyssa – Oh I am sorry about your kitty! I had a rough year with my cat who was diagnosed with PKD so I know how hard it is with them. Then having to make the decision to put them down, that’s the WORST!!! Our pets really are our family and it’s really hard when we lose them!! Hang in there girl! Sending you massive hugs!!! How are things going with the new house? I’m on FB too, send me your info as well so we can connect.

Lindsay – yeah for your house being on the market – how is it going with any potential buyers? Any more spotting? I had bleeding for about 2 weeks after each of my MC’s, heavier at first then spotting. I think it’s good that you are holding off this month, you wouldn’t want to go through another loss right away because your body wasn’t ready.

Sam – so excited everything is looking great for your little bean! Everything is going to be fine! I was the same way about the meds for this pregnancy (and still worry about it). I was so over it all that I was not taking them religiously like the other pregnancies. Did you decide to take anything for the nausea?

Rach – Another 35 pounds!!??! Wow girl! I can’t even imagine, you have done so well so far!!!

Mar – Wow 6 weeks of bleeding!! Yikes That does seem like a long time for doctors not to do a check-up to make sure everything is OK. What do you girls mean by a peak down there? Are you bandaged up? Sorry I have no idea. How are things going with little Ariah? Are you getting into a routine yet?

Kelsey, Mel – Hope you girls are going great!

Well as of right now we are still supposed to close this Friday. The bank is really pushing for us and says that they are going to make it happen. We had our walk through on Monday and did a lot of marking on things that needed to be fixed with orange dots. As of yesterday it didn’t look like they’ve done much so I have a feeling we are going to be closing with a huge list.
I will post my 24 week bump pic later but here’s one of my husband’s office elf, seems he too has been submitting baby names in his spare time!


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lol that crazy Elf on a Shelf.

Jess... I don't want to scare you. They gave me a good cut from V hole to almost Ahole :( and my daughters head is small. lol. so we peek to see they stitched us back right. So far, not so good. HOLD ME
same with me! and it was kind of curved which I thought was weird! jess - do your kegles! I don't know if that really helps but they say it does do I plan to for the next and already do them to help me not pee when I sneeze lol which has gotten a lot better but right after birth it was bad.

I'm starting to think I o'd around thanksgiving when u was bad about taking my temps. they never got as high as they usually do so I don't know. guess it doesn't really matter.

jess - when do you find out if you're settling tomorrow? we got a bunch of snow last weekend. probably a foot between two snow storms. it was really gorgeous. Oakley seemed to like it as long as he kept some socks on his hands haha.

how's everyone else doing?
Jess - loving the elf board. Some of the names are lovely any that you like? Hope you manage to get your house closed tomorrow and you can really get settled in for Christmas.

Linds - glad AF finally here, have you and Kirk decided if you will ttc this month? Did the interested people come back to see the house? I bet Oakely loves being outside in the snow, I can;t wait to see B out in the snow, thats if we get any.

Mar - wow that sounds bad, in my birth plan I really was against an episiotomy but I suppose if it was needed I would have said yes, what ever is for the best. Hope things settle soon.

Rach - hows things with you?

afm - so tired atm, couldn't stop yawning all afternoon at work. Nausea and sickness up and down and I think I have slightly tender boobs but after the pummeling of bf'ing I am a lot less sensitive!! Can't wait till my next scan next Friday, still a bit stressed about it all still. I thought pg after a successful pg might be better but I am still worried, PARL is hard.

B has a had a few good nights, I just wish I could sleep as well as he does.
Girls... We are FINALLY closing tomorrow!!! It's hard to believe! I think there will be quite a few punch items left but I dont care, we need to get in there and start enjoying the holidays!

Mar, Lindsay - did you know they were going to cut you like that? Oh my gosh, it sounds awful!!!

Lindsay - I probably need to start the kegles because I pee some now when I sneeze. The other day on the way to my doctors appt I had a coughing attack and completely wet myself!! :cry: thankfully I had black pants on!

Sam - glad B is having some good nights. Can you take some Tylenol PM to get some sleep too? It's on my list of safe meds to take.

Alyssa - thinking about you :hugs:

AFM - had my glucose test the other day, I did not pass so now I have to go for the 2 hour one. I ate lunch right before I started the drink so I think that May have been the problem. Hopefully the next one is ok.
Here's my 24 week bump pic!


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Oh my goodness, Jess - you are beyond gorgeous!! :) LOVE the pic!! So excited for you getting to settle on your house today! Sorry about the glucose test but I bet you'll be fine with the second round!
I didn't know they were going to cut me but I'm not surprised. Seems like all my friends got cut and the one that didn't ended up tearing and had WAY more issues afterwards. Like I said before - it sucked at the time but "she" seems back to the way "she" was before now. I don't remember how long I bled for after birth but I think it was close to the 6 week mark like Mar. I feel like I always bleed a long time with everything though. After my D&C I think it was close to 3 weeks and with this last MC it was over 2 weeks.
I'm glad AF showed but I'm really so conflicted about trying again now. I'm pretty sure my boss will kill me if I go to her and tell her I'm pregnant. I am planning to have a meeting with my academic committee (that pretty much decides when I graduate) in January so I'm hoping I will get good news/a goal month of graduation at that meeting and that would give me a better idea as to when a good time is. I'm also going to San Diego in May for a conference, so since people are so judgemental about pregnancy in my field, I don't want my belly to be too big then - plus I don't think you're supposed to fly after a certain point in pregnancy. Kirk really wants to start trying now, and since we just had this MC I do too but I don't want to mess things up with school. There's A LOT of judgement with women getting pregnant and I'm not sure I could handle it all again. Plus, I kind of want to wait until we get a contract on the house - we are going to be financially tight until we get that sold. So - I think we will be waiting one more month to get past the holidays and then I probably won't be able to resist any longer!!
The lady that is interested in the house never made it back out because of all the snow and now we are supposed to get another 5+ inches tomorrow so she won't be coming this weekend either. We found out she's separating from her husband and needs him to sign something to let her spend the money on the down payment for the house and once he does that, she will make an offer. So - that's something! I'm just glad we had one day that people could make it out to see it so far!

Sam - When is your next scan?? What day? Everything is going to be fine - enjoy the non-nauseous days!

Mar - how did your appt go??

Alyssa - I have to check your chart - how are you doing, hun?? Lots of :hugs: to you!!!
Jess - you look wonderful, just an amazing picture!! So glad you can finish in your house today, does that mean you'll be moving in over the weekend? I am sure the lunch before hand was the culprit and you'll be fine with the next glucose test.

Linds - thats a lot of things to contend with. Maybe you'll have a better idea once you have the meeting in Jan. I can't imagine feeling so constrained by the outdated views of people in your field about pg, you'd have thought by now such patriarchy would be out dated.

Hi Rach, Kels, Mar and alyssa.

my next scan is next Friday pm. Seems so long away as I am still having a few wobbles, I think its because we haven't told anyone yet. Just home from work, about to pick up B as we are going to a Christmas fayre at OH work (RAF) to meet santa. We'll see how that goes!!!
Yea, I mean I would have my supporters but the resistance would be stronger here at work. Even my own mother said "oh no.." when I told her I was pregnant this last time! Everyone thinks I'll never get a job if I get pregnant right now, but I just think that's so silly and I don't understand why it would be such a big deal if I stayed home for 6 months after the next and then got a job. Both Kirk and I want another relatively soon, so I think we will just not be sharing the news very early. We'll see..I'll talk to Kirk about it soon but I know he hasn't brought it up yet because I'm obviously stressed and torn about the whole thing.
Lindsay - you've got a lot on your plate. I'm the type of person that hates judgmental people so therefore, i'd say F it! BUT then you've got your actual job to worry about. I understand wanting to try now. I get that. I just think you should sit back and really think about what the right thing is to do. No one knows that better than yourself. If you have to wait a couple more cycles to put your mind at ease then do it. It's really not that long. It goes quick with the holidays around and also having Oakley. If you do decide to try now, what will be will be. We all have some control over every situation, so just think about it. No rush. You have 2 weeks to think about it ;)

Jess i am SOOOO happy you're finally getting settled in! About damn time! Your 24week picture is gorgeous! It makes me so happy seeing you pregnant. I will never forget your story/history and it is very touching and inspiring to see everything you've encountered and where you're at now. AMAZING! So hard to believe you're already that far! That Elf is soo cute. Whenever i have kids i am soo doing that idea! That is so cute how Chris took the time to really think of some names.

Sam i hope the sickness is easing a bit. How has B been? Are you all ready for Christmas? What are you getting the LO?

Mar glad that Ariah is doing good! How does it feel being a mommy? I bet you're full of Christmas spirit this year with having her around :)

Alyssa how have you been sweety? You doing okay with everything?

AFM i'm just doing the same. Working, working out and wedding planning lol. Seems like we're narrowing down on the wedding list, but still feel like i have so much more money to spend. Ugh. I think i'm going to make my own flower bouquets. Much cheaper. Just hope i'm as creative. Can't even believe Christmas is in 12 days. This month has been flying by. This whole damn year has!
Jess you look great!

Linds my appointment is next week. I'm with Rach... sit down and really think about whats really important to you. I too would say F - it. Be proud of whatever decision you make and stick to it.

Hi everyone else. hope you are enjoying your weekends... we are staying snug as a bug cuddled up inside as its stormy and FREEZING out today.
Rach- thanks for checking. I'll share in a moment. 35 lbs is a great goal but it's still a lot, I'm sure you're beautiful the way you are! Don't beat yourself up either way. Just make sure you get your dress checked often if you are losing a lot of weight... I got a bad stomach flu two weeks before my wedding and lost 5 lbs, my dress was a bit too big!

Jess- what a gorgeous pic... that is definitely your color! So glad you got to close, that's a great Christmas present. It will also give you plenty of time to get settled in before your best present of all arrives.

Sam- I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that your scan is fine. Only a few days! When are you planning to start telling people?

Lindsay- It's hard to face opposition from anyone about your family life-- work, friends, family, etc. I got a lot from work when I found out I was pregnant because my kids are so violent, and people didn't want me to stay in my job. Ultimately it is up to you and you need to make the decision that works best for you, Kirk, and Oakley. Nobody else. Stay strong!

Mar- hi! How is Ariah doing in the weather? We got a foot of snow yesterday, I'm sure Canada is already blanketed.

AFM, after the kitty passed, we didn't think it could get any worse... she died three months to the day after we lost the baby. Surprise, I got a call from my lawyer last Monday morning indicating that the sellers were pulling out of the contract to sell their house, and that they would put it back on the market for a better offer, and that we were basically losing one more thing that was important to us. I've been in a real fog all week. I feel like it's just not worth it anymore. I've really appreciated the support you all are giving, it's just so hard to put one foot in front of the other right now. No baby, no cat, no house. We aren't going to Christmas at my inlaws this year because they are so unsympathetic and judgmental, and all my MIL can worry about is why Rob and I don't want to spend time with his sister and her 9 month old. What a witch.

What's next? I just hope 2014 is a better year. We're still 'trying' this month but my hopes are pretty low both because of all the stress which I'm sure is messing up my cycle and because nothing else seems to be working out, so why would getting pregnant?

Sorry to be such a downer. I hope everyone else's holiday prep is going better!
So sorry, Alyssa! But in my family we always say that everything comes in 3's! You've had your 3 bad things happen, so you're due for good events! 2014 is going to be your year :) We are perpetual home shoppers and honestly, it's probably a good thing that the house is falling through - I know it may not seem like it right now but an even better house is right around the corner! I am CONSTANTLY looking for houses and every time I think I've found the "one", the next week I see a new one come up that's even better. So, be patient, try to appreciate all the wonderful things around you (your husband) and the love you two share and you will get through this one day at a time! When I'm feeling really sorry for myself - for whatever reason! - I like to go out and do something nice for someone else even when I feel like punching everyone in the face and typically I come out feeling better. I work at a children's hospital and I go donate blood when I'm feeling sad and it typically helps! I can't right now because of the miscarriage but I will as soon as those 6 weeks are up!! Maybe try something like that - it might help!

And thank you ladies for the encouraging words! I'm of the mind set to say "F-it!" and get pregnant too but I also don't want to screw my career (although I really don't see how getting pregnant would completely ruin it - just delay a bit!). BUT, I talked to Kirk and since my last cycle was so wonky and I didn't O, we'd like to see one completely normal cycle before a pregnancy anyway, so we will be skipping this month but almost definitely jumping bak on the TTC wagon in January! I'm nervous but excited! Oakley is sick again also, which means I'm sick again, so as long as I'm healthy in January, we'll be trying again :)
Had my appointment... all things are good "down there". Doc said I'm good to resume sex! ha.
Woohoo!! Good luck, Mar! :p

How's everyone else doing?? Sam - ready for your scan tomorrow?? Can't wait to see the next pic!! :)

AFM - my chart is a bit crazy right now - I have a pretty nasty cold, so maybe that's why my temps are up but I've had a significant amount of EWCM - could that be from taking nasal decongestants? Isn't that something people do? Or is that anti-histamines - Mel would know! Oakley's been coughing really badly at night and keeping us all up, so I'm also not sleeping well, so that could explain the temp changes. I have a feeling my body is just all sorts of confused right now! Jess - you had some wonky cycles after a couple of your losses, right?? It's just way too early for me to be close to O.
Sam beautiful scan pic! I'm surprised they even attempted an external scan so early---I always had internal because they said it would be too soon to try it any other way. Have you had your 9+5 week scan yet?!---I finished reading and see tomorrow is your appt. How are you feeling?? How did B do with Santa?!?!?
Jess---GORGEOUS!! Pregnancy sure looks good on you :) So glad the house is closed and you're in for xmas! It's so beautiful, wish I could move in with you guys. Love the names that Chris picked out---so sweet to see how excited he is to be a daddy. Have you narrowed down any names yet? Wait...I thought we had a name that everybody loved? Did you have the 2nd round of the glucose?
Lindsay--how's the house situation? I don't think I was cut, I think I tore. All I know is I had issues because she couldn't get me to stop bleeding so she put a TON of stitches in, and then the stitches really bothered me and hurt to sit on them so she had to cut some out after a couple weeks. I bled well beyond my 6 week appt, it sucked. Is O feeling better?
AFM---been stressed with training and Khloe now has her FOURTH ear infection. She never gets a fever and she usually acts fine during the day, but nighttime is horrible. She's been awful at night since Saturday so I should have known to take her in sooner. The antibiotics have already discolored her teeth, so now another dose of it I'm sure will make them worse :( Anybody have thoughts on the antibiotics and if they have any experience or knowledge on tubes? Dr. said for sure not before a year, but that's less than 2 weeks (omg!) and at her appt I'd like to discuss our options.

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