1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Aw, Kels! Poor Khloe! She doesn't run a fever but has ear infections? That's kind of surprising! My doctor won't give Oakley antibiotics unless he has a fever. He hasn't been sleeping well for the past few nights but I'm assuming it's just from coughing not from his ears bothering him. Maybe I will take him into the doctor tomorrow if he has another bad night tonight. I had tubes put in my ears when I was a baby and my mom said it was like a miracle - didn't get even one more ear infection ever after that. I work with a pediatric ENT (Ear Nose Throat doctor) and he says the best way to prevent chronic issues from ear infections is to get the tubes. I don't think it's a very 'risky' -so to speak- procedure but I'm not familiar with how they do it. What's happened to Khloe's teeth?? Poor baby!!

Around O time I'm still getting pretty 'tender' in my abdomen area but it's not as bad as it was with the mirena. I just feel all out of sorts in general - this cold is not helping any though!! We are having a pre-Christmas celebration with Kirk's brother, sister-in-law and their son on Saturday and I'm getting hesitant to go in case either Oakley or I are still contagious, I don't want to spread anything to their 11 month old!
Kels - poor Khloe, hope the antibiotics work fast. I don't have any experience with tubes (called grommets over here) but what Linds said makes sense. I have heard about antibiotics affecting teeth. For me I wasn't diagnosed with asthma till I was 11 so had loads of chest xrays and tons of sugary penicillin for years as the Dr's thought it was recurrent chest infections. My teeth are not great now but that was more when I had my second set of teeth. I think once things are sorted her adult teeth should be okay. Wow 2 weeks till she is 1, where does the time go?

Linds - The ewcm is due to the cough medicine as I used to take that during the run up to Ov to help loosen and increase CM. Antihistamines have the opposite effect and dry up secretions. B has another cough which is waking him up too, he is falling alseep again quickly but every time he coughs it wakes me up and takes me ages to get back to sleep so feeling like a zombie. Hope he feels better soon and you manage to get to your SIL celebration.

Jess - hope you are taking things a little easy settling into your new home. Can't wait to see a pic of you huge tree.

Rach - When do you finish work for Christmas? Are you and OH doing anything special for Christmas?

MAr - glad all is okay down there.

alyssa - thinking of you.

afm - have my scan tomorrow. It just seems like so long ago I had the last one even though it was only 2 weeks. If all goes well we'll be telling everyone as we will be travelling down to my family tomorrow night. I tried to find a t-shirt for B that said 'I am going to be a big brother' but couldn't find one in time to be delivered. Nervous about tomorrow but looking forward to see the change from last time. Really tired atm too with B's nighttime cough.
Yea, she's never had a fever with them-and last time it was so bad her ear drum was bulging they said! I just wish she'd get a fever so I'd know to take her in.....Ryan coaches basketball so tonight I was solo with her and she was so.cranky and cried so much....bedtime took an hour, it was awful. Yea side effects of the antibiotics she's on is teeth discoloration and her bottom 2 are like a grayish color...
Sam I can't wait for your scan! Hopefully with the time difference by the time I check this tomorrow I'll have a beautiful picture waiting for me :)
Lindsay my cycles are still crazy-not oving till super late and short LP. Keep hoping it'll straighten out ASAP. Plus being sick throws everything for a loop-so feel better and start January off with a bang!
I should add all your girls to facebook. PM your screen name if you're interested!!
sam - let us know how the scan goes! everything will be great! someone randomly gave us a big brother shirt for Oakley in 2-3T which should be about right when we get there. it was kind of an awkward gift when at the time we hadn't really thought about it, everyone thought I was pregnant when I opened it for Oakley! good to know about the cm! it was kind of freaking me out! I had a more normal temp this morning so hopefully this cold is on its way out!

gosh Kelsey that sounds awful about poor khloe! definitely talk to the doctor about the tubes and like Sam said don't worry about her adult teeth but I know that must be frustrating about the baby teeth. I bet they'll whiten as she gets older!

Oakley slept through the night with no coughing last night! he was coughing when he got up this morning but he's definitely through the worst of it! I hope the same happens for all your little ones! it's so tough when they're miserable and you're too tired to function!
Sorry for the late update, we drove down to my Dads on Friday night so haven't had much chance to post.

Scan went well, they had to do another internal one as picture too fuzzy through my flab. Bubs has grown and all was well bubs measuring on track and nice heartbeat. So relieved as I was really stressing especially when she had to do another internal scan to get a decent picture. Little bubs was not keeping still and we even got a few arm bud waves. Picture was rubbish really but I'll put on if I can.

Linds -I remember you telling us about that top and feeling awkward, good omen now though!! Glad his cough is all better and back to sttn. Anymore on the house?

Kels- hope the antibiotics are starting to work and little Khloe is feeling better.

Rach - hope you are not working too hard, when do you stop for Christmas?

Mar - Hi, hows little Ariah doing?

Alyssa -hope you are doing okay hun, thinking of you.

Jess - whens the next scan/appointment? Are you more settled into your gorgeous house now?
Hi girls! Sorry I have not had a chance to post much! It's been crazy trying to get settled into the new house, so much to do, and I also had to work most of the week last week.

Al and Mar - I will message you my screen name so we can connect on FB. You should also be able to find me through the other girls.

Lindsay - my cycles were definitely wonky for a while after the MC's. It also seemed to get worse with each one I had! I think it's good you are waiting until January to start trying again. It won't be long now. How are you feeling? How are things going with the house?

Sam - so glad your appointment went well and can't wait to see your scan pics!!! Did you start spreading the news?

Kelsey - sorry little Khloe is sick again. I have never heard that about the teeth but I definitely think it should clear up when she gets her adult teeth!

Al - so sorry about the house? Did you sign a contract to buy? I am surprised the owners could back out of it then to sell it for more. Like Lindsay said, I am sure something better will come along and you will realize it was a good thing. 2014 will be a better year for you!!!

Rach - you're dwindling away!! I can't believe how much weight you've lost girl! You are amazing keep up the great work because you look fabulous!

Mar - how are things going with little Ariah?

Has anyone heard from Mel? She had to be getting close now to her due date.

AFM - things are going well just trying to get situated into the new house. We've dwindled down the boxes but it still seems like there is so much to do. We also still have a few punch items for the builder to take care of so I really want them to get it all done so we can put all that behind us. I tried to do my second glucose screening last week but when I got there the message in the computer was messed up from my doctor and the lab wouldn't do it. I have another appt on Monday. Can't remember right now when my next doctors appt is, but I think it the first week in January. How is everyone doing with the cold weather? It was in the 80's here yesterday, definitely not feeling like Christmas weather!!!
Good morning, girls!

Sam - so glad your scan went well! I'm shocked they even try belly scans on you this early! Even at 12 weeks, they said they could "try" on the outside with me. Before that though - at 7 and 9 weeks, they did all internal. Did you tell all of your family this weekend?? So exciting!

Jess - I can't wait to see more pics of your house all put together and made into a home! You must be so excited!
I would have been so mad if they sent me to a lab and the notes were wrong and I had to go back! So frustrating!
I've only "talked" to Mel through FB comments - I can't believe she already is almost to #2!!

Alyssa - how you doing, hun?? I'll check your chart in a minute.

Rach - how you doing?? Are you going to NY this year for Christmas??

Kelsey - hope Khloe is ear infection free right now!

AFM - kind of thinking I already O'd. I've been sick and my temps have seemed crazy all over the place but just the way everything "feels" right now - it seems like I already did. We'll see if my temps stay up but it's very weird!
The weather has been so weird here! That's the other thing that may be throwing my temps off - it's been in the 70's the last couple days and tomorrow is not even supposed to get to 40! Everyone is going to get sick around here, I'm sure!
We had "Christmas" - with presents on Saturday with Kirk's family and Oakley has already gotten so many toys! Such a spoiled little boy :p and last night he was up for over 2hrs - I have no idea what was going on with him. Must have gotten overstimulated or something. He's still sleeping now so I should probably go drag him out of bed!
Hi girls, Ariah is doing great!! I feel like (without jinxing myself) we are finally starting to get onto a sleep pattern. THANK GOD! She seems to like to go to bed between 9-10 p.m. and sleeps until 2-3 a.m. Up for a feeed and back down until 6-7 for another feed. Hoping she will cut out that 6-7 feed soon and sleep right through until like... 8-9! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR? LOL.

Can we believe my baby is 8 weeks old today? Officially 2 months old on Saturday. Time is flying.

as I likely wont get a chance to be on here much for the next week, Merry Christmas everyone. I'll have to catch up next week! xo.
Sam- So glad you saw growth and that your scan went well, that must be a huge relief! I hope you're enjoying every minute.

Rach-you look beautiful, and you should be so proud of yourself for your hard work. Here's to the willpower to keep it going through the holidays!

Mar-are you getting excited for Ariah's first Christmas?

Jess- so glad you're in the house... yes, it'll take a while to get set up, but you'll have it all ready by the time your baby comes! You look wonderful. I hope you get lots of attention for the holidays (but no unsolicited belly pats!).

Lindsay- I can relate to the crazy cycling... I hope it calms down so you're all ready to go in January!

AFM, I've been reading and appreciating your support. I'm not doing very well. After Grace died, one of my other cats stopped eating and I had to force-feed her for a week... she's also sick, and the antibiotic was making her feel really crummy so she wasn't eating. We finally sent a culture to find out what drugs will work the best for her and unfortunately she has pseudomonas, which is resistant to most kitty antibiotics. We switched her to a new one (ciprofloxacin) which should work, and I started it yesterday and so far she seems to be tolerating it. Fingers crossed, because this is the last holdout before we have to choose between long-term kidney damage or not treating her infection, and I just really can't take more loss.

I've been really, really depressed. Losing Grace brought back losing my baby, and the holidays are super hellish for me this year. Everything is about kids and babies and it's too much for me. Rob and I have been doing lots of BDing but aren't too hopeful for this cycle because I'm such a wreck, especially because I'm on CD 28 and still haven't ovulated, which makes me think I'm going back to the pre-treatment PCOS times of 6-8 MONTH cycles. I'm also aware that the stress is probably throwing my cycle off, but it's not like I can press a button and turn it off.

Rob's been great with all of this, his family has been making things way worse (for example, his sister sent HIM a Christmas card without including me on the addressing or the inside, it's like I don't exist) and I'm sure the defense would be "well, we know Alyssa's sensitive about baby stuff right now" (their card was just pictures of their 8 month old)... but the kicker is, we NEVER TOLD HER about my miscarriage and we were very explicit in asking his parents to keep it very quiet from his sister and brother in law (they are truly horrible people and would have gloated, and I just can't take it). So either they know (which they shouldn't) or are just crappy people who don't recognize me as a member of the family. Then, his mother tried to give him nonsense about Christmas (he called her to let her know that we wouldn't be coming this year because of everything that's been going on, she suggested that he just come without me). I'm choosing to laugh about how nuts they are, but it still hurts.

Anyway, sorry to be such a downer. I wanted to update you all. Hopefully I'll have some better news soon... Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!
I have sooo much to catch up! I'll have to do it tmrw. I did just read your recent post, Alyssa. I'm so sorry Rob's family is being the way they are. People handle things in such odd ways. I can't believe his family had the nerve to say to come to Christmas without you. What matters is that Rob didn't. He truly loves you and cares about you enough to know that it would be wrong. Sometimes that's all we need. I hope your cat gets better :hugs: There is no more awful feeling than seeing our fur babies sick and not being able to ask them what is wrong. I wish they had a voice. That way we can get straight to the point and fix them. I hope the antibiotic helps and you won't have to think about other options. You definitely don't need that right now. Losing our fur babies is just like losing a baby. So so hard. I thinking about you and praying for you. I know you're going through a lot of dark areas in life, but just know there is light at the end. I know it doesn't help when you're TTC and PCOS is being a biatch and not letting you O. That there is SOOOO frustrating. The only thing you can do is just let time pass. I can't tell you to not worry, because we all do. Just try and take it easy as possible and keep your mind occupied.

MERRY CHRISTMAS GIRLS! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday. I got a North Face fleece jacket, a pair of earrings from Kay Jewelers, yoga mat, and a tshirt that Andrew got personalized of a picture i liked of Keith Richards lol. LOVE it all.
Good Morning Ladies!! I hope everyone had a nice holiday!

Alyssa - big :hugs: to you hun! I know how frustrating family can be! My family (especially my mom) is very insensitive about my miscarriages and really even my pregnancies. She thinks I should be building my career and waiting to start a family but what she doesn't realize is by not supporting my decision she's pushing me away and that's exactly what Rob's family is doing to BOTH of you! Did you have a decent relationship with them before all this stuff started happening?? It's so frustrating we can't be honest with what's going on in our lives because we know people won't be sensitive.
Have you started looking for another house yet?
Cipro's a really strong antibiotic - I would be surprised if that didn't work for your kitty! how's she doing??
I just checked your chart - are you still on the metformin? (I don't really know how that works) - can you try clomid??

Rach - Sounds like you had a great holiday and your wedding is getting SO close!! You must be SO excited!! So happy for you, hun!! How are your cycles treating you??

Jess - so glad you're getting settled in your new house - must feel so good!!

Sam - how you feeling?? almost through the first trimester!! How's B sleeping??

Kelsey - how's Khloe??

Mar - Hope Ariah is letting you sleep some! Love your pics, she is so sweet!!

AFM - Oakley and I are onto ANOTHER cold! I feel like we've been sick for 6 weeks straight, which is probably right!! He was up from 12-330 last night. He's kind of waking up right now but I'm trying to let him sleep in a bit. I think he's cutting his first molar too. It seems we have one night a week like this, maybe two. I was so frustrated last night that I told Kirk I'm not getting pregnant again until we get his sleep schedule sorted out and Kirk popped out of bed and was in with Oakley for an hour! I think he REALLY wants another baby right now *sigh* I was just frustrated at the time, I'd still like to start trying again next month, I think...! I'm pretty sure I O'd CD11 by looking at my chart but that's really early for me and with this cold, I think my temps are pretty messed up. Plus, I switched my normal temperature time.
Anyway! Christmas was OK..We spent the day with Kirk's family because my MIL never has any of her kids for Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner but we were supposed to go see my family later and that never happened due to Oakley's nap schedule getting thrown off. I was a little frustrated about the whole thing has we had 4 dinner events with Kirk's family leading up to Christmas, so, I don't know, I don't think I'm going to give in like that again next year. My mom suggested having dinner here next year and letting everyone come to us and I'm VERY tempted to do that! That's what we do for Thanksgiving but then not everyone comes and I still feel guilty, ha - there's no winning!!
Hi girls! Hope you all had a great Christmas! :xmas9:
We had a really nice day with family! Had 10 people total for dinner and everything turned out great. I took this whole week off so it's finally nice to get some relaxing in!

Alyssa - so sorry you are feeling down and going through all this with your pets! Sending you a massive hug!!! :hugs: I am glad that Rob is so supportive, I can't believe how insensitive his family is. Hang in there girl 2014 will be a better year for you. We went through a year of hard times when my kitty was diagnosed with kidney disease. It's really tough but I promise you there are good days in the process. Please message me if you have any questions. When our kitty was having trouble eating I would feed her the Gerber chicken and gravy baby food. It was about the only thing she would eat. On good days she would lick it off a spoon I would offer her. Other days I had to syringe it to her. She also liked the Fancy Feast little appetizer trays. She would never really eat the meat but she liked to lick the juice. After she licked all the juice out I would add some water and smash it up with the meat to give it flavor and repeat this a couple times until she stopped licking that one. I hope this helps.

Lindsay - ugh sorry you guys are sick again! :( I can't imagine running around to all those places for the holidays! That's why I like to do Christmas at my house, everyone can come here!! It's definitely a lot of work but if you tell everyone to bring a dish it's not too bad!

So girls- I have a question about feet... Mine are killing me and they are really red around the heel. Did you guys have this too? I know that I have been on my feet a lot lately with the new house (which I am not used to because I sit all day at work) but they were starting to hurt before this. Should I see a doctor? My next appt is January 6th.
my feet would KILL me after running around the lab all day. On really hot days they would swell up a lot - are yours swelling at all?? I would just wait to talk to them about it at your next appointment unless the pain is enough that you feel like you can't walk around anymore. Get Chris to start rubbing them - it made mine feel so much better just to put them up at the end of the day and for Kirk to rub them a bit. Even if they weren't swollen that day, I would still put them up and it would help.
Mine are not too swollen but they sweat some and itch and I have a bit of peeling of skin between the toes (like athletes foot but without sores). The worst though is my heels, they are red up along the sides and it feels like I am walking on my bones with no padding. I will mention it at my next appointment. I have been using a cushy flip flop to wear around the house since my floors are so hard.
Hi, everyone...

Jess- I'm a runner, and especially in the winter, my feet bother me from running on asphalt in the cold. I have these booties (no other word for them really) with buckwheat and lavender in them that you stick in the microwave and then wear with your feet up, on really bad days I put on lotion, then socks, then the heat booties over it. It feels like a spa treatment! I got my booties at Marshalls, but I'm sure any discount store like that has them... TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning, etc.

Lindsay- Re: your family and mine, why can't we return to the days of "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?" I frequently feel like if we could just all play by the rules of my elementary school special ed classroom (first work, then choice... share and be nice... no means no...) the world would be a better place. How's Oakley feeling?

Rachael- So exciting... the wedding bells are ringing soon!

AFM, Peanut seems to be doing... okay, her cat-boogers are still a little green but she's sneezing less and eating/acting normally. She is tolerating the Cipro better, so I'm hoping this will do the trick for her. We are also 'steaming' her for at least 6 hours a day (I put her in a little bathroom with a humidifier going), so I feel like at least we're doing everything we can. I really hope she pulls through. Jess, I'm sorry to hear about your kitty... we had to do the syringe with Grace before she died, but she was so sick so fast it didn't last long. :(

I've been laying REALLY low this past week and a half, which is good. Rob and I decided that we were doing a joint present this year for the holidays and got a down comforter (yay Marshalls!), so I've been spending a lot of time in bed and just relaxing. I've been randomly crying a lot but I hope to just let it out and start 2014 fresh. I know the depression isn't helping with my cycle, but I'm on CD 32 and still haven't ovulated, which is frustrating. If I haven't ovulated or gotten AF with an anovulatory cycle by January 6 (CD 41), I'll call my doctor and try to get some Provera so we can end this cycle and start over.

Hope everyone is doing well... any interesting plans for New Years?
Try to stay off your feet for a bit Jess and definitely ask the doctor what they think! Did you buy the Davenport crib? We switched Oakley to the toddler version of it and it went really well last night! We are hoping it will help his sleeping habits as he sleeps fine at daycare where he is on a cot, so we were successful last night and nap time today so maybe it will work out better! We'll see!!

Alyssa - glad your cat is starting to seem a bit better! Hope she continues to! Joint presents are definitely the way to go! Kirk and I have only ever done gifts for each other the first year we were together and then we bought our first house and had no money to spare so ever since then we don't do gifts for each other and it's honestly a lot nicer! We try to get things for each other when we see them instead. Otherwise at least one of us will end up stressing about it and if I've learned to eliminate as much stress in our lives as possible even if it's just buying presents :p
Oakley seems to be doing a lot better- still coughing but not quite as bad as yesterday, and my cold seems to be getting better too so hopefully we'll both be better by the beginning of week!

We don't have much new years plans - just going to a friend's house but their whole family is sick along with another one of the families that's supposed to come are also sick right now with the flu so might not be a good idea to head over there if we don't want to get sick too. Oakley and I got the flu shot but Kirk hasn't ll it's probably not a good idea to risk it anyway. So - we'll see!!
Oh and we have a lady that is really interested in our house but she's getting separated from her husband and needs paperwork signed before she can get her money released and is now asking to rent-to-buy. So, we're going to give the house 2 more weeks of showings and then we'll call her back and try to get it set up so we don't have to go too long without a mortgage payment on the place. The weather has finally cleared up and the holidays are over so we're hoping we'll get more traffic soon - have a showing today in a couple hours, we'll see we'll see!!

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