OMG Rach!!! That's a clear cut positive!!! Like Alyssa said - go get a digi or FRER to really convince yourself and take it easy on the workouts now!! Ahhhhh so exciting!!! Call your doc!! Like Sam said, I didn't have any symptoms with Oakley until around 6 weeks aside from occasional cramps. I'm so excited for you, hun!!
Sam - take B to the doc to ask about his ears. It can't hurt for them to look. As for the MMR - I would go ahead with it as long as he's healthy at the time they're going to give it to him. Any fever or infections then you need to wait a couple weeks but the rise of MMR and the effects that could have on him would be much worse. Do you have family around that could come help if he did have a reaction? Oakley ran a bit of a fever after his MMR the first time but nothing major, just made him cranky. Second round of it he was fine.
Alyssa - I think it's good you're staying emotionally 'distant' from whatever happened in your last cycle. You don't know for sure if you had a chemical and I think it's good to recognize that something happened but to move forward optimistically from here. Glad FF gave you some crosshairs and hopefully your temp will just keep going up and you won't have to worry about making that appointment to get the femara!
As for the EWCM - Sam said that cough medicine increases EWCM and it did for me recently and that nasal decongestants decrease CM. The cycle I got pregnant with Oakley I only had watery CM and no EWCM, actually my first two pregnancies I didn't have any EWCM those cycles.
I know what you mean about feeling jealous and taking everything everyone says about pregnancy really personally. After my first loss, I couldn't even look at pregnant women and I was just really bitter at life in general. Even now that I have Oakley, whenever someone announces a pregnancy on Facebook the bitterness builds up again a bit and I wonder why I've had to suffer in this process and wonder if they have too, but figure they probably haven't. It's sad that such a happy time can be so painful and tainted for those of us that have lost pregnancies. I always feel guilty after thinking these kinds of things but then get even more angry that it's something we're not supposed to talk about. Around the time of my latest miscarriage I had a presentation at work and my boss told me I did a bad job and I was 'distant and disinterested' and well I was! But I felt like I couldn't tell her what was going on and now it's just this awkward thing between us. Anyway, the whole point of this rant is that it gets better but never goes away and I think that's ok. We are who we are because of what happens to us and in the end it will only make us stronger mothers and stronger wives. You will get your baby and you will love that baby so much that it hurts in the most amazing way!