1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

alyssa - huge hugs. I have managed to read before but no chance till now (back at work!) to post much. Glad your cat seems to be responding to the antibiotics. Hope you don;t need to visit the dr's and ov soon. I can't believe how horrible your Oh family is, just distugusting. I am glad though he stuck by you and that means more than anything.

Linds - hope you and O are both feeling better. B had a horrible cough and cold over Christmas which made him a bit unsettled and grumpy. Have you secided what you are going to do today/tonight? We are just staying in and chilling, B still not over it and his nights have been disrupted still. Sounds like a good plan with the house, hope she manges to get the paper work through soon or someone else snaps it off your hands.

Jess - your foot thing sounds familiar but not sure what is is but I must have read about it somewhere just need to find put where. I agree it could probably wait till your appointment and hope is feels better once you get a bit of rest d time off your feet.

Rach - how was your Christmas,, hope you and Andrew had a fab time. Bd timing look good, did you get ov signs, will you be testing this month? Not long till the big day, so exciting!!.

Mar - hope yuo had a lovely first family christmas with Ariah.

afm - nausea and sickness still in full force. Had to go into town to pick up mums turkey for Christmsa and ended up puking on the grass behind the car in the car park - classy! B hasn't been well so that put a slight dampener on things as his cough had been waking him lots at night so on top of a pouring nose he was tired during the day. We all did really well from father christmas and I have no idea where I am going to put all his gifts!! Told family when we went home and everyone was thrilled, I am still getting my head around it all. I have my 12 week/NT scan next monday afternoon.

Have a wonderful New Year and hope everyone dreams come true in 2014!!
Sam - so glad you got to tell everyone about the pregnancy! Any thoughts on gender yet? How is b feeling lately? I hope better! How's work going for you? B still like daycare?

We ended up staying in last night as o was running afever and then was up most of the night but thankfully my pediatrician is open for sick kids on holidays and weekends so I took him in todayand turns out he has both ears infected again :-( my poor bug and tonight he didn't want to.take his antibiotics. I'm hoping he was just grouchy and will take it better tomorrow as he took his first dose just fine.

Also, looks like af is making her appearance already. Only a 22 day cycle but I did o really early so I guess my body is just trying to get things rolling quickly. We're thinking about waiting one more cycle until I have a normal one. What do you girls think?
Hi girls! Happy New Year!!! :drunk:

Sam - glad you were able to tell everyone! It seems like it makes it all more real after that! Did you tell work yet? Sorry about the nausea, that's terrible! Are you taking anything for it? Can't wait to hear about your appointment Monday. Sorry little B is sick! Ugh!

Lindsay - glad your cycle ended quick! I would say don't think about it now and just let whatever happens happen!!! Saw on FB O is sick now too!!! Poor little guy!

Well I had to work today so we stayed in last night. Chris and I feel asleep for about 2 hours but ended up waking up about 30 minutes before midnight to ring in the new year!
I am getting huge! I will have to take a pic Friday and post it. I can't imagine 3 more months of growing!! Also starting to feel some lower pressure so not sure if it's the extra weight or what.
Sam- thanks for the kind thoughts. I'm so glad you got to tell everyone! Had anybody guessed already?

Jess- I'm sure the time will fly by... have you gotten any cute maternity clothes?

Lindsay- I'm glad your cycle ended quickly... it's nice to move through it. I think it's totally up to you to wait or not. On the one hand, it might be nice to have the peace of mind of a normal cycle, on the other, sometimes MCs can wreak havoc with your cycle and it'll take time to get back on track. I say, do whatever you're comfortable with!

Rachael- it's your wedding year! YAY! I saw on FB you got some jewelry... gorgeous choices!

AFM, Peanut seems to be doing better. Her snot is totally clear now (sorry, TMI, but I figure you girls are tough!) and she seems more comfortable. She's thrown up a couple of times (once on our BRAND NEW DOWN COMFORTER) but she tends to eat really fast and then puke, and it was 'normal puke,' so it seems like she's still tolerating the antibiotic.

I looked at some houses with my realtor on Monday... ATROCIOUS! Two were so laughably bad we didn't even go inside. Rob and I are adjusting our search a bit and trying again, so hopefully we'll have better luck.

I still don't think I've O'd. I didn't temp at my normal time this morning and I had a drink and a half (!) last night (and then felt really sick, I really cannot drink on this medication) but I did have a temp spike. I'll have to wait a couple of days to see. I've had positive OPKs for three weeks now, so frustrating. I'm sure the stress of everything has played a part.

Also, I got a used treadmill on craigslist; it was so nice to be able to run today even though it was 11 degrees outside!!! I'm feeling good that I'll be able to run every day if I want to. I always feel better when I can exercise. Well worth the $!!

I've done a tremendous amount of crying and grieving over this break, and I'm so grateful to you ladies for your support and encouragement. I'm glad to go back to school tomorrow (even though I know my kids will be NUTS). I'm feeling somewhat better today, though. I feel like 2013 and its troubles are behind, and while I know I'll still have bad moments and bad days, I can breathe a little better today. Hoping the positive feelings continue...
Alyssa - so glad your cat is doing better! The most important thing is that she keeps eating and it sounds like she's doing that, so that's great!

I am not sure what to think of your cycle this month. I am hoping you get AF soon so that you can move on to the next one if you didn't O. Your BD schedule looks good. When do you go to the doctor next?

It's amazing the way some people live isn't it!!?? When we were house searching some of the places were so absolutely disgusting, there was just no way! It's definitely a frustrating experience but finding the perfect home does take time!
Jess - you must have "popped" as my friends call it! You go one day from having the tiny little preggo belly to pregnant pregnant! I can't wait to see the next picture!! How's your feet?? Yes - little O is sick - he's tossing around in bed right now but hoping I can get a post in real quick! I'm trying to decide if I'll take him to daycare this morning or not. I'm not supposed to if he's had a fever within the last 24 hrs but his fever never got over 100.4 yesterday and assuming he doesn't have one this morning I may push the limits and take him in because it's supposed to snow/ice tomorrow so I may not be able to make it into work tomorrow - long winded response - sorry!

Alyssa - Sorry about your cycle but excited for 2014 for you! When do you go to the doc for your cycle??
Kirk and I are 'those' people that buy the nasty houses! That is what Kirk does for a living (basically) so it's....I was going to say easy for us to do but it's manageable for us to do! If you look through my facebook albums the one named "weller before and after" shows our latest house and how absolutely disgusting it was when we bought it.

I'm kind of disappointed about my last cycle but relieved at the same time. It's weird. I think I'll see how I feel at the end of the cycle and we'll go from there. I might wait one more cycle so I can get my meeting with my committee in and see what they're thinking for timing for me to graduate and then maybe I can start interviewing soon. We'll see!

Hope all you ladies had a happy new year and best of wishes to us all in 2014!!! I don't know what I would do without you ladies! :) :)
Happy New Years ladies.

Ariah's first Christmas was good. My niece (3) and nephew (11months) were there too which was nice but my niece is totally crazy and was ripping open everyones gifts. Made it a bit hectic!

Ariah went through another cluster feed/growth spurt while we were there which made a couple nights very challenging for everyone. ugh~!

Jess: about the feet - your heels are where the accup. point for your uterous, lady parts and whatnot are located that could be why they are red. I say, treat yourself to a lovely pedicure. I kept up with my feet throughout my pregnancy and didn't have a lick of problem with swelling :)
Hi Ladies!

Alyssa - that's great you got a treadmill! Mine is still over at our rental house and it makes me crazy some days that I can't get out for a run. Summer time it was fine as I would just take Oakley for walks and that sufficed but now that it's freezing out (and snowy most of the time!) I haven't gotten many endorphins rolling!

Mar - I think 3 can be a tricky age!! I'm trying to start disciplining Oakley now when he does something bad with 'time-outs'. My parenting book suggests just 30seconds to a minute of 'time-out' is enough deterrent for them to remember they're not supposed to do something. He broke one of our lamps by knocking it over and now goes over to the new one and takes one finger and pokes at it. I've done probably 5 time-outs because of it and now he'll go over and look at it but rarely tries to poke at it - so I think it may be working! Glad you guys had a nice holiday with your little one though! Any thoughts on when the next one will be coming ??? ;)

Jess - are you completely settled now??

Sam - Have you told everyone about the pregnancy now? Looking forward to seeing the next scan on Monday!

Kelsey - Happy Birthday to Khloe!!

Rach - Congrats on getting to 100+ in 2013! So exciting, hun, we're all so proud of you! Can't wait to see pics of you in your wedding dress! I bet Andrew can't keep his paws off of you! How are your cycles lately?

AFM - O is still not doing good today :( Poor bug has been laying on me all morning, I got a bit of toast and water in him after he threw up all his milk this morning. Just now, he came and grabbed my hand and brought me into his room and got into bed and asked for me to put his blankets on him and went right to sleep :( Broke my heart!!
My OB called me today - I never went back in for a final blood work to show my hcg had gone to 0 so they still want me to come in. We got snow yesterday and it's so cold out that the salt isn't working on the roads, so it's just ice out there, so I guess I'll be taking care of that next week. Kind of wanted to just move on already but I get why they want to have it on file that everything is OK.
Geezus. I suck at updating here lately!

Lindsay i hope Oakley starts feeling better. Poor boy and Khloe don't get a break lately. I think your plans for the next LO are good. You can't go wrong either way! What is meant to be finds its way!! I hope you had a great Christmas!

Alyssa i'm so happy your cat is doing better. I remember my one cat would eat her wet food so fast, throw it up and re-eat it LOL. She was such a glutton. Then she would bully the other cats and try taking their food. Gosh, i miss her. You're such a good fur baby mommy!! WOOHOO to a treadmill! I purchased one on a yard sale site through facebook last summer. One of the best decisions ever. Like you said, it could be -100 degrees out, but you can still run!! That sucks so bad that you still haven't O'd. Are you going to go to the dr's soon for that medication to get you your AF?

Jess i can't wait to see pics of that gorgeous belly of yours!! Wow 3 more months? In ways it feels like it should be a month! LOL. I can only imagine what it feels like for you. I am just soo happy and feel so blessed knowing you and all you've been through. You're a great role model for people like me. Hope you had a wonderful New Years!! 2014 is going to be a great one for us!!!

Sam i hope you're doing good! Glad everything is going great with the new pregnancy.

Mel, Mar, Kels.... hope ya'll are doing great.

AFM -- goodness, just doing about everything. Between work, working out, wedding planning and trying to have a life... it's been hectic! Still feels like a lot to do with the wedding. I think i'm going to arrange my own flower bouquets. Much cheaper. I hope they look decent. I need to mail out invites. GAHH. I just feel so behind. I still need to put finishing touches on the favors. I go on the 23rd for alterations. I'm really afraid the dress is going to be too big. I've been dropping the lbs like crazy the last week. I know it will come to a halt soon, but geesh! They better not tell me to quit losing weight until the wedding because i will not stop. Not until i see 159.

Oh 2 cycles ago it was a 28 day cycle, then the last cycle was a 26 day cycle. Here i am CD31 and no AF! I think my body is going through so many changes it doesn't know what is going on lol. I def don't feel pregnant and our BD schedule wasn't great this month. So i think it's just delayed timing.
Still no AF. I might go out and buy a test for the heck of it if i don't get it within the next couple of days. I truly don't feel any symptoms. Not tired, no sore BBs, no cramping, nothing! Just makes you wonder sometimes haha.
Well, looks like either I finally ovulated or my head cold is messing with me, though I'll have to wait a couple of days to see if the temps stay up. I woke poor Rob up (and used a softcup after!) for good measure... Any chart stalkers care to comment?
Morning ladies!!

Sorry I haven't updated much lately - with Oakley's ears and the weather we've been getting I haven't been on the computer much. I also started reading Divergent on Saturday and yea...I'm almost done with it. It's dangerous for me to read - I get completely sucked in! Have any of you read Divergent? It's very hunger games like!
It's supposed to be only a high of 13 degrees here tomorrow! That's unheard of! I heard Miami has a high of 30's tomorrow! Good luck, Jess!!

Alyssa - we'll have to wait and see with your temp tomorrow but good idea with the soft cup! I've never used them but it sounds like a good idea! If your temp doesn't stay up tomorrow will you call the doctor??

Rach - don't let them tell you to stop losing weight - you can get another size smaller if you need to or they can figure it out! This is your life and you're on a great momentum and you do what makes you happy, hun!! So incredibly proud of you! I can't wait to get my treadmill back over at our house so I can get back to exercising - it's the best mental therapy, for sure!! Don't stress about getting everything done - it'll happen! Did you get any tests?!?!?

Sam - good luck today! Can't wait to see a little scan picture!!

Oakley's feeling a lot better and was testing my limits all day yesterday. His thing is he looks me straight in the eye and chucks his milk (or whatever else) across the room no matter how many times I tell him no. I've tried ignoring it, I've tried time-out, I've tried taking it away from him for an hour, I've tried giving him a ball that he's allowed to thow - nothing is working. Driving me insane. BUT, I'm glad he's feeling better...lol. Kirk sat me down yesterday and told me he really really wants another...and I get it, I really do too but we just can't make the decision to go forward with trying again until we know what I'm going to do. Even if we could just sell (or even rent) the other house, I would feel more comfortable going forward with it. He agrees with me that it's not very responsible to try again right now but I'm sure if I said I was OK with it that we would be trying again this month. Ahh! I forgot how much AF sucks so it would be nice....!!! haha
Alyssa - not sure about your chart, hope your temp continues to rise and got get your cross but WOW for all the bd'ing!!

Rach - it may be your body doing strange things but I really hope it might be a bfp for you. I made some of my own flowers and they looked great so I am sure yours will too. It sounds like you have been so busy. The dressmakers will have to accommodate you new svelte figure, would love to see a pic.

Linds - its so lovely Kirk wants to try again but I can see why you want to wait till you are more sorted either with the house or whats happening after you finish your studies. Glad O is feeling better, just keep sticking to your guns and he'll start to realise your boundaries.

Jess - can't wait to see an updated belly pic, not long to go, happy 3rd Tri.

Hi Mar, Mel and Kels.

afm - Not a great pic it was better on screen. Little worm would not behave either bouncing around or had their back to us so the scan lady was at it for ages and she was really having to press hard to get it to move positions. I'll probably have bruises tomorrow.

She eventually got a NF of about 2.2mm which was bigger than B's but still within normal. Got my bloods done so will find out the risk within 2 weeks.

She measured crl and changed my due date to 18th July. Not sure whether to change my ticker or not as it was a challenge to get any measurements so may not be accurate anyway.

Benjamin got to see the scan too although he wasn't much interested!! OH had to pick him up from nursery as he has bilateral sticky eyes. Yesterday it was just his left which he has had before as he is forever wiping snot all over his face before I get chance sometimes to clean it. This morning his eyes although slightly watery weren't sticky at all. Anyway I got him checked out, benefits of working in an eye clinic. Mild conjunctivitis means he has to stay off nursery so off work tomorrow and day off on Wednesday anyway so hopefully it'll be better by Thursday.

12 week new baby.jpg
Aw! Nice scan pic, Sam! They gave me a new due date every time I got scanned, which was every two weeks but then ultimately said they stick with the due date from LMP unless it's more than a week off of measurements. Is your next scan at 20 weeks? Poor B with sticky eyes! That sounds awful! Is he sleeping better? Have you taken him to the doc for his bad sleeping at night or mentioned it to them so maybe they could check his ears? That's my new answer to everything when Oakley won't sleep ha!

Alyssa - I don't know about your chart. Are you still on the metformin?

AFM - it's COLD here today. They're making such a big deal about it that schools are closed. It's 1 here today with windchills down to -30 but I'm pretty sure other areas of the country are like this all winter so I'm kind of confused why schools are getting cancelled. :shrug: doesn't matter really just kind of funny!
I finally got back to temping at the normal time this morning. WIth all the time off from the holidays, I was really off-schedule. Hoping I can stick to it more now!
With the TTC thing I think we will just take it month by month but every month that goes by I want to more and more so we'll see how long it lasts.

I hear my booger waking up - hope everyone has a great day! :)
Linds - I am seriously thinking about it now as last night was just terrible. Fair enough his eye is probably irritating him (rather than sore) but the longest bit of sleep I got last night was 2.5 hours. He doesn't seem to have any obvious ear stuff but he does occasionally put his hand to his ear, I keep putting it off thinking the Dr will dismiss it as teething. Also he has never been a good sleeper to its difficult to know of there is anything extra bothering his sleep iykwim. He is meant to be having his MMR injections Thursday but OH goes away for a week next week and am slightly worried if he has a reaction. Do you think I should postpone although that will be a second time as he was supposed to get them before Christmas.

The UK is just as bad sometimes, a inch of snow and the while country stops, pathetic. We go skiing in France and 2 foot of snow doesn't stop them.

Is O sleeping better now he is feeling better? Any more news on the lady and the house/other veiwings?
Aww I'm sorry everyone's babies are sick! :( That can't be any fun. Lindsay i can't help but laugh that Oakley gives you that evil eye look. That is too cute. I would probably have to turn away and laugh. I love babies personalities. That's great that Kirk wants another one. At least y'all are on the same page with that. I think you waiting it out a bit is the best and safest thing to do. :)

Sam i really think you're having a girl. I got this feeling. Any names yet?! I hope little B starts feeling better. Poor guy. :(

Alyssa if you did O do you think you caught it? I haven't checked our your chart in awhile. I guess i better go do that.

Well still no AF. Okay so here's a crazy story. Months ago i had a dream abotu me stepping on the scale and seeing 262. When i finally got to that weight i got pregnant and unfortunately lost it. Well, a few weeks later i had a dream about 231. When i got to that weight i had hit a plateau in my weight. Well, a week or two ago i had a dream that me and 2 others were talking about getting pregnant in 2014 and i happened to be first. I found out i was pregnant the 2nd week of January and my due date was 10/20. Which is weird because that wouldn't make sense unless i conceived way late. Makes me think.... lol. I had small red spotting on CD29 i believe. Then again 2 days ago. Had saw a very tiny bit this morning when i went #2. Still no AF. Only thing is i have been getting very dizzy when i stand up. Had very very small cramps yesterday, but went away. So i guess i better go buy a test. I don't feel hopeful though if i am because i don't feel symptoms. :nope:
Rach ooh that's sounds so positive. Your cycles have been much shorter recently haven't they? Really hope your dream is,a,premonition. As for symptoms I didn't have much apart from cramps with b till 6 weeks so it's not necessarily a sign you are not bfp!!
Oooh, Rach, you better go buy a test and let us know ASAP! It sounds like you might just be really early... maybe you O'd later than you thought. Either way you should have a ::BFP:: by now... Wouldn't it be wonderful to have that little secret as you get ready for your wedding???

Linds- I live in upstate NY, the cold isn't really bothering us too much but we did wind up with two (actually necessary) snow days last week and didn't get back to school until yesterday. It always amuses me when 'southerners' freak out about the cold... :)

Sam- I'm glad your NT was good. How exciting to get to see your munchkin! I'm sure it was a little disappointing not to get better pics, but since it means s/he was super active, that's a good thing, right? Out of curiosity, how do scans work in the NHS? Are they covered as a part of standard prenatal care or do you have to get them out-of-pocket? Sorry if that's not appropriate to ask. :(

Jess, how are you feeling? Hi, everyone else!

Does anybody have suggestions for how to improve the quantity/quality of EWCM? Since I'm not yet out of the game this month, I figure I might as well try everything (reasonable)... Usually I have a lot of watery or even 'milky' CM, but if I get any EWCM, I only know from checking internally and I only have one small patch, definitely not a lot. I've been drinking lots and lots of water and I added decaf green tea in today.

AFM, I called the doc today and he thinks that because I was so stressed in December, he wants to give me another couple of weeks to O on my own before we induce a period (because that will 'waste' our chances this cycle). He also thinks, based on my late O and really short, light period last cycle, that I did have a chemical, which can also mess up your next cycle. He told me to wait until CD 60 (January 25th) and then call back, if I haven't O'd by then, he will check my progesterone and decide based on that whether or not to induce a period and start over. I feel kind of weird in the feelings about revisiting last month. I do feel like that's what happened (a chemical) but I feel like I don't have a right to be upset or mourn it. I'm not SUPER agitated about it, just feeling weird... is that normal? Like, I don't want to put it in my signature because I'm not 100% sure, but I also don't want to not recognize it at all if it WAS a pregnancy. So confused...

My next appointment is Feb 14th (happy valentines day at the gyno, ugh), and if nothing happens by then, the plan is to talk about femara. Apparently it works better than clomid for 'thin PCOS.' I've lost 20 lbs since starting on the metformin; I was never overweight, but on the high side for my height, and apparently weight loss helps with conception chances even if you do not start out overweight with PCOS. Now I'm trying to ditch the last 4 lbs to my goal weight and feeling good about it.

Peanut is doing pretty well, the sniffles are subsiding and she is eating/drinking really well. I'm planning on keeping her on the antibiotic for another 10 days (30 days is standard for severe/recurrent respiratory infections in cats) and then I guess we'll see.

I've been feeling really jealous the last few days of my friends who are pregnant or who are just announcing their pregnancies, and angry at insensitivity. The worst of it is my former 'work husband,' who just got married in August, and is expecting his son with his new wife in late May/early June. He texted me about it and was like "when's it gonna be your turn?" (he doesn't know about my MC). Then today, one of my kids needed some toileting help (I teach self-contained special ed) and got really embarrassed, and one of my aides tried to comfort him by telling him "It doesn't matter, we're all moms here." She felt horrible as soon as she said it, but it made me want to strangle her. :p Ah, the rage feelings of the as-yet infertile...

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