1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Yep your uterus is beginning to stretch and grow from all the hormones you are pumping out as well as beanie burrowing in good. A song as its not full cramps then all should be okay. It's so hard especially in the early stages as normal growing feels so much like af symptoms.
Rach - your pics looks great! I had a bit of browish spotting too from the implantation spot and very little symptoms so don't worry about that. Just take care of yourself, keep a PMA and let what happens happen. I am so excited for you!!!

Lindsay - glad you got some people coming to see the house. I hope the weather holds out!! Regarding the BDing. I would not even think about it, you've given your body and break and now just go with it.

Mar - sounds like Ariah is getting into a great pattern. I hope she stays that way for you.

Sam - how are you feeling. Has the nausea started to subside yet? I have you told anyone at work?

Kelsey - so sorry that Khloe is having such a hard time with the ear infections. I think its good you are seeing a specialist. How is it going with your new position?

Alyssa - how is your kitty doing? I really hope you can get this cylce over with and move on with the next. Did you try cough syrup to help increase CM?

Looks like Mel is not far from her new little addition!!

AFM - Sorry I have not posted a pic yet. I need to take one tomorrow. I have been so busy trying to get everything finalized with our registry and some things done around the house. We are definitely starting to feel settled but there is still so much to do!
I ordered my baby furniture Friday (Lindsay - I got the Davenport in Expresso). Buy Buy Baby told me when I was there 2 weeks ago that they had 3 sets in the store and it was their most popular set so they usually keep them in stock. Well I was waiting for my 20% off coupons to get it and we were going to pick it up this weekend... well they are out of it now so I had to order it and they said it could take 6-8 weeks!!! Ugh! I was really hoping to start getting the baby room ready :( I hope she doesn't come early.
Kelsey- Hi, I'm one of the new people... Just wanted to say that four of the five kids in my class have tubes in their ears and apparently after their surgeries, they didn't have any more infections at all!

Jess- I LOVE that furniture. It'll be worth the wait. I'm Jewish and in my culture, we don't prepare at all for babies before they're born (except MAYBE to clear out a room and paint!) and even without furniture or clothing or 'baby stuff,' they all seem to do just fine for the first couple of weeks! Even if your little one comes earlier than the furniture, I'm sure it will be okay. :)

Sam- how are you feeling? You're pretty much through the first tri, that must be a weight off!

Rachael- How are you feeling? More confident?

Lindsay- How are you feeling about everything?

Mar- glad you're getting on a schedule that works for both of you. Nice to predict when you can get some sleep!

AFM, FINALLY I HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS TO SHARE! We put in an offer on another house and the sellers accepted last night! Still early on it, we have to get through inspections until I will believe it'll actually happen, but it's a first step.

Also, my temps have been up and more consistent, so I'm trying to believe that I did in fact O. I'm not sure I trust FF's crosshairs in light of the pattern, but either way I hope it happened and I'll be moving on soon. I've been EXHAUSTED the past couple of days (literally, napped both days and I never nap) which is more of a luteal phase thing for me; I guess I'm sensitive to the progesterone. Hopefully it's a sign that AF is on her way soon enough and we can start over!
Hi Ladies!!

Rach - you'll feel really crampy pretty much throughout your whole first trimester. Then I think it slows down in the second and then most people start getting Braxton hicks in the third trimester. I remember early on that any time I would sit up and use my stomach muscles, it would hurt really badly and I worried about it so much but I guess it's your stomach muscles pulling apart (yuck) but it's all totally normal :) Can't wait to hear what the doc says!! :)

Jess - You are going to LOVE the Davenport crib - it's everything I wanted in a crib and it looks so nice! Oakley really loves the toddler version now already. I think we switched him a little early but it seems to be helping with his sleeping some. He was up a lot two nights ago but we had a great night last night :) They also told us it would take 6-8 weeks to come in and it only took 4 - so I bet it'll be similar for you! I'll keep my fingers crossed she doesn't come early for you - the longer they're in there the better! Plus in the beginning you probably won't use the crib all that much but I recommend you get her used to the crib as quickly as you can. I have friends that are just now getting their 6 or 8 month olds into their cribs and it's a really tough transition that old. We started Oakley out in the pack and play with the elevated insert in it so I could breastfeed at night but he was such a noisy sleeper that we switched him into his crib after the first week! We got so much more sleep!

Alyssa - Yay!! Congrats on the house!! Fingers crossed for you!! Looking at your chart, I think you did finally O - that's great news! How long is your luteal phase usually? You have a regular GYN apt on valentine's day, right? Hopefully that will be a confirmation of pregnancy appointment!!!!!

Mar - That's awesome you're getting into a schedule with Miss Ariah! You're doing great! Does she sleep with you or in the crib?? Are you breastfeeding??

Sam - How's B doing?? Eyes better? How are you feeling??

Kels, Mel and anyone else I'm forgetting - HI!!!!

AFM - Spent the weekend with Kirk's family for Oakley's cousin's first birthday party. It was really fun and nice to get some relaxing in.
We had a showing this weekend and the people are really interested. They're going to be coming back with their parents who are contractors this weekend, so I'm really hopeful! Wish we had more showings this weekend but I'll take just one that is interested for sure! :p
I've got loads of EWCM today but I forgot my thermometer this weekend so we'll see what my temp says tomorrow - I usually have 4-5 days of EWCM so we'll see!! we spent all weekend with Kirk's cousin that is 25 weeks pregnant so I was definitely getting some baby fever!! :p
Luteal phase was 11 days, then 14 days... I don't really have a "normal" yet because my cycles were so irregular, then MC. I'm expecting AF any time the end of next week/weekend. I guess it's possible that I could have gotten pregnant with the BD schedule this cycle but I'm inclined to doubt it with the craziness of my temps.
Jess - the furniture looks wonderful, I loved it when Linds picked it too. Hope it doesn't take 8 weeks but even then baby girl won't be in it proper for a while. I used to put B in his during the day to play and look at his mobile to get used to it. Looking forward to seeing your bump pic.

Linds - Glad you had such a lovely weekend and I bet being around a 35 week pg lady made you even more broody, that stage was so nice when you have a lovely sized bump, movements but not to big to cause aches and pains! I think going with the flow is porbably the best and what will be will be. Yay for O having a good night, please send some of that my way as the longest bit of unbroken sleep last night was 1 hour!!

Alyssa - fab news about the house, I hope the inspection goes okay and this is the start of the good stuff happening in 2014. I think with the bd schedule you have a very good chance of catching that egg, finger crossed.

Rach - any more test updates?

Hi kels.

afm - as I said above night recently have been pretty bad but last night particularly so. His eyes are getting better but now the mucus is coming out of his nose. I can count on my 2 hands the number of days he has been pouring snot free. I gave him calpol, teething granules and gum gel just in case it was teething. But nothing seemed to help. Hope he settles down as I am on my own till next sunday as OH away since Friday night. He has a bit of a fever 37.9oC so more calpol, I am not sure if it from his mmr on Thursday or something new or even teething,
Sam - I bet the fever is from the MMR - I know Oakley ran a bit of a fever following that shot the first time he got it. Poor Ben and poor you!! It's just painful when you go that long without sleep! How many teeth does he have now? I feel like it's taking Oakley forever to get his teeth - He only has the top four and the bottom four. His cousin that was born the same exact day as him as way more teeth! Even his cousin that is 6 months younger than him that we visited this weekend has the same amount of teeth and is already starting to get his molars. Sometimes I think I see the molars starting but then other days I don't see it at all anymore...so who knows! Prob the longer they stay in there, the better. Sending you good luck for tonight and hoping O will have a good night tonight too!!

Alyssa - with the amount of BD you did this cycle, I'd say you have a really good chance!! :)
Jess - i saw the set you got on facebook. OMG i LOVE it!! Absolutely gorgeous. Doesn't it figure you have to wait when they usually have them in stock? It's like "wow just my luck". I hope you get it sooner than later. Not too long before she's here!!! 1 week after my wedding is her due date!! YAYY. Have you set on a name yet?

Lindsay - sounds like someone is going to be TTC this month ;) Glad you had a good weekend. Even better you got someone interested in the house! Would be AMAZING if they wanted it. Good luck!

Alyssa - that is great they accepted your offer! I hope all the inspections and such come back great. I hope you did O so you don't have to take that medicine. Would be SUPER crazy to get PG!!! I got my fingers crossed for ya. <3 How is your cat doing? Is all the infection gone?

Sam - aww poor B. That poor kid doesn't get a break nor do you. I hope everything starts clearing up. Especially since you're on your own for a bit. How is the pregnancy going? Everything feeling okay? When is your DD again?

AFM -- just feeling a lot of achy cramps the last 2-3 days. I constantly go to the bathroom and pray before i wipe that everything is still good. It does feel a little different than the normal AF cramps. Every now and then i'll feel pain in my boob, but it's so far between that i can't really call it a symptom yet. Just lots of backache and cramps in my ovaries. I can't wait for my appt. I haven't taken anymore tests than the previous 2. I feel really confident about this pregnancy. I drove myself crazy testing the last pregnancy. I'm trying to relax as much as i can. I'm already talking to my belly and telling the baby to stay and that mommy and daddy love him/her very much!! Andrew text me yesterday and said "I love you wife and mommy to be!". I almost cried. Such a sweetheart.

Alyssa I came across this thread and thought it could ease your mind about late O
Thanks, Rach. My temp dropped again this morning so now I'm not sure if I even O'd yet... One dip I can write off, two... Not so sure.
Hi Ladies!

Rach - everything sounds really promising and your optimism is great! With Oakley, I knew from the start it was different and with the last pregnancy I knew it wasn't right - so I think that's the only sign you need!! So exciting! I can't believe the timing of it all being so perfect! When will you tell your family or have you already?

Sam - how was your night?? Oakley slept again last night - hoping you got the same!! How are you feeling? Nausea starting to subside yet? Have you told work?

Alyssa - Keep an eye on those temps - Could be an implantation dip ;)

AFM - we've given up on preventing at this point. I don't know if it's a brilliant idea with my school and future job, etc but both Kirk and I obviously both really want another baby so we need to just let be what will be and figure the details out later. I always tell other people that it's "never a good time" to have a baby, you just do it and figure everything out later and I'm trying to relax and go with that idea. We have never had trouble getting pregnant before, it's just been holding onto it, so we'll see how all this goes! My temp is really low this morning and I had a ton of EWCM yesterday and this morning - negative OPK last night. So far this month is the first month since getting the mirena out my cervix hasn't been really tender during O but I guess I'm not there yet - just hopeful that it won't be!
I am praying for you, Alyssa! :hugs:

What does morning sickness feel like? I had pizza for the first time last night in God only knows how many months. I woke up at 4am not feeling good. Idk if it was from the pizza or the start of something new. My stomach didn't hurt, but i felt real nauseous. I got up and went to the bathroom. Felt better after #2, but not 100%. I had that knot in my throat like i was going to throw up, but nothing happened.
Good luck this month Lindsay! Do what your heart tells you. How awesome we would be a month apart :)
I think morning sickness is a wide range of feelings. You'll know when you have it but it sounds like it may be starting for you. I had some pretty bad IBS symptoms early in pregnancy but they were almost always first thing in the morning - I think Jess had a bit of it too. Morning sickness for me was just a general uneasy feeling that would more often than not get worse if I drank or ate anything and even got worse when I laid down. The only thing that helped me was jolly ranchers and citrus flavored sorbet's.
I started puking daily even before I knew I was pregnant with my MC, Rachael... I think it's different for everyone. I thOught I had a bad flu!

I know about an implantation dip... But since I had another dip on CD 44, I'm less hopeful. :-(

Yeah, I took out my positive OPKs since they are so inaccurate... No O. Sigh.
If you look at my charts my temps are pretty jagged - did you chart when you got pregnant the first time? The only thing that I worry about with your chart this cycle is your coverline is a lot lower than last month. My temps can seem to get out of control and all over the place sometimes but my coverline always seems to hover around 97.8. I don't know if that's something that FF has come up with over time for me or what but might be something to bring up to the doc if AF hasn't shown by CD60 like your doc said. I know the medicine doesn't sit well with you but might be worth it. I need to do some research on the metformin your on so I can better understand how it works.

Rach - Alyssa's very right, what you had last night may be the worst of what you see in terms of sickness and it may be just the beginning. I just found that smells really triggered me. Mine wasn't limited to morning or night but tended to be the most manageable in the middle of the day. Not sure if that's just because I was busy and I had to be OK or if it was real. Who knows! What time is your appointment tomorrow?
Alyssa - hugs you think O may not have happened, I have no experience of pcos so can't really help at all with that.

Rach - it sounds a bit like the start of ms. For me ms feels like the day after a night of drinking, that horrible hangover sensation, not the headaches but just the dodgy tummy. It lasted ALL DAY with benjamin and on a scale of 1-10 around a 9 but no sickness, with this pg it varies from 4-6 but I do feel slightly better after being sick. Some people have strong aversions to certain foods and this time chocolate makes be sick. Hope you appointment goes well tomorrow.

Linds - If it's both what you want then just going with the flow sounds right for you guys and as you say there is never a right time, que sera sera.

afm - another horrible night but I did get 2 hours between waking but he also had 1.5 hour coughing fit from 2.30 to 4. He did seem to be very hot but my thermometer wasn't working so can't tell but I did end up giving ibuprofen. Despite the bad night he is in quite good humour on waking. After being at nursery today I am hoping he is extra knackered and might sleep better. I am beginning to suspect a bit of teething in amongst a reaction to the mmr, it almost looks like I can see the back bit if the lower teeth under the gums.

I told work after the scan last week and everyone has been thrilled for me. Nausea seems to getting a bit better but I was still sick yesterday but I think part of it is the sleep deprivation.

I got a huge bunch of flowers delivered from OH today as it is my birthday tomorrow.
Aww Sam that is so sweet your OH did that for you! I bet that made you feel lots better after all the hours you've been up at night. I hope you have a much better evening tonight with B. I feel so bad for him. I don't know how you do it :hugs: Hope you have a wonderful birthday!! xoxo

Alyssa i don't know why your body is being so wonky. I wish i could sprinkle AF dust on you so you can just get on with this cycle. The worst part is waiting. You feel like you can't enjoy life at all while waiting for AF to come.

I am feeling something going on under my belly button. Not sharp pains, but close. my appt tmrw is 310, but i called and asked if there was any earlier appts. They had one at 920! Woohoo. Can't wait, but extremely scared at the same time. Say a prayer for me please :)

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