1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Did you tell Andrew yet, Rach? He'll be thrilled!!

I feel so bad for all Of you with sick babies. When my kids here are sick, it is awful enough (they do get violent, but that's another story...) and at least they can tell me what's wrong.

Well, as I suspected, my temp dropped again, I still haven't O'd. I never thought I'd say this, but so sick of BD... :)

We looked at a house yesterday that we really like, hoping to get more info and think about putting an offer in soon!
Alyssa, I've gotten to that point too where you're sick of BD. It's hard sometimes to enjoy it when it becomes more of a chore. Are you going to the drs to get on from this cycle?

I called my dr yesterday. He can't get me in until Tuesday. Another thing I've noticed but could be because of something else is every morning I wake up with a very stuffy nose and sore throat. In the middle of the night I sometimes have real bad dry mouth. I could just be sleeping weird. The hardest part about all of this is going to the bathroom. I always pray there's no blood when I go. Last time that was my worst nightmare. Should I be taking anything other than prenatal?
Any more tests today Rach - loving the new ticker!!

Hope you made it to time for work, I would love to be ble to drag B out of bed rather then the other way around!!

He had his injections this morning, OH took him as I couldn't get way from work. He seems to be okay so far.
sorry had the page open for ages due to being at work so missed the other posts

Alyssa - sorry it doesn't look like you ov'd, how long did the Dr want you to wait for before going in? glad you have seen a house you like, thats a good start to the year. I had such regular cycles and still got sick of bd'ing at times, I think your bd'ing looks amazing I'm knackered just looking at your chart.
I bet B will be fine - I just hope he starts feeling better soon. Poor little guy! I completely forgot to give O his antibiotic this morning - he's been on it for over a week now so I'm hoping giving it to him the afternoon won't cause any relapses. Should be ok - ugh. Kirk said O was up a bit last night, but I don't remember it I was so tired! He does sleep in but two nights ago he was up every hour on the hour for just 5 minutes or so at a time but it's enough to make you horribly tired the next day and then I'm dragging him out of bed in the morning because he didn't sleep well the night before, ha! vicious cycle! I bet your second will seem like a breeze after little B's sleeping issues :p

Alyssa - you have to wait until CD60 to go in to get your AF started by the doc, right? Gosh, that seems so long - he wouldn't make an exception to just move on with this cycle now?

AFM - spent lunch time talking to a friend of mine that is in the same year as me in our PhD program and how frustrating the process is and how we feel so clueless as to what life will bring in forms of a job in the next year and it was kind of nice to know that we all feel this way! Just have to keep telling myself that it will all be OK! Life has a plan even if I don't know it yet!
Lindsay, life is a crazy journey. We have no clue where it may lead us, but one thing is for sure... we end up where we're meant to be. Just keep the faith and something will happen. A door will definitely open!

AFM -- i've had no symptoms, but today i've been farting and burping a lot. More farting than anything. I've felt the twinges/cramps in my ovaries again. Right now i am so tired i could fall asleep writing this. Every time i look a the picture of my test and get SO excited to know that is MY test! I feel so confident. My boobs right now are kind of going back and forth with twinges. For some reason i have this feeling of twins. Don't know why... how exciting!!
Is this a symp or do i stink? Earlier i started smelling BO on me. Well, i put deodorant on and now all i can smell is both LOL. WTH is going on
OMGosh Rach! I can't believe I've missed all the GREAT news!!! Congratulations!!! :wohoo: This is going to be your year girl!!! A wedding and a baby! I am so excited for you! Your tests look great. I am going to second what some of the other girls said... No tanning bed. I would cut down on the caffeine some, although you don't need to cut it out completely and be careful dieting, your at a good place now so just try to maintain!!!

Alyssa - I agree with what Lindsay said, your feelings are totally understandable, it's so hard when you've been through a loss. Hang in there girl!!!

Lindsay, Sam - hope your little guys are feeling better!

Sam - great scan pic!! Congrats!!

Kelsey, Mar, Mel - :wave:
Rach - your sense of smell is just heightened! Def a symptom! Have you called your doctor yet?? Will they do bloodwork? As for what to avoid - I was super strict with myself and didn't allow any caffeine but that's because I drink WAY too much soda - and it was just healthier for me overall to just cut it out completely. But, that being said - some caffeine is fine. I only ate lunchmeats that were 'toasted' at subway, and I avoided MSG but definitely still indulged in some Chinese food every once in a while!! I ate pretty much every thing else (other than alcohol, of course).

Jess - how are you feeling??? We're starting to get close to your due date! It's going to be here before we know it! Do you feel settled in the new home???

Alyssa - I see you got crosshairs back! Do you think you O'd? Any symptoms? My boobs always kill me right after O.

AFM - We have been planning to wait one more cycle before trying again but we got a little carried away this morning and didn't prevent if you know what I mean, so if I O as early as I did last month then we're in prime time! I'm tempted now to just BD whenever we want and if it happens, it happens!
We have freezing rain again here today - I'm glad it's not snow!! Need to get some showings in this weekend!! We have one scheduled for noon tomorrow. We get lots of good feedback on facebook about the house but those are all our friends that don't need houses haha
Lindsay i hope someone wants to buy your house soon! An unexpected BFP is always the best feeling. Maybe you'll get that this month!! It's raining here too. Thank God it's not snow.

Well here's a pic of progression. I'm satisfied with it!! I can't tell what are symptoms and what i'm making up in my brain. I feel like my boobs are a bit fuller at times, other times i feel like it's not. I ate egg whites this morning and i'm already burping it up. I can't tell if i feel nauseous at times, or if i'm hoping to be so i make myself feel that way. Yesterday i did have A LOT of gas. I fell asleep around 530 last night. Woke up at 6 and made myself stay awake. I started feeling really sleepy again around 8. When i did go to bed for the night i didn't want to get up this morning. I woke up again last night with extremely dry mouth to where it was so numb inside. Still have a stuffy nose and sore throat when i wake up. I'm also still feeling the dizziness throughout the day when i go from sitting to standing. That has been my main symptom so far. I felt more going on in my ovaries again yesterday. I pray everything is gonna be great this time! I truly think so. I feel it so deep within my heart. As for the dieting... i'm still doing exactly what i did before. Same workouts, but a little bit more carefully. I drink absolutely no soda, just water. The only caffiene would be a coffee, but i haven't had one in 2 days now. I'm trying to be so careful! I have a dr. appt on Tuesday at 310. I'm sure it's just to confirm pregnancy. I hope he will let me come in the following week for a scan, but i have no clue how that works in his office since i've never made it that far back there.


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Pics look great, Rach. Sounds like you're getting a lot of symptoms!

Linds- if it's meant to be, it'll happen... Sounds like you both want it to! FWIW, I say go with your heart.

AFM, I doubt I o'd; my cycle is just so nuts this time that I think FF is seeing things. I guess at this point we will keep up the BD until it looks like the temps sharply jump. The doc wants to wait until cd 60, and Provera makes me feel horrible so I'm not really in a rush to take it.

Honestly, I'm thinking I should just quit this cycle, because I'm afraid the o wouldn't be healthy and if by some miracle we got pregnant I'd miscarry. Any thoughts?
Oh this is just perfect, because not that it mattered if you were showing, but you won't be showing yet in your wedding and you'll be so glowing :) Don't worry about symptoms, I really didn't have ANY except I was super hungry and like obsessed about food---like I pictured food all day long! But that didn't start until maybe 6 weeks? My boobs didn't change for a long time and some days they hurt, and others nothing. I had the dizziness when standing up too---and threw up randomly 3 times---maybe only twice actually, during pregnancy. I remember being so worried because everybody was so sick and so full of symptoms, and I virtually would have had no idea I was pregnant except for the test! Since I don't get on here as often as I'd like, please message me any questions or updates on facebook----but I will try to get on as often as possible!!
Lindsay, I was putting Khloe to sleep 2 nights ago and realized I had forgotten her antibiotics so I had to wake her up and give them too her. I always have the moment on the drive to work where I'm like omg, did I give her them this morning!? Hope O starts feeling better. And I like the idea of not worrying and just doing what you feel in the moment, as long as you're ok with pregnancy as an outcome (which I'm thinking you are). It will make it so much less stressfull for you :)
Jessie---bump update?!? How are you feeling--how are your feet?
Sam--bump update from you!? Love your scan pics, such a great year 2014 is and will be for this group :)
To the new girls (who actually aren't even new anymore, I just struggle to get on here often enough to keep up)----please don't think I'm a bitch for not specifically addressing you when I finally do post. I plan to find the time to sit down and really read through the posts one of these days and try and keep up. :( You seem like the perfect additions to our group, and I feel so out of the loop when I finally do get on and can't wait to get to know you better!!!
AFM---have an appt with ENT specialist on the 22nd. Unless we hear something drastic at the appt that we don't like, we'll be setting Khloe up to get tubes. The ear infections are just so constant we don't know what else to do. Right after her year appt on the 2nd we stopped with the bottles, just giving her 1 at night----but sometimes if she eats horrible during the day (she's so picky and hardly eats) we'll give her a bottle because I hate the thought of her hungry. She's doing so good with it! :) She's taking some steps sporadically, but doesn't seem too interested in walking.
I hope you all are doing well, I can't tell you how often I think about you guys!!
Your tests looks great, Rach! I was REALLY thirsty all the time with Oakley. All your signs sound great!! The earliest my OB would let me come in for a scan was 6 weeks 5 days. They said any earlier could cause undue stress if the heartbeat wasn't easy to find.

Oakley was up from 1-4 last night, so I'm tired to say the least. Kirk pointed out that he does this every Thursday night. I don't get it?! Now he won't nap either!! ahhhh!!!
Sorry Kels, had the window open too long and didn't see your post! I think it's a good idea to talk to the doc about tubes. I'm even tempted to talk about tubes for Oakley and he's only had two rounds of infections - it just seems when he does get them, it's really bad! I"m not even really convinced his last infection ever really went away and I'm not convinced his antibiotics are working this time. Can't hurt to talk to the doctor and the procedure is really straightforward! Keep us updated!! :)
rach that's awesome news!! When I was first pregnant with Ariah, I had a cold like symptoms, a bit if cramping, HORRIBLE gas and a bit of heart burn. I too tested every day for several weeks.

and yes Lindsay, I would never hit a tanning bed when I'm not pregnant let alone when I am pregnant. You've seen how white I am!! haha. I burn like a lobster.

hi everyone else!~

AFM: Ariah seems to have found a little pattern that's working for her. Down to bed at 9, wakes around 3;30 - 4 for a feed, back down within 20 minutes. Back up between 6;30-7 for second feed/ up for the day. Sometimes you can get her down for another hour or so but then she's up for the day!
A little progress.. I'm going to enjoy it while I can. we are steadily headed towards 11 weeks. 12 weeks or 3 months is not far behind and I'm dreading what might come with it.
I almost flipped out earlier. I worked out and when I was done I wiped and it was yellow/orange. I was like hmmm. Then about 430 I went pee and saw light light pink. Hasn't came back but of course in worried. I feel the same as far as symptoms go.
It's probably a bit of irritation, if you remember I had brown with some pink spotting from 5 to just over 6 weeks. Your tests are looking great and it just beanie snuggling in tight for the duration. Take it easy for a day or so.
Kels glad you have the ent appointment for khloe and they can help sort out her poor ears. Does Chloe get milk in the morning still but from a cup? B still on bottles but not too concerned yet as he has no teeth. I can't imagine him giving up the bottle though. Yay for the mini steps I'm sure she'll be off soon.

Mar glad Mariah is settling into a routine, that's great especially for bf.
Well i went to work today and ever since i got half way through my day my lower back has felt achy. I don't feel cramps but i feel pressure or aches in my uterus. Feels weird. Is this normal?

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