1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Happy birthday, Sam!

Good luck with your appt, Rachael, I'm glad they got you in earlier. Let us know how it goes! I hope you're feeling better today.

Linds, how are you feeling about this cycle?

Yesterday night was hard for me, a really good friend from college told me she was preggers on FB message and is due 2 wks after I would have been. I didn't even know what to say, I opted for quick congrats and quick sign off. Felt bad but I hope she understands. She knew about my mc and waited to tell me, but otherwise we would have been pregnant together and our kiddos could have been little baby friends... Threw me off for the rest of the night... We even skipped a BD.

In other news, first house inspection (septic) is tomorrow! Also taking Peanut back to the vet for a recheck. Fingers crossed!
The girl came in and told me im just about 6 weeks and due Sept 12! Dr did a pap smear and took 7 viles of blood. I have to come in Thursday for another round of blood drawn to make sure hcg is doubling. Also have to drink one of those orange sugar drinks and fast for 8 hrs lol. I will feel calm and real good about everything once I hear the hcg level comparisons

they gave me a goodie bag. gahh is this real!?!
Alyssa.. I remember the first time I was pregnant I was telling my best friend and then I lost it 1 week later. Then she calls me three weeks later to tell me she is pregnant. everything with her pregnancy went great. while I was left feeling sorry for myself. its so hard to be happy for someone when youre dying inside. your rainbow is coming. just hang on and you will be able to share your news soon. hope kitty is okay. let us know what thr vet says.
Hi Ladies!

Happy Birthday, Sam! Hope you have a great day and B sleeps through the night for you tonight! I had a terrible night with Oakley last night too. He just gets up and wants to play for hours on end. We typically go in and try to lay with him and tell him it's time for bed and it works after a while (a couple hours!!) and last night we were just too tired and sick of this happening all the time that we just let him scream it out. It was painful to listen to but it may be the only way to deal with it. I don't think it's his teeth as we always thinks it's his teeth and it never is! He has a follow up on Friday with the doctor to check his ears on Friday so I'm going to talk to them about his sleeping habits then. Glad you could tell work! Will you get another year of maternity leave??

Alyssa - sorry about O - hope you can call the doctor soon and get things moving along!! How's kitty? How's the septic system??

Rach - woohoo for a successful doc appointment! you talking about bloodwork reminds me the docs wanted me to come in to show my levels went back to 0 - ugh! If I wait too long I'm going to be pregnant again!! Can't wait to hear about your levels!

AFM - Like I said to Sam, O slept awful last night and Kirk and I decided that we really do have to just ignore him until he goes back to sleep no matter how long it takes him to. He had no fever, and was fine as long as we were in the room, so I really think he just wakes up and gets bored, but it's killing us!! Kirk asked me last night if I really wanted another after 2.5hrs of Oakley being up and I jokingly said no but we're at the peak of my cycle, so we'll see what happens!!
Rach, so glad your appt was good! Do they think you're further along than you think? It sounds like they are making you take a glucose tolerance test... I didn't realize they did that so early.

Sam, how is your bday going? What are you doing to make it special?

Lindsay- go get that bloodwork done so they can check the box.

Both of you... I'm so sorry you have sick, non-sleepy babies. That sounds horrible.

AFM, I have to attend a funeral tomorrow downstate (nobody close to me, but family obligation), so I had to reschedule the vet appt for next Tuesday. I feel okay about it, though, because she seems to be doing pretty well. Rob will stay back and get the septic inspected, I'll let you know how it goes.

I saw my therapist last night and talked through stuff about my cycle... I think I'm actually going to wait and not take the provera for this cycle (unless it's still going on in a month). Since I'm so messed up, I may have to take it again after I see the doc, and it's really rough on my body. Hopefully the cycle will end soon, but if not, I just want to be ready start the next step as soon as I see him (and I think it will probably be time for clomid or femara).
Alyssa - They don't have any other options to make AF show? I could imagine anything to make AF start would be rough on your body so I understand wanting to wait it out :hugs: Your temp jumped a bunch this morning! Hopefully it will stay up and you'll be preggers and you won't have to worry about the clomid!!
Hope your kitty is doing well and the septic comes back clear!

Sam - did B give you a nice Bday present of sleeping?! We had a bit of trouble getting O to go down last night, which is unusual for him, but then I didn't hear a peep from him the rest of the night - thank goodness! I talked to one of the doctors at work yesterday and he said that a lot of toddlers start doing this where they wake up and figure out that if they cry loud enough and for long enough, we'll come in and snuggle them. So, he emphasized with me that it's OK to go in as long as it's just to put him back in bed but really recommended letting him cry it out for as long as I can - ugh, I hate doing that!! Especially now that he's in the toddler bed he gets out and bangs on his door haha.

Jess - how you feeling, hun?? I saw you went to a birthing class - how'd that go?!

AFM - Pretty sure I got a + OPK this morning - the cheapie OPKs are never very clear to me if I O'd or not - the line gets darker than usual but never as dark as the control. Maybe I just take it at the wrong time of day. We didn't BD last night like we probably usually would have just because we were so tired from O being up so long the night before and I doubt we'll be able to resist tonight, so this cycle may end up being timed well even if we're not technically trying! BUT I feel a lot better about this cycle as I'm not super tender in my abdomen like I was and have been since the mirena was put in! My face is also at it's best this month - it's taken a few cycles for everything to settle down, I think! I will definitely never be getting that again and it makes me nervous to think about getting the copper coil either.

My poor dog gets hot spots lately and I think I've narrowed it down to a certain brand of food he's eating. So, thankfully we had extra Prednisone from the last time he got hot spots and I've got him on that and back to his old food. The funny thing about the food is that what I was giving him back when he got them the last time and what I just recently tried to switch him to is a better brand of food supposedly but I guess he's just allergic to something in it. Or at least I hope it's that so this will stop for him, he seems so miserable :( The only other thing I can think of is he seems to get them any time we go out of town so I wonder if stress can trigger them.
Linds, Peanut kept getting skin rashes for the longest time and I couldn't figure it out... I actually think she has a gluten allergy! I switched the cats to Blue Buffalo food and then to Oceana Pacifica and she's been fine since. Poor thing was do sensitive! We've noticed a lot of other benefits to the better food, though, better coats, better breath, fewer hairballs, better poo, etc. It's more pricey but we decided its worth it. Good luck with your BD, sounds like you've got a good chance!

My temp did rise again, FF gave me crosshairs again but I'm more inclined to think this is O if it stays up just based on how much it rose and more matched my previous cycle patterns. I also felt an unusual sharp pain on my right side, I had never been aware enough to feel O pain before but maybe that was it. Definitely wasn't bowel. If I did O yesterday, and we BD'd yesterday morning, do you think I'm in the game? I haven't had much CM at all lately.
Lindsay what are hot spots? ive heard of it and I have medicine for it. Have no idea what it is. Sadie has these little warts all over her back. Theyre itchy and shes always trying to dig at them. I think shr needs a cortisone shot. Good luck with the BD tonight! hopefully it's a winner so make it good ;)

Alyssa like Linds said, maybe youre preggers? wow what a reward that would be for how patient you've been. Keep us posted!

My boobs still dont hurt. sometimes I feel dtuff through them but barely anything. if I push in on my nipples they feel tender, but thats it. My dr office opens at 830. thinking about calling around 845/9. hope all is good. I had a little spotting yesterday after the pap but nothing since. yay!
Wow, Rach! maybe you're further along than you thought?? Have they talked about a scan yet? You should be able to see something by now!! That's awesome!!!
Hot spots are basically just itchy spots on the dog that he digs at until it bleeds. I don't know how they start but I need to figure out how to get them to stop!! We may try the blue buffalo food like Alyssa suggested. I think he's just really sensitive in general.

Alyssa - I'll be curious to see your temp tomorrow! Does look more along the lines of your previous chart!
Bloody hell Rach those numbers are fantastic. Will you get more bloods done? Did they suggest when you may get a scan wow soooo exciting!!!

Alyssa - glad your little cat is doing better and fingers crossed this is your ov, if it is then the morning bd was perfect timing. How did the inspection go?

Linds - sounds like the timing might make it your month too, glad your are feeling so great about this cycle after the mirena. I think it is probably the way to go with the crying as difficult as it is. It seem though it is working so far. I have read they do rebel on the 4/5th night so hang in there.

afm - tbh yesterday and today have been awful. I was soo tired as B had another bad night, so much coughing he made himself sick which meant changing his gro bag, clothes and sheets twice. I think I have caught whatever he has, pink eye, sore throat bad, cough and tummy pains so even when he did sleep in between coughing I couldn't. Got to work this morning and burst out crying. So far tonight he has been a lot more settled and usually by now I have been in a few times so fingers crossed we both have a better night.
my God Sam. I feel so bad for you and B. I wonder why the heck he keeps getting sick? do u think it's daycare? couldnt imagine taking care of a baby feeling that bad yourself. I hope you both get some rest tonight.

im def thinking im further than dr said. im thinking more like 6w1d. he said he feels confident about the numbers that I dont need blood drawn again tmrw. he said he was surprised they were that high!! I do still have to go for glucose test. my bbs feel more tender today if I push on my nipples. yay to that. I am so excited I want to scream it to the world!!
Wow, Rach! Those numbers are great! Maybe it is twins... When will you get a scan?

My temp dropped this morning. I bought a Clearblue digital opk kit and used it this morning, I got a positive, but no way to know if my LH is just always high. My boobs were really tender yesterday and this morning, maybe that's an O symptom. Ugh, going nuts. I hate PCOS. It feels very unfair that my body is only giving me less than half the chances to conceive than I should have by not ovulating! Doc appt in a month...

Oh, and the septic failed inspection. Waiting to hear what the realtor/lawyers/sellers say.
Sam - how's poor B? how are you?? It is just the worst having your little one sick and when you're sick on top of that - it's unbearable!! Can you get in to see a doctor? Oakley has been sick non-stop since he started daycare until the past week - and we'll see how long this lasts!! We're only 1 week off of antibiotics at this point so I'm expecting the snotty nose to show back up soon!! When do you get your bloodwork back from the NT scan? Next scan is 20 weeks?

Rach - That's so fantastic you don't need to go for more bloodwork but did he mention a scan?? I want to see that little bean or beans!!

Alyssa - :hugs: to you hun!! my goodness - failed septic inspection?! Hopefully it's something they can remedy. When we moved into this house the pipe from the house to the septic tank was broken and the bank (foreclosure) was able to fix it and now everything works fine - so hopefully it's something like that for you! Typically when septic inspections fail the seller HAS to fix it because they will have to condemn the house if it is not remedied!
As for O - Crazy you get so many + OPKs, I guess with PCOS your body is just constantly trying to O. I think you need a vacation and you'll get pregnant!! :)
How's kitty??

AFM - had a definitely positive OPK last night and this morning. My temp was up a bit this morning but I slept through my alarm and took my temp an hour late, so I don't really know if that is right. We BD'd last night - so we'll see!!
Oakley's slept good two nights in a row - feels good to get some rest!
Alyssa - sorry the inspection failed but I can see what Linds means so hopefully all is not lost. I can't imagine how frustrating it is for you with the pcos, the sysmptoms of ov sound good so maybe happening very soon?

Linds - fingers crossed your +ve opk leads to a +ve hpt. You are just showing off now, 2 good nights sleep bliss -lol!!!

Rach - how are you feeling today. When is the scan we need to see little beanie! As sfor B constantly being ill I think part of it is mixing with other kids in nursery but he was like this even before he went.

afm - B did sleep better had a big coughing fit again but no sickness, gave him some ibuprofen and he slept 4 hours! I however am feeling really bad. I should be at work today but can hardly swallow, sore throat, swollen neck, coughing.

Got the letter in this morning, tests came back as low risk but there is no numbers attached e.g 1 in 5000. My Last one with B was 1 in 26,000. I am tempted to phone up to see if I can get the numbers as I think they consider anything low risk above 1/150.

Next scan 5th March I'll be 20+4 and can find out the gender then too.
Sam that is great that B slept for 4 hours. That's awful you arent feeling good. You need to stay home if youre feeling that bad. I hope you both start feeling better. Id call the dr too and ask what the ratio is too. Just to ease your mind.

Lindsay woohoo to Oing. Hope you caught it!

Alyssa with your symptoms sounds like you did O or AF is coming. Either way I hope something happens for you so you know what is going on. How did septic inspection go?

afm just sitting in the waiting room. had to drink that stuff. my God was it delicious. was fruit punchh flavored. really did taste like Hawaiian punch lol. boobs dont feel tender today :/ I do feel a little nauseous. im gonna ask before I leave about an ultrasound. I hope they can do an early one.
I didn't go in to work, just couldn't do it, even if I felt okay enough I am still a walking germ hotel! Can't complain too much as this is the first cough/cold I have had in a long time. Went to the Chemist to see if I could get anything for my throat as I know there is so much you can't have but again nothing - argh.

Glad the juice tasted nice, will you get the results today? I really hope they will offer you an early scan.
not sure if I get results today or not. I've only saw the lady that draws blood. havent seen the nurse or dr. I hope I can get in soon for scan.

do you guys ever sit here and think you dont have enough symptoms for this to go good? I feel normal just tired. I just worry...

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