1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

beautiful bump Jessie. absolutely gorgeous!!!!

I have been feeling so down the last 12 hours. have felt no symptoms the last 2 days. I am just so scared of the worst. I just want to cry! I shouldn't feel this way with good numbers. just wish I could feel all these symptoms like everyone else.
Jess - you look absolutely wonderful, what a fab bump and bump pic. Can't help with the car seats as apart from britax I don't recognise any of the names. If it helps any though we ended up with a icandy pram and a maxicosi car seat that you can fit to the chassis if popping out for a short time rather than using the carrycot.

Rach - huge :hugs: hun. PG after loss is so hard. I remember my early pg with B and being so scared of every non twinge/no symptoms yet deep down still being positive all would be okay and it messed with my mind. My boobs were never that sore with B or this pg, and like I mentioned before ms didn't really start for me till 6 weeks. Hcg as you know doubles roughly every 2-3 dyas and its very typical for symptoms to appear as hcg rises then seemingly disappear for a couple of days as the body gets used to the new rise in hcg, then it starts again. One friend on here nausea /sickness only happened every 3rd day! Any chance they could move the scan forward a few days to reassure you? parl is hard but you'll get there,

Linds- fingers crossed it all sounds well timed. Typical isn't it when trying for a bfp people start telling you about job opportunities. Thing is if you were to get your bfp there will still be other opportunities out there. Did you get more veiwings this weekend?

Alyssa - more hugs. I just wish your body would decide one way or the other what it was doing, I can't imagine the frustration of long unpredictable cycles. Is this lenght of cycle the usual for you? Hope your cat is feeling a bit better.

Mar - glad ariah is doing so well in her routine.

Hi Kels.

afm - it 4.30 am and I am up again as I can't sleep due to all my coughing (as well as B's) and seriously bunged up nose however it is slightly better than it was a few days ago.

OH is home -yay!! It was so lovely to see B's face light up seeing his daddy and saying dad/dadda again.

I think we also had our first few steps yesterday as we got him to walk between us. He has been looking much more confident on his feet standing unaided, crouching down to play then standing straight up with no wobbles etc, he has also been standing between 2 nearby toys and you could see him assessing the situation and thinking about taking a step before changing his mind!! Once or twice he has taken one step towards me then fallen into his crawl. But last night he was taking at least 3-4 very small and wobbly steps before lunging into our arms!!
Oh Rach - so sorry you are feeling this way! Like Sam said, PG after a loss is so hard and you start to doubt everything. Just try to stay as positive as possible through this and just embrace being preggo!! You finally got here girl! We can't change the outcome so might as well stay positive!

Sam - yeah for little B taking his first steps! How exciting! Before yin know it he will be all over the place! So sorry you are feeling sick! I hope you and B get better soon! Is OH home too because he's sick?
thank you girls!! I woke up this morning not feeling the greatest. hope that's a good thing. idk what id do without you all.

sam woohoo go little B for being such a big boy!! awww. im so glad OH is home now too. how are you feeling btw? still sick?

jess wow 67 days to go. That is crazy!!!
Jess - you look amazing, hun!! Gosh, I always think of your journey and it makes me so happy to see you here!! Can't wait until that little peach is in your arms!! Did you decide on a carseat??

Rach - We all went through those days where we were convinced something was wrong even though all signs were pointing to everything being just fine! The scan on Thursday should help you sleep better at night, for sure! and whatever you do - don't google ANYTHING right now! :p

Sam - you poor thing - sounds like me and Oakley a few weeks ago. Gosh that cold was terrible! We had one showing this weekend but no feedback. I think we'll start talking to the woman that wants to rent it pretty soon now. Otherwise, we'll be putting it up for sale or rent just to get some income on the property again. I have money set aside for two mortgages but would (obviously) rather not touch it if I don't have to!

Alyssa - how you doing, hun??

Mar - sounds like you're doing great with getting Ariah on a good sleep cycle - will you go back to work? How long are you planning to wait before Ariah gets a sibling?! :)

AFM - I'm home today for MLK Day and looks like I'll be home tomorrow too with winter storm watch for 5+ inches of snow which will paralyze DC, haha.
Little Man is still sleeping right now, wondering if he was up last night and I just didn't hear him. He's usually up by now!
We're having a great snow day! Oakley has already been out in it twice but now the temperature has dropped and bunch and I think it's a bit too cold for him - plus it's really windy and we've gotten at least 6 inches of snow so it's going to get tough for him to run around in it!
I made some broccoli cheddar soup and put some pulled chicken in it for a late lunch - totally delicious! I've been eating all day - I need to go back to work so I'll stop eating haha. I worked from home Thursday, was off Friday and Monday, and now we have the snow day today so I'm getting a bit stir crazy!
How are you feeling??
Linds you're hilarious... there will be no thinking about more babies for at least a year. We can revisit this topic in 2015. I'm looking forward to just focusing on Ariah for the next 8 months - I go back to work October 1. booooo! Unless an unexpected job opportunity arises, I plan to take all the time. IF something comes up, I'll let my husband take whatever time is left in the year off.
Plus this year is already busy enough. I'm in two weddings in September.. I really want to focus on getting back in shape and I cant wait to play my sports, drink some drinks and enjoy my body to myself. Between my miscarriage Oct 2012 and my pregnancy with Ariah it was like I was actually pregnant for an entire year straight. that's stressful!
Mar sounds like you got it all planned out. That's good. I understand about wanting to have your body back for a little while. You so deserve it! :)

Lindsay that sounds like a wonderful fun filled day with your little squirt!! I saw the pic of him outside. He is so adorable! I hear ya about the eating thing. Seems like when i'm home is when my taste buds seem to unleash. It sucks! Right now i want chocolate.

I keep thinking the scan is tmrw lol. I can't wait! Just 38 hours!!!!! Woohoo!!! Go beany, go! I think everything is gonna be okay :)
Hi, everyone.. Rach, I hope you're doing well. Jess, you look amazing! Sam, how are you feeling?? Must be nice to be out of the 1st tri. Linds, how are you feeling about this cycle? Mar, are you sleeping? I'm using Rob's netbook and the internet is funky so sorry for the formatting.

Quick update for me: still no O. I'm really upset about it and it's hard to be on here and talk about it, but I appreciate the chart stalking. Took Peanut back to the vet again today... we took her off the cipro Friday night and her symptoms are way worse. Switching to chloramphenicol... yes, Linds, I'm getting her bloods drawn every two weeks and using gloves to handle it. No aplastic anemia for me! (aka we're on to the serious stuff... pseudomonas is highly resistant. Outlook isn't great for her but trying to stay positive... she's eating really well, at least.) The owners of the house we are trying to buy seem to want to move on fixing the septic, which is good, but the weather means the ground may freeze over again (thawed in our weeks of warmer weather), which means we will have to wait. Frustrated. Tonight I found out my dad has prostate cancer. They caught it early, which is better than the alternative. It just seems like things keep hitting new comic lows. At least I have a doc appointment in 3.5 weeks, and I am fairly confident that with my cycle being as crazy as it has been, he will be willing to put me on something to make me ovulate. Sam, I never ever got regular cycles as a teen/early adult and went on BCPs when I was 20. Didn't worry about it until we wanted a baby, then came off in November, had my period in December, had another in April, had my MC in September (nothing between), got a little more regular which my doc originally attributed to the metformin but which I now think was due to the MC, and now... well, the shortest my cycle could be is 70 days. Very depressing to think that if it continues like this, I'll have at most 4-5 chances a year to conceive. Sorry, I don't want to bring the thread down, just wanted to let you all know what was up. I'll probably be on intermittently in the next few days/weeks. Thanks for everyone's love and support. I am giving it right back to you girls!
Hi Alyssa!

This is exactly what we're here for! Feel free to vent and do whatever you need to here! Great news the sellers want to fix the septic for you! Sorry about your kitty! Gosh! I hope this round of antibiotics will do the trick!

I can't imagine the doctor wouldn't give you some clomid or something like that to help you ovulate - your situation is exactly why those drugs were developed! There are so many ladies on BnB that have gotten successful pregnancies thanks to clomid! Kelsey is one of them, actually! So, before you know it, you'll be growing a little bean of your own! Your longest cycle was 70 days? You're at least getting close to the end! Didn't your doctor want to see you on CD60 if you got there without ovulating? Or you want to wait it out to avoid the pills that induce AF?

I don't know how I feel about this cycle. I think we timed it great so we have a good shot. We have been really fortunate in that we get pregnant very easily, so I'm thinking if we don't get pregnant this cycle then it might be sign that now is not the best time and take February off - although I'm not sure I'll be able to convince Kirk to do that! We're just scared if we keep having miscarriages, how long it will take to get things sorted out before we have another successful pregnancy. After losing the first one, we thought it was just a fluke but we're starting to think there may be a bigger problem - but who knows! It just seems like you ladies are the only ones that I have ever talked to that have gone through a miscarriage. I have tons of friends with kids and none of them have ever had a miscarriage. I don't get it...sorry for the rant!!
oh and poor booger has croup! scariest sound coming out of that child that I've ever heard! Even with a foot of snow outside I was almost begging Kirk to take us to the ER for him and then I googled it and felt kind of silly! ha! It's an infection in their voice box so it just sounds really bad. I turned the shower on really hot and we sat in the bathroom for 15 min and then he was fine as long as he could sleep on me. So, I didn't get much sleep but that's ok - I know it made him feel better to sleep on me. He's asleep now so I'm going to go lay down! Hope everyone is doing well today!!
Linds - i am a firm believer about timing. I think timing is everything. If it wasn't suppose to happen, the pregnancy ends. I think we're always destined to have that baby again later on in life, but at the right time. I know there's soo much more to it for certain people. I'm thinking for you is just divine timing. Same for myself. I was never checked out for PCOS or endometriosis, so who knows... maybe when i was overweight i had PCOS? My cycles were irregular, etc. Now i can't help but wonder if it was just timing. That God had a chart set up for me to accomplish some things first before giving me my rainbow. Okay, so you got to get a glimpse of my crazy mind! I over think everything. lol. If it doesn't work for you this cycle, just know that very very soon you're gonna have that baby! You're destined to. I believe it will definitely be in the upcoming months ahead. Maybe even right now! :)

Alyssa i'm so sorry you're going through all this heartache. I understand you needing a break and taking time for yourself from bnb. I've had to do that quite a few times in the past. I remember it being so hard seeing everyone get a BFP, except me. Then the next thing i know my cat was sick too. Then my mom thought she had cancer in her mouth. It was just an ongoing battle. I felt like i had this dark cloud over me and i wasn't ever going to be happy again. Right now you're being tested. I know we all hate it. We never know how long this test will last, but you will come out much stronger. There's not a whole lot i can say to you right now to make you feel better, but i do know talking about it helps a lot. Don't ever be hesitant to vent to us girls. You're apart of our bnb family and we certainly care about you. I have struggled so much trying to get pregnant and going through all them downs before getting to this point. So please know you can relate to me. Sending many positive thoughts and prayers your way. I hope your cat gets better. It's so hard seeing them struggling. You're a good fur mommy! Don't ever forget that. Oh and your dr should def be able to get you on Clomid. My dr was getting ready to put me on it after my wedding. Kels got pregnant with her princess with Clomid. I don't believe it was the first cycle, but she did end up getting her rainbow!!
Hey girls!! :wave: All went well today!!! The US tech told me baby would be 1/5 of an inch, but baby was 1/4 of an inch! Little bigger than she expected. She said i'm right where i need to be. That my EDD is still gonna be Sept 12. I asked if there was 2 and she said no lol. She zoomed in on the baby and i heard the heartbeat! :cloud9: Seems so much more real now. I am over the moon!!!! I have a dr appt with my Dr. on Feb 11. Not real sure what for. I guess to see how i'm doing. The tech didn't say how many bpm the heartbeat was, but i was happy to just hear it! Andrew and i teared up. We are so excited!!! Makes it harder for me to hold the news in!


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sorry been mia for the last few dyas I have lurked but as soon as I go to post B wakes up.

Rach - that is such wonderful news and just look at your little beanie!!! So very, very happy for you both I could burst!!!! No wonder you want to shout it from the roof tops. Are you going to hold off till the wedding?

Will try to post more later I was just lurking for an update from Rachel (I am at work!!)
Yayyyyy rach! :) I am just stalking too. Poor o has a fever of 102 today...:-( taking him to the doc tonight. I'll try to write more later.
B in bed so I'll write quick!!

Rach - Thats so great you got to hear the hb they never really let us here it with our scans but you can see the hb flickering away. Do you have another scan planned or will they make that appointment after seeing your Doc?

Linds - hope O is okay, let us know how it goes at the Drs. What dpo do you think you are? will you wait for af or test early - fingers crossed. I don't have any one in RL to talk to about the mc's I don't think you have to wait long for a bfp and I have a good feeling the next one will be just fine.

Alyssa - that is what these forums are for, to talk about how things are and how you feel, thats if you are able to talk about it. :hugs: We are here for you. I hope the new antibiotics help your fur baby. Sorry to hear about your Dad, its good they got it early, we see lots of men with early treatment of prostate cancer and the outcome is very good. I know it a shock but hopefully he'll get the treatment needed and will be okay but I bet its been a big shock to you and your family.

Jess - how are you feeling? What have you been thinking about with regards the birth etc?

Hi Kels and Mar.

afm - both of us are feeling better although we still have coughs and B is still waking loads at night. I went to a flotation tank and had a hour it took me a while to fully relax as when you are in the bath/pool and floating you still have to support your neck but in the flotation tank the salts do that for you but it is a strange feeling initially. I will probably do it again especially when I am bigger as I can imagine it really beneficial then. I decided to treat myself with my birthday money as I never do and it gets frittered away by day to day money stuff.

B still taking a few steps between us and yesterday he was playing with one toy then did 5 or 6 steps to his play table!!!
hey girls. not feeling too well tonight. anyone know what medicine I should take? I have a fever of 99.6 and cold chills. I can't sleep even though I'm so tired. idk what to do.
Rach - take Tylenol it will help the fever and that should help you starting to feel better. Sorry you don't feel well!!

Oakley has another set of ear infections in both of his ears again tonight. He's the worst I've ever seen him today and won't sleep unless he's touching me. Have him asleep on the couch next to me right now. I feel so badly for him!! They started talking about tubes in his ears tonight but said he'll need another set of infections before they'll get more serious about it. I work with an Ear Nose and Throat doctor at work that I've shot an Email off to to see if he could sneak a peek at Oakley's ears tomorrow if he has a free moment *fingers crossed!!*.

Alyssa - I forgot to mention to you that my dad had prostate cancer that was caught early as well and that was at 15 years ago and he's cancer free doing great. I know it's never easy to hear the "C" word but there are great treatments out there!!

Sam - woohoo for B walking!! AND for you both starting to feel better!! Are you starting to get a bump yet?! I'm 7DPO and I'm a chronic tester - I did my first test this morning, wasn't surprised it was negative :p

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