Hi, everyone.. Rach, I hope you're doing well. Jess, you look amazing! Sam, how are you feeling?? Must be nice to be out of the 1st tri. Linds, how are you feeling about this cycle? Mar, are you sleeping? I'm using Rob's netbook and the internet is funky so sorry for the formatting.
Quick update for me: still no O. I'm really upset about it and it's hard to be on here and talk about it, but I appreciate the chart stalking. Took Peanut back to the vet again today... we took her off the cipro Friday night and her symptoms are way worse. Switching to chloramphenicol... yes, Linds, I'm getting her bloods drawn every two weeks and using gloves to handle it. No aplastic anemia for me! (aka we're on to the serious stuff... pseudomonas is highly resistant. Outlook isn't great for her but trying to stay positive... she's eating really well, at least.) The owners of the house we are trying to buy seem to want to move on fixing the septic, which is good, but the weather means the ground may freeze over again (thawed in our weeks of warmer weather), which means we will have to wait. Frustrated. Tonight I found out my dad has prostate cancer. They caught it early, which is better than the alternative. It just seems like things keep hitting new comic lows. At least I have a doc appointment in 3.5 weeks, and I am fairly confident that with my cycle being as crazy as it has been, he will be willing to put me on something to make me ovulate. Sam, I never ever got regular cycles as a teen/early adult and went on BCPs when I was 20. Didn't worry about it until we wanted a baby, then came off in November, had my period in December, had another in April, had my MC in September (nothing between), got a little more regular which my doc originally attributed to the metformin but which I now think was due to the MC, and now... well, the shortest my cycle could be is 70 days. Very depressing to think that if it continues like this, I'll have at most 4-5 chances a year to conceive. Sorry, I don't want to bring the thread down, just wanted to let you all know what was up. I'll probably be on intermittently in the next few days/weeks. Thanks for everyone's love and support. I am giving it right back to you girls!