1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi Ladies!

How is everyone doing?

Oakley is having some quiet time in his room (AKA refusing to take a nap) and seems to be doing a LOT better today! Thank goodness! we were on the verge of taking him to the ER yesterday because we couldn't console him! I finally got him to calm down by plopping him in front of the computer and having him watch some nursery rhymes on youtube - thank goodness for youtube! I don't know what I would do without it!!

So excited about the contract on the house! There is someone else going to look at it today but we've already ratified the contract sent in yesterday so, it won't do much good. They offered full asking price but with $10,000 at closing. It's the best they can offer based on what they're financially pre-approved for, and they're a firefighter so we were happy to take their offer. They waived the option to get a home inspection but just want the well water tested - which we've done before so shouldn't be anything surprising! So, basically our realtor said the only way the deal would fall through is if he lost his job - so I think it was a great choice to take the contract! SO EXCITED!! i'll be sad to sign away the house as it was our first house together with a lot of memories but I do love this new house and will be glad to relieve us of the financial burden of two mortgages!

So...I did a test last night and I thought I saw a tiny glimpse of a line and tried to not get too excited and this morning there is definitely a line. Here we go again!! I'm absolutely shocked!! I'm glad I went and got that bloodwork done a week ago so they could get their negative value in case I decide to get my bloods followed this time. I'm not sure if I will or not. We are not telling anyone right away this time, and I'm allowing myself to do a lot of the things I didn't last time as it seems that what will happen will happen regardless of what you do. So, I still went to workout this morning and I'm going to slowly wean myself off of soda. I'm so excited but pretty nervous too!! My EDD based on ovulation is Oct. 9th!

Kels - I secretly hope you're pregnant too and Alyssa will be shortly after us!

My boss is not being very understanding about everything that's been going on with Oakley lately and wants to have a "chat" with me tomorrow that I'm a bit nervous for! I hope she doesn't upset me (she has a tendency to do that!). Kirk and I have been talking a lot about me staying home for a little while after I graduate, and now that I'm pregnant again, as long as it goes into a successful pregnancy, I think I will still home until we're settled into a good routine with the new baby and then I will start the job search. We'll see though! It's been way too much lately with Oakley always sick, my insane commute and Kirk not being able to take off to help. Everything will work out! I know it!
Oh my gosh Lindsay!!! I am soooooo SUPER excited for you!!! :yipee: You're right though whatever is going to happen will no matter what you do so I wouldn't change your routine too much. This pregnancy for me when I did the least, do figure. I think sometimes we just try too hard Nd it doesn't change the outcome anyway. Yeah for the contract on the house!!

Here's my pic from my u/s Thursday.


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Thanks - yea I'm really excited! Now I just have to remember to take my prenatal vitamins! I've been bad about it lately, maybe that's why I keep getting so many colds, ugh!

I love your 3D scan of your little one!! Oakley would never gets his hands away from his face for us! And my SIL scanned me so many times and he still didn't give us a good shot! haha!
Omg Linds-congrats!! In One ear out the other with your boss-she's not worth the stress! (Easy for me to say, I get upset so easy and can't just shake it). This pregnancy will be it, I know it :) did you have a suspicion you were? Regarding tubes-EVERYBODY I talked to said they wished they hadn't put it off-so do what you feel. Only hang up seems to be insurance approving it. Maybe it's different by you, but here they warned me almost all insurances were rejecting the procedure the first couple times the dr. Submitted it. I think we would have heard by Friday if insurance rejected it, so hopefully we're in the clear.
Jess, what a lil beauty xoxo
Rach, all your symptoms are soo good and absolutely normal!! Are you thinking boy/girl?! We only get ultrasounds at 12 and 20 weeks unless we get the downs testing at 16 weeks-which we didn't. My dr knew how worried I was and brought a portable scanner with her to my appts so I could peek on the baby. Wasn't a real clear picture, but got to see the baby move and the hb and then I felt better. Maybe see if yours would do something like that? Oh and regarding announcing it-read my post about why women shouldn't have to be afraid of announcing they're pregnant. I love the article-although not sure id be brave enough to announce it early. But if you want to-do it! If something would happen you'd want the support from as many people as possible so why keep it secret? I hated that hardly anybody knew about my miscarriage cuz then I had to constantly listen to people question me when we were going to final have a baby.
Sam Khloe would take a couple steps here and there but about 2 weeks before she really started motoring.
Pretty sure I'm not preg-temp went down today...so I must have OV'd when ff predicted and not when I thought.
Hi, everyone,

Lindsay- congratulations! That's really exciting. Also exciting about the house.

Rach- sounds like you're nervous, but just try to relax and enjoy.

Jess- so exciting you got to see your little one... It's hard to believe you have two months left, you must be ready to pop, but enjoy it!

Sam, how are you doing?

Hi, Mar and Kelsey.

AFM, I'm on CD 61. I'm just going to wait it out, though I feel positively sick about it. At least if I don't O by the time I see the doc Feb 14th, I can take the provera and immediately start a medicated cycle. Two more of my friends announced their pregnancies this week so I'm feeling pretty miserable. One of my friends had a loss last month and got pregnant again already... I am obviously glad for her, but so jealous that she has even had the chance.

The sellers of the house fixed the septic, we are doing the regular home inspection on Wednesday and should know after that if we can move forward. If that goes well we should be in the clear because we had no trouble with a mortgage last time.

Peanut seems to be responding really well to this antibiotic. Fingers crossed she continues to do well.

Thanks for all of your support. I will continue to check in, and please know I'm so happy for all of you.
Linds - WOW!! Huge congratulations!!! Do we get to see a pic of the tests, I love seeing those lines? Its a good thing to carry on as normal, what will be will be. I hope the meeting isn't too bad and that you are able to stand up for you and Oakley (I don't mean that in a bad way but I know some bosses have a way of belittling their staff) You are so near the end now and in the end its your family and what you want to do that's important. Wonderful news about the house, sounds like it will all be sorted very quickly too!

Rach - as Linds said feel reassured they will have checked for any ectopic worries when they did the US. Everything you are feeling is totally normal with parl and we'll be here for you throughout it all. Sorry I missed the post about weight. It was quite easy for me to slip into bad habits as the nausea/ms with B was so bad it was only crap like lucozade (not sure you have that over there) and sweeties that seemed to help. I wish I had been more careful with my food choices but in the end I did what got me through the early stages. So maybe think about what you are eating but don't feel too bad if you go awol once in a while.

Alyssa - I am sorry there doesn't seem to be a natural end to this cycle. Heres hoping thoiugh the next one if medicated and monitored brings you your bfp. It is so hard hearing about friends pregnancy announcements, it always seems like it happens all at once to everyone you know after a mc. I know I felt very angry to pg work people and some that became pg after my mc's. :hugs: Glad they house situation seems to be working out, hopefully this will be the start (along with your furbaby getting better) to a great year with a bfp.

Kels - thats only a little dip!! If you ov'd earlier then it would be a great LP that you have. Hope the insurance company accepts the Drs recommendation first time, Seems a bit stupid they would reject the advice of the Dr.

Jess - the scan pic is just wonderful. I did see it on FB and will say again she is just beautiful. Have you any word on the furniture arrival?

afm - BIG NEWS!! I think we have a tooth coming through finally!! We took him swimming today and when he was playing he was looking up at the fountains (I was sat in the water) and I could see this tiny bit of tooth on his top gum! Even OH saw when I pointed it out. Trust B not to follow the 'usual' pattern. I have been looking so much for the bottom ones I never thought it would be the top ones first. He has been waking at night, can't say more than before, but waking with a little scream/cry rather than through coughing/poor breathing. I feel really bad now as I was getting a little frustrated thinking he as just waking for the sake of it as he was used to waking frequently through the cough/cold etc. I have been trying to get a picture but he is less than cooperative lol!
Yay, for B getting a tooth!!! How exciting!! :)

Alyssa - sounds like things are turning around for you. Great news they fixed the septic and finger crossed for your home inspection on Wednesday! So glad to hear your furbaby is coming along and hopefully AF will show just far enough from your apt that they can do an exam and whatever they need to do but they can still give you the clomid for this cycle! Can't wait to hear about your apt, and what they say!

AFM - I'm already nervous - pregnancy test this morning is about the same as yesterday. I'll try to not get too worried for a couple days as I'm using cheapie tests and I noticed even on Rachael's from a couple weeks ago that her cheapie one was a lot lighter than the FRER, so maybe I should go get some regular tests or MAYBE I should just chill out and lay off the tests for a while. Not sure I have the willpower to do that though :p
wow I have so much catching up to do but I have little time.

Jess wow absolutely precious! does it feel more and more real?

Alyssa we're always thinking of you. im sorry about everything you're going through. I know it's hard to see it right now, but it's going to get better.

Sam yay to B cutting teeth!!! has he been fussy lately? that could be why

Kels boo to no pregnancy.

Lindsay congrats girl!! real happy for ya! youll be about a month behind me :) as far as testing... get ya a frer or answer test. the cheapies seriously don't havr that much ink so thats why it doesn't get dark. use frer tmrw morn and then save the other for a few days laternto see progression. and screw your boss! staying home sounds much better lol
Thanks, yea, I'm probably just being paranoid. I am kind of bummed - I JUST caught Oakley's cold so I only got one day of good cold meds in before I got the + test, ha that was one of the reasons I took a test so early! Well that and I'm a testing addict!! :) My boobs are freaking KILLING me - so I'll hold onto that for hope now :p
hurray for October babies!! Congrats Linds.
So far 2014 is a GOOD one. Keep'm coming ladies!!!!!!
Ok - here are the latest tests. From top to bottom - Sunday, Monday, and Today. You can probably see why I was nervous yesterday but looking better today. I didn't get a chance to go out to get any FRERs yesterday. I'll try to get some today but I'm feeling a bit better that today's is a good bit darker than yesterday.

My cold is in full swing. I went out and got some ZICAM but after googling, I don't think I will be taking it - womp womp :dohh: I must say though - breath right strips are my new favorite thing for nighttime!!! I slept so much better last night and it even seemed to help with my cough!


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yay Lindsay! it's getting darker!!

did any of you spot a little when you'd have a bowel movement? last night I struggled just a little and then saw a tiny bit of pink. I haven't saw it since.
Good line and progression Linds!! Glad you slept better, what are those nose strips? I might have to get some.

Rach - I did this pg till about 8 weeks.
they say pink is fine and it's only red that the docs want to know about ASAP :) That's your little one burrowing in and all the extra bloodflow going to your cervix!!

Thanks - yea, I'll take another test tomorrow and then maybe I'll try to lessen how many I take from there :p we'll see!

They're called Breathe Right Strips - no medication, just a sticker thing with plastic that helps to open up your nasal passages.
www.breatheright.com - AMAZING!
Test pic for you guys. I think it's darker - it's hard to tell since yesterdays is dried up and that is a darker color. I think I'll remove all doubt and finally go get some FRERs today and then do the other one in a day or two and then I should have a decent idea how it's going, right??

I woke up hot last night and then freezing cold too - more cold than hot. It made me think I had a fever but I don't think I did. I didn't have chills or anything, I was just really cold (it is like in the single digits at night around here lately at night). I even pulled the dogs blanket up off the floor to put on me - haha Kirk was a little disturbed this morning - I don't know why, I'm prone to doing really weird things in my sleep!! haha. I woke up with a ton of anxiety this morning like I was having nightmares all night but don't remember them. *sigh*


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Yes it's darker! Definitely get those frer to ease your mind! I wonder if you're catching what I had LOL like we hang out everyday. :haha: Hope you feel better.

I guess my dream I had almost 2 months ago was true. There was three people who were supposed to get pregnant but I was told I'd be the first. Second is my SISTER! And noe Lindsay. I'm happy for my sister but at thr same time I feel cheated. It's okay though. I had a dream 2 weeksago she told me she was ppregnant. I cried in my sleep. Sure enough she is. Since I've been pregnant I've become psychic. LOL
How come you feel cheated your sister is pregnant?? That's funny that you dreamed there would be 3 pregnancies! Crazy!
Oh, and I think the cold is starting to be a bit better today - don't seem to have as much mucus as yesterday - I did wake up in a coughing fit last night but hopefully I'm on the upswing now!
I hope you are getting better!! well I feel cheated with my sister bcz I feel like this is my time finally and when she tells ppl she is PG I feel like I will be cheated from everything. I guess I sound selfish but it's like really? out of all times... oh well at least we can relate to our pregnancies and be there for each other.
Oh, I think in the end you'll love that your sister is pregnant with you. It really helps to have someone to relate to and then also have another baby close in age!

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