1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Rach - there isn;t much you can take just paracetamol. I was DESPERATE last week and was almost begging the pharmacist for something even though I knew I couldn't take much. Hope it passes quickly as being ill and not taking anything for it sucks big time.

Linds - lol thought you might have tested! I keep forgetting you have your FF chart in your sig. Poor O, I really hope this will be the last time he get ear infections, poor little man. I hope he gets seen by the ENT bloke, I got B's eye seen as least its the perk of the job/work!

afm - no bump as I have so much more flab now than I did with B that you can't tell and probably won't for a good while. I know they say you sometimes show sooner but I won't be able to comapre. Becasue of that I haven't taken any bump shots as I feel so fat and theres nothing to see anyway.
Rach - how you feeling, hun??

Sam - don't worry about the extra flab - we all have it post-baby! I keep telling myself I won't gain so much weight next time! I gained almost 50lbs, last time! I've been fortunate and I'm back to pre-preggo weight but my body is most definitely not the same as it used to be. I appreciate my body so much more after pregnancy though, it was tougher to get the weight off than I expected! I bet you look great and I hope you'll show us a bump pic soon!! :)

AFM - Mr. O is OK, I guess. He slept in our bed last night because he couldn't tear himself away from me or Kirk. Plus, I could just tell he was in so much pain that I didn't want him far away. He seems a bit better this morning. Still really clingy but not randomly crying all the time. He's on a stronger antibiotic this time but the ENT doctor I know at work said he could see him around lunchtime today - yay! I'll let you guys know what he says - hoping he'll go ahead and do tubes but he'll probably want to wait until further through the cold season. :/
Aww YAY to B for taking more steps! Such a big boy!! :cloud9: Don't worry about the flab. After this baby you'll be able to get it into gear and lose however much you want. It all takes time and you'll get there! Just enjoy the pregnancy until then :) <3

Lindsay i'm glad you can get little O in to get his ears looked at. It's so great you know dr's here and there that can help you out :) I bet it's awful to see your baby in pain and not being able to do much to help them out.. :( I hope he starts feeling better soon.

AFM i had Andrew go get Tylenol last night. I took 2 and about 45 mins later my fever broke and i almost felt instantly better. This morning my ears are so plugged, but my chest feels better as far as phlegm. I put vicks vapor rub on my chest and throat which seemed to help break up the phlegm. I seriously thought i was going to die last night lol. So weird to feel so bad and know there's not much you can do! I only took the 2 tylenol. I don't want to take anymore than i have to. I already feel guilty for taking the 2. I hope i continue to feel better. Something weird is after the US yesterday it seemed like i felt a little bit more symptoms. I felt a little more nauseous and felt A LOT of stretching under my belly button and lower back. I had lost my entire appetite. I've been eating nonstop lately, but yesterday i felt yucky. Idk if it was baby related or just feeling like crap? Maybe i had the flu? Idk! Just thought it was weird.
I bet you felt nauseous from whatever bug you had. Hopefully you've kicked it and you'll be back to your normal self before you know it! Are you going to do a NT scan for downs?
HAPPY 7 WEEKS RACHAEL!!! What a beautiful beautiful ultrasound, I'm thinking.....girl for you! What are you guys thinking?!?! What about names!?!? Doesn't the u/s just make it so much more real!?!?!? Sorry you're not feeling well, it's the worst because you can't take anything except stupid Tylenol...feel better soon hun! Less than 2 months now till the big day!! Does your family all know about baby T yet?!
Alyssa sorry you have so much stress going on right now! I can't believe how long they make you wait before they medically intervene! That has to be torture!! :( Yes, the girls are right. Clomid got me my Khloe, and it took 4 rounds, but thank God for it! Hope your kitty gets better, and prayers to your dad, how scary!
Jess---what a beautiful bump!! You are just a gorgeous preggo girl---how are you feeling? Are they thinking they'll let you go until your due date or do they give you the option to be induced sooner? So excited for you both...
Lindsay---you poor momma and poor Oakley---croup and an ear infection!?!? :( :( How is he feeling now---did you get his ears re-looked at? I'll look at your chart after I get done posting--how are you feeling about the cycle?
AFM---tubes for Khloe this coming Thursday. Sooo nervous but can't wait for it. Monday we took her in for her SIXTH ear in fection since October. Dr. said she had wall to wall fluid---so no wonder she keeps getting infections, the fluid isn't draining so just keeps getting infected. she started walking about a week ago, and she is really kicking her own a@@---so many bumps and bruises! I'm so trying to not be a helicopter mom, but it's torture how often she hurts herself! Other than that, my chart is scaring me a little this month...I think I actually O'd more like CD 15....and my temp was high today (for me)---hasn't been that high since my last pregnancy. I'm sure I'm just overreacting....
Omg, I totally didn't see this whole last page when I was posting for some reason!
Oh Sam you silly girl, you are GORGEOUS, and look at that baby flab with pride---it's our war wounds :) I call my stretch marks, my "Khloe marks".
Lindsay isn't it weird, I'm also pre baby weight but still nothing fits me the same. I STILL haven't had the time or patience to find jeans that fit properly---and the ones I have are all a little too snug. WHAT DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT OAKLEY?!
Rach, I remember the pulling by my belly button! And actually at some point it started feeling like I had done a ton of sit ups (which ha, me do sit ups?) and my stomach was sore. And if I rolled over and or got up suddenly, sometimes I'd have STABBING/SHOOTING pains in my stomach. Scared me, but it was normal.
Rach- glad you feel a bit better, Tylenol is safe to take but know what you mean about not wanting to take more then needed. Like Kels says seeing beanie on screen just makes it all the more real so maybe you are noticing the symptoms more.

Kels - oh no poor Khloe another ear infection, so glad they will be able to sort this out for her with tubes and she'll be pain free. I can imagine it will be so scary for you during the op but knowing it is the best for her will be some comfort till you get her back in your arms. B is just starting to take a few steps, how quickly did Khloe get hgoing once she did those first few. B has had lots of bumps and bruises already so kind of expecting more with the walking but its still not easy.

Had a look at your chart - did you bd around the time FF says you ov'd? Well we only bd'd once that whole month(!) not realising that ov was due.

Linds - What did the ENT doc say?

Hi Jess, Alyssa and Mar.

afm - I put on a lot of weight which I haven;t lost. I ahve mentioned it before but I have been overweight most of my adult life and lost a lot s few years ago. I started the pg with B a size 8-10 (is that 6-8 in US?) and am now 14-16 so although I am not down about my flab as such, and I hope to be much better after this baby is born and lose it again it just means bump pics don't mean the same this time as before.
Sam i won't lie, i am very nervous about the weight gain for myself. Being 315 lbs at one point and coming down to 210 is obviously a huge difference. I am already at 216 bcz the last 10 days i've ate so much. The last 2 days i haven't been as hungry which i hope stays. I don't want to get up past 225 during the whole pregnancy. That's my goal. I need to maintain myself for another 2 months to fit into my wedding dress. They're putting a corset back into it in case i do get a little bigger which makes me feel better. Weight sucks. I hate it so much. I wish we could eat whatever we wanted and never gain a lb.

Kelsey awww thanks so much for all the info! I really hope everything goes smoothly for Khloe. I know she will be much better off that way. Wow 6 infections since Oct? Poor baby girl!! That is so great she is walking though. I know how much running around that means for you though LOL. As far as possible new baby... how exciting would that be since you aren't using any fertility meds and would've all happened on its own. What is meant to be will always find a way! No matter what. Let us know how everything goes with Khloe and your cycle. <3

Lindsay the dr hasn't said anything to me about the testing yet, but i certainly will do it. How do they do it? Did you do it?
girls idk what to do! I want to so badly make an official fb post about the baby but at the same time im like... should I wait? im just so excited. its so hard!!
Rach seeing the hb is great and lessens the odds of anything going wrong. It up to you how you feel if God forbid something wasn't right announcing it. Don't want to put a dampener as I am positive this is your rainbow baby but maybe something to think about. How about waiting till after your next scan? I truly understand why you want to tell the world, I just couldn't do it till I knew things were 'safe'but that's me. Do the important people in your life know now?
andrew hasn't told anyone in his family yet. he's waiting to tell his dad in person. I told my parents and sister and a few friends. im not sure when my next scan is. andrew was talking to the US tech when I was getting undressed and she told him my next scan wouldn't be until 20 weeks pregnant when they can see the gender. I have no clue if that will be true since ive had miscarriages and she just didnt know. but I sure hope I dont have to wait that long. I will go crazy! you'd think they'd want to make sure everything is progressing right.
That sounds like an insanely long time. I thought they did NT scans (I know jess got the materni21 test though) and if they do that has to be done around the 12 week mark like we do here. I would have thought you would get at least one more scan after your mc even if its for reassurance. If they are hesitant about it I would really play that angle. Is there no 'standard' practice or do all insurance companies do thing differently - I have no idea how it works over there.
Hi girls! Sorry I've been away for a couple days, trying to catch up!

Rach - what a great u/s pic!!! Sorry you haven't been feeling well but glad the pregnancy is going well!!! Regarding a FB posting, I would wait a little longer for just a big announcement, and just keeping it between family and close friends. It's so hard if something happens after you've made the announcement. They should do your next scan at at least 12 weeks but based on your history (and your own sanity) I would ask to have one about 9/10 weeks. Are you on your work insurance now?

Lindsay - how is Oakley feeling today? Poor little guy! I would not hold of on TTC, just let whatever happens happen. I usually get preggo easily and it always seemed to take me a cycle or two. I think you've given your body a good rest.

Sam - how are you feeling this pregnancy? Since you aren't showing yet will you try to keep it from your work longer or do they know? I would not worry about the weight, there will be time for that later! Just embrace that you can eat anything you want for now!!!

Alyssa - sending you a massive hug girl! You have been through so much! Sorry to hear about your Dad and your kitty! I can understand you needing a break but hang in there. We are here for any and all venting and I really think it helps to get it out!

Kelsey - 6 ear infections for little Khloe!!?? I hope the tubes do the trick for her. Oh and I am secretly hoping you are preggo this cycle! How exciting if Khloe had a little brother or sister so close in age!!!

Mel - if your stalking, it's getting close for you!! We need an update!

AFM - had my growth scan Thursday. Everything seems to be looking good with the baby. She was 3lb 14oz which was in the 50-60 percentile. They we a bit concerned about my amniotic fluid as they said it was a bit high. More fluid could cause the baby to grow at a faster rate and result in a bigger baby. They are having me redo to glucose tolerance test, the 3 Hour one, to be sure that I did not develop gestational diabetes late and that is causing the extra fluid. We'll see what happens. If that comes back normal that could just mean big baby so I wonder if they will let me go to term. I am going back for another growth scan at about 35 weeks.
Wow Jess! Your baby isn't such a peanut anymore! I hope all goes well with the glucose test and she's just a big baby. How have you been feeling? Has your crib set been shipped out yet?

As far as my US tech goes... I wonder if she didn't know about my history of miscarriage. She seemed shocked when I told her this was my first ultrasound. Maybe my dr will have more info on that in Feb. I'm really feeling good about everything. I guess I'm gonna wait it out a little longer to announce. I know what you girls are saying about if something were to happen. Feels like I should already be 10 weeks lol. Man I slept AWFUL last night. I am so tired but my mouth was SO dry and numb that I couldn't swallow or sleep. I'd drink water and wake up 15 mins later and my mouth was bone dry. I think it's bcz of my nose being stuffy and having to breathe out of my mouth. Was just awful.. ugh.
I only had 2 US my entire pregnancy. One at 7.5 weeks and one at 20. it was intensely stressful!
Thanks Mar. Glad to know i may not be alone. I hope they do more than just 2. That would suck.

I'm feeling a lot in ovaries again today. Always worries me bcz you hear so many ppl having ectopic pregnancy. I pray to God i am clear of that. How the heck can you calm yourself through pregnancy? lol.
I can feel like flickering in my uterus, but a painful flicker. Not severe pain, but just uncomfortable and weird.... is it stretching? Almost feels like pressure like i have to pee or poo.. but ik i don't and it's a little painful.
Rach - since they have already seen the baby in your uterus, I'm sure they checked your ovaries and would have noticed an ectopic, so you don't need to stress about that one! I felt like I was going to get af any minute in the early stages of pregnancy and I had the same thing Kelsey was training about with the soreness in my belly and sharp pain later on. My ob does a scan at 8, 20 and 32 and for women with previous miscarriages they do one at 6.5 weeks. The 12 week scan was at a high risk scan place that looks for signs of downs. They should talk to you about that at your next appt. How far along will you be then?

I don't have much time right now but we got a contract on our house!

I talked to the ent doc and he said he's willing to do tubes on o now even though he hasn't technically reached all the criteria yet based on how bad his ears are right now. We might wait and see if he has one more and then do it. Hes been so miserable this time that we're tempted to go ahead with it anyway.
Thanks Lindsay. I was thinking that's what she was doing when she did the vaginal ultrasound. It hurt when she was turning it around my ovaries hurt. Now I feel much better with knowing that's what she did. Always feels great to vent to you girls. I know I'll have plenty more questions lol. Also I think if Oakley is in that much pain I would go ahead with it now. That's up to you and Kirk but that's what I'd do. Any sign on a positive test yet?!?
Rach - I had dryness in my mouth too I the beginning and all of those twinges are probably just stretching that your hyper sensitive to due to your losses. When you go to your next appt just tell the doctor your super stressed and if he could do some extra checks for reassurance that would be great. I always tell them at my appointments about my losses, they seem more sensitive after that and do a better job. Also be sure to ask plenty of questions at your appointments and ultrasounds. I hate when u/s techs don't say anything so I always ask a lot of questions about what stuff is on the screen.

Lindsay - yeah for getting a contract on your house!!! :yipee: I bet you guys are ecstatic! Hope everything goes smoothly! Glad the doc has agreed to do the tubes on Oakley. Why do doctors want to wait so long to do them? I'd there a negative of doing them?

Alyssa - how are things going with you and the new house purchase?

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