1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

I feel silly even writing this when Jessie's going through what she's going through, but doc called and said my Progesterone was only 10.45. She wasn't even going to give me the number and just said the number looked fine and that WHEN (then after she said when she changed it to IF) AF shows to call and they're going to up my Clomid. I just wish they were straight up and said the number was pretty low (I think they want it closer to 20---but I get conflicting numbers). Same with my miscarriage when the HB was low they were like oh no it's completely normal and everything is fine and I'm the one that insisted on a follow up ultrasound which showed the heart stopped.
Ugg, so I was really hoping that since I was already ovulating my numbers would be great on Clomid and be just the boost I needed. Now I know that I must BARELY of been ovulating before the clomid. At least now I don't have to be impatient to test this weekend. Ugg..

That website says that doctor's look for a progesterone level of greater than 10 for a natural cycle and greater than 15 on a medicated cycle, but that's at 7DPO. So, it sounds like you're close! I have no idea what mine was at that point. Maybe you just need a little more of a boost. But hopefully it won't matter and you will be pregnant this cycle! Can they give you progesterone suppositories? it sounds like from what I read on the internet that anything over 10 indicates ovulation..So there's an egg out there!
Sorry babyandbump is bugging out on me and it double posted but I do have something to add!

I think doctor's should be straight forward with you no matter how good/bad the news is!! When I had my missed miscarriage, the first doctor that saw the enlarged yolk sac/slow-to-no HB/small measuring fetal pole - was totally straight forward with me and told me I might start bleeding at any point but to come back in for another scan just to be sure and more bloodwork la de dah. But then, the next visit there was a HB (weak) and the yolk sac had shrunk but the baby hadn't grown at all - I had a different doctor that saw me and gave us so much hope when my SIL was nice enough to be straight forward with us and say in her experience it wasn't going to go anywhere.

I really think doctors shouldn't give false hope, I understand they don't want to stress us out anymore than is necessary but the let down later is so much worse. But then again, I guess if it were some fluke thing then I would've wanted them to give me some sort of hope, but I don't know...I hear ya!
Kelsey :hugs: Im not sure about this so will do some research for you now. However it stands to logical reason that if they are upping your dose they think you need it?? They should be more honest I agree, I hate being kept in the dark about things, I'd rather know and face it! I'll see I can find some Useful links x x x but don't worry if they up your dose that might do the trick. You could also go for a mid cycle scan too to see the size of the follicle? X x x here's a useful discussion about it Hun https://forums.fertilitycommunity.c...your-progesterone-levels-after-ovulating.html. There are soooo many clomid success stories out there, it might must take a while to get the dose right. Also there's a useful thread... https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-...id-please-join-ask-questions-get-answers.html. All about clomid and the triplet lady is on there too! X x x
Thanks for the links girls! I was really disappointed at first, but now I'm just ready for AF and ready to try with a higher dose (I'd be worried sick if I did get PG this cycle because with such a crappy OV I think I'd have a repeat of my last pregnancy). The more I think about it I guess I'm glad that we found this out because hopefully Clomid is all that's needed and we'll be good to go. Just nervous because they only give me 3 rounds and then I have to go off because it thins the uterine lining so much. So, bring on round 2.
Mel missed you much girl. Glad you came back to us! I so hope for a great scan on friday for you!
whoa whoa whoa! I haven't read in a day and all this bad news appears. Mel and Jessie, my heart goes out to you. I've only been through it once. I couldn't imagine going through it multiple times. I pray that you girls will have a fast recovery and be able to TTC very soon. You girls are doing amazing. Being so strong!! You've got this. xoxoxoxo

Ugh, i think today is just a bad day for news. My dog whom is like my child had to be taken to the vet today. She has a blind eye due to cataracts and i noticed the last 3 days it's been really red and swollen. The vet told me she had glaucoma in her eye and i have 1 of 2 choices. 1.) she will need a shot in her eye once every month for the rest of her life. It would be $40 a shot. He said her eye may still even need to eventually come out with doing that. or 2.) i would have to get her eye removed. It's going to cost me $350ish. I'll do anything for my little Sadie!! She is my child. I love her so very much and just want to cry at the thought of seeing her with a sewn eye. :( the vet said glaucoma is very painful. So, either tmrw or friday we're taking her for surgery.... :'( they gave me inflammatory pills and pain medicine for her until then.

To top it off i got AF. I got super painful cramps. Makes me just wanna sleep all damn day!!!

Kels, you haven't lost me as a TTC partner! As much as i say i'll be NTNP, i hope you know i will be paying more attention then them people ;) i'll be somewhat TTC and NTNP if that makes sense!!! I won't be using CBFM this month. I'm not sure what progesterone levels and all that are suppose to be! I hope everything turns out perfect and you get your BFP for February!!

Lindsay, how are you and that precious baby?!? You still having morning sickness? Have you been thinking of any names yet?! :)
Oh noo Rachael!! :hugs: Poor lil Sadie! How old is she? I'm such an animal lover so that just makes me sad. She'll bounce back like nothing happened though :) If only we could explain to them what's going on....
Oh AF, damnit! I actually am hoping for it now that I know this cycle is kind of a dud. Want to move on to the next one. I'm doing lil cartwheels over here that I still have you as my TTC partner. :happydance: And I understand the NTNP/TTC approach. I wish I could do that, but I think I'm too much of a control freak.
DH turns the big 3-0 next month, and I'd LOVE to be able to give him a BFP for his birthday.
Hey Mel its great to see u back but im sorry about the situation your in i hope you have some positive news on friday.
Jessie im thinkim of you all day too im sorry you r going through this and i hope you dont have to have the D&c. I hope you are able to get plenty of rest its lovely that u have such a wonderful partner, where would we b wih out them hey.
Rach sorry af got you i really thought it was your month with all those highs. I understand u totally wanting to stop obsessing over it. I wish i could lol. And im sorry about you dog I will be think of you guys having to take her for surgery but it will be the best thing for her. I have a horse that is blind in one eye after she hit it on a fence and they really do work out how to addapt to it. Give her lots of cuddles and one from me too.
Kels im sorry to hear about your clomid dramas but it sounds like there getting ontop of what will be best for you, I know what u mean with wanting af to come since they r telling you this month u were not on the right amount of clomid and thinkig something may not be right because of that.
As for me I preety sure today is OV day we have bd for the last 3 days and i plan on keeping on doind it. Its getting a bit crazy really. I dont want to keep doing this every month. But i kknow i will till i see those 2 lines. We got a new horse yesterday so were going riding when oh gets home from work. I havent been riding since before i was preg with maddy so should be interesting lol Im gonna be buggered after riding this afternoon then home to bd LOL.
Thank you girls!! I appreciate it so much. I know she's going to adapt to it. I just hate to see it. i wish i could give her my eye. And Kels i totally agree, it's so hard because you can't tell them what's going on. My poor punky. She's asleep right now. I think the pain medicine has got her zonked

Kels i hope you just get a BFP! I hope the higher dosage of clomid is going to do the trick. What exactly was going on for them to put you on it? Reason why i say that is because i'm wondering if i need it. I didn't ovulate last month according to CBFM and it's always all over the place.

Eliza, i appreciate the kind words! I'm sorry about your horse. It's so sad! I hope you and OH get a sticky bean after all that BDing. I pray for you!!!
Jessie - I hope everything went OK yesterday and you're doing alright!!

Kels - Your hormones seem to be on the right track so yay for going forward and giving them a little extra nudge next cycle!

Eliza - a new horse? that's so exciting! I've always wanted my own horse but land is so expensive here I'm not sure I'll ever get there. Although DH does want 10 acres one day - we're only at 0.25 right now! Ha!

Rach - so sorry about your dog!! My dog is my baby too! I love him to pieces and would do anything for him!!

Mel - I have my fingers crossed for you tomorrow!

AFM - morning sickness seems to be fading but (TMI) digestive issues are taking it's place - UGH! Ohwell, haha. DH is very weird about my "south end" of the digestive tract so it's very difficult to not be able to talk to him about it. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, can't wait to have someone to discuss it with. It doesn't seem to be the normal pregnancy issues people have that I read about. I'll figure it out haha.
Aww Lindsay I think you'll get all sorts of icky symptoms but it will be worth it in the end!! Hope you get some relief though! X x x
St marys called me today. They want to do all the tests on me again from scratch. So I won't be able to ttc till march, but quite glad of a break anyway. I just want to have the all clear from st marys, the best recurrent mc clinic in the uk, before I try again then at least I can be confident it is bad luck if it happens again!
Hey girls,
So I did end up having to have the D&C yesterday. :( I couldn't believe it after the huge chunks of tissue I passed Tuesday night!!!! (Sorry TMI) When I went in for my scan Wednesday morning they said that there was still quite a bit of tissue in there that needed to be removed to prevent infection and the implantion spot should be scrapped. I am feeling better today and ready to start a healthier me for 2012!! BTW I am chalking up the MC to 2011 since I started bleeding on the 31at, I am hoping that 2012 will be a better year for me and for us all!!!

Kelsey - I had a very low Progesterone level too... like a 10 something after I was pregnant that's why I was put on the Progesterone. I still hope you get your BFP this month!!!

Mel - good luck with your scan on Friday and if you can't start TTC until March, I will be right there with you, I don't think I will be able to start trying again until then too. I hope it's just us because the rest of you girls BETTER have your BFP's by then!!!!!

Rach - I am so sorry about your dog. I just went through a year of daily treatments with my cat and I know it's so hard, they are our children!!!

Eliza - That is awesome about your new horse, you should post a pic! (That reminds me I promised you girls a cruise pic, I need to get that posted). I really hope you get your BFP this month so don't go bouncing around too much!!!

Lindsay - sorry about your "south-end" problems. We are hear to help you with those if you need to discuss. TMI does not really apply with all that we've been through. Hoping it clears up quickly for you. I had some this month too but I think I just had a stomach bug for a few days.
Hope you recover quickly Jessie, I was thinking about you yesterday :hugs: we will get there!! Yes we will be ttc in march so hoping for a bfp in April!! We can be ttc buddies x x x
Aww Jessie sorry they still had to do the D&C. How are you feeling after? Hopefully not too much cramping/pain. Are they testing everything? Sorry for all the questions, just concerned. :hugs: And yes, def. keep this loss in 2011, 2012 is a whole new year for you and all of us.
Mel glad they're doing all the testing with you. It's great to be at such a wonderful facility because then you know you can trust in them. You have your follow up scan tomorrow right? You still might get amazing news and not need to worry about doing all the testing though!!
Eliza Hoping you O'd! Bring on the 2WW---maybe you'll be the first BFP of 2012 for us. FX'd!! Every month after our long BD'ing schedule I pray it's the last. It's so exhausting isn't it??
Lindsay If you're speaking of having diarrhea I thought that was fairly common in pregnancy? Geez, I don't know which would be worse--north or south end problems!! At least if it's north end you can puke in a bucket if need be, south end not so much. Did I just give you all a bad image?? :haha: I'm not sure if anybody knows what IBS is but it's an intestinal/bowel issue and I get pretty bad flair ups. I hope when I'm pregnant it doesn't irritate it even more. Like Jessie said, there's nothing TMI for this group hun! :)
Rachael, they let me try just because of how long we've been TTC. No testing or anything. My doc said even though I'm ovulating every month, it's possible it's not good quality. Looks like she was right, although I suspected that already because my LP is on the shorter end, since my MC I've spotted the last day or 2 of my LP and my temps are usually on the lower end. Sssoo...Anywho, Rach hope everything goes ok with Sadie today. Does she have to stay overnight at the vet or can you take her home right away?

Today my temp went up a bit and I'm really headachy (I'm 10DPO)?! I get weird temps though so it could be anything. But for once I'm hoping I'm not PG because I'd be so worried the outcome! I'm anxious for AF to come so we can go on to the next cycle.
Mel - I will definitely be your buddy!!! :hugs:

OMGosh Kelsey - I almost peed my pants reading your post to Lindsay
(and with what I have going on down there I don't need that!!! LOL) :haha:

Today I felt fine when I got up but as the day is progressing I feel tired and I think the meds are making me feel a little loopy. :sleep: (I'm at work today so that's probably not good). Yes they said they will be testing everything. Hopefully we did a good job of collecting what we could the first night and they got the rest yesterday. I definitely had already passed the sac when I got to my U/S appt yesterday morning. Not too much cramping today and the bleeding is light so that's good. They gave me some pain meds too but I am hoping not to have to take them.

Kelsey - I have IBS and get bad flair ups too. Its awful isn't it!!!?? WE might have to discuss this sometime. I'm not sure if it gets worse when you get pregnant because I can't seem to stay pregnant very long but the problem with IBS when your pregnant is that you can't take the meds so when you do start having the pain etc you just have to suffer through it because there's nothing you can take. :(
And don't worry about the outcome this month, I am sure you will be fine and I am hoping for a BFP from you to cheer me up (I'm being selfish I know, but DH says you can when you're not feeling well :))
BTW did you watch the Bachelor Monday... those girls are NUTS, I think it's going to be a interesting season!!!
Jessie are you sure you should be at work!! I'm worried about you! :hugs: :hugs:

My cramping has started after having none at all ever! It feels weird as I finally feel like something is going on down there! Jessie, here are our positives, we get pregnant quickly, most women who mc repeatedly get their baby, see this link and join if you like, we will get there!! PMA https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-after-loss/822106-pal-after-recurrent-losses-come-join-us.html. X x x
Mel, what is PAL? Pregnant after loss? Sorry. I think a little break from TTC would be good to let your body heal. I know it sucks but at the same time it's going to help you. I had my loss in August and here it is January and i'm already ready for a damn break! It's really frusterating. Baby making should be fun but it definitely isn't once you've lost babies. We are definitely here for you hunny!!!!! xoxoxoxo

Jessie, i've never had a D&C but i'm glad they got all the tissue, etc out. So that way you have no extra worrying. I'm so sorry for your loss. I like your outlook on it being 2011. My dogs eye started on the 31st as well. So i'm blaming all that on 2011 as well. 2012 IS INDEED going to be THE YEAR for all good things!!! You're going to make it hunny. you're going to make it out with a beautiful healthy baby! ALL OF US ARE!!

Kels, jersey shore comes on tonight!! LOL. i'm so excited! Thanks for the advice about clomid. I think i'm going to maybe look into it sometime. I don't have insurance nor a doctor so it's going to be tricky. Sadie's appt is scheduled for tmrw at 8am. We won't be able to pick her up until 8pm that night unless something about doesn't go right then she will have to spend the night. I hope she doesn't have to because i will be SO worried about her. I have to work tmrw so OH is going to have to drop her off :( Her eye looks alot better today than it has been. I think the medicine is helping her.

Lindsay, what kind of problems? You must be opposite of plugged up. You must have the runs? Is it like discolored or something? Trust me, you can talk about any pooping problems because i imagine i've had it or heard of it! Is your butt burning because of the rhea? I hate that. Use some vasaline, just don't double dip your fingers ;) hope i made you smile!

Oh stupid AF is a pain in my vajingle. So weird because this is how my cycles have been since my MC on August 1st:

August 1 - spotting from MC started.
August 3 - heavy bleeding from MC.
Sept 5th - 1st period.
Sept 10 - last day of 1st period.
Oct 6 - 1st day of 2nd period.
Oct 8 - last day of 2nd period.
Nov 7 - 1st day of 3rd period.
Nov 10 - last day of 3rd period.
Dec 6 - first day of 4th period.
Dec 9/10 - last day of 4th period.
Jan 4 - 1st day of 5th period.

This month would make it the earliest it's came. So weird. I believe i went till CD29. Idk what my LP was because i never ovulated. Any ideas what i should do or consider?
omg girls I'm trying to read this on my lunch and you all have my laughing my A** off! People around me are like huh!? Rachael, you're just too much. "just don't dip it"?!?! lol!!!
Jessie I can't believe you are at work today!! I wish I lived in FL and I'd be driving there and picking your hinder up and driving you right back home! You need time to heal emotionally and physically! You are officially one of the strongest people I've ever met...Oh boy, do I have stories on the IBS. I've had 2 colonscopies already, wait...3 and I'm only 28! They keep testing me thinking I have Crohn's Disease, but then it comes back negative. Ugg...just beautiful isn't it.
Mel I hope the cramping is a belly growing and making room for your baby to grow. Hope it doesn't get uncomfortable for you.
And and Jessie, the Bachelor. Whoa, there are some real treats on this season! Should be very interesting. There's something I really don't like about Mr. Ben, but the girls are a hoot so I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season.
And yes Rachael, JERSEY SHORE B****!!!!! I'm disappointed that Snookie weighs like 5 lbs now----it was nice to have a reality show where the girls were a normal size!
Biggest Loser also started this week so my DVR is going to be smoking with all my tv show taping I'll be doing.:dohh:

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