1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

thanks girls!

KELS, yes the guy who went home last night was the brother of the guy whom lives in my hometown. The guy who went home lived in CA and his bro lives in Auburn NY (where im from). So my hometown guy is still on there! woohoo!
Girls - have any of you read this thread:
Hey Girls!

Sorry I've been a bit MIA - I was helping someone with an experiment two days ago from 7AM to 8PM! ugh! So, needless to say, I was pooped yesterday!!

Rach - We don't have a preference and haven't thought of names. Last time I was pregnant we wouldn't even start thinking about it until we got to the second trimester as I was always afraid of miscarrying (should've been a sign, I guess!). We still haven't started thinking about it as we are just now starting to feel comfortable with this pregnancy and I think we're going to wait until we know the sex.

As for how my boss reacted to my news - she's just funny like that. I think sometimes she doesn't know how to react to something and says what's on her mind, but it usually comes out really awkward and you're thinking to yourself "should I be offended by that?" I've had multiple experiences with her like that, as have other people in my lab. She's way past childbearing years - has one biological child and adopted twins. They're grown and around my age lol. Having kids during my Ph.D. program has been kind of frowned upon - especially by women. I know that now that a lot of people know at work that I'm the talk of the lab but I knew that going into this. And it's my life, not theirs, right?! haha I'm rambling....

Eliza - hold out on the testing - although I can't talk, I started 8DPO last time lol I got my first positive at 11DPO.

Kels - Do you think you'll have symptoms from clomid on the higher dose? did the doctor say anything about that??

Mel - How you doin???

Yesterday I embraced that I am showing. I think I was kind of embarassed by it at first because I was trying to keep the pregnancy a secret and I started thinking that everyone knew anyway haha but it's what I've been wishing for, so what am I embarassed about?! It makes it feel more real. I think I was embarassed because I have two friends with two kids and both of them took FOREVER to start showing and they're so skinny and little and yea, haha I shouldn't compare myself to other people!! I guess that's the nature of being a girl.

This is turning into a long post - I hope you girls are having a good day!!
I just got done with the first trimester screening and the doc says that everything looks perfect! I have to go back every 2 weeks to have my cervix checked though since I had a LEEP procedure done but maybe they'll let me see the baby every time :)
Jessie that link was very interesting to read! I found the progesterone part especially interesting because I've asked my Dr. to put me on prog. JUST IN CASE and she said no because it can prolong a non-viable pregnancy. I questioned it but I guess it is true!
Lindsay is everybody generally really young (which if they're as far as a Phd I can't imagine they're REALLY young) in your program?! Or how can they expect everybody to wait until after the program to start a family? Maybe you'll start the trend and others will now realize they don't need to wait. I think it's so fricken exciting that you're already showing. I just can't wait for the dayyy!!!! :) :) :) Ooohh and GLAD you're appt went great today! What is a LEEP procedure?
So far no symptoms from the clomid---just took the 2nd dose. I shouldn't say "none" because I get a weird headache about an hour later, but it's not bad and it doesn't stick around. My pill bottle lists the side effects, but by most of them it'll say like 6.8% have this symptom or that symptom, so to me 6% isn't a lot but yet on these boards it seems like everybody on clomid has symptoms! I never get to actually speak to my DR. just always her nurse and I don't like her much and feel like she has no clue about most things.
Rachael did you start feeding your monitor sticks yet?
I'll be gone this weekend shopping with my sisters and I'm very excited. Can't wait to sit in the hot tub and drink some wine. Then I'll come back and next week will start the bd'ing schedule. So, I hope to come back to a BFP from you ELIZA!!!
Morning girls, I survived my day in hospital. It's all on the front page of my journal for anyone who is interested. Hope everyone is ok! I will read back through soon, Kelsey the hot tub sounds fab!!!! I really really hope the clomid works for you this cycle x x x
Lindsay - that is such great news!!! I too am so happy you're showing. I think once you have the "secret" out its really great to embrace it!!! :)

Kelsey - when I started on the progesterone my doctor mentioned that risk too (of prolonging a pregnancy). I was hesitant about taking it but since my levels were low, I decided it go with it. Not sure on what it prolongs because I still ended up bleeding and having a MC on it. I didn't notice any difference between this pregnancy and my others, including the MC due to the progesterone. Did you read the part about the Clomid? The hot tubbing sounds fun!! I haven't been able to take a "bath" yet (just showers). Which I love to do. They told me not to with the MC because it could cause an infection so I def think a hod tub would be out for me :(

Mel - so glad everything went OK with your hospital visit. I haven't read your journal yet but how are you feeling with your MC?

Eliza, Rach - how are you girls doing?

As for me, we will be heading out on the boat this evening and spending the long weekend - days (MLK day on Monday) at a Marina at a state park. Its going to be a little cold, but am very excited. (Ok probably not cold for what some of you girls are experiencing, but for my Florida blood, LOL). I am bringing my bottle of champagne since I did not get to celebrate New Years really between not being able to drink and worrying because I started spotting that day. So it will be New Years Eve for this weekend. Those of you that can drink should have one this weekend too!!! :wine:
Aww that sounds lovely Jessie!! You really deserve to treat yourself, have a great time!!! X x x
Jess I just re-read it and I don't know how I missed the part about the Clomid helping the progesterone!!!!! That is good, I wonder if it continually boosts a person's progesterone, or I think it only helps it only around ovulation time?!?! Have you talked to your Dr. about Clomid yet? You'll have to let me know he/she says, I'm very curious. I def. think I'd do the same as you, and try the progesterone if it was offered, just in case it would help sustain the pregnancy. I think that article said you'd have to start taking the prog. supplements right after OV for it to be effective, does that sound right?
and good for you for having a weekend away----I also have a long weekend which is why I'm going away this weekend. Ok, break it to me, what is the temp by you that you consider "cold"! lol I meant to take a picture of the snow here and post it, but I don't think i'll get a chance before I leave.
Oh, and shame on me, I will be having wine this weekend with the sisters! Won't drink too much though because I don't want it to affect my temps or clomid. I also didn't really celebrate on new years because I was like 10 dpo so I didnt' want to chance it.
Mel if I get the internet this weekend I'll look at your journal, all this time I didn't even realize that link was there! (unless you just added it)
Kelsey - I have not asked my doctor yet about the Clomid but I will (I am curious about it) and let you know. I have follow-up appt next week on Wednesday with my regular OB. I will also ask the specialist about it too when I meet with him in about a month or so.

I didn't start taking the Progesterone until I was about 6 weeks or so. Maybe that was late but by the time they prescribed it, and then I was having issues with my insurance it got delayed. I am not sure if that would have been a problem for me or not. I am sure next time I will be taking it sooner since they have seen that my Progesterone levels (after BFP) were running low.

Okay, don't laugh at me but here are the temps for this weekend:

Saturday: High 59 F, Low 38 F
Sunday: High 65 F, Low 45 F
Jess i'd take them temps over 25 degrees anyday! LOL> Hope you have tons of fun! you deserve a little break.

kels how have you been girlfriend? i turned CBFM on today and it didn't ask for a stick yet. It is one day off though. i'm CD9 and it's reading CD8. I can't change it. So, oh well!

Call me a biotch but my friend keeps posting stuff about her being pregnant and how she can't wait for the baby to come. She can't wait for her baby and her friends baby to play together (they're both due around the same time). It hurts because i was suppose to be due 2-3 weeks before her! I look at the calendar and i just can't believe in 2 months i'd be due. Like, it doesn't even seem real. Where has the last almost 6 months went? I'm just shocked. I thought i'd be pregnant by now. I know we all think the same thing. It just hit me real hard for some reason. I'm not going to cry or anything but i'm just so hurt. WHY hasn't it happened for us? Like, i just want to know what it feels like to even have a baby inside of me AND in person. I'm still TTC#1. I know i'm still young - 23, going to be 24 in June. I just know this is something OH and i have wanted for a LONG time. We've been together going on 9 years in August. I know stuff just doesn't get 'handed' to you, but i also can't just 'earn' having a baby. It's not something you're suppose to earn. Obviously it doesn't matter what kind of person you are, God will give you a baby. There's the parent abusers, killers, etc. out there. UGH makes me sick! I know there's a purpose and all that, but wtf is it? it may not even have anything to do with us. may just be something God needed to do for his own purpose. I really dont know. there's no point in trying to figure it out either. i just would hate to be 35 and still ttc#1. only good thing that came from all of this, is i know i can get pregnant. i was beginning to wonder, but shit changes when you get older. just wish i could see into the future just to find out if and when i'll have my baby. it's fun to TTC. it's fun to do the BD, but it gets tiring. i'm at my breaking point but i know i have to keep going. it's been SO rough. sorry for the rambling...
Rachel - its good you've started early. I am 38 and still TTC #1. Look at all the issues I am having!!! You know what though, I do believe we will all get our happy endings and when we do I think we will only appreciate it so much more after all that we've been through!!! Hang in there!!! :hugs:
Jessie that link was very interesting to read! I found the progesterone part especially interesting because I've asked my Dr. to put me on prog. JUST IN CASE and she said no because it can prolong a non-viable pregnancy. I questioned it but I guess it is true!
Lindsay is everybody generally really young (which if they're as far as a Phd I can't imagine they're REALLY young) in your program?! Or how can they expect everybody to wait until after the program to start a family? Maybe you'll start the trend and others will now realize they don't need to wait. I think it's so fricken exciting that you're already showing. I just can't wait for the dayyy!!!! :) :) :) Ooohh and GLAD you're appt went great today! What is a LEEP procedure?
So far no symptoms from the clomid---just took the 2nd dose. I shouldn't say "none" because I get a weird headache about an hour later, but it's not bad and it doesn't stick around. My pill bottle lists the side effects, but by most of them it'll say like 6.8% have this symptom or that symptom, so to me 6% isn't a lot but yet on these boards it seems like everybody on clomid has symptoms! I never get to actually speak to my DR. just always her nurse and I don't like her much and feel like she has no clue about most things.
Rachael did you start feeding your monitor sticks yet?
I'll be gone this weekend shopping with my sisters and I'm very excited. Can't wait to sit in the hot tub and drink some wine. Then I'll come back and next week will start the bd'ing schedule. So, I hope to come back to a BFP from you ELIZA!!!

A LEEP procedure is when they take a small part of your cervix out because of severe cervical dysplasia :( I caught a bad strain of HPV and it just wouldn't go away. So, they went in and took out the affected area. They said it was a VERY small area they had to take out but it gives a risk of having an incompetent cervix. My doctor that performed the procedure said I'd have a very small risk of that but that I should be closely monitored for atleast my first child. So, now they're going to scan me every 2 weeks until I'm 28 week or something like that.
Hey girls I need to catch up on what everyone has said. When I come on babyand bump yesterday I got a virus on my pc. And then I'm at my mums now and just started up babyand bump again and the same virus come up. So I closed it quick enough and saved mums pc. But now I can't use mine so I'll b doing all my updates on my phone makes it so much harder. Just thought u should all know there is something sus with this site. I'm sure it's fine if your virus protection is up to date I guess mine wasn't.
Thanks Eliza x
Ohh Lindsay I don't want to scare you but I think you should ask about bed rest for the second tri just to be on the safe side?? I would get a few opinions. I know that cervical incompetence or risk of it in the uk = bed rest. Def get a second opinion Hun x x x
Yea, I'll be getting scanned every two weeks and I'm not supposed to exercise. They don't order bed rest until they know your cervix is incompetent and that's why they're scanning me all the time to make sure it's Ok. Plus, my old doctor said that because the area was so small he was very confident it would be fine. I dunno...it's scary but I'm trying to have faith in the doctors.

Oh and I think someone asked me at some point if the B6 helped and it definitely did nothing lol.
Oh, and they said they will be concerned if my cervix falls below 2cm and I'm at 4cm right now, so they say it looks very promising so far. So much stuff to think about during pregnancy!!
Lindsay well it's good that they're going to be scanning you every 2 wks. I'd feel so much more 'safe' that way. I know though, that you're going to be FINE this pregnancy! You have a healthy little bean in there! xoxo

Eliza wow that sucks about the virus!! I hate them damn things. I wonder why your comp has a virus with this site and mine doesn't? VERY weird. I know what you mean about doing it from your phone. I just got internet almost a month ago. Doing it from my phone sucked!

Jessie thank you for the kind words. I really do appreciate it. It helps me so much! How are you feeling?

Kels how is clomid going? What CD are you on?

Mel how are you doing sweety? Feeling any better? Are you bleeding?

AFM, i turned on cbfm again and didn't ask for a stick. Thank God because last month it just used all mine basically. Well, i got to head into work. I really hate that damn place. Just today and tmrw and i'm off again.
Alright girls got my kindle hooked up to wi-fi at the hotel, but its hard to type on this thing!
Hope everybody is doing good-Eliza I was hoping to come on and see a BFP from you! Although you might only be around cd10?
Jessie Id kill for those temps you lucky girl! Its in the teens here.
Lindsay glad they're monitoring you closely and since they said it was such a small affected area I wouldn't worry.
Rachael the rant you had I have in my head everytime I see an abuse story or something similar! Like Jessie said we have to believe it will be us someday. I just struggle with worry sometimes when I let myself think of the what its.
AFM-doing some more shopping today, even though I spent WAY too much yesterday! I'm CD9 today and it asked for a stick (Rachael my monitor is always a cycle day behind so my monitor is only Cd 8-I was hoping it wld wait until tomorrow to ask for a stick but whatever). Got a low reading as expected. My temps are very high for me at this time and that must be from the clomid-so that's good means its doing something!
Mel hope you're hanging in there! xoxo.

Sorry if I'm missing stuff but on this thing I can't read people's entries while I write my post!

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