1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi girls!!

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!!

Eliza - I have my FX'd for you!! Hope to see your BFP any day now!! :) Sorry about the virus! I haven't had any trouble but I'm on a mac, don't seem to have many viruses out there for macs - well I haven't had any!

Mel - how you doing??? you home resting and taking it easy??

Jess - I hope you have a lovely weekend on the boat!! Sounds SO nice! I think you like the alternate life that my husband and I would if we could haha. He BEGS me to get a boat all the time but we're about 2hrs from the ocean and it's REALLY cold for half the year so I tell him it can wait!

Kelsey - That's good your temps are acting differently!! Are you going in to get bloodwork done after you ovulate to see how well the egg did again?

Rach - How you doin, hun? Any news on that other job you applied for??

AFM - I've been getting this pain in my belly every time I cough and I finally found it in my book today that it's my ligaments and everything stretching so they're basically just sore and when I contract them to cough, it hurts. Kinda freaked me out! I've been feeling better lately, I've found the more tired I am when I eat, the more likely I am to get sick, but I've only vomited twice in the last week, so I'm making progress from 2-3 times a day! haha. As for the scans, I'm very relieved they're following me closer but it is such a scary thing to think about!! I'm just going to try to take it easy and I'll ask more questions at my next visit (Jan 27th). Stupid HPV makin me worry!!
Yes I go on the 30th to see what my progesterone is this time. Seems like FOREVER away.
Lindsay glad the pains are just stretching pains! That sucks you're still throwing up? How about your stomach problems-has that eased up at all?
Where's everybody else? What a quiet Monday! Eliza are you busy celebrating a Bfp?! Rachael any highs on your monitor yet? Still low here of course.
That's good they'll be testing again - FX'd!

Yea I still throw up but not nearly as often as I used to!! Bathroom issues have gone the other way now, so I think I like that better lol. Both kinda suck but this one is easier to deal with!

Hope everyone has a great week!
Lindsay, i wanna see some baby bump pics in the near future! So happy for you. I can't believe how far you are already. I know it prob seems like forever to you.

Kelsey, cbfm hasn't asked for a stick yet. I think i made it all wacky last month. I'm CD13. I hope i don't miss O. OH and i covered our bases yesterday and DTD 3 times LOL. I am wore out. My vagina needs a couple days rest. How have you been doing?! Any symptoms or side effects of clomid? Have you O'd yet?! When are you suppose to?

Not real sure where everyone is on this thread anymore :( seems like we all get real busy and honestly sometimes i get so caught up in another thread that i just forget to check any other ones all together LOL. oops. my bad! My little Sadie is doing so good. She gets her stitches out on Friday. Can't wait to take that cone off her head. Her face stinks like butthole. I try using clorox disinfect wipes on her cone. Doesn't help the smell up under her mug. She's gonna need a bath!

I hope you all are doing wonderful. Miss you girlies. Wish one day we all could meet, but all either be pregnant or have our rainbow babies there with us!
What the heck!? I thought I read the latest day it asks for a stick is the 9th? Guess not...It asked for a stick from me again on CD8, and today I'm CD 11 and got my first high reading. I hope I OV earlier this month, but probably not. I got a high last month of CD11 but didn't O until 18! Glad you have your bases covered!! WOWSERS!!! We haven't done a 3 a dayer for probably 8 years!!! lol
I had some side effects, slight headache after taking the pills and I've had restless sleep and I wake up sweating. Actually the night sweats were the worst last night which is weird because I was done with clomid for 2 days already!
and yes Lindsay I want some bump pics too! Can't wait!!
Sssoooo glad Sadie is doing good---so she's adjusting just fine? Does the cone bother her? i'm sure even for her it will feel so good to get the cone off and get a bath :)
Morning girls! Kelsey those side effects are really common :hugs:
Glad sadie is doing well, bless her!
Arm just waiting waiting waiting for that negative preg test then I'll be waiting waiting waiting for the pos one!!!
Hey girls! Sorry I've been MIA for a bit, we've been having some drama with friends that is eating up all my time! I'll explain tonight :) xoxo

Hope everyone is doing great! Any news from Eliza??
Haven't heard anything from Eliza and I'm dying!
Oh Lindsay, you have me curious about your friend drama! How are you feeling today?
I forget, was Jessie taking a long vacay on the boat? I thought she was coming back Monday, but maybe not. She's been MIA.
Mel can you start TTC as soon as you get the BFN? Is somebody already starting the new testing on you, or not yet? At least for your sake you seem to get PG pretty quickly, so hopefully you won't be waiting too long for that sticky BFP!
I'm getting so damn frustrated because on the 6th cycle is when I got my last BFP (and that seemed like forever), and this time I'm going on my 8th cycle! Ugg...Gives me waayyy too much time to start doubting myself/DH and our ability to conceive. Hopefully DH's fertility vitamins he's been taking (second month taking them) help us out. I don't normally believe in that stuff, but I'm willing to try ANYTHING. Those damn vitamins are close to $50 a month, so I hope they work! Who woulda thunk TTC would be soooo expensive.
Hi girls :wave:
Sorry I have been MIA as well! We spent 3 days on our boat and then craziness at work.

Sounds like everyone is well! Ready for you girls to start posting your testing results!! :bfp::bfp::bfp:
I have my follow-up doctors appt this afternoon so hopefully they have been able to look over my previous testing at the very least and I will also ask about the Clomid.

DH and I just booked a trip to Europe for mid-May. I am so excited, but nervous.... We are flying into Barcelona for 5 days (I was actually born in Spain so I am excited to go back) then taking a 12 day Mediterannean cruise. The timing on that cruise ship that sank off the coast of Italy was a bit of a shock but I am selfishly hoping it helps cruise prices go down. The real problem is that I am a little worried about being prego when I go. I'm sure I won't get the green light to start trying for a least another month and then if I do get pregno I am so scared to be away from home for so long aroung the 8-10 week mark when I usually miscarry. This is ridiculous to have to think this way, but I guess its my reality so I will need to do some calculations when we start trying to either be past that point or before while I am on the trip. :cry:
OMG JESSIE!!!! HOW EXCITING, I'M SO JEALOUS!!! Sounds like an amazing vaca, and how exciting you'll be visiting where you were born!! You don't have a hard time getting pregnant, right? So at least you'll be able to plan a little bit how far along you are when you're on vaca. Maybe it will be good to be gone when you're at that milestone because then you'll be preoccupied. (It'd be pretty cool if you were born in spain and your baby is conceived in Spain!!) Gosh, I'm going to miss you being gone that long!!!!
I can't wait to hear how your appt today went. Let me know when you get time.
Wow, still in amazement of your vacation. You have such an exciting life! :)
Hi girls,
Well I am back from my appt and it was pretty much pointless. it was basically just a check-in to see how I was doing. They didn't have any tissue results back yet and really weren't able to answer my list of questions until they see what caused the miscarriage. The doctor I saw today actually said something about waiting 6 months before trying again... I was like WHAT??? I can't wait 6 months. I am going to be 39 in April, we need to get this going!!!!

Yes I am very excited about the trip. We have never done anything like this before. We cruise a lot out of Florida to the Caribbean just because its so convenient and inexpensive for us living right here, but we've never done anything like this. I figured if we do get our baby at some point, I might as well do this now while we still can.

Kelsey - I had problems getting prego the first year but now that I seem to have the timing down better I seem to be able to get pregnant about the 2nd month after we really start tracking and trying. I guess I'll see what the test results come back with before I decide when I will try again.
I asked my doctor about the Clomid but she said that is something that would not help in my situation. I am going to ask the specialist too when I see him. If I can produce 2 eggs I wonder if that will increase my odds of 1 sticking. BTW - I just noticed that we joined B&B in the same month!!!
What a quinky dink, how did we wait so long to find each other? :)
I'd be curious what the FS says about Clomid. If anything, it can't hurt, right? So how long do they think until they get the result of your tissue? God, 6 months seems like FOREVER, especially when TTC #1.
And you're exactly right, do your traveling now before baby comes! I'd like to plan a vaca, but I feel like I can never plan ahead because I won't know "if" I'll be PG.
Hey girls! How is everyone doing? I'm doing the same. CBFM didn't want a stick again, boo. I do have weird pains today. It's definately in my ovary area on my left side. Almost feels like trapped gas or something. I felt it once on the right. My left boob is hurting too. So i HOPE to GOD i am getting ready to O. I hope cbfm wants a stick in the morning. I'll be CD16 tmrw.

Kels, i hope the spermie pills help. I was looking into them on a website and they're like $55 for a month supply of men and womens. I was thinking about getting them but i honestly don't have the funds. Wahh! I also don't wanna try and fix something that isn't broken. I just don't want it to screw me or him up. Do you think it would? Idk.. i may give in and get some.

When i took a shower today, i shoved my fingers up my cooka and it seriously looked like a snotty mess. I'm pretty sure it was OH's sperm but i'm not sure. It was gross though! We dtd 2 days ago. A big glob like that would still be up in there??!

Reminiscing back to when i got pregnant makes me realize how long ago it was. It's so damn crazy, isn't it? Kels you said this was your 8th cycle correct? This will be my 6th. When i lost my baby i googled about MC's and how ppl said you're oh so fertile and blahblahblah after one. PFFFT! Yeah maybe for some people. Definitely not me. It sucks. I thought for sure i would get pregnant ASAP. I don't know why. I just 'felt' it. I really feel like i jinx'd myself to have a MC and now i wish i could go back and do it over. I know there was a reason for it and it was i guess.. 'meant to be'. It's hard to accept that. I know all you girls understand. I feel helpless i guess.

Ooo, i just got a real bad sharp pain in my lower abdomen. Under my belly button. PLEASE let it be O lol.
Hi girls!!

OK, so you wanna hear my drama?? Twice a year or so for about a year and a half almost two years now I plan a winetour with all our friends/young family members. I rent a big shuttle and we go to two vineyards and come back to our place eat a bunch of food and just have a great time. Well, after my mc, I needed something to distract myself and wine is like my favorite thing, so what better way to surround myself my friends and family to remind us that everything is going to be OK than to plan another winetour! So, it's a huge success, had about 30 people and everything was great until we got home. Our friend decided it was a good time to break up with her fiance. So, she pulls DH aside (along with a bunch of other people throughout the night) and bashes her fiance and tells everyone how horrible he is and she's leaving him. Gives him back the ring etc etc. They have two kids and she tells DH and I that she considered aborting him early on because she knew she wanted out of the relationship. SHE TOLD DH AND I WEEKS after we had a MISCARRIAGE she thought about ABORTING her son!!! really?! This was supposed to be my healing time. So, DH gets fired up and has never really liked her fiance and goes off on him (supporting the girl) and tells them they don't deserve to be parents. The next day they go out and put a contract in on a house together. Well, turns out they're still mad about that one comment DH made and didn't invite us to the girls birthday thing this past weekend. Thing is, is the winetour was in October and we've all hung out since then, we thought we were all moving past what happened. We're in a very tight knit group of friends so if two of the couples have tension, the whole group has tension, so it's just been this huge drama. I'm hoping it's over but I have no idea lol. Teach us for trying to support a girl in "need". We offered up our house to her and her kids to get away from this "horrible guy" when she turns around and goes back to him that night. It was insane. I just want to forget it ever happened.

So, anyway, that's that! I'm feeling better for the most part. I think I'm always going to be a picky pregnant eater and have some rounds of uneasiness. Although, it seems when I get stressed I get nauseous and all this friend drama hasn't helped and I think I'll be stressed until the baby is in my arms lol.

Rach - what if you give it a stick when it doesn't want one? Maybe it's just screwed up from last month?

Kels - your chart looks like O is right around the corner!!

Jessie - I'm so jealous of your lifestyle!! I want to go on vacation so badly but I don't see it happening until the baby is born and that means no Europe for us!! lol

Eliza - you're killin me!!

Have a great Thursday, ladies!! :)
jeeze! sounds like this girl is DRAMA! i hate people. there's always SOMEONE who ruins a good day. Whether it's on a holiday, get together, birthday party, etc. Someone has to be in a shitty mood. That's ******** they're still upset with your H. Like, that biatch even said she didn't want her son. I can't believe that. How can you go around saying that??! Imagine how hurt her son would be to be old enough to hear that and understand. That shit tramatizes kids. I say F it. It's their fault. They're the idiots! Gotta love that she ruined that evening and went RIGHT back to him. What a dumbass!

My cbfm didn't ask for a stick, but i did one anyways. I did it to look at it like an opk. Looks just like all the rest from last month. Yikes. Was hoping everything i been feeling was O but unfortunately the monitor disagrees. The first month using it i got a peak. WTF! I'm thinking about reprogramming the f'n thing.
Rachael that is so messed up it hasn't asked for a stick yet---I thought I read that the latest it will ask for a stick is CD9?! I could be wrong though, I've been trying to google it, but I can't find anything specific but after work I'll look more. I did read though that if it gets messed up it's best to re-program it to the factory setting. So when you POAS today, did it show you as low status?
If you last bd'd 2 days ago, I'd think that the "glob" is your cm. I read that you can tell if it's sperm or your CM by stretching it between 2 fingers. If it breaks apart right away, then it's probably sperm, but if you can string it out (I hope you know what I'm trying to describe) then it's EWCM. I'd just keep getting busy! :sex: What CD are you?
As for the vitamins, I didn't buy any for myself. I just wanted to stay on my prenatals and clomid, so I only bought the vitamins for him. And yes, VERY expensive because just his vitamins are $55 and in the beginning it tells you to take up to 4 a day so it only lasts you for 2 weeks! I'm willing to try ANYTHING though. I KNOW that his sperm isn't the greatest so that's why I bought them, your DH might have amazing sperm and then you'd just be spending the money for nothing. Has he gotten a S/A yet? I don't think you would have to worry about it yet, but maybe in a couple months if you're not pregnant yet (but you will be so it won't matter) then I'd get him checked out. I HOPE THAT YOUR SHARP PAINS YOU'RE HAVING IS OV!!! You're lucky you get some indication, my body does not tell me AT ALL when I'm ovulating. Doesn't feel different AT ALL. I was hoping with clomid I'd feel something, last month I didn't, this month with the higher dose I hope I do.
Omg Lindsay, what a crappy situation! I def. went through something similar, I had a really good friend and her boyfriend was a total jerk and everybody thought so but we accepted him because of her. Then she broke up with him and told us all the crap he pulled and how she didnt' love him and we all spilled our guts telling her what we've always thought of him and then they got back together 2 weeks later and engaged like 2 months later and now they're married. While they were broken up and fighting she told him what we all said and now he hates us and none of us really talk anymore because it's awkward. I hope it all works out for you guys in the long run....And I think that wine tour sounds amazing! How awesome you coordinate something like that! Damn, I wish we all lived close because I think we'd all have a lot of fricken fun together. And I would have taken care of that couple at your party too. :haha:
I'm only CD13 today, and I didn't get a peak on my monitor so that for sure means I won't OV today or tomorrow. Plus, my cervix isn't soft yet, so I'd say I'm about 3-5 days away from OV. SEEMS LIKE FOREVER!
Yea it really is a crappy situation but I'm sure it will pass! Too much drama! I swear they just want to stress us out as soon as we're happy and turn the attention back to them but that's my bitchy side coming out haha

Rachael I would reset your thingy! That sounds so annoying!

I suck at checking my cervix. Haha I swear its in a different random spot every time I check and never seems to feel the way it should. I started checking it again recently and its still all over the place. DH even tried to show me how to check it cuz he thought I was doing it wrong and that he could tell the differences in it during my cycle before but I think he was just trying to get frisky with me lol. Lately it seems super high and i have a hard time reaching it.
Drama!!! My dad always said never take sides with couples you'll live to regret it, think he's right!
Kelsey, I hope you get your high really soon!!
Jessie, there is absolutely no reason why you should wait??!! :saywhat:
I have just had a blood clotting result back which is abnormal, taken after my third mc, but I have to repeat the test in 4 weeks to get a def diagnosis. Then if it's abnormal again I'll be diagnosed with antiphospholipid syndrome which means Ill need blood thinning injections and aspirin next time.
Kels, you're such a doll. Love your kind words all the time! I appreciate you looking that up for me. I think i may reset it back to factory settings. It still didn't ask for a stick! I peed on one anyways just to look at the line. The 2nd line isn't even there.. UGH! Just really don't understand. It gets so frusterating. Wahhh!!! Yes, spermie pills are very expensive! If it helps, it would be SO worth it. You got that and clomid. Something has got to happen! I usually never ever get O pains. I don't even know if what i feel is O. Obviously not according to the cbfm stick. It's just on and off alot today. It's aggravating!

Mel, i'm not happy that you may have antiphospholipid syndrome BUT it's nice to know what the hell has been wrong. Answers are always nice to have. It sucks so bad to have to wait 4 weeks. Good luck dear.

ELIZA where ARE YOU?!?!?!

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