1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

YYYEESSS!!!!!! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance: Anybody have any big weekend plans? It's currently 1 degree here (yes ONE :growlmad:) but with the wind it's a feel like temp of -16 and today we're supposed to get 4 more inches of snow. Sooo I think I'll just be staying in my warm house watching movies and obsessing about my hopefully soon ovulation. lol
Lindsay, I never understood the whole cervix thing, and I still don't really but after 14 months of TTC, I realized now that right before I O, my cervis is flat feeling, very open and very soft. I just realized that actually in the last month.
Rachael, I looked in my CBFM booklet last night that came with the machine, and it said it will ask for a stick on days 6-9. Maybe call that hotline again and see what they say? That's shitty that you missed out on using it this month! But, maybe that will be just the month you get your BFP :)!!!!
Mel I was thinking you took aspirin this month, did you? It sucks to get diagnosed with something, but if it's something that can be treated then hallelujah!!!! I watch Real Housewives of New Jersey (I know, another reality show, I'm terrible) and the lady on there had I think 2 or 3 miscarriages, and then finally got pregnant and she said if she would have known all it took was a simple aspirin to keep her pregnancies! So the aspirin worked for her!
My temp went up today, which usually means tomorrow it drops really low and I ovulate, but I didn't get a peak on my monitor today so who knows...I need to stop reading into my temps so much and just trust my monitor.
Oh my goodness! 1 degree!! It's just barely freezing here but we're expecting some snow/ice tonight - not much though. I'm excited, I hope it'll atleast cover everything so it will look pretty out tomorrow and I can snuggle on the couch and do nothing! I'm SO tired but we're supposed to go out to dinner with my parents tonight, and I gotta eat, so I'm working up the energy as I type...lol
Hi girls! Happy Friday!
Lindsay - Wow your wine tour sounds amazing! I'm nopt a big wine drinker but I think the trip and getting such a big group together sounds like a blast!!! Sorry you are dealing with that mess of drama.. Its ridiculous that you were trying to help her and now you are the bad ones. I have had a similar situation too and it always seems like the people work it out, so I've learned to just stay out of everyone else's mess.

Kelsey - the OB doctor said she called the day of my appt to request my results of the tissue and thought they would have them in a few days but last time it seem to me like it took at least a month, so I dunno. I will just wait for the phone call I guess. Is your DH Ok with taking all those pills? Mine would do it but probably not be happy about it.
Hope you are getting a lot of BD in this weekend!! :sex: I would go by your temps for O. BTW, you have mentioned checking your cervix a few times. You might have to explain this on here one time because I have always read about checking this in connection with other fertility indicators, but I have actually never tried it and won't even know what to look for. Lindsay - I think DH is just trying to get frisky with you too!!! LOL

Rachel - still no stick!!?? I would call the help desk again. If it is calibrated now you wouldn't want to re-program and start over if you don't have to. Strange!!!

Mel - I can't remember but were you taking baby aspirin on this last pregnancy? What was the test called that they did for that? I wonder if I have had it.

Eliza better be out celebrating and not posting in other threads!!!

As for me no plans for this weekend. DH and I are going to sit home and do some research for our trip and watch some movies. Has anyone seen Dolphin Tale? That was filmed right here where I live and we boat right near where that dolphin was found.
Oh, and I still have to take my Christmas tree down. :( I have the decorations off etc but I ordered a storage bag for it and it FINALLY arrived today!! Ugh!!!
SO WEIRD, this morning i turned it on and i didn't even pay any attention to what CD it said and it NEVER asked for a stick. Just turned it on and its asking for one... WTF?!
Jessie--Yes DH is ok with taking the pills. I think at this point he'd pretty much do anything....he was ready for a baby probably way before I was, so by the time I finally decided I was ready and now that it's taken this long, he's desperate. :( He's just a really great guy (like all of yours I'm sure) and he's such a trooper with all of this.
As for my cervix, I don't really know a whole lot about it, but what I've noticed, is when I'm not fertile, it's hard and the tip I can feel there's a "hole" there but it's very small. I've realized when I get close to ovulation day it gets really soft and "fat" feeling and the small hole I felt before I can now practically stick my finger in. Gosh, this is maybe TMI for people, but I'll be really curious if anybody else knows what I'm talking about. There's this site, https://www.beautifulcervix.com/cervix-photo-galleries/photos-of-cervix/ , it might be a bit much for you guys, but it explains the cervix (probably more than we even want to know) and Rachael it kind of shows the EWCM I was talking about the other day.
That's awesome about the movie---I haven't seen it but I saw the previews when they were on and I think there was something on like a 20/20 show about it that I watched. I'm afraid it'll be too sad for me to watch?!
Rachael---WEIRD!! Do you remember what time is was when you set it this month? Because it says that once you set it, for the rest of that cycle you have to test each day either 3 hours before or 3 hours after you reset it that first day. So when I set mine the first day at 8 am----I have to make sure the rest of that month I either test between 5-8 am or 8-11am. (You're probably thinking duh I know this, but JUST IN CASE). ANNNDDD, what did it say when you tested?!
After i wrote that i realized.................... i set the damn monitor at night last month! DAMNIT! I'm so mad at myself LOL. ughh. I thought the first month you use it, it stays at that testing time every month. I'm an idiot! DURRR Rachael! OMG. I think i ovulated already if i did. Last 3 days i've been feeling twinges. If i count 14 days from yesterday for LP it's right at the time AF comes.
Hey girlies how r u all doing. I need some advice. I'm 15 dpo today keep getting bfn ofcourse. Thismorning I only had a small amount of pee to use cause I had gotten up during the night to pee. The only sign of af so far is the smallest amount of brown spotting on 13 dpo. And nothing since then I'm so confused. Have any of u had a bfp so late. I'm out of tests and I don't want to buy anymore there too expensive here and seeing 1 line everyday is really getting to me.
I'm sorry girls I am still here. Just reading all your posts. I was posting In another section for a bit cause I didn't want to b all like oh I have this symptom and that and gosh this to week wait wait is a bitch when I know what a couple of u have been through so recently. I have missed u all.
And I have checked out that beautiful cervix page OMG I don't know about beautiful but very interesting. I have never checked mine. I'm just wondering how they get those pics.
I hope u girls oing now have better luck than it looks like I'm having this month
That beautiful cervix thing is fascinating!! I see the difference but it still seems like it would be tough to tell with your finger! lol And it seems like it was open a lot longer than I would have thought. Plus, I swear mine is in a different position every time I check it throughout the day. Although, lately I'm having a really hard time finding it because it's so high, I'm hoping that's just something that happens during pregnancy. I don't even know why I've been checking, haha.

Eliza - how long is your LP usually?

Rach - I don't understand what's been going on with your monitor but it sounds like you figured it out, right?? I hope so!! Hopefully you won't even need again for a few years when you want another baby!! :)

I'm trying to figure out what to do for dinner. DH is out with a good friend that just broke up with his fiance - sucks! I made sure to remind him not to say anything that would bite him in the butt if they get back together! I'm thinkin chinese - but there's only one place near here that is msg free and they're just ok (probably because they're msg free - haha!!). DH wants me to order in because it was snowy/icy last night and thinks I'll fall if I go out (I'm a clutz) but I kinda want out of the house even if it's just for a few minutes.
After i wrote that i realized.................... i set the damn monitor at night last month! DAMNIT! I'm so mad at myself LOL. ughh. I thought the first month you use it, it stays at that testing time every month. I'm an idiot! DURRR Rachael! OMG. I think i ovulated already if i did. Last 3 days i've been feeling twinges. If i count 14 days from yesterday for LP it's right at the time AF comes.

Rachael you seriously crack my ass up! I get such a kick out of you---I think you need your own reality show!!! You're fine regardless because you were bd'ing the whole time---I think I'd still do every other day just in case.
OMG ELIZA!!! :hugs: You're back!!! Don't ever feel you can't talk to us about your 2WW symptoms, the excitment of all your cycles helps me get through my own faster! When I got my BFP I had brown/bloody discharge the night before my BFP, and then the next day it was gone. I only got a BFP once, and it was BARELY there at 13DPO. Do you know for sure when you ovulated? Is it possible you ovulated later than normal? Are you having symptoms? I wish I lived next door to you so I could run you over a test for tomorrow morning!!! FX'd----is your LP usually this long? I hope it's a good sign!!
The cervix thing is CERTAINLY NOT BEAUTIFUL!!! LOL I can't really tell the difference in the pictures, and the pictures does not look how it feels in there! In those pictures I think it looks soft and open the whole time?! Lindsay with you being pregnant I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be so high it's almost out of reach. I don't think it will drop again until you're closer to giving birth (what an amazing day that will be). Idk how much it matters, but my DR. said to not even touch it when I'm pregnant. She said "leave your vagina alone". :wacko:
Lindsay if the weather is like that, do not leave the house! Or else go with somebody so you can hold their arm, although a lot of good that will do if the person falls. Idk, just stay in so I don't have to worry about you :) And when is your next scan??
Jessie, did you take baby aspirin last time?
I too lost a child, its been 5m and It still feels like an open wound. I have 2 other children but its never the same once theres been a loss. I had the urge to take a test of hcg so I went to the $ store and I see faint lines that are almost all there. I am not sure, does a a faint line count?
Haha well I did end up going out to get some chinese - I made it home safe and stuffed my face!!

Yea I think I'm going to leave her (my vagina) alone from here on! I have no idea why I was checking it anyway. Oh and those pics def make it look soft and open all the time. I remember feeling it in the cycles before I got pregnant and early in my pregnancy it felt super hard and really pointy. Hers looks so flat and smushy lol. I have no idea!

Eliza - you should always feel comfortable posting here!

I'm wrapped up in a blanket on the couch watching silly tv! Awesome Saturday night! :)
I too lost a child, its been 5m and It still feels like an open wound. I have 2 other children but its never the same once theres been a loss. I had the urge to take a test of hcg so I went to the $ store and I see faint lines that are almost all there. I am not sure, does a a faint line count?

A faint line def. counts---that's how my first BFP started out! DH didn't even believe there was a line! FX'd for you!
OMG had a huge blonde moment earlier. So.. we had a huge ice storm last night. I called into work because i couldn't walk outside without slipping. So i go to un-thaw my car a couple hours ago to get all the ice off. I'm out there trying to get my damn door open. I'm pulling and pulling. Taking the ice scraper and pounding on the door. I'm getting so damn frusterated. I go inside and get luke warm water. Pour it on the door. STILL WOULDN'T OPEN!!!!!! I'm like WTF!!!! Like i been trying to open it for 20 freakin minutes! Just when i'm about to give up it hits me.... i never unlocked my damn car. UGH!!! Swear i have a mind of a pregnant woman 24/7. Would be nice to have a bump to go along with it! LOL.

Jenn859 you most certainly CAN be pregnant with faint lines. in all honesty i'd call that a BFP in my book! Anything that shows a faint second line. Good luck and congrats!!

Lindsay mmm chinese sounds soo good! nomb nomb nomb. Is the morning sickness tappering off now?!

Kels, UGH there's another story to add to the books LOL. idk why the hell everything happens to ME! Oh boy. Guess i should call MTV or something and get my own reality show. CRAZZZZY! Any symptoms for you from Clomid?!?

Eliza i believe i was like 16/17dpo before i got my BFP. Don't give up until AF shows!!
hahaha Rach OMG!! that's so something I would do!!

It's really icy here too, I almost fell on our backporch going to get my chinese - maybe DH was right!! haha oops!! The chinese was delicious and totally worth it!!

Jenn - a faint line is a line!! can you take a pic and post it for us?? Take another tomorrow with your first urine of the day and you'll def have your answer!! My first pregnancy both DH and I thought we were imagining things with how light the line was but a line is def a line! congrats!
Kels - thanks for the cervix link. I am going to check that out for sure! Oh and yes, keep your hands out of there when you get prego!!! LOL :haha:
I didn't think the movies was sad, its actually pretty good, very inspiring. Oh, and yes I was taking baby aspirin this last pregnancy, my doctor says it can't hurt. Not sure if it helped or not though since I still had a MC.

Lindsay - glad you got your chinese safely! :) I would definitely stay in if its slippery out. We can't have you landing on your bump. Your the one here giving us all hope for the happy ending!!!

Eliza - so glad your back, we were ready to send out the thread search teams ("TST")for you. :) I got my BFP this last pregnancy about 2 days after AF was due. When I tested right before AF it was negative so I have everything crossed for you.

Rach - you crack me up too!!! That must have been quite a sight!!! :rofl:

Mel - how are you feeling? Are you still having any bleeding? I finally stopped spotting today! Ugh!

Jenn - FX for you. Please post a pic.
Morning girls!
Jessie I have stopped bleeding just spotting now, but that's frustrating me as I want to :sex: have my libido back lol!! I'm still getting pos tests but only quite faint ones. The hospital is testing this loss for chromosome problems, but I suspect it will come back normal. I had one blood clotting result back from this recurrent miscarriage clinic which was abnormal so I'm trying blood thinning injection PLUS aspirin next time and progesterone. Might do the the steroids too not sure yet. We are going to ttc straight away even before my af, are you?
Rachel can't believe all that snow! It's not snowing here it's quite mild really!
Kelsey how is it going with the clomid, any side effects?
Lindsay you be careful on that ice!!
I'm on a weight loss mission with 1.5 stone to lose. Ive lost 5.5 lbs in 9 days doing the 30 day shred dvd and running everyday. Along with calorie controlled diet. Quite enjoying it really wanna be a bit trimmer before next pregnancy as the weight just keeps piling on especially with the steroids etc. X x x n
Hi Mel!
I know what you mean about :sex: today was the first time DH and I DTD in about 3 months. When I was prego my doctor told us not to do it for the early stages and then of course with the MC and D&C we couldn't do it. We've had to find other things to do instead. LOL

I am not sure when we will start trying again. I am probably fertile now but I at least want to wait until my tissue testing comes back to see if I have to make any changes to meds etc. I am also going on an 18 day trip to Europe at the end of May so I need to do some calcs on dates etc because I want to be on that trip very early pregnant or after 8-10 weeks when I seem to have my problems. I don't want to be spending my vacation getting another D&C over there.

I know what you mean about the weight loss. I every time I get prego everything slows down and I start putting on the pounds. While I'm prego I embrace it but afterwards I'm like gosh, I need to get rid of all that. I have some VERY unflatering pics of me in a bathing suit from this last cruise. :shipw:

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