1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

speaking of weight loss I decided to get back on my elliptical yesterday and I only did 30 minutes at the lowest level of intensity and it was the hardest 30 min of my life!! And afterwards I got the worst migraine and had to go to bed. Ugg....I'm so mad at myself for letting it go for so long....
Mel no side effects from the clomid besides those night sweats which I haven't had now in about a week. Today I did get a peak on my monitor (woohoo!) so tomorrow I should be ovulating and I guess we'll see how that goes. I want to feel SOMETHING but I don't want it to hurt or something. Gotta be careful what I wish for I guess...I just HOPE my temps are better this month, finally.
Eliza, did you test again?
Well girls the biatch showed up today so that's me out again. Meh. I'm sick of thinkin I have every symptom then bfn. I'm going to seriously try not to obsess next month. Seriously. Lol. To make matters worse just found out yesterday my oh' s ex is having her third baby. That's the third one to the third different father. Stupid cow. We have been trying to track her down cause OH has a son with her and she won't let us see him. He's 4 and starting school today. Josh is having a hard time dealing with it. I could just imagine what she is telling her son. She is prob saying your dad is dead or something. She is such a bad mum too always leaving the kids with family so she can party oh and I believe she is a stripper too. She stopped us seeing him I think because he would put on a big turn when she come to pick him up and not want to go home with her. Stupid cow. So once again someone who really doesn't deserve to have any let alone another one is pregnant. I swear this world is backwards.... Well I'm off to get my uniform today I'm starting a new Job tomorrow. First time back at work since I was pregnant.

Oh and rachael that is so something I would do. Sounds like u do have pregnant lady brain. When I was pregnant I got I'n my car and reversed straight into ohs car, then his car started rolling down the driveway. lol I forgot he parked behind me.

I have to say it's nice being back with u girls. I know I'm amongst lovely lady's who unfortunately know what I'm going through. Xoxo
Eliza ohh hun so sorry AF got you. I'm thankful to have you girls as well! I know EXACTLY what you mean about having every symptom in the book and then BOOM, AF shows. I did that for 2 months and i finally said F it! I promised i would not symptom spot anymore. Sure i talk about it on here but i do not believe it's 'pregnancy". It's hard to keep shuffling forward after being so let down, but we do! We have one another. :hugs: As far as OH's ex, ew what a fuggin SSLLLUTTT! wonder if she has any infections? esp being a stripper! What a horrible mother. That's SO unfair to her kids. Makes me wanna bust out of this computer and go find her. GRR!

Kelsey WOOHOO to peak!!! Yayy!! What CD are you? So happy for ya chicka! I prob would have been celebrating a peak too if i wasn't so damn stupid LOL! I hear ya on the being careful for what you wish for. Seems like when you wish for something it gets twisted by the genie and it doesn't come out the way you want it to.. just in a really fugged up way. YIKES A RAMA! Stupid genie needs to get it right. We need our babies!!

Mel i've been dieting too! So far have lost 5 lbs. Been eating clean, drinking lots of water and working our 4 days a week for 1 hour. So tiring but going to be so worth it. One day i wanna run a 5k. Would be awesome! I have a long way to go though. I know we can do it!!!!!

Jessie hope you're doing okay sweety. I understand about wanting to be cautious about getting PG again while on vacation. You're a smart girl for trying to plan it all out. Just remember, what happens is meant to be! :hugs:

Hi Lindsay! Hope you're doing okay today.

AFM, i just got out of work. SOOOO glad to be home! When i walked to my car this morning i remember to unlock my door which is a good thing. LOL. I'm off the next 4 days. So happy too. I haven't felt any symptoms at all. Just a few days ago i had a lot of pain in my left boob and felt like fluttering in my belly and pains in lower abdomen along with my ovaries. I think i was O'ing that day. At least i hope. Stupid me doesn't know how to use my CBFM after 3 dang months! haha. Ohh how i'm BEGGING for some baby news SOMEWHERE in one of these threads! I'm so sick of hearing about all this negative stuff. WE NEED POSITIVES!!! No offense to anyone! Just wanting to move forward and celebrate some good things! I was on that thread called "January testers" or whatever. SO hard to believe that only 14 out of like 118 girls got pregnant this month. INSANE! That's only 8.4%. I know the month isn't over but jeeze... they say in health class you're like a fertile mertile! not true! Well i'm done blabbing for the day. Hope you all are doing great!
Hi Ladies!

Yay Kelsey for your peak!! How exciting!! When I ovulate from my right ovary it straight up hurts! It would get tender for a couple days and the morning of it was really obvious when I was. I never really felt it on my left side though. I've gotten pregnant off my right in both pregnancies with very ouchy corpus luteum cysts. The only good thing is that you know when you O but they make monitors and OPKs for that! haha.

Eliza - sorry to hear the witch got you! :hugs: Have a glass of wine for me and enjoy some good BD in your future! Have you been doin OPKs or temps anything?? It's hard to not symptom spot!

Rach - we have the same weather! We had the ice storm too and tomorrow it's going to be in the 50's! so weird!

Jess - How are you feeling? Must be glad to be back to DTD! That's a long time to go without!

I have a random question for you all - have you done anything in remembrance of your angels?? I got a thumb ring that's a rose gold band with the day of my D&C engraved on the inside. I plan to engrave future baby's birthdates or future miscarriages also so that they all have a place that I can look at and be reminded of them. I was just curious if any of you have done anything. Hope you all had a good weekend!!
Ugg Eliza, so sorry to hear!!!! :( How long did it take you to get PG with Maddy? I'm sure hearing the news about his ex didn't help anything AT ALL! Seriously it seems everyday there are 2 people announcing on facebook they're expecting. I debate staying off it for awhile, but I'm sure I'll never be able to. Oh and good luck at your first day of work! I'm sure it will go super for you!
Rachael I'm so jealous you're off for the next 4 days! Anything fun planned? Good job to you and Mel on your weight loss! So proud of you girls! I LOVE food, and food that isn't nutritious so dieting is soooo hard for me. I have no self control!
Lindsay, I haven't done anything special, but it's a good idea! I'm not even sure what I would do.....I think if I did I would put the due date on and not the miscarriage because I would LOVE to forget the day of my D&C.
AFM---I COULD SCREAM! Today my temp went up agaiin and I was expecting today to be ovulation day considering I got a peak on my monitor yesterday. But judging from my temps it looks like I OV'ed on Saturday (CD15) which is a day BEFORE I got my peak reading (and about 2 days earlier than normal and 3 days earlier than last month). I was so shocked today with my temp I could have cried. I thought for once we got our bd'ing on the exact right days and I was so excited. Now, we didn't even BD on ovulation day. Has anybody heard of getting a peak reading the day AFTER ovulation? So today i'm CD17 and it looks like I'm 2DPO. Although I have a really bad back, and I was up at 3 am this morning with it and walked around and did some stretching. I did fall asleep for a good probably hour or 2 before my alarm went off. Maybe being up could have caused my increase temp? I don't think it would cause it to be that much higher though, because usually my day of OV my temp is around 96.5 and today it was 97.45. Any of you get pregnant by bding -3, -1 and plus 1 of OV--but not ov?
(Sooo sorry for my post that ended up turning into a big blubbering rant!)
Eliza - sorry to hear the witch got you this month :cry: Its very hard not to symptom spot. I think in the situtation we're in your body is so in tune and you really start to wonder about every little twitch, pain or change.

Lindsay - I have not done anything for my angels. Gosh I have had so many I am honestly trying to forget them all. 4 times... Ugh I really should have a baby by now or soon but the odds are not looking great for me. :cry:

Kelsey - I don't know looking at your chart it does look like Saturday could have been a possibility. When was your last day DTD? Did you guys at least do it on Friday? This last pregnancy I actually (unknowly at the time) OV'd unusually late on CD 17 and my last day DTD was the evening of CD 14 so it is possible. Make sure you keep DTD the next couple days just in case it hasn't happened yet, maybe you are just late and the drop will be tomorrow.

As for me I am having some pain today. I just looked at my period tracker and it says that AF is expected to arrive in 3 days. I am wondering if that could be it. Although I know my cycle could be all out of whack after the MC. I am hoping that if AF is on the way its not an extremely painful one. I know sometimes the first one after MC can be.
Lindsay, no i haven't done anything for my angel. I think about it all the time, but nothing else. I've thought about doing stuff but i never even had an EDD or anything. It was never even confirmed by doctors because it was negative before i even got there. So basically, i don't know if my baby would have been in March or April because it was at that point where it would of been a coin toss. Therefore i can't get a birthstone or anything. I've thought about other things to do, like lighting a candle every night.

Kels, yes i have heard from a few people online that they o'd before the peak because you ovulated later that day after you did the stick. Then the next day you got your peak but O happened the evening before. Maybe next time buy some opk's just in case to test throughout the day when close to O. I'm so sorry. I really wish that didn't play a mean joke on you. I also have heard of people getting pregnant from sperm that was inside of them a few days prior. Spermies live up to 5-7 days! I really hope one caught for you.

Jessie i hope AF comes on time and i hope it's not REAL bad. :hugs:

AFM, just hanging out. Not doing anything really on my days off. The weather here is SO weird. Had an ice storm Sat and today it's 55 degrees! WTF! Mother Nature doesn't know what she wants. Same with giving us our babies. She's so mean when she wants to be. i THINK i am 4dpo. Not really sure. We shall see. How many miU are frer? 25? I'm not having any symptoms. It would be SO NICE to get a surprise BFP. OH and i BD'd on 3 days this month. Right around O. I hope it held on and gets to that egg! Ohh yeah i got on the scale this morning and have lost a total of 6lbs. woohoo lol.
Jessie we DTD on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday----I'm just PRAYING the lil guys from friday hung on until Saturday! Orrr, I hope that my egg was still around on Sunday morning when we DTD (I'm not sure how ovulation works---if it says I ovulated on Saturday, would the egg be gone by Sunday?) I'm just so upset...You give me some hope though with your late ovulation and still catching that month...I'm not so sure hubby has great sperm like that though...The only thing is I did do an OPK on Friday at like 5 pm and it was negative?!?!!?!?!----so I'm just hoping I ovulated late on Saturday and that my Sunday morning BD will hopefully be ok. I'm sorry to babble so much about me.
WOOHOO RACHAEL ON THE 6 POUNDS! You go girrrllll!!! :)
Haha well I did end up going out to get some chinese - I made it home safe and stuffed my face!!

Yea I think I'm going to leave her (my vagina) alone from here on! I have no idea why I was checking it anyway. Oh and those pics def make it look soft and open all the time. I remember feeling it in the cycles before I got pregnant and early in my pregnancy it felt super hard and really pointy. Hers looks so flat and smushy lol. I have no idea!

Eliza - you should always feel comfortable posting here!

I'm wrapped up in a blanket on the couch watching silly tv! Awesome Saturday night! :)

Well ladies. Its official...August baby is comin
Haha well I did end up going out to get some chinese - I made it home safe and stuffed my face!!

Yea I think I'm going to leave her (my vagina) alone from here on! I have no idea why I was checking it anyway. Oh and those pics def make it look soft and open all the time. I remember feeling it in the cycles before I got pregnant and early in my pregnancy it felt super hard and really pointy. Hers looks so flat and smushy lol. I have no idea!

Eliza - you should always feel comfortable posting here!

I'm wrapped up in a blanket on the couch watching silly tv! Awesome Saturday night! :)

Hi Ladies!

Yay Kelsey for your peak!! How exciting!! When I ovulate from my right ovary it straight up hurts! It would get tender for a couple days and the morning of it was really obvious when I was. I never really felt it on my left side though. I've gotten pregnant off my right in both pregnancies with very ouchy corpus luteum cysts. The only good thing is that you know when you O but they make monitors and OPKs for that! haha.

Eliza - sorry to hear the witch got you! :hugs: Have a glass of wine for me and enjoy some good BD in your future! Have you been doin OPKs or temps anything?? It's hard to not symptom spot!

Rach - we have the same weather! We had the ice storm too and tomorrow it's going to be in the 50's! so weird!

Jess - How are you feeling? Must be glad to be back to DTD! That's a long time to go without!

I have a random question for you all - have you done anything in remembrance of your angels?? I got a thumb ring that's a rose gold band with the day of my D&C engraved on the inside. I plan to engrave future baby's birthdates or future miscarriages also so that they all have a place that I can look at and be reminded of them. I was just curious if any of you have done anything. Hope you all had a good weekend!!

I actually got a tattoo of her handprint, and am saving her baby clothes to make a keepsake blanket
Jenn - did you get your BFP??? If so, that's great!!! Congrats!!!

Kelsey - if you did it all of those days, I really think you should be good. Its hard to say exactly when you O because all you see if the temperature shift at one point in time. It could have happened late Saturday and your Sunday morning sperm would get there just in time. Ohhhh how I hope it happens for you this month!!! I have everything crossed!!!

Rach - all is crossed for you too. We really need to get this moving to a positive outcome thread. Lindsay is holding it there for all of us :shrug:
Yay Jen!! Congrats!!

Kelsey - I think your BD schedule sounds fine! That sounds like our schedule the first month we got preggers and it seems like every time I get pregnant my conception date is the day BEFORE I ovulated. This time that was actually confirmed by dating the baby but obviously that's not exact that early on, and now that I think about it it's not even possible haha but I'm sure you're fine! Every other day gives your DH's sperm some extra umph! Oh - and the whole facebook thing drives me crazy too!! I think people can be so insensitive in posting all about their pregnancies. I haven't posted at all and my MIL keeps begging DH to be able to post something and I just really don't want her to. I know too many people that have either been through what I have or worse - can't get pregnant at all! They're all happy for me but I don't know..I just can't do it.

Rach - yay for 6lbs!! That's great! I've tried to lose weight before and it seems to be pretty much impossible when I try!

Jess - I hope AF comes and goes quickly for you!! have you had any testing done lately?

Where's Mel?

Eliza - Sorry to hear about DH's ex! ugh! isn't that just so annoying!! The world seems backwards to me sometimes. It's things like that that make my DH question God (sorry to bring that in to this convo!).

AFM - I've been feeling pretty good. Definitely starting to show - I took a pic a few weeks ago and I'll try to remember to take one tonight so you all can see the growing bulge. I think I just look pudgy right now but it's a welcome pudgy.

Bring on those BFPs!! We've got a few of you in the TWW now! can't wait for testing time!!

Sorry if I forgot anything! It's still early!
Oh and Jen I love the tattoo idea I'm just not brave enough to get one! The blanket sounds amazing :) love that idea!

I had to do something to remember the baby by...it felt so unreal after it was over. Thanks for sharing ladies! I was just curious!
Jessie, thanks girl :hugs: hope you're doing okay!!

Lindsay, UGH we need some major BFP's this week! SO FRIGGIN READY FOR IT! It makes me happy to see them, but at the same time if it isn't me it is kind of like a slap in the face. Like, 'wow time is just ticking and you still aren't pregnant but everyone else is getting pregnant'. Then i start to feel flushed and gross! I'm so glad you're feeling better. I definitely want to see some bump pics!!!!!! Love seeing them!!!

AFM, "possibly" 5dpo today. Last night i had weird crampage in my ovary and lower back, but that obviously doesn't mean a thing. It seems like i'm ALWAYS testing on a friggin Sunday. SO WEIRD. lol. Maybe i won't this month. It might burst my bad luck bubble.

On a better note.... i lost a total of 7.4lbs in 5 days. It's got to be a lot of water weight. Usually is the first week

Love all you girls! So nice to have this thread. You girls are so wonderful and i'm so thankful to be able to vent. You all give me such great advice.
Thanks girls for the reassurance, I need all of it I can get :)
congrats Jen!
Rachael I hope you get your BFP this weekend! We need to turn 2012 around! Lead the way girly :) Love your profile pic, soo perrttyy!
Lindsay, dying to see some bump pics!
I'm so thankful for you guys, too! It always giving me something to look forward to, to see what you girls are up to.
Awh thanks hunny pooh bear! I sure hope i can lead the way but you may have to. I hope the next 5 days kinda fly by! Wish this whole process was 2x's quicker than it is! Have AF for like 2 days, O CD 7, have AF CD14. Then do it all over again. WOULD BE LOVELY.
Hiya girls, I'm on a downer this morning I'm panicking I'll never be a mum but this hasnt happened for a while so I'm just gonna ride the storm! Rach that is brilliant weight loss!!! I really hope you get your bfp!!
Kelsey I avoid fb like the plague my page has tumble weed blowing in it! I avoid everything pregnancy related apart from b and b! I really hope this cycle is your cycle too kels. I think you're going to end up with twins and if you do I'll be sooo jealous lol!
Jessie and Eliza, how are you doing?
Lindsay pics pics pics!
X x x x
Awww Mel! :hugs: I totally hear you....last night I started looking online at fertility specialists and how much it would all cost and it put me in such a state of panic. I've always felt (even before I started trying) that I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. I don't know why, it's just a feeling I had and it brings me down because I wonder if it's true.
Rachael, how are you feeling? I know you're trying not to symptom spot, but anything happening by you?
Jessie, how have you been feeling? Make any more decisions about when you're going to TTC in relation to your trip?
Lindsay----any scans coming up?!
Eliza, hope you're hanging in there.
Only 4DPO today, this wait is the WORST. Idk about twins Mel, how happy,ecstatic, blessed, and crazy that would be!!!!!!!!!! Only issue, I CAN'T SEEM TO GET PREGNANT WITH ONE MUCH LESS TWO! lol
Mel :hugs: i hear you hunny. I get them days where i panic too. Your mind just drifts away and the next thing you know it's got you tricked into thinking the worst. It's really hard to come back from that. Just remember, it's going to work out eventually. It may take a lot longer then we want, but it's GOING to frickin happen! What a HUGE rollercoaster ride TTC is. ugh. Hold on tight my love. We're in this together.

Kels, no symptoms at all here. every now and then... which is very few and far between i'll have a little backache. Other then that - nothing. Usually i'll have a headache or boobs kinda hurt. This cycle, nothing. Hope that's actually a good sign? idk! As for you... GAH! can't wait for you to test!! I'm going to be sooo excited if you get your BFP. You def should. I hope you do so so so so bad!! :headspin: xoxo

AFM, lost even more weight today! Jeeze louise. I wasnt going to weigh myself until next tuesday but i had to see bcz i worked out so hard yesterday. I lost another 1.4lbs. Told you i was a biggin! LOL. Just happy to say goodbye to almost 10lbs. :)

I had that phone interview yesterday. The lady told me they'd get in touch with me 5-10 business day to let me know. I sure hope they do. I'll be so devasted if they don't. I so badly need a job change. My yearly horoscope said something about this being a REALLY good year for me. Also the chinese calendar says i'm a dragon and this is the year of the dragon, but OF COURSE i don't believe in that stuff 100%. Just something fun to do when you're bored. I just hope and PRAY i get this job. That's alllll i want. That way, whenever i do get pregnant, i'll have a nice sit down job the whole time. Rather than busting my chops and hoping i'm not doing too much to make me have another MC.

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