1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Ok, now my posting is getting out of control but scan went great, cervix looks "fantastic" according to the doctor and baby looks perfect - I cry every time in the sono room! Not enough that they can tell but constantly wiping my eyes.

I posted two pics, I asked if they could see the gender and I posted one pic of the whole baby and one of it's butt/legs/penis???? both the sonographer and the doctor independently said it's a boy - not to buy anything blue yet because it's still early but that we can be pretty confident in that.

So, now I need you girls to get your BFPs this month and we'll start a lil "army" of cute babies! I know seeing that BFP license plate is good luck so bring 'em on ladies!! yay!!


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Hope you don't mind me posting I just want to say hi to Babyd and Korink.

Well done on the weight loss babyd!! I'll be stalking you on saturday to see what your tests show, fx'd!! How is your little dog? I hope he is recovering okay after his op.

Korink - I know it may not feel like it sometimes but you will get your lo. Your chart is looking might fine at 5dpo. I have everything crossed that your temps keeps rising. I am glad you don't have any se with your upped clomid dose. :hugs:

Love the bump pic confused!!

YYEEAAAHHHH PINK!!! Welcome!!! :hugs: Are you TTC this cycle, or still NTNP?
Lindsay---you are the cutest thing ever!!! LOVE THE BUMP!!! Can't wait to see you at 9 months! :) Omg the nurse ignoring you is ridonkulous. I think I'd give her hair a yank, and then blame it on pregnancy hormones. I'm sure your appt went great today, can't wait to hear about it and see pics if you get some!
Rachael---a high at CD23??? WTH??! MAYBE A SIGN OF A BFP COMING?!?!!? Tomorrow morning can NOT come soon enough. And did you hear anything yet about your interview?
Oops, didn't read far enough---you had your appt already and OMG A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!! Any names picked out?!?!?!
I got my progesterone test today, should find out on Monday (hopefully) the results. My temps have been in the 97.6 range still instead of 97.9 which is where they used to be before my miscarriage. Kind of thinking my prog. levels are going to come in low again. ugg...
And no big plans for me this weekend---what about everybody else? (Rachael, we know 1 of your big plans!) Fingers and toes crossed---maybe even my eyes if that helps.
Confused, love the 14 week bump pic too. You wouldn't think there would be such a change in 3 weeks. Your scan pictures are so good!! Perfect little man (I'm going for boy based on that second picture)!

Hi korink - yes I am tcc this month. Back on the cbfm CD10 high number 4 so think I'll probably ov sun/mon. I got my bloods done on Wednesday but I don't think anything will show so didn't/couldn't wait another month. I really hope your prog results are okay apart form the clomid have they suggested any supplements?

Babyd - I was thinking the same a korink - a high may show a bfp on the way!! (I hope so). Another lady uses her sticks as well as hpts to check for bfp! KEeping it all crossed for you.

I had first session of acupuncture this morning. She was lovely and really reassuring and understanding so we'll see how that goes.
Okay girlies, i'm here LOL. I had to work all day.

Lindsay, your bump is beautiful! And your appointment is just what i wanted to hear!! So happy for you. Do you have comcast? LOL bcz i saw in your pic you had your tv guide up and said xfinity. I have comcast too!

Pink + Kels - thank you girls for the kind words with the CBFM!!

So like, i'm kinda freakin out. I woke up this morning went pee and nothing was there. Well, about 10min later i had to poop. Well after i poop i wipe again and there was like... brownish orangish something there. It looked like a piece of tissue or something. It wasn't just like a dot on the toilet paper. It was physically something that came out of the cooka! I'm sooo hoping it's IB. OH and i did have sex last night, but i've never ever seen anything like this before. I didn't take a good look at it bcz i was late for work, but maybe it was CM? idk. it had to be because idk what else it would be?! After i wiped, i wiped an additional 2 times and more was there, but as for the rest of today - nothing! I have a backache today too. Idk if it's from making beds all day or what but i have a backache. I took a test when i got home just for the hell of it and it was BFN. I think i'm gonna skip tmrw and try Monday! AF is due Thurs. So yes, my new date to test will be Monday. Don't you girls think? Like i've said, i have NO idea where i'm at in my cycle bcz i used no opk's or cbfm but from guessing when i had little pains and crap i said that was O.. so it's been 8 days since then. SO i say i'm 8dpo, CD 24. What do you all think?
OMgosh Lindsay that is so great!! I am so happy things are going well for you. You're pics are great and so exciting to find out a sex!!! Did you get or are you going to get a CSV? I think they can tell you there for sure on the sex.

Rach - I have no idea about your "stuff' but I hope its a sign of good things to come. I have never had implantation bleeding on any of my pregnancies so I have no idea what it would even look like. Testing Monday is good I think, Keeping everything crossed for you!

Pink - welcome! :)

Kels - how you are you feeling. I have everything crossed for you too. Since I can't try yet I think I am going to live vicariously through you girls. Don't mind me if I symptom spot for you!!! LOL gosh this TWW is taking forever!!! (yours not mine!!! )
Thanks girls :) Yea we're really excited! I'm not getting the CVS testing as my NT scan and bloodwork together gave me a 1 in 10,000 chance of having the major chromosomal issues and that I don't need any further testing. They said the only thing I need to monitor is my cervix and so far that looks really good too. Nice and long - whatever that means!! My cervix is like the black box of fertility to me haha. I can't even find it anymore and I realize now that's because my uterus has shifted up, so my cervix has too.
You know what, I have decided that B&B needs a "like" button like facebook!!! Humpffff!!!!

Lindsay - that's great that you have a good report and don't need to go through the additional testing. So do you really have to wait until the 20 week scan to find out for sure on the sex or is there a point they know for sure sooner? I am ready to start writing my posts to you in BLUE!!! :happydance:
well they are going to look at the baby every two weeks too so the lady was super nice and said if I want to see anything in particular they will check for me. Plus my SIL is going to be taking a peek Feb 6th so she said we will definitely know by then. She said there is a 90% chance that it's a boy as it looks pretty prominent.
Rachel - in another thread one of the ladies there had orange discharge/cm and she is 6 week pg and had the same with her other 2 pg. Still not sure what it is but I hope the bfn turns into bfp soon. 8dpo (ish) is still early yet!

confused - fab news about the NT results and you done't need cvs. Can I ask why they are keeping such a close eye on your cervix? I'll bet it's reassuring to get regular scan especially getting your sil to peak too!

Kels - have you got a date for testing or will you wait and see what the progesterone result come in at on Monday.

Hi Beach!!

afm - more DIY today - yeah still doing it since Christmas but nearly there now. BAck to work on Monday whic I am kinda looking forward to as it helps the days pass quicker and hopefully by then I'll be in the 2ww too!
I had a LEEP procedure done 4 years ago where they took a small piece of my cervix out due to abormal/pre cancerous cells thanks to a nasty strain of HPV. Plus with the D&C for my miscarriage they want to monitor my cervix to make sure it isn't "incompetent" and can hold the weight of the developing baby. So, they will measure it every 2 weeks and if it shortens too quickly they will suture my cervix shut (ouch!). They said that it looks great so far but it's protocol to follow people that have had LEEPs in the past, and it makes me feel a lot better too!
Lindsay, you're going to be just fine! Healthy as can be! That little man of yours is going to be the beautifulest rainbow baby everrr!!!!!!!! So happy for you. You're so lucky to have your SIL do some of your check ups. Has to be so awesome! Love ya girl and i'm so glad we've met on here! Such a great support system we have! :hugs:

Pink, thanks sooo much for the feedback!! I reallly hope it is the BFP coming around the corner!!! I'm SO anxious that it's not even funny. If the baby did implant yesterday then i'd have to wait about... 4-5 days to test? Right? I can't wait that freakin long! Going to test Monday. I want to SO badly tmrw but i already know it would be way too early and i'd get a BFN. GAH!!! It's seriously sooo aggravating. I think this is the longest 2ww ever. I can't wait for you to get into your 2ww again. I wanna see that nice strong BFP! :hugs: :happydance: Oh and what's that girl's name who had the same thing as me? I'd like to message her. What forum/thread is she in?! Thanks!

Kels, you're MIA and i don't like it :nope: miss you oh so much! Hope you're doing okay. :flower:

Jessie, SO funny you should say bnb should have a like button. I've thought that for SO long. Funny thing is, sometimes i go looking for it and i'm like "wait, i'm not on fb". LOL. I soo agree though! How have you been hanging in there sweety? Hope you're doing wonderful.

AFM, ughhhh this 2ww is KILLING me. I just wanna know! Since i saw that stuff yesterday morning i've felt like i saw my BFP LOL. I'll be so damn devasted if it's a BFN. I already have it programmed into my brain that i'm pregnant. So bad of me :dohh: I haven't had any symptoms today. Yesterday after i saw the gooey stuff i went to work. When i got home my lower back in the middle was aching SO bad. It wasn't crampy at all just very very very achy. Like when you have AF. It went all the way down into my thighs and legs. I took a hot shower later last night and it helped alot. Today i don't feel it at all. For a second i had sharp pains in the side of my stomach but it went away after a minute. I hope this is it girls. I 'feel' like it is, but i just don't know! I had got a psychic reading back on Nov 15 from Ruby. She said i'd get a BFP in January, or conceive in Jan, OR give birth Jan 2013 and that it was going to be a boy. Well, i'd be AMAZED if she is right! All that stuff is for 'fun' but it's something to look forward to.
Hi girls! Sorry, been a bit MIA, but I'm back!
Pink, did you get a peak yet? How long did they tell you it would take for the results of your blood tests?
RACHAEL!!! Sounds like you've got some positive things going on, I'm dying for you to test! Although, I'm sure it probably is best to wait until tomorrow, I just wish you already tested and got your BFP! :happydance: Anymore unusual discharge? Back still sore?? Very excited for you!!!! If this Ruby girl is nice, then I need to find her and have her give me a reading. I've been really wanting to do one, but yet I'm so afraid I'll find one that will somehow steal my credit card info or something!! lol
Jessie has AF showed up yet? i DEF. think this site needs a "like" button. Sometimes I just use the thanks button as a "like" button, and hope the poster gets that. So FYI girls, it's the "thanks/like" button to me :)
Lindsay, I sooo hope that on the 6th you can get a 3d ultrasound with your SIL!!!! I think it will be awesome to see him at that point in 3d :cloud9:
Eliza Mel, hope you both are doing ok.

AFM, :shrug:. Just feeling like a negative nelly, and I have a bad back and it's been acting up really bad lately. Worries me that if I ever do get PG, my back will be impossible to deal with. My temps have been exactly the same as the last months, so I guess I'm kind of guessing my progesterone will come out the same too. Who knows I guess. 8DPO today....guess we'll see how my temps are in the next couple days and that will tell me if it's even necessary to test on Friday.
Kelsey!!!!!!! No more back ache and no more CM. I'm actually quite 'dry'. I had a dream last night i got a BFP! I just feel so hopeful but at the same time, SO unsure. I don't know what to think. I tested last night and it was a no. Going to test in the AM with FMU. I imagine that will be a no too. I think i didn't get my BFP last time until the day of or maybe even after my period was suppose to come. If that's the case the i'd have to wait ANOTHER 5 days! YEAH RIGHT! LOL. Only symptom i have right now is fatigue. Other than that, nothing. Sorry you back has been hurting ya. Woohoo to 8dpo! I can't wait to see you test as well!!!!! So anxious. I really think this is by far the longest week of my life!!!!!
Kelsey - your chart looks pretty Good!! I have everything crossed!!

Rach - the testing is probably killing you every day. Hide the tests, do something to keep yourself busy for a couple days and then come back and test :) Easier said than done, I know. I did this last time I was testing just because I didn't want to keep spending money on tests for extra disappointments. Waiting a couple days won't change the results.

This TWW is killing me, I can't wait for you girls to test, I can imagine what its doing to you!!!

As for me, no sign of AF yet. I wish it would just get here already!!! I have had a pretty unproductive weekend. Been doing a lot of reading for my trip and taking notes. There are so many ports to research and the reading is exhausting. Meanwhile housework is just piling up!! I need to un-glue myself from the laptop today and get some things done!!! LOL
Jessie I hope your af comes soon, it's awful waiting isnt it? Mine is going to be a while yet as I have to have a d and c after all as there is still tissue left :-( can't believe it, can't even mc properly!
Kels don't worry about your back Hun its really common throughout cycles to get it on and off, it could also be your lining building up to be nice and thick for a baby!
Hi pink! :hugs:
Rachel I hope your dream comes true!
OMGosh Mel that's terrible after all this time!!! I am so sorry you have to go through that. :hugs: I was hoping to get out of one this time around too but I wasn't that lucky either. Its awful!
Will they be able to collect tissue for testing or did you already have that done this time?
Hey girls sorry I have been MIA. I have so much reading to catch up on. I'm about to go to work so I'll catch up through the day and post later. Rachael I have my fingers crossed for u babe.
Mel!!! :hugs: That totally SUX :growlmad::growlmad:. When do you have to have that? Thinking of you hunny buns....
Rachael----I pray your dream happens!! Maybe tonight you can dream that we get pregnant together?? lol That'd be awesome. Last time I BARELY got a positive at 13 DPO, I'm so jealous of the girls that can get a BFP as early as 8 DPO. You better get up early and test tomorrow, I'll be dying to check this! A few cycles ago I was constantly having BFP dreams and baby dreams, and it was awful waking up from those dreams to reality of TTC!
I dreamt that my progesterone test came back good, so I hope that comes true too!
Jessie I bet all that vaca planning makes you REALLY excited. Hopefully it really helps take your mind off this whole process. Leave the housework, it will be there the next day and the next day :)

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