1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

I love this thread oh so much! You girls actually listen to me and give me advice. I love that! You're all so wonderful. I'm so thankful for ya!

Mel, i'm so sorry hun that you still have left over tissue :( Did you have a D&C last time? I wish you and Jessie didn't have to go through another heartache. You girls deserve your rainbow so much. :hugs: hang in here sweety. we're right here with you! always.

Jessie, did you get any house work done today?! lol. why is it so hard to pull away from the computer? LOL. Any signs of AF yet?

Kels, i def will try to have a dream about the both of us tonight! lol. I think i'm going to be like you and not get a BFP until late. Which will make me miserable. I hope your progesterone comes back good too!! fx'd for us!!

Eliza :wave: missed you!!!! how you doing sweety?

AFM, so glad i'm off tmrw. I'm so damn tired. I drank so much water today 68oz. LOL. My upper back hurts but that's from work. Couple times i got little pains n my boobs but i always get that before AF. Just praying that tmrw is the day. PLEASE GOD.
Hi ladies.

Rachel - The lady had the orange discharge when she was 6 week pg not at time of implnatation/testing I didn't mean to mislead just so say that is has happend to others and that it is hopefully nothing to worry about. But it may still be a good sign!! I'd hold off a couple of more day, if you can. Like you said it may be a late arriver to you pg party!! And can you dream for me as I never remember my dreams. I only get them very rarely!

kels- I hope your dream comes true and Monday result is high. Being in pain can get you down, never mind the added stress of 2ww :hugs:

confused - I am glad they are keeping a close eye on you after your leeps op. It wasn't something I was aware off. Thanks for telling me. Your holiday planning sound extensive but interesting and hopefully fun. Where are you off to? I agree with kels the housework can wait.

Hi beach, maddysmum, fili!!

afm -busy day shopping and trying to finish the living room. I did an opk this afternoon and threw away my pee seconds before the opk fell into the toilet!! I'd been so good no drinking too. Just done one now and line getting darker. TMI alert. I had a massive glob of opaque ewcm this afternoon too which I noticed when I was poac and it wasn't just when I wiped. Maybe the epo work really, really, really well!

I'll leave OH tonight as I think I might get my peak tomorrow so need him ready for Mon and Tues!! Even if no peak I'll grab him as I am concerned as a few peeps on other threads haven't been getting peak just highs. Back to work tomorrow, not too bothered put could just do with another week off to finishe the living room, it seems never ending.
Oh crap Pink about dropping your OPK in the toilet!! lol!! I shouldn't laugh, but the visual of how it all is just too much!!! Gosh, the day we all have babies and will forget about all our TTC rituals until it's time to do it all over again.
How many babies do you all want? I think I want 3....
I might of missed this post, but what are you doing in the living room? I actually do think I remember you saying something about doing work----what exactly are you all doing to it? And WOOHOO for the EWCM!!!!! I'm so jealous, I NEVER have any. So you tried EPO this month? I've looked at that before....wondering if I should add it to my long list of TTC rituals?! I also had an issue with my monitor this month, I got a peak, but I got the peak the day AFTER ovulation! That sucked cuz we didn't BD on ovulation day. I'm only praying what we did the day before and day after got where it needed to. I'll be watching your chart and hoping for a peak tomorrow!
And Rachael---I probably am being a bad influence telling you to POAS tomorrow bbbuuutttt if I remember you brought a big pack of cheap ones right? I'll be checking right away in the morning, but since it's your day off I suppose you may sleep in. Just don't sleep in too late, because I'll be at the edge of my seat! :)
it was a bfn :nope: I still have faith that it will happen. been praying real hard.
aww rach - sorry for the bfn. Keep positive, you re not out till AF arrives. How long is your LP normally?

Kels - I was funny, it didn't help that another one I did later and left on top of the cupbard to dry also fell in. I really need to put the lid down. Lukilt I could still read that one. How is your bck today?

Hi Beach and anyone else!!

Got my peak today - yay!! -and and also a super +ve opk this moning, even using fmu! So oh has been told to gear up for tonigth and tomorrow.

I got some blood results back (I can cheat and look on the computers at work - naughty me!!)

My APPT and promthrombis (one type of clotting) are well within normal range so thats good.
Aww Rach, I just think we're one of the lucky ones that just won't get a BFP early...so don't worry your pretty little head. Just hold off for a couple more days (if that's possible? lol) and you'll get your BFP! Also, since we don't know EXACTLY when you might have OV'd, you might not be quite 11DPO yet. I just feel it for you this month...
PINK!! :happydance: YYEEAAHHH for your Peak! Such an exciting thing it is. I guess this week starts your official 2WW too! What great news that your results came back normal. Is there anything else you still have to wait for the results on? My back is just...my back. In the past 2 years it's gotten really bad, so they've found out that my hips tilt a weird way, and I have an extra vertebrae, arthritis in my back AND slight scoliosis. So idk....it only started all bothering me in the last year or 2....guess old age does that to ya :) I just hope it can hold up for me in case I do ever get my BFP.
Anxious to hear back the results of my progesterone....I don't have a lot of faith that the nurse will take the time to call me today.
Mel, for the past 2 nights I've been having some crazy dreams. I dreamt that I was in the middle of a field with a guy friend of mine, and I was trying to bury our bodies beneath the soil because I wanted to get freaky with him. Then, it turned into water and we were swimming?? Then last night I dreamt I was at a water park, this time with a diff. guy that I went to high school with (WTH is with all these random guys) and then we broke into a person's house and they had kitties that were attacking us so we were throwing bricks at their heads! OMG?!?! What's wrong with me?!?!? These dreams have been craaazzzyy.
LOL kelsey, omg your dreams sound like mine. i dream about all sorts of shit. i have no idea where it all comes from. last night i did have another dream i got a BFP. crazy. i feel like this is my month but right now i don't feel any symptoms at all. I hope it's just a thing of my BFP will come late. I hope you hear back from the lady about your progesterone. I'm anxious to see too!! When are you thinking about testing?

Pink, soooo happy you got your peak! WOOHOO!! I love seeing that on the monitor. Although, i've only saw it once lol. So weird because i saved my stick from the day i got a peak and i haven't got another stick like that sense. Kinda worries me that i'm not ovulating right or maybe not even at all? idk. Trying to stay hopeful and positive!! Can't wait for you to be in the 2WW!!

Hi Lindsay, Mel, Jessie, Eliza :wave:
Glad I'm not the only psycho dreamer! lol I'd rather have some BFP dreams than my crazy dreams.
Rachael maybe try OPK's this month---the thing I don't like with the CBFM is that it has us test in the morning. I would never get a positive OPK in the morning, usually first around 5 pm. This month kind of proved with my monitor that it can be wrong and it missed my ovulation day. Maybe get some cheap OPK's and take 1 in the morning and 1 at night. Then if you're not getting any positives still, then I'd see if there's any testing. My Dr. was find doing testing with me after 6 months---just some simple blood tests to check my thyroid and protein levels and then she did an ultrasound to see if my ovaries were fine. Everything came back normal from that.....some doctors will check your progesterone (mine would only check my progesterone levels once I was on clomid for some reason, otherwise she said it didn't pay but I see women all the time on here getting prog. tested without being on clomid) to check your ovulation.
****AFM the nurse did call with my progesterone and it was 39 this month! Wwoohoo!! Not that indicates anything as far as pregnancy, but it at least gives me hope whereas last month there was no chance. So, if it's a BFN this month, I'll stick with 100mg of Clomid again next month. I'm glad, because I really didn't want to up my dosage. My temps on Wednesday/Thursday will tell me if it pays to test or not on Friday. Absolutely no symptoms for me either... :(
Kels- big yay for the progesterone result!! I so hope it ends in a bfp and you don't need more clomid but if you do then you'll know its working for you!! Oo the back sounds painful just reading it.

Can't really help you interpret those dreams, very strange but also interesting!! Vivid dreams are a good sign of pg. Lets hope you both continue dreaming of getting your bfp's!! I just don't seem to dream or if I do just never remember them.

ps sorry for the spelling earlier on, my work keyboard must have had something spilt on it at some point as the left half on my keyboard is a bit hit and miss!!
Hey girls!!

Don't you TWW girls worry about no symptoms as I had NONE!! I was convinced I was not pregnant! The only thing that should have set me off was that I was a crying stupid mess the day before my BFP because I thought I wasn't going to get pregnant that month lol. I didn't start getting symptoms until around 5 weeks. My boobs hurt but no more than they usually did after ovulation. So - no worries girls!! and Rach - we don't know for sure when you ovulated so I haven't lost hope at all! I know it's still coming! :)

Kelsey - WooHoo for your progesterone level!! How exciting!!! I also really think the day before Ovulation is a better day to BD anyway so don't worry about your BD schedule, this is your month too! I feel lots of BFPs in our future!

I'm so sorry Mel you have to go through another D&C! :hugs: I hope everything goes smoothly and this will be over for you soon!

Jess - I hope AF comes for you soon! Are you allowed to BD yet? I find that DH is like a plunger for AF lol just an idea ;)

Pink - yay for your peak! we've got so many of you close to testing - so exciting!! I am VERY thankful all my doctors are following me so closely, it doesn't matter how far I've gotten in this pregnancy, I've still got some major jitters.

Eliza - how you doin???

I hope I didn't miss anything!

AFM - I went maternity clothes shopping and the belly is very obvious now :p I'm being the stereotypical pregnant lady sitting here eating pickles until DH gets home so I can eat dinner! DH wants to go buy a crib this weekend but I don't know if it's silly but I just am still nervous about buying stuff for the baby...I still consider things "early" ...I dunno I guess I don't want to jinx anything.
Pink---I honestly didn't even notice the errors until I just went back now and re-read it! lol I just knew exactly what you meant I guess :)
Lindsay thank you so much for the encouragement---I needed to hear that! I thought you did have some symptoms before your BFP, so I kept thinking that today and wishing I had some sypmtoms like you! My temps are the best this cycle than they've been since before my miscarriage, but they're still not at the level they were when I was PG last time. I keep thinking though---why do I always compare everything to that cycle, obviously it didn't end good for me so why would I want my current month to be like that month? And haha Linds---plunger?!?!? lol That's so true though!
Soo exciting about the maternity clothes shopping. :cloud9: Just awesome that you're showing. You're going to be the cutest pregnant lady ever!! Do you go alone or with DH---or mom? Can't wait for those days. :)
And isn't it something how we worry about jinxing stuff...when in reality it just can't be? I worry if I write when I plan on testing, I'll for sure not get a BFP or if I look ahead at EDD or if I look at the chinese gender calender it will jinx me. But that just can't be! So go ahead, and buy that crib girl. It's gotta be that if we think positive, positive will happen. (Now, if I can just make myself take that advise).
I understand what you're saying Lindsay. My stupid ass bought a swing a couple days after i got my BFP (LOL) and sure enough... like 3 days later i miscarried. The hardest thing was taking it back. I couldn't bare to look at it. Whatever makes you feel comfortable, you should do. You're gonna need to get that stuff at some point! :) You're fine this time hun. That baby is ready to meet his momma!!

Kelsey Congrats on the awesome progesterone! Sounds like that baby is just days away of letting you know it's here and ready! So excited for your testing day sweetpea! We be so so so awesome to be bump buddies! Have such similar due dates! OMGosh!!! :headspin:

Pink have you been BDing like crazy today?! So excited for you too! :happydance: woot woot

AFM, my vagina is dry as a bone. Is that a bad sign? I shove my fingers up there and theres a little tiny bit of CM that's like tacky but that's all. I'm trying to stay positive but i'm SO scared of seeing AF. :(
Hi ladies! :wave:

Wow you all have been busy! I had lots to catch up on today!!!

Kelsey - you asked about # of children. I would like 2 but at this point I will be fine with 1 :( I kinda hope you pop out some extra eggs with your Clomid and just knock out all 3 at the same time :) Your dreams have been crazy! But I think its a good sign. When Mel gets back maybe she can tell you her thoughts on them. She's good at interpreting dreams! Still have everything crossed for Friday!!! That's great about your progesterone level!!!

...oh and girls, I'd like to second what Lindsay said about the symptoms. I didn't have any either. A couple of the times I got pregnant it was actually a shock!!

Rach - its still early for you girl so keep the faith!!! I have a good feeling for you this month.

Lindsay - that IS funny about the plunger. Yes we have been able to DTD but we have to be careful. I bet you look so cute in your maternity outfits!!! I know what you mean about the crib. It would be so exciting to start that shopping and get things ready. I am a planner so I love to get things ready, but after the losses I think we are all so cautious. Just buy it when it feels right :)

Pink - What kind of testing have you had? BTW what is your name?

As you can see we all on a first name basis here. Its been a crazy couple of months and I feel like we have all become great friends! :hugs:

Mel - I hope you are doing Ok

Eliza - glad to have you back

As for me, Still no sign of AF. Also, I called my doctors office about the test results. First the nurse called me back and told me that the sample was insufficient for testing. OMG I was SO freakin mad. I mean 4 losses and I would only have results on 1. That's ridiculous. Plus what do I do now without that info!??? I was streaming!!! Well I asked her to have the doctor called me back and as it turned out the hospital took it upon themselves to not send the tissue for testing because they felt it would be difficult to test because it was not tissue from the fetus. (that was the note apparently in my file that the nurse found). The doctor said that when she received that letter she called the hospital and told them to send it anyway so they can try to test. Thankfully they had not discarded my tissue sample. So that's where we are and why we are still waiting because of the hospital's delay. I hope they can get it tested!! I still don't understand where the tissue from the fetus went. I collected everything that I could during the MC and the rest should have come out with the D&C.
Yea definitely no symptoms at all! Just the boob thing but I honestly had that regardless of whether I got pregnant or not. once the hcg started rolling in around week 5 they got real tingly and straightup painful and then nausea didn't start until 5.5 weeks and vomiting not until 6.5-7 weeks. of course vomiting didn't stop until around 10.5 (well every day).

I went shopping with my mother-in-law - it was a lot of fun, was really glad we got to spend the time together. DH is a monster in a clothing store. and thanks - I think I am going to go buy the crib - it's time to think more positively!! You girls have to take the same advice!! miss rachael's been good about thinking positively lately!! :) love it!!

Jess - how frustrating they weren't going to send the tissue out!! I would be flipping out on someone!! I hope your AF is coming soon! Glad to hear you and DH are back to DTD :) I found that really helped me for whatever reason! I hope you get some answers soon hun!! You'll get to your 2 babies, dont' worry hun!! we'll figure all this out!

I want 2 or 3 kids but I'll be happy as long as this one is healthy and happy!!
Omg Jessie I would be fuming mad too!! So how much longer do you thin you'll have to wait?
Uggg....huge temp drop today, wanted to throw a tantrum in bed. 10DPO today....of course I start googling looking for hope for an implantation dip, but I'm sure not. Damnit!
Rachael, I don't know how CM is supposed to be, mine is really watery/creamy (looks like semen) right now which is driving my crazy because I keep thinking AF is here so I keep running and checking. When are you testing next Rach? AND I SEE OVER 13 LBS LOST! YOU GO GIRL!!!
Jessie I would have been steaaaammming mad---like call the cops because I'm going to explode on you (ok, maybe that's extreme). Why do we always have to follow up on stuff to make sure it's done right?!?! I understand people in the medical field might see this stuff everyday, but that have to have SOME EMPATHY with something like this. To just decide there's no point in testing it so just forget about is awful. Did they give you any idea how long now you'll have to wait? With what they pulled they should do it asap and have the results for you ASAP.
Mel, have you gone through the D&C yet or are you still waiting? Thinking of you tons...
Eliza and Linds, don't want to leave you girls out. Happy Tuesday :)
Oh, and Jessie (or anybody else that watches), have you been keeping up with the Bachelor? Last night made me so mad, I've never seen behavior like that on the show. I thought Ben made himself look like a big jerk, and I CAN NOT STAND Kourtney...that girl is E-V-I-L.
OMGosh Jessie. So sorry you had to go through all that damn trouble with the hospital. Thank God they kept your sample. I would have been LIVID. I actually still would be, since they never sent it out. F THAT! That's BS! Well, i hope they call soon and give you some answers sweety. hang in there. :hugs:

Lindsay i think it's GREAT that you're buying the crib!! GO you!! You're going to have to take pics of the baby room whenever you get it finished! :) which i know will be a long time from now since you've got a little while. Can't wait!

Kelsey i think creamy CM is suppose to be a good sign. Don't listen to your stupid temps. F that! Don't get your panties into a bunch yet hunny. wait to see if the :witch: comes, which i pray she doesn't. i'm going to be testing tmrw morning. Praying for a faint line at least.

AFM, worked out today. feel great. it's 60 degrees here today but kinda windy which makes it colder. going to test tmrw morning. having that achiness a little tiny bit right now. please let me have a BFP. please please.

Mel how you doing hunny?

Eliza :wave: hiii hope you're doing good.
Jessie - I can't believe you had to go through all that hassle with the hospital, thats is jsut awful and downright wrong. I am glad you have such a good GP to tell them to do the right things, no wonder you are fuming. I'd be a screeching banshee.

I had blood test (clotting, Leiden V, lupus, karotyping) for rcmc. Apparently they don't do thyroid anymore (!) so I am going to get someone at work to take that on Thursday. My name is Sam :flower:

Kelsey, a couple of girls on other thread had temp drops that picked up and got their bfp, so don't give up hope yet. Still got everything crossed.No idea what the Bachelor is, maybe not a programme we get in the UK.

Rachel. I don't remember having much cm at all before my pg. I'll admit my first one was a surprise so wasn't looking out for anything but didn't get any extra cm last time either. I hope that acheyness is beany settling in. I'll check in on your testing tomorrow!!

Lindsey- I know the hesitation you feel in buying a cot, but nothing we do or don't do can jinx the pg, no matter what we think. And believe you me I've had all those thoughts too! So Yay for the pma and have fun shopping for your baby.

Hi Mel - thinking of you lots. When do you have to go in for Thursday? :hugs:

Afm - I have a 2nd peak today on my monitor which would be fab, however, I think I got the start of my surge 9pm Sunday night which means I have 36 hours max from then (which is 9am today). Unfortunately OH wasn't in the mood/too tired this morning and promised to dtd when we get home from work. Do you think this will be too late? Just going by the cbfm I wouldn't have known any different but using the opks too it has made me bit confused, what do you think?

Dtd just now so I have done all I can now. FF gave me a vertical line for ov today so I'll see how my temps are tomorrow.

I'd like 2 or twins but I'd settle for anything atm!!:haha:
Oh, and Jessie (or anybody else that watches), have you been keeping up with the Bachelor? Last night made me so mad, I've never seen behavior like that on the show. I thought Ben made himself look like a big jerk, and I CAN NOT STAND Kourtney...that girl is E-V-I-L.

Oh yes, I can miss that show for anything. All the drama has me absolutely hooked. Yes, I think that Ben ruined his nice guy image last night by giving in to Kourtney, I can't wait until he sees all of her crap play out on TV. She is absolutely unbelievable!!! I can't wait for the women tell all show too, those girls are going to let her have it when they see all that stuff!!!

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