1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Thanks girls for the advice. Going to just go ahead and fax my consent and pray for the best. Just today, Saturday and Sunday at my current job!! So happy. CBFM still saying high. Although it kinda looks like the 2nd line today is darker than the 1st? Oh well. Been BD'ing alot so it's okay!

Can't wait to hear about your appt Lindsay!
Hi Ladies!

Doctor's appointment went well! Got to see his cute little rump and his spine looks like it's formed perfectly, his little heart looked great and it looks like he's got 10 fingers and 10 toes :) The only thing they want to watch is he has some Choroid Plexus Cysts on his brain. So, of course I hear something about the brain and my heart sinks. But, they reassured me over and over that with no other abnormalities it's nothing to worry about and they will follow them and they should go away in the third trimester. I found this little blerb online that made me feel better about it:

"Dr. Bronsteen notes, "You need to ask if the person doing the ultrasound exam has the expertise to look for all the abnormalities that are seen with Trisomy 18. In the dozen years we've been tracking it, we did have some babies with an diagnosis of isolated CPC turn out to have Trisomy 18, but in all those cases we did not get a complete look at the baby." His own research indicates that it is very important for the sonographer to view the baby's hands before concluding that the CPC is isolated.

This debate among experts can leave parents bewildered. But even if an isolated CPC does mean an increased risk, that risk is still extremely small. The take-home message? If a CPC is found with no other warning signs, the outcome is virtually always positive."

They looked at the baby's hands and everything was fine, the heart looked perfect and he's measuring ahead - so all good signs. They didn't seem worried about it at all but of course I'm on high alert now! I just talked to my SIL and she said she has a friend that had a baby that had them in early scans and he's a perfectly fine little boy. She told me not to worry about it if everything else looks normal and that my first trimester screening came back as normal as they can so to take all that into consideration and try to not worry (she's knows it's impossible for me to not worry lol).

Ok, so that's my rant lol sorry it's so long but it's so hard to not freak out.

As for everyone else - how are you all?!

Rach - that's a tough one, I would just give them the OK and hope it turns out alright. When is your first day???

Kelsey - I see your temp is up again! what a crazy month for you! Oh and I kinda loved your reading to be honest - it sucks she says it might take a while but like Rach said - it's just for fun and how nice to think there are two spirits following you around waiting to join your life! I love that!

Jess - your ticker is so pretty!! your chart looks a bit confusing to me too but I don't remember yours so great, I have to relearn yours!

Sam - how you doin hun??? I think I remember reading you're getting ready to O, so exciting! I have everything crossed for you!

Mel and Eliza - you guys OK?!

OK, <3 you guys!


  • 18wks5days.jpg
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I liked how Sam's ticker showed the cylce day so I decided to do that too and you can still click on it to get to the chart (I wonder if everyone realizes this). I personally think the ticker should change color depending on where you are in your cycle... I may need to talk to FF about this LOL!! I feel like I really didn't use many of the other FF features so I never upgraded. Maybe if they offer a super special I will consider it.

Kelsey - sorry DHs dinner didn't go as planned. Did you realize that it was Ash Wednesday before you went to all the trouble of preparing? Did you put chocolate chips in your pecan pie... ohhhhhhh that's my favorite!!! Yum!!!

Lindsay - great pic! So nice to hear everything is going well. I know its hard not to worry about the CPC but I had friends that were told something similar, they were all freaked out and everything turned out fine.

Rach - FX that everything goes OK with your new job. When are you supposed to start there? If they did check into that reference and they decided not to keep you could you go back to your current job or is that out? They really should have done all that stuff before they offered you the job!! By the way, don't forget to go pick up your thermometer. Don't open it and if you do get prego this month you can always return it. It would be helpful for you to start using it the first day of AF (or I guess maybe the next day since you would need to get your first morning temp).
Lindsay love the pic!!! There was a girl on here when I first joined that had it with I think both of her pregnancies, and it just went away eventually! From what I remember it sounded almost kind of common? Try not to worry (yeah right, I know), but all will be fine :) And yes, my chart is a bit nuts this month. Still don't even know if I'm 10 or 6DPO!
Jessie I gotta try and figure out how to get my ticker to have the CD on there too! I think as soon as they hover over your ticker with their mouse they'll be able to tell it's a link to your chart. Do you think yesterday was OV day for you? I guess we'll know better by your temps these next couple days.
Rachael---I think you better give your CBFM a talking to and demand a peak! You'll probably be going into your 2WW just as I'm getting AF. Booo....
Any big weekend plans for you girls? Tomorrow I have a very good friend's baby shower, and I feel bad that I'm kind of dreading it...I had really hoped I would have been PG by her shower so it wouldn't be so hard...plus I'll have my other 2 good friends that are very pregnant there and they're babyshowers are coming up in the next month. Not to mention the other 100 friends of mine that will be there PG. I know it's bad of me to feel this way, but....
Jessie - I think you MAY have ov'd cd18 as you had a couple of high temps in Oct before you put your crosshairs in. If you discount those 3 higher temps then the last few do look to be slightly above where basline might be. This all soaunds a bit vague now I am writing it out!!

I got my VIP in a special deal through FB for about £17 ($22). Ithink if you look up FF on FB then there might be the deal still on I am not sure.

Rachel - sorry haven't replied to your posts. I have done something similar before when I was younger and the stress made me think 'never again' like you!! I would have said send your signiture and hope for the best, maybe you could explain if it did come to light but hopefully it will be okay! I really hope you get your peak, I'd be an unhappy bunny if you got all highs again.

Kelsey - your chart looks convincing for cd12 ov. What do you think you are dpo? Did you get your progesterone checked this month? If you are cd10 that temp rise today looks really promising!! Don't feel bad about seeing all your pg friends, We would all be the same. I found out 2 people at work (see every so often) are just about to go off on maternity and I didn't even realise they were pg!! Now I can't stop looking at their bumps. Grrr.

Lindsey - I don't know much about CPC but the others seem reassured that all will be okay. Fab pic, could look at those all day.

afm - I am debating when to start bding as I don't want to wear OH out too much, he's not a youngster anymore! I reckon Sun/Tue/Wed , hopefully oving Wednesday. My lines seem to be getting slightly darker on cbfm but not near peak colour yet.
Thanks girls! Yea it seems like it's pretty common and that they're being found more often and this is thought to be because people get more scans and the technology is advancing so much. So, I'm trying to not worry about it too much as everything else looks perfect and it says that many doctors will send you for a "level 2" scan which is what I've been getting every two weeks and they still said to not worry about it, so I should put my faith in the doctors! Also, good news - my cervix was almost 5cm this scan! We're doing great on that part of the pregnancy thankfully.

I could never figure out the FF tickers! I could get it to go into my signature but I couldn't get it to link directly to my chart so I always just did the direct link. I got the VIP too, I don't think I paid much for it. I should put it on hold now that I think about it but I don't know how long they'll let you do that for. I bought a year and only used it for 3 months I think.

I avoided baby showers after my miscarriage. My brother's wife's sister had one about a month and a half after my miscarriage and I just couldn't handle it. Thankfully that was the only one I had to avoid and pretty much everyone else just had kids - no one else was pregnant.

Jess - you getting out on your boat this weekend???

My brother and his wife are coming to town this weekend. We're going to see Jim Gaffigan in DC tomorrow night. DH found out today that he has to work tomorrow :( He'll still be able to come to the show but probably not to dinner beforehand. It was upsetting me earlier but what can you do??
Lindsay - I'd put it on hold until next year when ttc #2!!

Is Jim Gaffigan a comedian? Sheam about you OH having to work, Mine is in the RAF so often has to work odd times when we have plans. I am okay with it most times but everynow and again I get annoyed and frustrated.
he is! if you google him you might recognize him he's been in some movies. I'm really excited to see him! My brother is good about catching good shows in DC so thankfully he invites us and we get to go too!

What's the RAF?? my husband is in construction and runs a jobsite so when things get delayed they often work on the weekends. I'm just happy he has a job that he enjoys! It just always seems every time we have something to go to on the weekends that he ends up having to work, but that's how it goes, right?
RAF- Royal Air Force. Armed forces. Its good they enjoy what they do but still annoying when it disrupts planned 'together' time.
Lindsay i know it's stressful to hear something with the word brain in it, but the dr. knows what they're talking about and i'm sure you have nothing to worry about! I love the sono pic! He looks absolutely healthy and gorgeous!!!!! I can't wait until he's here! I can't wait to see what he looks like.

Kelsey I'm praying that AF decides to skip you the next 9 months!! When are you suppose to get AF? Tmrw or Sunday?

Jessie thanks so much for all the advice! I went ahead and gave my 'consent' so we will see what becomes of it. I'm really nervous though because i DON'T want to stay working where i'm at. I hate it so much. Sunday is my last day at my job and i start March 5th (week from Monday) at the new job. I'm so nervous. Yes i do need that dang thermometer! I can't believe i've forgotten so many times. I've been out so much and ALWAYS forget. Going to have to tattoo it to my forehead! LOL.

Sam thank you also! What became of your situation? I hope they don't think i'm lying LOL but yeah... what other choice is there? I've thought about saying that i left that job because they were so unorganized and i'm not surprised that they can't find my records. Does that sound like TOO much? Idk. All i can do is try. I think your BD schedule is perfect. That's what i do is the every other day method. Good luck!

I did read somewhere that some girls friend was trying to not get pregnant and she had sex 1 week BEFORE ovulation and that was it and got pregnant. How odd is that? CRAZINESS. Just goes to show that when it's meant to happen it will.
Good morning! :coffee:

Thanks for looking at my chart girls. When I put in my temp this morning FF put OV at CD 14. I don't know the whole think looks crazy this month. It's probably a good thing that I did not TTC this month.

Sam - I did just look on FB and I see the VIP membership for $25 for a year. I think I will go ahead and spurge and get it. Thanks for the tip. When do you think you will start to BD? It looks like you will be getting ready to O in the next couple days so you might want to get some of those swimmers in there "in waiting: :winkwink:

Kelsey, Lindsay - when you go to FF and click on share your chart there is a place where you can select to create a ticker. That ticker will be linked to your chart. But Lindsay you won't need yours for a while so I would def put on hold if you can.

Kelsey - I know those showers are tough. I think I am just getting numb to all of this now, I am just so OVER all of these miscarriages!!! I really hope that AF does not show up for you this weekend!!! :af:

Lindsay - I love comedy shows, have fun tonight!!! That stinks about DH's schedule :( My DH works for the government so thankfully he works some pretty normal hours. I used to be the one with the crazy hours when I worked for a hotel.

Rach - do you think you have O'd yet?

AFM - no big plans for the weekend, yet. I really wanted to get out on our boat for the weekend but once again its windy and that does not make for good boating. :( We are sitting in bed this morning trying to decide if we should head to Orlando to do some shopping at the outlet malls :) Its a little cool this weekend but next week its supposed to be in the 80's next week, can you believe it!!!??? Its February!!! I know some if you girls are probably swearing at me right now.
LOL Jessie i wish it was in the 80s here! It got to 65 Thurs and yesterday it was SNOWING! Like, what in the world! I hope you can go boating. That sounds like so much fun! Esp in February!!!!! can't say i've done that in Feb lol.

Well i ran out of sticks yesterday for my CBFM and didn't even realize it! GAH! So mad at myself. If i had to guess though i should O yesterday, today or tmrw. The lines were sooo similar yesterday. Makes me wonder if it just didn't pick up the peak. Not really sure. We covered our bases though! :)

So i have a weird question. When we moved into this house the water sat forever without being used. Well, corrosion ( i think thats how you spell it? ) sat in the hot water tank and made the water smell like a huge fart. WELL, we took care of that. The hot water is fine now. I wake up this morning and smell REALLY REALLY bad sewer. I run the hot water and it's fine. I thought my dog shit all over somewhere but i looked and nothing is nowhere. What do you girls think it is?
Jess - do you think you O'd CD14?? It does look like that to me as of today's temperature. I'm sorry you can't get out on the boat this weekend! We had nice weather this week too but it's been crazy windy and in the 40's today - not fun!! I can't wait for summer!! We love sitting out on our back porch all day and all night.

Kelsey - If you really did O on CD12 as it's kind of looking like now then it looks like you have another temp shift that could mean you've got a little baby burrowing in there!!! How exciting!! Can't wait for you to test! When do you think you will???

Rach - I'll ask Kirk what it could be - he'll know. He's at work today but I'll ask when he gets home. He's built 3 or 4 houses at this point and always seems to know every answer to random questions like that lol. He's really handy to have around! We never would have been able to buy the house we did if he couldn't do what he can do. Do you think you've already O'd??? You need to get that BBT, well know so much better what's going on :)

Sam - Looks like you're about to O too!! I love stalking everyone's charts now :)

AFM - we're just sitting around watching tv with my brother and his wife. It's so nice and relaxing. It's nice to have them here as I don't have to have the house spotless and they still say "oh my, look how clean your house is!" haha gotta love low maintenance houseguests!!
Hiya girls, been over in the recurrent losses, just checking in from time to time to see how you all are!
Good luck this cycle everyone!
Afm not ttc until April so in limbo land. X
Jess when I look at your chart I would vote for OV on CD20, but as we all know I can't even decide when my own OV date is (although I think it's CD12) lol :) Omg 80 degree weather, I'm pumped that it's in the 30's today! We're supposed to get hit with a big storm tomorrow night and again on Monday night! I can't complain though, we haven't had much for snow...
Omg Rach you ran outta sticks?!?!?! You crack me up, if it's not one thing it's another for you! lol Idk about by you, but here we don't carry the sticks in the store anywhere, I have to order them online. Is that same for you? Maybe you can at least get some OPK's and use them so you know a def. OV day. I have noooo clue about the smell...and I can't think of who you'd call either? Hopefully Kirk can come to your rescue!
Lindsay have fun tonight!
AFM---I'm 11 DPO and I did a stupid test and of course BFN. I wouldn't of even tested but we always get together for a drink after showers, and I wanted to see JUST IN CASE I'd get a BFP then I'd come up with an excuse to not have a drink. Last time I BARELY got a positive at 13DPO so I don't know why I wasted a test. I rationalized it by telling myself that Lindsay's first BFP came later and her 2nd one came at 11DPO! My temp is still good, and so far no brown discharge which has usually started. But, this could all be because of the clomid and having a good ovulation 2 months in a row so my LP will be better/longer this month with no spotting until AF. AF should be due probably tomorrow or Monday. I realized last night I didn't want to go to bed because I was so nervous to wake up and see a low temp. I'll be even more nervous for tomorrow's temp!
Lindsay thank you so so so so so much. I hope Kirk has an answer LOL. I went to work and came home and walked into this house and i about passed out. Smells like it's a huge diarrhea factory. NASTY as hell! PHEW. I feel like i work at a sewer plant.

Kelsey it sounds like good news so far. I know you wanted to see that BFP already but doesn't mean you're out! :) i hope your temps stay up in the morning. I want more than anything to see you with a BFP! And yes we do sell sticks in the stores. Do you have a Walgreens? I've saw them there before but for a 30 pack of sticks is $55! I just go ahead and get mine on ebay. SOOO much cheaper.

Jessie you make me smile! :D

AFM, im going to try and burn candles and spray tons of febreze around the house. Seriously smells like i been boiling shit all day. Andrew's dad is gonna come over later i guess and check it out. Although, he's an electrician.. lmao.
EW so i get on facebook and saw a pregnancy announcement with a friggin FRER. Like c'mon! F'n bitches. She had a video posted of her telling her husband. It was actually REALLY sweet. He's in the army and was away for a month. Well she got pregnant RIGHT before he left and he came home today and she was holding a sign saying "you're going to be a daddy". He almost dropped to his knees. I'm happy for them but makes my heart sink. I feel like i want a baby even more.
Hi girls! Well we did end up spending last night in Orlando and got home this morning. Apparently the All Star Basketball game is there this weekend, just 2 miles from our hotel so the traffic was INSANE!!! I am so glad to be out of there as that was really stressing me out!!!

I got the VIP upgrade on FF the other day, thanks Sam! So you should be able to see some more info on my charts. I am going to mess around with some of the settings and charting today. I think I am due for AF in 3 days based on the normal length of my cycles but if I did OV on CD 20 then maybe I will have a longer cycle this month, I don't know. Hopefully I did not OV that late because at that point in my cycle DH and I were not being as "careful" if you know what I mean. With the way my chart looks this month it would probably be another bad outcome!!!

Mel - Hope you are doing well!! I will probably start TTC in April too.

Kelsey - How was your shower? I hope you get your BFP this month but if you don't what is the next plan of action with your doctor? You may just want to keep in your current plan and give your body a couple months of getting used to the Clomid cycles.

Sam? Have you started BDing?

Rach - how's the smell? Did you guys buy that house or are you renting, I can't remember?

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