1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hiya Jessie, hope we can be bump buddies that would be amazing!!
Hey girls sorry I haven't been around. I'm trying to not be so obsessed about falling pregnant. Not that that worked last month I'm here today on cd5. But mostly because I don't have a computer ATM so it's really hard to keep up on my phone. Plus I don't get very good reception where I live. I'm gonna try catch up on what's been going on. I bet I have missed heaps. Have I missed any bfp yet. Hope u are all well. Xoxo
Eliza hey sweety! so glad to see you on here. hope you're doing okay. i saw your fb status the other day and you sounded really upset. if you need to talk i am here!! love you!!!!

Jessie that pic from Orlando was beautiful on fb! loved loved loved it! It sucks it was kinda ruined by traffic. Glad you're home safe and sound :) got my fx'd that you don't get AF!!!! i'll let out a few toots for that. toot toot toot toot toot toot toot too........T!!!!!!!!

Lindsay well whenever you get on i'd love to know what Kirk said because my house still smells like a giant asshole! Hope you're doing okay!!!!! :)

Kels miss you darlin. Where did you go?! Did AF get you or are you pregnant?!!?!?!?!?! C'MON GIRL!!!!!!!!! suspense is killin me!!!!!!!!!!

Mel glad to see you on here. We miss you!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo

Sam how are you doing sweety?

AFM, TODAY WAS MY LAST DAY AT WORK! WOOHOO!!!! So i'm celebrating and drinking tonight!!! Got to cook dinner first.... LOL. LOVE YOU girls!
Hey Girls!!

I only have a minute as I have to run off to work!! We had a great time this weekend. Jim Gaffigan was so funny!! So glad we got to go and it was great to see my brother and his wife! They live in PA so we don't see them as often as I would like.

Rach - Is it coming from a particular room?? The kitchen vs. the bathroom vs. the laundry room?? If the water sat for a while, it might just be that you need to keep the pipes moving for a little while. But Kirk said he needs to know where it's coming from and if you have septic before he can narrow it down. Sorry it took me a while to get back on here! I hope it's getting better! If you have septic you might need it cleaned out and if it's public sewer you might need to call the county so they can check for clogs.

I'll get back to everyone else later tonight!! Have a great Monday (If that's possible!).


Aww Jess sounds like a good weekend in Orlando! I love how many fun things you and DH do together! You guys really take advantage of every opportunity/experience! What are you thinking for OV day? Your temps seem to have risen nice and are stable now. The shower really put me in a funk to be honest. They were taking pictures of all my friends that are PG in order of Due date and it was just a lot. The only thing that was talked about is everybody's pregnancy and children, and it's just hard because we used to all have so much to talk about. Idk, my heart is just hurting lately....
Lindsay so glad you guys had a good time!
Rachael---what did Andrew's dad say? Did he find anything out? yeeaahh for your sucky job being done and having a week off until your new job! I would love to be off work and chill'n with you this week!

AFM I have no clue. There's so many factors going into it that I don't even know what to think. AF is nowhere to be found---although yesterday I really noticed my BB's are very sensitive---I laid on my stomach for Ryan to rub my back and I noticed it hurt my bb's! This usually means AF is coming...so I thought for sure I'd wake up to her (also I dreamt all damn night that I got my period and my temp dropped really low) I generally have spotting/brown discharge for a day or 2 before AF kicks in, and there has just been white creamy cm and my cervix is still high and closed. This could all be because of clomid extending my LP or it could be because I OV'd on CD16 and not 12. I hate not knowing! All I know is that I'm almost positive I'm not PG, as I waited and tested again today (which could be 13DPO or 9DPO) and there was def. no 2nd line. Jess you asked what next and I'm afraid they'll tell me to just take another month of clomid, but I don't want to do that without some testing first. I'd like to make sure my lining isn't too thin for that and I'd like to have my tubes checked to make sure there's no blockage. I'd also like my FSH levels tested and anything else they're willing to do. If they can't handle all this, i'd like them to refer us to a FS. Ugg...thinking of all this makes me feel so overwhelmed and have anxiety. Sorry to be such a downer on a Monday which is enough of a downer on it's own!
Aww thanks rach :friends: hope you have a big celebration for your last day at work!! :wohoo:
! Have been on a downer too kels it's so normal. Everything is so frustrating too!! We're now going ahead with ivf as my fs thinks it would be good to screen my eggs before he turns them into embryos!!!!! We are going to have all the treatment too, heparin steroids the works!! I'm happy with this as I feel like we are doing something so maybe a fs might give you another plan too kels?
Hi Ladies,

Kelsey - any signs? Your chart is looking good! LP14 days is very good if you ov' d on cd12. Hoping the sore boobs is a good sign and the start if your bfp.

Rachel - any nearer sorting out the smell. Poor you, we have had farmers sprying the fields and thats smell is enough to make me gag. I hope you get it sorted soon.

Hi Eliza hope you are okay.

Jess- Glad you had such a good time catching up with your brother and seeing the comedian. It takes our minds off things for a little while.

Jessie - so jelous of the warm temperture you have. I hate the cold and never seem to feel warm (although that might be due to my thyroid on whih I ma waiting to get checked out again). It lovely just to get awy at the weekend and I may try to do that more with hubby when the weather is warmer here in Scotland!!.

Hi Mel - thinking of you alwys :hugs:

afm - opks looked dark yesterday morning but then got lighter so was hoping for my peak on the cbfm today, but no another high although the LH line was definitely there. I did an opk at 12 noon today and very strong +ve so bit annoyed cbfm hasn't picked it up. Anyway it means the bd schedule still on the go and I'll grab OH tonight when he gets home from work!!
Woohoo for a positive opk Sam! That smiley on a stick was my favorite thing about my cycle lol
Just got home and did a digi opk. First time I have seen the smiley face!! I usually end doing one to late at the end of a surge and never get the smile - so pleased!!
Kelsey, Mel - sorry you girls are feeling in the dumps. The great thing about coming here and venting about it is that we all know how you feel. Its great to be going through this experience together :hugs:

Sam - :happydance: for the postive OPK!!! Better get with it tonight girl!! Have you been BDing some up to this point?

Kelsey - I totally understand about the testing. I hope you don't need it this month, really sore BB's like that are a very good sign.

AFM I think AF is on the way in the next day or 2. Oh what joy, but on to the next cylce!
We bd Sunday evening missed yesterday and plan to tonight and tomorrow -Wednesday I had planned as the relaxation/massage day as I was hoping that would be the day I ov. So hopefully that will cover it.

I see your temps are dropping, so hopefully AF gets here soon so you can get this cycle over with. Are you ttc the next cycle? It is Thursday for your appointment?
Jessie sorry about possible af. it sucks so bad.. love ya hunny.

Sam woohooo for Smiley opk. I swear.cbfm is a biatch sometimes.

Kelsey did u get af? I hope not.

Lindsay the smell is all over the house. its not when we run water either. it just all of a sudden stinks. smells like the bathroom a lot. like the tub drain but when I put my nose to it I can't smell it. idk where its coming from but it hasn't gone away. its stronger than others at times. we don't have a septic tank just city sewer.

afm idk what's going on. I thought I o'd 2-3 days ago but last night I had light achy cramping in my lower back and its back right now. my mood has been out of this world also. I been flipping out on anyone that pisses me off. my tolerance is so low. poor oh is getting the worst of it.
Hey girlies! Sam---yeah for the smiley OPK!! Everybody swears by their CBFM, but I'm a bit pissed at mine at the moment and don't plan on using it this next cycle. I usually only get a positive OPK when I test around 5 pm---so I worried that I'd miss my surge testing in the morning with the CBFM and that seems to be the case (even before Clomid it seemed to only catch the tail end of OV)! Sounds like you got your BD'ing in good, so woohoo for the 2WW!
Jessie---looks like you and I will be on similar cycle days! When checking my cervix last night in the shower noticed some tan cm and today the brown cm is making its way onto my pantyliner. So, AF should either be here today, or first thing tomorrow morning. How are you feeling about AF---hopefully you're doing ok. Yeah for March 1st being 2 days away. Hope you get some answers.
Rachael---I saw your post about OH's dad screwing up your cable/internet. I think you should maybe take out that good ol' bat he got you for xmas and take a couple swings!! :) I don't know what to say about your OV day...maybe just say it was yesterday and go from there? When you ran out of sticks wasn't your 2nd line starting to get darker? So maybe it's safe to assume you OV'd 2-3 days after that? I'm dddyyyiinnnggg to see if your Messina prediction happens in March!!
Well like I already said, AF is on her way for me. I'm dreading calling and talking to the nurse, so I'm waiting until AF is here full force so she doesn't blow me off and tell me to wait until it's here. I think they're going to want me to try another month of Clomid, but at this point something is not right and I want some more testing. Do you guys have any suggestions on tests I should request---I have a feeling they won't really offer any so I feel like I need to be prepared. I'd like to do the FSH test, but looks like it needs to be done on CD3. Not sure if they'll be able to do that on such short notice. I'd also like them to do the HSG test---I think that's the one where they test to make sure my tubes aren't blocked? Any other suggestions?
As for this month I'm stopping with the preseed and softcups and CBFM. I think I'll do my temps up until OV is confirmed, but then stop with that too. After I hopefully get some tests done and some answers I'll get back into it all.
Aww Kelsey :hugs: I was hoping this month would be the last you would need clomid. What test have you had done so far?
I've had clotting factors (leiden 5, lupus etc) but that was more rcmc. Get your thyroid checked as although most Dr aren't aware (and my EPAU don't even do bloods for it!) some FS say thyroid problems can stop conception and cause mc. AMH - test how many eggs ovarian reserve you have but I am hoping your age might suggests that there's no problem there. FSH/oestrogen as you say. HSG and scan of your ovaries and uterine lining. Other than that I don't know what other test are available. I would just be firm with the nurse, this is your body and your future baby - what is the worse that can happen? She will not have the power surely to prevent anything going forward, it is her job to be helping you. Still getting angry thinking about her!
Kelsey, i can't help you in the what to test for department because i myself have no idea what half of that stuff is and means! Your comment about taking the bat to OH's dad made me LOL so hard. Omg!! Too damn funny. I think i'm going to take your advice and do it LOL. Pretend his nuts are the pinata! ;) mwahahah. I think it sounds good for your plan for next month. Stopping everything and just letting it take it's course. It may just be what you need? I agree about the CBFM. So many people do get pregnant on that but i think the only reason they do is because they just don't BD at the right time. I think my issues are beyond that. I think it's something more drastic. I agree that testing just in the morning is bullcrap! It's a good monitor, don't get me wrong but it's just aggravating me to death. I'm about to take my bat to it! LOL. Yes 3 or 4 days ago my CBFM sticks were the same exact color. I swear i was O'ing and the monitor just wasn't picking it up. I had reprogrammed it, remember? And how they say the first month some girls dont get a peak? Pfft yeah! I think that's what happened. After that day i couldn't test again because i ran out of sticks LOL. Oh well. The way i feel right now makes me feel 'good' about this 2ww but we all have said that before and were wrong. I felt crampy/achy earlier and now it's gone, but i am exhausted but that could be because i got 5 hrs of sleep yesterday. I slept from 130 to 1130 today and all i want to do is go BACK to sleep. I've eaten so much today too. 2 slices of pizza, bowl of cereal and a bowl of soup LMAO and i only been up for 3 1/2 hrs. It's probably all just ironic and nothing to do with being pregnant. Been a huge bitch too for 3 days. UGH!!!!!! Sorry my rant is over. I just hope Mesina is right about me otherwise i'm going to bat her through an email! I hope you don't get AF and you're preggers! I wish i was as headstrong as you. You seem laid back and content even when you get AF. Sure i see you're disappointed but damn i couldn't be as calm as you. I get so mad!!!!!!! I'm already mad and i'm only 3dpo LOL. ANYWHO............. sorry!

Sam your BD schedule sounds good to me. I think you will catch that egg!!!! Last month during the 2ww OH and i BD maybe once or twice. Well then i got AF and we never do it during that time which lasted like 4 days. So we went like... 7-10 days without BDing. Then we did when i was like CD6 and again a few days later and then skipped every other day for about 5 days. I hope i caught the egg! I didn't wanna wear ourselves out incase OH does have a spermie problem. We actually BD when we wanted it and not for O which i hope helped! UGH... fx'd for all of us!!
I was googling Kelsey
Tests -

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): This test is carried out in the x-ray department of the hospital and is a screening test to check if the tubes are blocked. A speculum is passed (like when having a smear test) and a small amount of dye is injected through the cervix. A series of x-rays are taken which show the outline of the uterus and if the tubes are open, dye will be seen flowing through.

Day 3 LH/FSH: This is a blood test that checks whether there is a good reserve of eggs in the ovary and that the hormonal system leading to their release is intact. It is taken on the second day of the cycle (day 1 is the first day of a period). LH and FSH are hormones that stimulate egg development and release. High levels of LH are also found in polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a common cause of anovulatory infertility.

Progesterone Test: This will check if ovulation has taken place. It should be taken 7 days before a period, so for a 28-day cycle it is done on day 21. If a period doesn't come 6-8 days after the test, then it will need to be repeated. A level of 30 nmol/l or more suggests ovulation has occurred.

Semen Analysis: A sample of semen is needed to check the total count, whether the sperms look normal, and if they are motile. It is important to abstain from sex for a few days before the test and to ensure that the sample is transported to the lab without delay when produced. If the first test is low or borderline, a second sample is requested to see if this was a one-off result - was this the best or worst? More details about abnormalities of the semen analysis are discussed in Male Infertility.

Rubella antibody levels: These are checked to see that immunity is present, as this is a good time to repeat the immunisation if not, rather than risk infection during pregnancy, which can cause fetal defects.

Other Examinations

If the standard battery of tests come back abnormal in some way, further tests may be carried out. These tests can include:

Pelvic Ultrasound Scan: Many units now carry this out as a part of the initial examination process to check that the uterus appears normal and whether the ovaries have a polycystic appearance. An internal or transvaginal scan is most accurate.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Dye Test: If there is a significant degree of pain with intercourse or painful periods then a laparoscopy might be suggested instead of an HSG. This involves a general anaesthetic and small telescope look through the umbilicus into the pelvis to see if there is anything causing the pain, such as endometriosis. At the same time some dye is injected to check the patency of the tubes. This is also done if an HSG suggests that there might be a problem with the tubes, as an HSG alone can't give all the information and the 'blockage' may just be due to spasm of the tube or inadequate pressure when injecting the dye when you are awake.
Sam - great info about the tests!!! I have everything crossed for you this month, someone needs to get us going in here with a BFP for 2012!!!

Rach - you too!! Someone get something positive going here. So no word on the smell. Can you try to contact your sewer company Maybe they can come and take a look.

Kelsey - It does look like we will be on the same cycle as I expect AF maybe tomorrow as well. I can't remember, have you seen a FS or have you just been going through your regular OB. I started seeing a reproductive endocrinologist for my "issues". I had a HSG done. If you have any questions let me know. It was awful for me but I guess I am one of the 1 in 10 people who have a problem, go figure. The procedure is not supposed to be bad and was actually over with very quick. Almost like going in for a PAP. I several other tests but one of the other ones I remember right off the top of my head is the 4 hour glucose test. Apparently that has some link to MC's etc, not sure. of course I had progesterone and had my homocysteine checked. I will have to pull out my list of what else I had going on. All the testing went on for about 2-3 months. I think maybe next month you should set aside the monitor, opk, etc but maybe still take your temp just so you have some sort of grasp where you are in your cycle and it might help with your testing. My doctor actually liked to see my charts.

AFM I am looking forward to my appt on the 1st. Not sure exactly what I am going in for, really just to talk I guess and figure out what to do next. Last time I saw this doctor I had just started my MC.
Sam - I keep forgetting to ask you, have you been through any testing yet? How long have you been TTC?
Jess - difficult to say as we were ntnp, well I was trying! OH had a difficult childhood and has taken him a long time to come round to the idea of children and it was only really when I became pg the first time that he really realised ho much he does want this. So since the mc we have been properly trying. The first full cycle after mc (I had ERPC in Oct - I was 10 weeks mmc) I got pg again but this ended at 5 week a few days before Christmas. I took Jan off as we were getting tests in Feb although I didn't think anything would be found (and all okay so far, still waiting OH and my karotyping results) although my thyroid was slightly above normal. I have to go back next week for the repeat of the clotting factors. I couldn't wait any longer so back ttc since Feb. I think the mc's are unrelated, I think the 2nd pg failed because my lining hadn't built up enough after the erpc but I am not sure really. I have a good feeling about this month, I just hope I am not getting my hope up too much just to be dashed when AF shows.

Got my peak today on the cbfm, but I am glad we bd last night and will again today. Again on Thursday would be ideal but I doubt OH will manage, we'll see!! Today is our massage and we plan to go out for a lovely lunch before hand. I am hoping this relaxation will help.
Hi Girls!!

Rach - You should call the county and ask them to come out and check to make sure everything is OK. If you don't have septic then it's most likely something on their part. DH's been working crazy hours and I haven't been able to bug him about it but from what I've learned listening to him coach other people through issues, this sounds like a problem for the county.

Kels - Get those temps back up missy!! I'll check in later to see what today's looks like :) How you doin??

Sam - Yay for a peak and a +OPK! sounds like you've got everything covered with BD and massages and relaxing! how wonderful!! This will be an exciting 2WW!

Jess - Your appt is tm! yay!! Sorry about AF but atleast you're getting back on schedule!

Mel and Eliza - miss ya girlies! hope you're doing well :)

AFM - Nothing really going on here. Still trying to relax over the cysts in the LO's brain but I think I've googled everything I can google and even google isn't too scary about it so that makes me feel better. I feel silly for freaking out so much when people tell me to relax and then I realize what kind of mom-to-be would I be if it didn't scare me, right?! So, all good over here for now! Next appt - March 7th with the SIL - yay!! my 20 week scan, can't believe it.

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