1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi girls!!!!
Happy leap day!!! I am sitting here at my desk really feeling like since today is an "extra" day in the year, it should be a holiday or something!!! humfffff!!!

Sam - have a fabulous relaxation day today with your OH!! I really hope you get your BFP this month!

Lindsay - totally understand about the stressing. Its so hard not after everything we have to go through to get a baby. 20 weeks!!! It is really amazing how the time flies!!! Tell the girls in the July PAL thread I said hello! How are you feeling by the way? I heard women feel a lot better in their 2nd tri.

Kels - saw your chart this mornning booo!!! :( Hope you are getting on the horn with your doctors office. Hope they can squeeze in that CD 3 test.
I feel so so soooo much better! The past couple days I haven't had much of an appetite but I think that's bc over the weekend with my brother we went food crazy! I ate so much I was in pain like all weekend haha it was great but i think my body wants me to chill out a bit haha. I'm right on track with weight gain. I'm up 11lbs right now which seems to be good. Although I never lost the weight from ky first pregnancy but that's ok!

Kelsey - I see your new temp :( call that doctor! You want me to call for you? Lol I'll get you in!
Jessie i know it's got to be scary going back to the same doctor after the MC but at least you are kinda going in for something not so... painful? I hope you can get some things straightened out and have the reassurance you are looking for.

Sam oo a massage sounds wonderful! I've never had one but would LOVE to get one! I can see there will be a lot of baby making tonight! ;)

Kelsey i'm sorry about the temp drop.... ugh i just wanna cry. I'm here if you need to vent. :hugs:

Lindsay thanks for the advice girl! I woke up this morning not smelling it at all.. hmm. I hope it decides to stay away! I totally understand how you're worrying about LO's cyst. I would too. It's a scary thing when you've never been through it but let alone it being your child! I'm sure he will be okay hun! Think positive thoughts. When is your crib going to be there? I can't wait to see it!

AFM just relaxing today. It's so warm out but so dreary and rainy. yuck! I wish sooo bad i could pick up a test but i'm only 4dpo (i think). Oh well. I'm not feeling any symptoms anyways. i'm kinda looking forward to next month to see if Mesina's predicition comes true
I was googling Kelsey
Tests -

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): This test is carried out in the x-ray department of the hospital and is a screening test to check if the tubes are blocked. A speculum is passed (like when having a smear test) and a small amount of dye is injected through the cervix. A series of x-rays are taken which show the outline of the uterus and if the tubes are open, dye will be seen flowing through.

Day 3 LH/FSH: This is a blood test that checks whether there is a good reserve of eggs in the ovary and that the hormonal system leading to their release is intact. It is taken on the second day of the cycle (day 1 is the first day of a period). LH and FSH are hormones that stimulate egg development and release. High levels of LH are also found in polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a common cause of anovulatory infertility.

Progesterone Test: This will check if ovulation has taken place. It should be taken 7 days before a period, so for a 28-day cycle it is done on day 21. If a period doesn't come 6-8 days after the test, then it will need to be repeated. A level of 30 nmol/l or more suggests ovulation has occurred.

Semen Analysis: A sample of semen is needed to check the total count, whether the sperms look normal, and if they are motile. It is important to abstain from sex for a few days before the test and to ensure that the sample is transported to the lab without delay when produced. If the first test is low or borderline, a second sample is requested to see if this was a one-off result - was this the best or worst? More details about abnormalities of the semen analysis are discussed in Male Infertility.

Rubella antibody levels: These are checked to see that immunity is present, as this is a good time to repeat the immunisation if not, rather than risk infection during pregnancy, which can cause fetal defects.

Other Examinations

If the standard battery of tests come back abnormal in some way, further tests may be carried out. These tests can include:

Pelvic Ultrasound Scan: Many units now carry this out as a part of the initial examination process to check that the uterus appears normal and whether the ovaries have a polycystic appearance. An internal or transvaginal scan is most accurate.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Dye Test: If there is a significant degree of pain with intercourse or painful periods then a laparoscopy might be suggested instead of an HSG. This involves a general anaesthetic and small telescope look through the umbilicus into the pelvis to see if there is anything causing the pain, such as endometriosis. At the same time some dye is injected to check the patency of the tubes. This is also done if an HSG suggests that there might be a problem with the tubes, as an HSG alone can't give all the information and the 'blockage' may just be due to spasm of the tube or inadequate pressure when injecting the dye when you are awake.

Aww Sam!!!:hugs: Thank you so much for taking the time to look this up for me!!! You girls seriously amaze me with how caring you are.....I appreciate it sooooo much. (Ok getting teary eyed, I'm having a very emotional day today).
Kelsey - It does look like we will be on the same cycle as I expect AF maybe tomorrow as well. I can't remember, have you seen a FS or have you just been going through your regular OB. I started seeing a reproductive endocrinologist for my "issues". I had a HSG done. If you have any questions let me know. It was awful for me but I guess I am one of the 1 in 10 people who have a problem, go figure. The procedure is not supposed to be bad and was actually over with very quick. Almost like going in for a PAP. I several other tests but one of the other ones I remember right off the top of my head is the 4 hour glucose test. Apparently that has some link to MC's etc, not sure. of course I had progesterone and had my homocysteine checked. I will have to pull out my list of what else I had going on. All the testing went on for about 2-3 months. I think maybe next month you should set aside the monitor, opk, etc but maybe still take your temp just so you have some sort of grasp where you are in your cycle and it might help with your testing. My doctor actually liked to see my charts.

AFM I am looking forward to my appt on the 1st. Not sure exactly what I am going in for, really just to talk I guess and figure out what to do next. Last time I saw this doctor I had just started my MC.

Oh boy---I have a HSG scheduled for Tuesday morning! She told me it wouldn't hurt and I could just take Aleve or something before the procedure in case I get cramping. What was your experience!!! I've googled it and some women have said it was really excrutiating pain for them!
Dh's coming along with me just in case it's bad news...(which I know you're probably all sick of my Mesina reading talk, but in there she said we'd be getting news shortly that would be difficult to take----I keep worrying this means on Tuesday we'll get back news)
Other than that I did have my Thyroid checked and Protein (whatever that's for) and I had an ultrasound to check my ovaries. DH had a SA.
Can't wait to hear how tomrrow goes for you---do you think he'll have a plan of action for you?
Okay sorry for all the seperate posts, but otherwise I forget stuff!
Sam---I love the peak on the CBFM!! I hope you and OH had an amazing day together, which will result in a H&H 9 months of pregged bliss :)
Lindsay I can't wait for your SIL scan!! Can't believe you'll be 20 weeks!!! Halfway there!!! I sooo hope you get some good 3d pics!
Rachael woofrickenhoo for that smell being gone!! I'm sooo jealous of the warm weather you're having by you!!!! It's been rain/sleet here allllll day. It was a pain driving home today because there was so much slush on the roads you couldn't go fast or you'd hydroplane!
Ok, soooo I have to vent about my idiot nurse (I know, sorry). So I called today on my lunch, left a detailed message about getting AF and not wanting Clomid and asked if she could talk to my DR. and see what testing we can do and call me back. So then she calls back and goes, "Yes Kelsey, how can I help you" I'M LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN, EXACTLY WHAT MY MESSAGE SAID IS HOW YOU CAN HELP ME IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!! So then I repeat all what I already said in my message and she's like ok, I'll check with your Dr. and call you back. I was like G-damnit, I wanted you to have time to look at my chart and see what's going on before you even called me back! Then she calls me back and says she wants me to get an ultrasound and DH to get a SA. I said we did that already and it came back good---and she's like oh, I don't see any of that in your chart (at this point I'm near tears cuz I'm so annoyed with all this already). So then she says she has to call me back. Then calls back and says ok, we'll schedule the HSG and go from there---she said they'd look for the results of the SA and my ultrasound (if for some reason they don't have them, I'll freak) and I can talk to my DR. on Tuesday if there was something more she wanted with that.
So I wrote down the other tests you guys told me about, and I'll ask the Dr. about them on Tuesday. I also hope I can talk to her about her nurse..I'M SOOOOO NERVOUS FOR TUESDAY, PLEASE PRAY FOR ME GIRLS!!!!!!!!!
HSG wasn't really painful, I would say its more "uncomfortable", just the part of having the speculum put into place. The procedure is done on an Xray table. You don't feel anything with the dye and they are taking xray pictures during the procedure. Its over in about 10 minutes. Apparently some peoples bodies go into shock from the stress of the procedure. This is what happen to me. When the procedure was over I started to sweat badly and almost passed out. I also vomited. It took me over an hour to be able to leave the hospital after that (I did not have someone drive me). Now let me just tell you that I have trouble even getting blood drawn. I am glad I had it done though as it gave me some comfort know that everything looked OK in there. So calm down and don't stress about Tuesday, you will do GREAT and you'll be coming back here to tell me what a whimp I am. :winkwink:

I think I asked you this before, I can't remember if you told me but is this your regular OB doing these tests or are you already seeing a specialist?

Sorry about your nurse, they are stupid aren't they!!!?? So much time is WASTED having to re-explain things, etc.
Kelsey OMG i swear i'd have to bust a cap into that nurse's ass! what an idiot! it's like she heard your name on the voicemail and decided to just delete it and call you. WHAT A BITCH! ugh! I wanna call her and tell her she's a shitty nurse and needs to get fired. Like seriously!!!!!!! I hope they find your record of the sonogram and SA. If not i'd throw a damn fit and just go somewhere else. I hope the HSG goes okay as well... atleast you'd get more answers. I hate it that doctors are so damn dumb sometimes. Like HELLO... some people have NO idea what you're going through so therefore they give you no sympathy. Just relax hun. I pray it all turns around for you... LOVE YOU!
Thanks you girls-I just loves you to the moon and back!
Jess how awful you had that experience! And especially by yourself...I'm surprised you even had to do it because of how easy you get pregnant! No I haven't seen a specialist yet-I know if there would be something wrong with my tubes, then they'll refer me. I'm just hoping since I've gotten PG before my tubes will be fine (at least 1 of them?!).
Aww thanks rach :friends: hope you have a big celebration for your last day at work!! :wohoo:
! Have been on a downer too kels it's so normal. Everything is so frustrating too!! We're now going ahead with ivf as my fs thinks it would be good to screen my eggs before he turns them into embryos!!!!! We are going to have all the treatment too, heparin steroids the works!! I'm happy with this as I feel like we are doing something so maybe a fs might give you another plan too kels?

Somehow I missed this post! Mel when do you start IVF?! Omg that's really exciting-cant wait for you start because it will be shortly after you'll get your rainbow! Does your insurance cover that? I worry so much about the cost of it, but if it means a child it's worth ever penny. Please keep me updated on your journey.
Morning ladies!!

Jess - let us know how your appointment goes today! So excited to hear what the plan will be!

Kelsey - don't worry about Tuesday! You've gotten pregnant before so it can't be that bad of news, right? They're just going to fix whatever little thing is going wrong and you'll have your baby in no time! This is the healthy way to approach it because now you're just stressing about what could be wrong and if you actually know what's wrong you can accept it and move on - relieving your stress which will help you conceive! so look at it as a good thing!

Sam - looks like you O'd! woohoo!! let the chart stalking begin!! :) :) Everything crossed for ya, hun!
Jess - hope your appointment goes well today. Sounded like your HSG was awful but the good news was that everything okay in the end.

Lindsey - Love the new ticker pic! 20 weeks already. I know I only met you at 14 weeks but I can't believe has quickly time has gone by!!

Kelsey - I think all of us are dying to 'chat' to that nurse of yours and put her right. :ninja: I know sometimes it isn't always obvious the results in the notes (going by UK hospital notes) but that still doesn't excuse her. I try to check all the patients notes before I have to ring them for something. As scary as all this is, going in for the HCG and speaking to the Dr, hopefully it is a step forward to seeing what is going on and finding something that may help.

Rachel - Glad you are enjoying your few days off before starting your new job. Settleing into teh new place despite teh whiff. Has that smell gone now?

Hi Eliza and Mel.

AFm - Still anoyed with cbfm, got second peak today which I know is routine but since I had temp spike it is past ov and pointless. If I had just relied on cbfm to bd I might not have bd'd enough prior ot ov.

Just wondering, since I got a peak again today, which I know is routine, is it worth bding just incase, despite the fact my temp rocketed up this morning? I didn't have great sleep but not deprived or anything so I think it is genuine. OH does think we may have to bd tonight but I was going to let him off the hook! What do you think?
I'd say it's better safe than sorry, Sam! You can give DH the night off tomorrow ;) Although my BD schedule this past cycle was we did on -3, -1 and 0 when day 0 is the day of O and not the day after the positive OPK. So, you've probably got it covered but it couldn't hurt, right?!
Lindsay i forgot to tell you, whenever you talk to Kirk tell him if it could be coming from the furnace? Because yesterday it was 70 degrees here and i didn't need to run it and the house NEVER smelt once! This morning i wake up and it's back because i had turned up the heat before bed. But then again it rained yesterday morning for the first time in weeks so could it be that instead? Food for thought?

Sam i am settling very nicely in my house! i love it! I start my new job on Monday! So excited. As far as the poop smell, as you can read from above it's back. PHEW! If i were you i'd BD today and tmrw OR today and the day after tmrw. It's up to you! Good luck!
I texted Kirk and he said if something died in the duct work then it will really stink and if the house was not lived in for a little while this is pretty likely (we had lots of dead animals under our house when we first moved in - live ones too!! ugh!). He also said it could be mold in HVAC system. So, I guess try to distinguish the smell of something dead vs. mold lol. FUN!
Dead v Mould oh no!! Sorry has made me smile though, but I hope you manage to get to the bottom of this Rachel.

Thanks ladies -I might bd tonight but not tomorrow, poor OH would be on his last legs!! I still think tonight would be too late but I'll see what OH says!!
Thanks Lindsay!! I appreciate it. I will have to let Andrew know about it. I know tmrw we will make that a priority to get to the bottom of it. My house smells like a damn outhouse LOL.

I'm not doing much of anything today. I'm crazy and snuck a test at 5dpo lmao and of course it's a BFN. poas psycho over here! UGH just so anxious. I wanna be pregnant so so so bad! I wanna be a mommy and join all the girls whom MC right around the time i did. I feel so deprived and alone sometimes. I know i'm not the only one but out of all the girls i been TTC with, i am. I just wanna tell the pregnant women to sit back and think of how you'd feel if you never got pregnant and are still TTC. It's so stressful and feels like your world is falling apart. Sorry about the rant. I'm not mad or angry or anything like that... just having a moment!
Aw, I'm sorry Rach! DH and I waited two cycles between the miscarriage and trying again and it was torture! I definitely understand how fortunate we are to have gotten pregnant so quickly, and I can only imagine how tough it is but keep your chin up, your turn is right around the corner - I know it! Seems like there's been a string of BFPs in the PUPOs thread and you'll be joining them soon :)

I hope you find what's stinkin up your place! How frustrating!
Awh thanks for the support hunny! I appreciate it. I hope we can find the smell too. It's nastyy! When do you get your crib?

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