1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

We ordered it about 2 weeks ago and they said it would come in between 6 and 8 weeks, so 4 to 6 more weeks! Time is flying though, I can't believe we've already ordered a crib! DH keeps talking about how excited he is to set the room up - super cute :)

Here's a link to what we got:


We got the crib and the 5 drawer dresser. It's a convertible one that turns to a toddler bed and eventually a full bed. DH wanted this one because it was the most sturdy offered brand at buybuybaby and he wanted something that he could lean on "for hours and hours". So cute!
Awh!!!!! I love it!!!!!! I love the color and the shape of the crib. So so so beautiful. I can't wait for you to get your nursery all done!!!!!
Wow Lindsey!! That is so beautiful!

Rachel - :hugs: that's what we are here for. Luckily I don't seem to have many friends around me that are pg but just having my work colleagues is enough and 2 of them are about to go off on maternity leave. I have had to reduce my FB time due to baby pictues etc. It is so difficult knowing what stage you should be at seeing them grow, but you have to believe that will be you one days and very soon!
I agree with you Sam. I've been saying that to myself for the last 6 months and sometimes i just lose control and want to have a crying session. Big huge pity party.

mmmm why does Paula Dean have to make yummy looking food?! i'm starving now. Once again today i am super tired and eating nonstop. FML.
Sam - so how was your massage? I agree with the others, I think you should BD tonight, just in case.

Rach - have you heard back from that job about the reference check? I hope you get to the bottom of that smell tomorrow, how awful!

Lindsay - I LOVE the furniture!! I can't wait to see pics of your room all done! Do you have a theme in mind for your decor?

Kelsey - how are you doing? See below about my doctors appt but my doctor did mention that quite a few MC's happen before a pregnancy is detected. Do you think its possible that you could be getting pregnant but not know it and just having recurring MC's? Just a thought... It might change some the level of testing your doctor does.

Ok so I went to the doctor this afternoon. The doctor was disappointed that I was not able to get any tissue tested. He feels that the fact I have had 4 MC's, the chances of me having a normal pregnancy are starting to decline. :cry:

Basically he said that my options at this point would be:
1. TTC again but he would start Progesterone a couple days ofter O.
2. Try IVF with my egg and DH's egg and check for chromosomal problems before implantation.
3. Do nothing and just TTC again.
4. Consider adoption

The IVF procedure would be about $17,000. I am checking but I don't think that my insurance covers this. He said that he would write me a letter stating that it would be for recurring pregnancy loss and not infertility so that may change things on whether they cover it. He feels that this might be the best option (if its covered) but even with this procedure the probability that at least 1 egg takes (he said they usually implant 3) would be about 35%. The chances of more taking are even lower so I could do through all this and still not even get pregnant.
Basically for now he wants me to take 1 more month off (which I was planning to do anyway). He also wrote me a prescption to get the Day 3 test (FSH, Estradiol, and Anti-Mullerian Hormonedone tests) this cycle after I get AF. Next month he wants me to come in again on approx Day 3 for a sonogram to check how many follicles are present and we will come up with a game plan from there.

I don't know, what do you girls think?
Jess - Definitely look into whether IVF would be covered by your insurance. There were no other tests he could offer you as to why you might have recurrent losses? Have you had the NK cell thing checked like Mel? and those other autoimmune "diseases" - like this one

"Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disorder diagnosed by blood tests that detect levels of anticardiolipin antibodies and lupus anticoagulant. Antibodies, such as anticardiolipin antibodies, can cause blood clots that clog up the blood supply to the placenta. Without the placenta supplying nutrients, the pregnancy will perish. Treatment for antiphospholipid syndrome includes low dose aspirin or heparin."?

Maybe you have something like that and you made it so much farther last time because you were on baby aspirin but you just needed something a bit stronger like heparin. See what Dr. Google does to me?! I can diagnose anybody lol

If IVF would be covered it seems like it would be worth a shot, right?? :hugs: You will get there! Last pregnancy was going so well! I can't believe they couldnt' test the tissue - how infuriating!
You should DEFINITELY ask about those autoimmune tests if you haven't had those done because if that's what you have then IVF won't work either. Sorry for the extra post - I just thought of it as I hit the post button.

and still no AF?
Thanks Linsday! I am copying your info and adding it to my notes to ask about. I know I have not been tested for the NK cells. I have asked 2 doctors about that test now but they both said that there is no evidence to show that test is useful. Not sure if they have different thoughts on it in different countries. I am not sure if I have been tested for the other. I have a huge page of tests I've had but most of it seems to be in medical terms. I will check it again.
I do think that if I am having another issue (besides chromosomal problems) the IVF would not work. That is why I would be hestitant to do it if I had to pay for it. I would feel like I need a couple more tissue results back saying chromosomal problems before I spent $17,000 :shock:

Yeah still no AF yet, my body is a mess this month!!! But I "feel" like I am going to get her any day now.
Jess i'm not real great with this stuff because i don't know much about it, but i say try anything and don't give up! Never let someone tell you that you can't have kids or have a small chance of conceiving and keeping it! My OH's cousin had been trying to have kids for YEARS with her husband. They been together since high school and got married and tried having kids at such a young age. She suffered 2 miscarriages. Well once she got to be about 33/34ish she started thinking there was no chance in having a baby, so she adopted. The doctors were even telling her she couldn't have kids. Well she adopted her little boy. Then POOF 2 years later she was pregnant with a little boy!!!!!! He is now a healthy 4 year old. I think God's plan with her was to save her first boy and adopt him before he gave her her other son because if she would have gotten pregnant she would have never adopted! God works in mysterious ways. Hold on tight sweety and i pray the best for you. The worst part is waiting. I hate waiting but if it gets you that miracle.. it will be sooo worth it!
OK I need to get caught up! We got a storm last night with really heavy snow so I didn't have the internet!!! I was dying to check in with you girls!
So all of you in nice hot weather right now, look what I'm stuck with.
oh my!! that's so pretty!! we've had a ton of rain and thunderstorms the past couple days!
Thanks for the kind words girls! I am nervous for the procedure, but like you've said, if it gives us some answers to our infertility it will be good. I'm really anxious for it. Jessie do you remember if you had to wait awhile to bd after the procedure? I am kind of thinking there will be a period of time we will have to wait, and since I've been OV'ing so super early we might just be out this month completely because the procedure is on CD7.
Rachael I understand the frustration. Heck look at me, this is my 10th cycle since MC! Have you heard anything from your new job? Hopefully you can work for a couple weeks, and then even if they find out you lied they'll see what a good worker you are and want to keep you regardless! And don't worry about your BFN's, you're still way early. This time next week you'll know if you're PG or not! Find anything out with your smell? My first thought was a dead animal somewhere in your heat ducts or whatever they're called...
Lindsay I love that crib set---LOVE the Espresso color. Can't wait to see pictures of the baby room. What color are you going with? Will you keep it neutral in case the next baby is a girl or will you go with a boy theme? DH and I love sports, so we'd have a lot of fun with a boy theme. Have you talked anymore about a name?
Ok Jess, I see AF hasn't arrived yet/!?!?!?!?! Have you tested at all!? Although I really think you maybe have first OV'd on CD20 so it's possible you're only 9DPO?? Omg, I'm sorry but I'm getting really excited about the possibility you could be PG! Ok, now what you talked about with your Dr. This is just my thoughts....I think FOR SURE try the progesterone earlier in your cycle. I think I'd def. want to try that and see what happens....my gosh I do not want you to have to endure another MC, but I think it's worth a shot. I don't know if this is wrong, so I hope it's not offensive, but right away I think everybody needs to be on high alert and if you would MC again, EVERYBODY needs to be ready to collect tissue and fricken get it right and test it this time. It could answer the question if IVF would be an option or not. As far as IVF, I only briefly looked into it, but I did see they've started something that if IVF does not result in a baby after 3 rounds they'll refund 70% of the cost. That's still a chunk of change....did you find out anything more with your insurance? I don't think mine touches IVF no matter the reason for it. My sister had a good point though. When I was freaking out about the cost, she told me that it's like the cost of a new car, and that's something that only depreciates in value and we keep for what 10-15 years? It really made me think how we didn't think twice about taking out a loan for our car. Also, a girl I work with looked into IVF for them and she found that sometimes if you look around you can find clinics that are much cheaper. I haven't looked into it, but at that time if she would have driven a hour and half south, it'd be almost half the cost.
How are you feeling with what he said now that you've had time to think about it? How does your DH feel?
Well I hope everybody is having a great weekend, think I'll leave to go shopping soon. My sisters bridal shower is in 2 weeks and we need to find outfits.
WHOA KELS! Where the heck do you live? Isn't it Virginia? LOL i'm prob way off. Wow that makes me sick seeing all that snow! It's suppose to be in the mid-upper 50's for this week and some 60 degree days. I hope to send the weather over your way. The smell in my house has tampered off a bit but we found out it was coming from the heat ducts. We need to get down to the bottom of it. As for the job, they sent me an email saying "orientation reminder" so i think i'm okay? LOL. They never called me again. I pray they don't ask why the hell i showed up on Monday bcz i'm a liar. Ohh boy!

As for me... feeling all sorts of things this morning. My boobs, ovary area, lower back, side.. everywhere gets twinges. I think it may be just gas. I don't even know if you call it twinges. I feel like bubbly/gurggly inside. I can just tell something is going on everywhere. My boobs looked really bloated this morning but now i dont know if it's in my head LOL. They feel weird every now and then too. I hope it all means something good.... I'm only what i think is 7dpo. Tested this morning but bfn. Prob won't test again until Monday morning at 9dpo. Like right now i farted and feel better LOL. It's probably just gas.
Wow Kelsey - that looks beautiful but I can imagine how disruptive it is, especially cuttingoff your interent - arrgh! I didn't realise AF had arrived either, damned witch, sorry hun :hugs:. I know the procedure is a bit scary but it will give you some answers, and probably loads more questions but it will be worth it.

Rachel - I hope it turns out to more than just gas and you need to do more than fart, like pop out a LO, to feel better!! I am glad you have narrowed down the smell and soon it willl all be sorted.

Jess - such a difficult situation. My boss had 7 mc before having her daughter, not that I want any of us to have that many but just to show it may be possible naturally. The fact you don't have any test results from the last one is so frustrating as that might have helped sway you one way or another. I suppose it all depends on your insurance, if you are covered then it may be worth a try. I can't imagine having to make this discion. What does you OH think? :hugs:
Wow Kelsey - that looks beautiful but I can imagine how disruptive it is, especially cuttingoff your interent - arrgh! I didn't realise AF had arrived either, damned witch, sorry hun :hugs:. I know the procedure is a bit scary but it will give you some answers, and probably loads more questions but it will be worth it.

Rachel - I hope it turns out to more than just gas and you need to do more than fart, like pop out a LO, to feel better!! I am glad you have narrowed down the smell and soon it willl all be sorted.

Jess - such a difficult situation. My boss had 7 mc before having her daughter, not that I want any of us to have that many but just to show it may be possible naturally. The fact you don't have any test results from the last one is so frustrating as that might have helped sway you one way or another. I suppose it all depends on your insurance, if you are covered then it may be worth a try. I can't imagine having to make this discion. What does you OH think? :hugs:

Sam I meant to ask---last month you thought your temps seemed lower than normal---are they looking better this month? I know you're only 3DPO so that's probably hard to tell.
WHOA KELS! Where the heck do you live? Isn't it Virginia? LOL i'm prob way off. Wow that makes me sick seeing all that snow! It's suppose to be in the mid-upper 50's for this week and some 60 degree days. I hope to send the weather over your way. The smell in my house has tampered off a bit but we found out it was coming from the heat ducts. We need to get down to the bottom of it. As for the job, they sent me an email saying "orientation reminder" so i think i'm okay? LOL. They never called me again. I pray they don't ask why the hell i showed up on Monday bcz i'm a liar. Ohh boy!

As for me... feeling all sorts of things this morning. My boobs, ovary area, lower back, side.. everywhere gets twinges. I think it may be just gas. I don't even know if you call it twinges. I feel like bubbly/gurggly inside. I can just tell something is going on everywhere. My boobs looked really bloated this morning but now i dont know if it's in my head LOL. They feel weird every now and then too. I hope it all means something good.... I'm only what i think is 7dpo. Tested this morning but bfn. Prob won't test again until Monday morning at 9dpo. Like right now i farted and feel better LOL. It's probably just gas.

Nope, in WI! Crazy WI weather we're supposed to have 50's this coming week. I CAN NOT WAIT! But it'll be such a mess with all the snow melting so quickly.
Oh gosh Rach I hope all these symptoms lead to a BFP! :cloud9:
LOL idk why i thought VA. Jeeze! Well i hope that snow starts to melt. I really wanted to make a snowman this year because i bought a snowman kit in October. Wahhh!!! I hope it's a BFP too. I just feel exactly how i do when i get my period. blahh. time will tell i guess.
Kels - I think my temps are more normal this month. I just felt last month my pre ov temps seemed higher than normal therefore post ov (apart from 2 week) I didn't get the normal temp rise. I always wonder if that mean the hormones are quite right and that progesterone didn't kick in enough. I will always find something to worry over!!
Hiya Jessie, it was interesting to hear what your doctor said. I've got a few things to say about this. First of all you should visit the pal after recurrent losses thread. There are many many success stories on there of all ages without ivf treatment but some have had fertility treatment of some sort to produce more eggs even though they already ovulated which could be another option for you. Secondly I see 3 recurrent miscarriage specialists and one fertility/ivf man/clinic. The rc specialists say wait till second cycle and try again with all the treatment: steroids, aspirin, heparin etc. They say definitely no to pgd because the chances are not higher in the long run.
However, me and hubby have now decided to go for ivf pgd. I really suffer mentally (to the extent that i can hardly go out and i never see my friends and ive lost my job) with all this now and want to do everything to speed things up. Sooo in a round about way I think pgd ivf can speed things up BUT there are no gaurantees and we would have to pay $15000 your money conversion to get one go out of our own pocket. Our fs said that it would be good to diagnose my eggs first and then only fertilise the good ones. He did warn us that in very very rare cases there could be no normal eggs :shock: but since my third loss was normal I know that there would be a least one..maybe!! We are hopefully going to start it in April. I am keen to do it even just to see whether I have normal eggs!!
I really think it was harsh to mention adoption at this stage though when so many people like us are successful even without treatment and it was just bad luck. Personally though I'm not willing ot get pregnant again without some kind of fertility treatment and so we have decided to go for it with absolutely no gaurantee it's going to work or I'd even get past the egg collection stage and its very stressful. Pm me if you wanna no more Hun and you should at least read the pal after recurrent losses thread it will give you lots of hope and maybe inform your decision a bit more. But adoption? Maybe if you were 45 but not now no way x x x
Sam - so how was your massage? I agree with the others, I think you should BD tonight, just in case.

Rach - have you heard back from that job about the reference check? I hope you get to the bottom of that smell tomorrow, how awful!

Lindsay - I LOVE the furniture!! I can't wait to see pics of your room all done! Do you have a theme in mind for your decor?

Kelsey - how are you doing? See below about my doctors appt but my doctor did mention that quite a few MC's happen before a pregnancy is detected. Do you think its possible that you could be getting pregnant but not know it and just having recurring MC's? Just a thought... It might change some the level of testing your doctor does.

Ok so I went to the doctor this afternoon. The doctor was disappointed that I was not able to get any tissue tested. He feels that the fact I have had 4 MC's, the chances of me having a normal pregnancy are starting to decline. :cry:

Basically he said that my options at this point would be:
1. TTC again but he would start Progesterone a couple days ofter O.
2. Try IVF with my egg and DH's egg and check for chromosomal problems before implantation.
3. Do nothing and just TTC again.
4. Consider adoption

The IVF procedure would be about $17,000. I am checking but I don't think that my insurance covers this. He said that he would write me a letter stating that it would be for recurring pregnancy loss and not infertility so that may change things on whether they cover it. He feels that this might be the best option (if its covered) but even with this procedure the probability that at least 1 egg takes (he said they usually implant 3) would be about 35%. The chances of more taking are even lower so I could do through all this and still not even get pregnant.
Basically for now he wants me to take 1 more month off (which I was planning to do anyway). He also wrote me a prescption to get the Day 3 test (FSH, Estradiol, and Anti-Mullerian Hormonedone tests) this cycle after I get AF. Next month he wants me to come in again on approx Day 3 for a sonogram to check how many follicles are present and we will come up with a game plan from there.

I don't know, what do you girls think?

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