1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Happy 7 weeks Sam!! So glad you're feeling junky, means you're baking one healthy bun :) CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR FIRST SCAN!! And, you can't believe I'm CD7 already, I can't believe I'm ONLY CD7! lol
Lindsay, omg almost 24 weeks!! Where is a belly picture!? I think it's time for some weekly ones! And, I hope you can post some of your scan pics!
Jessie, no matter the time of day AF starts, I always count that as CD1. Your chart did look AMAZING this month, I'd def. say your body had just the amt of rest it needed, and it's now ready for TTC! I'm also very excited for your appt tomorrow, in your crazy busy schedule you'll have to find time to update ASAP. I know you'll get great news :) Oh and yes, today is my last dose of Clomid.
Rachael---HOLY HELL TEMP RISE TODAY!!!! I know you've been really sick, but I'm hoping it's because of a BFP and not because you're sick. Your cycles are generally about 30 days right? Have you had any spotting or anything? Omg, getting really excited for you!!!
hiya girls, stilll evap lines for me but I had some good evaps today but evaps all the same. I'm 8dpo, hey ho!
Hey girls. Here's a quick update. The spike this morning must have been because i'm sick. I been coughing all day. My head hurts. I can't seem to cough up whatever is in my chest and to top it off i have a fever of 100.5 FML. I feel horrible. I can't get comfortable. I can't sleep for more than a half hr at a time. I feel dizzy. UGHHHH. Don't wanna feel like this right now.
:hugs: Rach hope you feel better soon, nothing worse than feeling so ill. Try to drink plenty of fluids and take paracetamol to help bring down your temp.

Mel - 9dpo still early to feel out, mine was stark white that day and got he faintest of faint 10/11dpo, not over yet.

Was in bed by 10pm last night as so tired and nausea back with a bang. Today too, I feel like I am having to cough as its that close to dry retching.
I'm at work so this is going to be super duper short because I don't even have a cubicle - just a desk surrounded by more desks - ah the luxurious life of a graduate student in science!!!! But I wanted to quickly attach the 3D pictures for you guys from last week. I'll have more tomorrow - so spoiled!! Drinking LOTs of water today and tomorrow so hopefully we'll get a nice picture!


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AwwwhhH!! So precious Lindsay. It's soooo freakin neat you can see him that good! I am just so excited for ya!

Sam thanks hun. I bought some medicine last night that seems to be helping a little bit. I don't have a fever anymore. Thank goodness. I hope you start feeling better too. It's a good sign that you feel so crappy though!

AFM, temp was a little higher today but could be due to my cold. I tested and BFN again. Which is weird because last night i kept having this weird feeling around my belly button like i did last time. Also boobs were sore on and off. Must just be because of AF. Booo. Oh well... Mesina is a lying biiiiatch!
Omg Lindsay---look at his little finger on his chin----he's a thinker just like his mommy! LLOOVVEEEE. <3
Rachael, your temps are looking awesome!!! Part of my wonders if maybe you did OV on CD20, and then you'd only be 10DPO today, which would be early to get a BFP!!!! Idk, I really think this could be it. With the temps being an open circle---is that because you put that you were sick? I think you said you've still been taking them at the same time everyday. VERRRRYYY EXCITED!!!!!
Fanatastic scan Lindsey! It is amazing how much detail you can see, how cute are those hands/fingers.
Kelsey i honestly don't know what's going on with my body. I think it's because of this gosh darn cold. I remember testing on CD20 and the OPK was sooooo faint. I don't see how i O'd that day. At least i am temping and getting a better understanding for next month. The whole sore boobies thing and belly button thing just happened last night and now it's gone today? It could of been from my cold. I think i have the flu or something.
No concrete bfp to report yet, I will keep testing! Pink did you use 10miu's?
Lindsay :baby:- what a great pic. Its always amazes me how clear those are how how much they already look like a newborn this early!!!

Rach - sorry you are not feeling well. Your temperature rise is very interesting so I will be monitoring closely for the next few days.

Mel - are you still temping? If so how are your temps doing right now? I still have everything crossed for you. Its still early!!!

Kelsey -are you starting your BDing this weekend? What's up with your temperature spike today, are you feeling OK?

Sam :cold: - are you feeling any better today?

AFM - I had my doctors appt today and sonogram. I have 10 follicles on the right and 7 on the left. The sonogram lady said that she likes to see at least 8 but my doctor said the numbers I have are borderline. He is still happy with my other results (FSH, etc) so he still thinks things are good. I had a list of questions to ask so here are some of the answers:
  • CoQ10 - he said that there is no concrete proof that this will help, if eggs are old, they're old. But he said it won't hurt to take it so I will continue. I think I am going to start taking 200 mg instead of 100mg daily.
  • Late O - he said that this definitely can have negative affects on the outcome of a pregnancy. Basically your eggs are too ripe when you get pregnant on a late O cycle. I used to O earlier but over the last year it seems to be getting later so he wants me to watch this. If I get to a cycle when I am Oing late I really need to try not to get pregnant that month. If it starts becoming a pattern he is going to put me on Clomid to help me O sooner. He also said that there is better success with pregnancy when you use the Clomid in conjunction with artificial insemination. Have any of you girls thought about this? He said its only $500 per month.
  • He is going to check my Thyroid again as it was slightly high on one of my tests.
  • I did ask about the lack of AF during my younger years of being on Depo preserving some of my eggs and he said that is true.
  • Oh and for the first time ever, at this appointment he really stressed that the clock is ticking for me!!! When I told him about my upcoming trip he said that I should think about my priorities and if I get pregnant I shouldn't go!!! I was like Whoa!!!??? I was so shocked that he felt so strongly about it but we compromised. I am not going to TTC this month and start next month. My next cycle should start on May 1st. I will probably O about the 17th which is when I leave for my trip. My next AF would be due May 29th and I get back from my trip on June 4th so the most I could be by the end of my trip is 4-5 weeks pregnant. I will be on Progesterone starting on 3DPO and if I don't have my period by the time I get back I need to go in for bloodwork to see if I am pregnant before stopping it.
  • Oh, and I can't remember what the name of it is because I haven't picked up my prescription yet but he is putting Chris and I on an antibiotic that we'll start the month we start the month we start TTC on CD3 for 10 days. He said that there is some belief that this bacteria (?) could cause problems with pregnancies and he is treating us both as a precaution. We didn't get tested for anything so I'm not sure if its something that everyone has or if he is just covering all bases just in case.
Whew! I think that's it. If you think of something else I was supposed to ask let me know.
Oh Jess Ive been thinking bout you all day! Sounds like you got a lot of answers and almost all positive reinforcement!! You've really got me thinking bout late O because you and I O around the same time! :( On my first round of clomid I O'd even later (CD 18)! My doc said that's great (another reason I question everything she says! Then the 2nd cycle I o'd cd15 and the 3rd Cd 12 (which I thought seemed way too early)! I guess we'll see when I O now when I'm taking the clomid earlier!
The artificial insemination-Im guessing that's IUI? I think I mentioned before I'm worried I'm wasting my clomid cycles by not doing them with IUI-but my Dr said that only a small percentage of ppl clomid does not work with (again opposite of the research Ive done). Idk...Jess thanks for sharing all your info! I think if this round of clomid doesn't work ill at least ask to talk to the fs.
I'm not sure how I feel about his comments regarding your priorities and your trip! And I'm sad your still not TTC for another month-but that just means your first and final 2WW will go really fast! :)
Mel hope I wake up to a BFP from you tomorrow and you too Rach! Hope you feel better-Andrew better be babying you!
Oh and Jess not sure what's up with today's temps-probably a hot flash or something? Lol And yes
-bd'ing starts TONIGHT! If I wasn't on my kindle Id insert my favorite lil boobie bouncer Holly right there!
Jess, some interesting info from all that. It s shame the Dr has put you under pressure ttc with regards your trip. I can only think getting away from the stresses back home and relaxing can help the situation.

I am not sure about the late oving. I agree the later it is then the research show the poorer the outcome but cd 17 not is not late ov. Usually they mean into CD 25+ The reverse is also true, too early and the egg has not had the chance to mature enough. CD13 is not too early either, lots of ladies with shorter cycles become preganant and I usually ov CD14.

Not sure about clomid/iui so no idea there.

I would do what you think is best with regards ttc/holiday. I would say it only 1 month (can't believe I am really saying that, when prior to Jan I thought 1 month was so long not to ttc that would be the end of it due to my age).

Kels -hmm interesting temp spike! Will you disregard if other temps stay 'normal'? REally hope this month is yours.

Rach - hope you are feeling better hun.
Jess i think it's super crazy the doctor is pressuring you. That makes no sense! Why put stress on someone who is TTC?!? That's not good. A lot of ppl get told to relax and stop stressing. NOT putting STRESS ON YOU! If i were i'd shrug that part off. There's plenty of women who get pregnant in their early 40's! Anyways, I think writing down all your questions was a great idea. Now you have answers to all of them. I think you covered a lot of good bases. I say you go on your trip and have a good time! Relax, enjoy yourself. No doctor can tell you when you're going to get pregnant. I believe it's all in God's hands and under his timing, but we all have different beliefs. Don't stress yourself over that PLEASE! You will be fine and get your rainbow!! I also agree with Sam that CD17, 18, 19, etc isn't considered 'late'. I think like she said 24+ could be. I'm glad you got to talk to your doctor about it though. There has to be some relief on your side, but i know there's also more confusion as well. Hang on tight baby.. we're all in this together! :)

Sam are you still feeling like poo? I hope so, but in a good way! :)

AFM, i had a bit of a temp drop this morning. I took a test anyway and it was BFN. About 2 hours later i went poop and when i wiped there was blood. So AF is on her way. I'm going to write Mesina and tell her she don't know shhhheet!!!!!(shit). She may be my first victim with OH's dads baseball bat he gave me for xmas!!!!!!!
Thanks girls! I think regarding the late O he said cd 20+ is considered late so to try to avoid that. In Feb I O'd on day 20 so as long as I stay around CD 17 I should be ok.

Rach- whoa that's quite a temperature drop and since you saw blood I would definitely say that AF is on the way. Next month FF will predict your fertile days based on your information from this month but try not to totally rely on it since you only have 1 month of data. It gets more accurate after you have a couple months of charting logged.

Sam- how are you feeling today? I hope you get some MS relief soon. I read that ginger helps with nausea. How about some ginger snap cookies for a snack... . :munch:

Anyone have any plans for the holiday weekend? It's windy here so we are not boating :( we are going to run some errands today and maybe do some car shopping this afternoon. I need to start considering my options for something new by end of this year.
Jess wow that is a lot of info! But all good stuff!! Funnily enough I was just talking about doing a medicated iui cycle over on the pal thread, there's some evidence that it improves egg quality cos they can trigger release when the eggs are a certain size. I really want to do this next time but just got to convince hubby as he thinks with should go natural one more time. It's a lot cheaper than ivf though and a half way point. I want to do it:brat:. On clomid this 'cycle' I ovulated on cd12 or 13! earliest ever! However I am not pregnant and waiting for af now. Im 10dpo and I just know I'm not despite the neg tests! Anyhow I have just emailed my doc to ask if we could do the iui medicated but he hasn't got back to me yet. Oh and your follies are great! They also change from cycle to cycle. Straight after my miscarriage I had 12 on one ovary and 6 on the other. Then I had 9 and 6 and another one was counted where I had 9 on each, doc says that's good.

Thanks girls! I think regarding the late O he said cd 20+ is considered late so to try to avoid that. In Feb I O'd on day 20 so as long as I stay around CD 17 I should be ok.

Rach- whoa that's quite a temperature drop and since you saw blood I would definitely say that AF is on the way. Next month FF will predict your fertile days based on your information from this month but try not to totally rely on it since you only have 1 month of data. It gets more accurate after you have a couple months of charting logged.

Sam- how are you feeling today? I hope you get some MS relief soon. I read that ginger helps with nausea. How about some ginger snap cookies for a snack... . :munch:

Anyone have any plans for the holiday weekend? It's windy here so we are not boating :( we are going to run some errands today and maybe do some car shopping this afternoon. I need to start considering my options for something new by end of this year.
Jess i have no holiday plans. Andrew has to work on Sunday, boo!! No one should have to. So i am spending Easter alone until 6pm when he gets here. Tmrw he has off so i hope we can do something relaxing! He hasn't had a day off since 10 days ago. My poor baby. Love him!!!!

Mel you aren't out until that stupid biatch arrives! I got everything fx'd for you my love!!

AFM, AF is here full force. Thank GOD she's being somewhat nice and not giving me bad cramps. I couldn't handle that on top of this really bad cough i have. My throat is RAW from coughing so badly. I have to like hold my throat when i cough. Nothing comes up! All i taste is like metal in my mouth.
I totally forgot to temp this morning. Still feeling so sick! Thankfully i found some antibiotics i had. It was a whole refill from last time i was sick. I hope it helps!! I already feel a tad bit better taking them but i'm still really sick. When i woke up this morning i had bled all through my pj bottoms. UGH. Was horrible. I hate being sick and dealing with AF. Makes me want to vomit.

I hope you all have a great Easter weekend! Andrew and I are probably going to the movies later! Hopefully out to eat too because i don't feel like cooking. Tmrw i have no idea what we're gonna have! Hmm...

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