1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Rach - so sorry Af arrived, I wouldn't worry about temping during AF if you don't want to as temps are often erratic and don't 'count' towards FF estimating CH etc. Enjoy the movies, what are you going to see?

Mel -sorry missed your post, I thought they were 10mui but when I rechecked my ic were 20mui, its a wonder I even saw anything but I also used superdrug ones too (before the frer) but it was the ic that made me think something was going on. How are you, haven't had chance yet to stalk your journal today.

afm- constipated as hell. I even bought prune juice which is DISGUSTING. We went out last night for a lovely meal and it was nice to be able to chat. OH opened up that he is 'trying not to think about things too much' which I suppose is his way of dealing despite him telling me to be positive. 86hrs till the scan.
Aww Rach soooo sorry and really disappointed that AF came. :( I REALLY think if you do that every other day plan thing you will get PG THIS month! I just really think so!!!! That sucks that Andrew has to work tomorrow, on Easter. Nobody should have to, I LOL'd when I read about the baseball bat---and I think you should use the bat on Andrew's boss!!! Are you going to write to Mesina again? A girl I work with is going through a really ugly custody battle, and she wrote to Mesina to see if she'd be able to tell her the outcome. She hasn't heard back yet.
Oh Jess, thanks for clearing up the late ovulation, because I was worried! I think you only O'd that late that month because wasn't that your first cycle after mc? I think your body was still trying to get on track.
Sam I can't wait for your scan!!! It will be great!!! This pregnancy has felt different than all your others, right? I don't remember but I thought this was the first time you had ms. That's one thing I remember from being PG, was the constipation. It was awful!
Mel, how are you? Anything going on----BFNs turning into BFPs??
Lindsay, hope you and baby are having a good weekend!
Today I bought some yummy treats for Presley (our dog) and hid them around the house, since I don't think he'd find much fun in finding plastic eggs. He's been having a blast finding random treats, poor thing will look under every chair and in every corner now for the rest of the week! Tomorrow we're going out to brunch with the family. Will be good to see everybody, but I can't stop thinking that I got my BFP on Easter last year. Easter was a lot later last year though, so this is the same cycle as last year I got PG, so I'm hoping this cycle, a year later, is my lucky one! I bought robitussen today which will hopefully help my cm. Ugg, I forget how awful it tastes! Another wonderful thing of TTC that most people wouldn't understand.
Jess - glad you got some answers at your doc appointment! I don't know anything about the follicles but I'm so glad they're checking them for you!! I'm surprised the doctor is telling you to avoid traveling while pregnant! I would think it's better to be relaxed than anything - I guess they want you to be able to get to a doctor ASAP if you need anything at all. On the good side - your chart was gorgeous last month! I hope it stays that way for you! You'll be pregnant in no time again! Are they planning on changing anything other than the progesterone?

Mel - How you doin?? Getting positive tests yet?? Are you charting??

Rach - Sorry AF got you :( Hope you're starting to feel better. I'm excited to see how your chart looks this month now that we've seen what it looks like for a month!

Kelsey - How you doin?? Getting some good BD on?? :p I hope so!

Sam - So excited for your scan! Everything is going to go great! My DH tried to not talk about it too much before our first scan too, I think it was just too hard for him. I knew he had all the same fears I did but it was easier for him to just not talk about it. Oh and try eating yogurt every morning for the constipation - works wonders for me!

AFM - this is awkward but I think after dealing with my constipation and overall digestive issues - I'm developing hemorroids :blush: I've seen some blood after I go and it's kind of "uncomfortable" after for a little while. Not sure if I've just rubbed it raw or if they're actual hemorroids. I'm so embarassed to talk to the doctor about it and especially to DH, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do something about them.

On a less awkward note - we have easter brunch with Kirk's family tomorrow and dinner with my family tomorrow night - so it should be really nice!! I've been on a cleaning spree this morning and reorganized two of our three major closets and it felt sooooo good to get it done! My back was killing me by the end of the second one though so I didn't make it to the third. Our dogs ate a hole in one of the crates so I also "dog proofed" the house because our youngest will destroy anything he can shred - like books, seat cushions, paper towels, tissues, etc" and to my surprise he was a perfect angel while I was out to lunch with my mom! I'd be so excited if we could get him to behave and get rid of his crate!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!! :)
Sam i hope the constipation starts to work itself out. Seems like you have very very strong prego symptoms this time! Which means, an extra strong bean!! I honestly think you don't have anything to worry about. I'm pretttty sure this is your rainbow!!! So happy for you and can't wait till your appt!!!!!!

Kelsey You will have to let me know the outcome of your friend and Mesina. I'm debating if i should write her or not. It's like i don't wanna waste my time and money if she is fake. Ugh. She seemed SOOOOO real since everyone i knew had a positive outcome. Of course i'm the negative nancy! Wahh! I am going to definitely do the every day thing this month! I hope it all works out. If not i think i'll die. lol. I just have this really weird feeling that on my 1 yr anniversary of getting pregnant i will have better luck. Does that even make sense? Like you said this time last year you found out. Doesn't that give you some sort of positive vibes? Like good luck? lol. Idk! Just weird feeling i get. I just feel like June/July is going to be the month for me. I hope you get pregnant this month girlfriend!! I hate robitussin. I am taking it right now for this stupid bronchitis or pneumonia i have. I must say the antibotics i had left over are definitely helping me!!

Lindsay as far as hemroids go.. my mom said she got them after pushing out my sister and i. She says they flare up a lot of times after she poops. I feel so bad for anybody who has them though because i know it has to be so uncomfortable. I hate when my asshole burns from sex or taking massive poops. Have you tried preparation H? My mom says that works for her. Have you like tried to touch it? Is there like a bump? If so, it's probably a hemroid. I hope not though! They seem like they suck! Way to go on the cleaning! If i was as far along as you i'd probably be huffin and puffin and not being able to do ANYTHING! I can't even imagine what it's like carrying a baby! A lot of workout on your body 24/7. I can't wait for you to have him!!! I wonder when his birthday is going to be?!?!

Jess + Mel :wave: hiiii girls!!! how are you doing?!? love ya!!

AFM, like i said i'm feeling a LITTLE better. I can breathe better. I had to take some night time robitussin to make me sleep. I kept coughing. Sucked major monkey balls! I changed my sheets today because of all the icky germs. So i'll feel better going to sleep tonight lol. Anyways..... i'm going to go spend time with Andrew. I hope you all have a Happy Easter!!! xoxoxo
Hi girls!

Rach - so sorry AF arrived for you. Like Kelsey said. Try that every other day plan this month. By the way Kelsey, are you doing that too this month? I hope this works for you BOTH this month!!!!

Kelsey - yes, I think I only had that really late O the one month but is has started to get later over the past couple years. When I first started charting on paper i used to O around CD 14. Now I seem to be around CD 17. I just need to make sure it doesn't start increasing more. I had been reading about over-ripe eggs causing recurring MCs so thats why I asked the doctor about it. I think like Mel said about the success on the iui because they can time a perfect egg release for you. I may give that a try if this next round doesn't work. It's Cd 10 have you started BDing yet? Oh what's up with the Robitussin?

Oh Lindsay- I don't know much about about hemorroids but it does sound like what you might have. :( I wonder if there is anything you can get over the counter for that? If not, maybe you should mention it to the doc, but maybe not DH.

Sam- I can't wait for your scan!!! Getting excited for you. I think the fact you feel so crappy is REALLY good!!!

AFM - I picked up my prescriptions today. The antibiotic that the doc is treating Chris and I both with is Doxycycline. We are supposed to start taking this on CD 3 next month. I also picked up my progesterone. They were tablets this time, last time I was on suppositories. Do any of you know if there is a difference in strength or anything? The doseage seems the same, they are both 100 mg twice a day. I am going to call my doctor about it next week. Not sure why its different but just want to be sure the nurses didnt screw something up. The good thing is that these were only $7. Last time my insurance wouldn't cover them and the prescription was like $100. I also picked up more baby aspirin and the 200 mg bottles of CoQ10. So basically this time I will be on:
  • Prenatal vitamin
    1.6 mg Folic acid
    200 mg CoQ10
    Baby aspirin
    Doxycycline CD 3 for 10 days
    100 mg progesterone 2x day starting 3 DPO.

Whew I think that's it. Also, I was reading about a book called "Is your body baby-friendly" on one of the other threads so I ordered it today. It sounds like it has a lot of info about RMCs. I report back and let you girls know if it's worth purchasing.

Other than that, just did some much needed house cleaning today and DH and I just got back from dinner. We stuffed ourselves so now my stomach hurts, but it was soooo good!!! Tomorrow we are having Easter dinner with DHs parents. Do any of you girls get your OH a Easter basket? I always get Chris one :)
Jess wow that is a lot of info! But all good stuff!! Funnily enough I was just talking about doing a medicated iui cycle over on the pal thread, there's some evidence that it improves egg quality cos they can trigger release when the eggs are a certain size. I really want to do this next time but just got to convince hubby as he thinks with should go natural one more time. It's a lot cheaper than ivf though and a half way point. I want to do it:brat:. On clomid this 'cycle' I ovulated on cd12 or 13! earliest ever! However I am not pregnant and waiting for af now. Im 10dpo and I just know I'm not despite the neg tests! Anyhow I have just emailed my doc to ask if we could do the iui medicated but he hasn't got back to me yet. Oh and your follies are great! They also change from cycle to cycle. Straight after my miscarriage I had 12 on one ovary and 6 on the other. Then I had 9 and 6 and another one was counted where I had 9 on each, doc says that's good.

Mel- I definitely think you should give the medicated iui a go. I am going to try 1 more time on my own and if this doesn't work out I may give that a go. I will be curious to see how it goes for you.
Hi girls Happy Easter!!

Rachel - glad you are feeling a bit better but boo to the fact Andrew is working today, will you catch up with friends? I am not going to ask why your ass hurts after sex!! I am glad you feel so +ve about the next few months, fingers crossed.

Jess - I don't know much about progesterone supps but for some reason thought I read oral was better but can't remember why s I may be toatally wrong. Lets hope this month with the new meds brings you your bfp. Does that mean you are going to ttc this month?

Lindsey - sounds like heamorroids to me or maybe a small tear. Some over the counter stuff may do the trick, OH gets them from time to time and they usually help.

Kels - aww what a lovely thing to do for you dog, he will be looking for the rest of the week now. Did he find them all? I also used robitussin along with EPO for CM, worked a treat and I didn't find the taste too bad. Nothing comapred to this bloody prune juice :sick:

Mel - hope you are okay, glad you got thing sorted :hugs:

afm - I was 'off' food for a couple weeks with my first pg but nothing like this. Sore boobs with both but none of this bloating and constipation I have now. I don't really like yoghurts and I am slightly worried about my calcium intake and was going to speak to the mw on Wednesday about it. I only have milk with my bran flakes and coffee (decaff) but I don't really have much else, no cheese/yoghurts etc although I think the calcuim rennies are making up for that!! Having a chilled out day, sun is shining for once so going to make the most of it.
Happy Easter girls!!!! :wave:

Sam :cold: - thanks for the info on the progesterone. I have been doing some reading about them and it sounds like the oral ones make you really tired. I can't be doing that on my trip. I can take one before I go to bed but the other I probably need to take earlier in the day so I am definitely going to call my doctor on Tuesday about them. Maybe he can give me the suppositories just for my trip. No I won't be TTC this month as my doctor was having a fit about the trip so we will start trying next month. AF is due about May 1st so will will try for that eggie!
Regarding the yogurts, DH doesnt like them either but he has started finding flavors that he likes (they have cappachino, cake flavors, etc) and even freezing them so they at are like an ice cream and now he eats them. Maybe that will work for you too. :thumbup:
Jess - I thought that was the case they you were going to hold off but with you getting the meds I got confused. Hmm you don't need the tiredness on holiday so hopefully he can swap them over for you. Weather didn't last, back to being :cold:
Pink thanks for the test info, that's great that yours were 20's that soon. I know I am out from 9dpo as I always get something by then but you need 'expert' eyes to see it on a 10miu! :haha: then the 20 works the next day. Hope you feel better, constipation isn't nice but a really common pregnancy problem. I really think this is your forever baby :yipee:
Kels I love your dog already!! And Presley is such a great name!! Did you find that your period arrived later when you're on clomid?
rach, glad youre feeling a bit better, being poorly and having af is no fun :nope:
Lindsay glad you're having a nice Easter :bunny:
Afm :bfn: and :witch: due in the next few days I hope!! I am getting a scan next weds hopefully to check everything out, I am worried my lining will still be thin and my period is not coming after all! :shock:
Happy Easter Girlies!! xoxo
Rachael, you're probably right it doesn't pay to waste any more money on another reading. I hope that I can prove her wrong, because October seems FOREVER away! Glad you're starting to feel better! And make sure to do every OTHER day, not every day.
Jessie, if he's putting you on the antibiotic it's good you're not TTC. I was prescribed that a couple months ago, and when I looked it up online it said to absoultely not take it if you're trying to get PG and when I asked my Dr. about it she said to stop taking it right away. Do you have a Walgreens or CVS Pharmacy by you? I see that they have the CoQ10 vitamin you take on sale buy 1 get 1 fairly often. Maybe save you a lil money. I would feel so much better if my Dr. would presribe me some progesterone. As for the robitussen, for women who have little cm, robitussen is supposed to loosen up your cm and make it runnier, which makes it more fertile. Although for somebody like me who really doesn't have much of any cm, not sure if it'll help anything. Oh, and please let me know how that book. AND, that is so interesting about freezing the yogurts!!! I told DH about that and we're going to try it! He eats yogurt everyday.
Lindsay, with all my issues I have, I def. hear you on the down there problems. There's lil wipes you can use after you have a bowel movement that will help reduce the swelling. Is it painful while you're going (like for me, it's like I'm trying to push out glass) or just blood? Your DH is lucky you spare him, when it first was happening I was so scared I made DH look at it! lol I'd just ask your Dr. in case there's certain things you shouldn't use when PG.
Sam, did you have much for CM before trying the robitussen and EPO? How many hours now until the scan? Gotta keep the countdown going!
Mel my LP was extended by a day or 2, but since I OV'd earlier than normal AF still came around the same time. Wonder why you're body is being difficult, hope you get some answers on Wednesday!
Geez this must be the weekend of cleaning---seems like it was what we were all doing! I scrubbed my tub/shower forever yesterday, and then just went on a rampage around the house. Nothing better than a clean house :) And yes girls, getting some good BD'ing in ;) Started on CD8 and will go every other day until positive OPK. Hope I OV around CD14---that'd be awesome!
Hi girls! Hope you all had a great Easter! I had way too much Easter candy around the house now!!! Ugh!

Mel - sorry your body is being difficult! I hope you get AF soon so you can move on to your next cycle. Are you doing anything different now besides the Clomid? Did you ever go to that clinic you were talking about? Any word on your doctor about the iui?

Kelsey - I was reading that about the antibiotic and TTC too but he told us to take the cycle we are going to try starting on CD 3 for 10 days. Also I did google the med and recurring miscarriage and is does talk about use for that a lot. Yes I do have a Walgreens and CVS nearby. I got a great deal on the CoQ10. The bottle was $41 for the 200mg 70 tablets. It was BOGO, I had a $1.00 off coupon off each one and then I have a $5.00 off of $25.00 CVS coupon. So I basically got the 2 bottles for $34.00! :) That's interesting about the Robitussin. And what this EPO?

Sam - good luck with your scan this week! I can't remember but have you had a successful scan in your prior pregnancy? I am getting so excited for you. All of your :sick: is definitely a great sign!!!

Lindsay - Were you able to take anything yet to get some relief? I hope you ate lots of Easter candy for your LO.
Hi ladies!

I hope you all had great Easter weekends! Mine was pretty good...soooo much food! I was just so tired yesterday with a bit of a subject headache from all the pollen we have right now, but I'll take the flowers! Everything looks so beautiful out :)

Jess - I have everything crossed for you next cycle! Your chart really did look great last month and is looking like its behaving this month too so far so hopefully it will stay that way!

Mel - sorry you think you're going to get AF!

Kelsey - how you feeling? Getting close to o!

Rach- you feeling better now? I hope you get your bfp before June or July! Are you going to use your cbfm at all anymore?

Afm - i was doing a lot better this weekend but I didn't have to "go" much this weekend. I don't feel any bump down there and the other day when I had the blood I went probably 3x two days in a row and (gross) it was really soft so maybe I just tore it open a bit? It just was super sore for a couple days. I don't know...I have a feeling its going to develop into them some how. The tigers definitely really helps me but when I load up in junk it gets bad the other way. I don't know...just glad its ok now.

I've been a cleaning freak lately! I cleaned out two of our closets and loaded up the back of Kirks truck for the dump with stuff we don't use anymore! It was such a great feeling! We also picked up the babys crib and dresser this weekend and just need to clear out the babys room before we set it up.

Hope you all have as good a Monday as is possible :p haha
Jess - not had a successful scan at all. MMC at 10 weeks showed BO/6week empty sac and 2nd pg was 5 weeks therefore no scan at all. Strange day today, nausea all but gone and just a funny 'something is different' feeling. I am not overly anxious or worried but maybe lack of nausea is unsettling me. EPO =evening primrose oil, another supplement you use cd1 till ov.

Lindsey - haemorrhoids maybe internal but it sound more like a fissure. I occasionally get them and they really sting. Glad things are starting to settle down. So exciting to be able to pick up the nursery furniture, that seems to have come round so quickly since you said how long it would take to make!

Kels - I think I was reasonably ok with the cm but to be honest always needed extra lubricant, how little did I realise that was a potential problem. Once on EPO and robutussin I had PLENTY!! Less than 36 hrs now!

Rach - hope you are feeling better and you had a lovely Easter monday.

Mel - hope that witch shows her face soon so you can crack on to the next cycle. Will you still have the scan if AF does show?
Lindsay :baby:- did you stick to your cake, ice cream and candy diet for the Easter weekend? Did you get a chance to ask your doctor today about your "discomfort" down there? Your cleaning sounds great! I did some vacuuming and dusting by I really need to go through some closets. I was in the attic the other day and I was so frustrated with all of the crap up there. I really just need to start hauling stuff off!!! Can't wait to see some pics of the baby room when you get it going :)

Sam :cold: - I hope your feelings today are just your nerves about the scan. I started freaking out before one of my appointments, symptoms gone etc. and I had the doctor so worried when I got there that he did a scan on me just to check and everything was fine.
I will have to look up that EPO and see if I should add that to my regiment. I actually don't mind the Robitussin. When/how long do you take that for?

Here's some info on the Doxycycline that my doctor prescribed for us, although we are taking 1 tablet for 10 days:

While accounting for a smaller number of pregnancy losses, some studies have demonstrated that reproductive tract infections with myocoplasma appear to be associated with RPL. Cultures are frequently recommended at the time of initial consultation.

Treatment: Doxycycline 100 mg. twice daily for 7 days for both partners, taken simultaneously.
Hi girls!

Thanks for all the advice and thoughts about my issue! It seems to have gone away mostly...had a bit yesterday but is soooo much better!

Jess - interesting about the mycoplasma! We get those infections in our cells in the lab but they're totally undetectable to the eye. They just cause the cells to grow very slowly and they "behave" oddly. Can imagine it would throw things for a loop if you got infected with it. Glad they're trying it!

I haven't checked everyone's charts yet but I hope they all look lovely!
Hey sweetiepies. How you all doing?!? I don't have a whole lot to write. I'm feeling a lot better than a couple of days ago. Woohoo for that. I hate feeling sick. Esp that stupid fever stuff. Feeling mucho better. So i been sitting here thinking.. which is never good lol. I could lose a lot of weight and i wonder if i should just go ahead and take care of that then TTC or should i just do both? I'm not sure but i been having this convo in my head since yesterday. It's getting to be summer and i'm starting to feel so sickly about myself. I am most definitely going to just start dieting again and maybe just do the NTNP ordeal. I'm not strong enough to just take a break LOL.

Anyways, i hope everyone has a good week. love you girls!
Hiya girls, well I am preggo! :wacko: :yipee: :wacko: - that is how I feel about it!! I got a high on my CBFM after a LOW yesterday (no af) so i took tests and... Bit :shock: to say the least!!!


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