1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Mel what the heck is going on?! I am so confused. Doesn't make sense to me that your OPK's are so dark and you are suppose to be on AF right now?! I can't imagine how aggravating this all is for you. I can't wait for you to go to the drs so you have so answers. Not too much longer and you will figure it out. I'm sorry you're going through this. Ugh i hate not knowing what's going on with my body. It's the worst feeling.

Lindsay awhh i bet it is so awesome to feel him move around. He's probably doing jumping jacks in their. Saying FEED ME MOMMA! lol. I'm glad you don't have hemoroids. It would just be another pain in the ass thing to deal with. Glad your digestive system is doing better! :)

Sam sooo happy for you!! Love ya hun! :hugs:

Kelsey have you OV'd? I haven't looked at your chart yet. I hope the sperm and egg dance in there and decided they love eachother and wanna make a baby!!

AFM yessssssss i am still going to temp! lol. I've just been lazy with it. Starting today though i'm going to be temping. Will be BDing every other day as well. I'm going to be doing the Body by Vi challenge for a diet. You have 2 shakes a day and 1 meal of whatever you want. The shakes have an unbelievable amount of nutrients in them. Equivalent to like 13 eggs, 15 slices of wheat bread, 20 asparagus, 13 apples.. the list goes on and on! lol. I'm just ready to start feeling better. Just been letting myself go and eating away my feelings about TTC and everything else. Just ready to jump on track and take care of myself!
Hi girls!

Jess - glad you'll be getting out on the boat next weekend! Don't worry about your Bday! I have a great feeling about your next pregnancy as they've been following you so closely now! It is kind of weird to feel him moving around in there but I think it will be weirder when he's out of me and I don't feel it anymore. It's reassuring at this point.

Mel - I'm so sorry hunny! I hope the doctor can give you some answers! What can they check with a scan? how thick your lining is? the status of your follicles?

Rach - I think that's great that you're doing the body challenge! that's really exciting! I bet you'll be feeling better in no time! I've been eating both good and bad since I got pregnant, but always feel so much better when I'm eating well! I'm also excited you're still going to be temping! It'll make FF more useful for you :) It definitely didn't matter that you didn't temp during AF since temps can be very erratic during that time anyway. Just no more missing from here on out! :)

AFM - I ordered some prenatal workout videos to do as I can't always make it to prenatal yoga (only offered once a week) and it's really the only thing that has helped keep my back from absolutely killing me and I'm starting to be convinced that it helps with my digestion/lack of heartburn. So, I'm hoping that if I can do them a couple times a week that I'll continue to feel good throughout the rest of the pregnancy and hopefully it will help with delivery too! Plus, it's been very weird to not exercise like I used to. It was nice at first and now I miss it. We'll see how it goes!
Rach and Lindsay glad you're both taking care of yourselves. It's so important to keep your back strong when pregnant Lindsay I know a lot of pregnant people who have felt better with exercise. Rach that sounds like a really healthy diet! I am going to start temping too as from tomorrow morning i'll start my chart again.

Well I am wondering now whether it was ovulation bleeding as I got this info off Just Mommies and I've highlighted the bits I think apply: If you are trying to get pregnant :haha: you may want to look for some physical signs of ovulation. Some signs of ovulation include increased cervical mucous, cramping on one side, or breast tenderness. Some women will notice light spotting around the time of ovulation. This light spotting is known as ovulation spotting and is considered a great sign of fertility.

What causes ovulation spotting?
There are a couple of thoughts on what causes ovulation spotting. Some people believe that the light spotting is a result of the egg rupturing through the follicle during ovulation. It is thought that as the egg bursts from the follicle that a little bleeding may occur. This is why some women may notice brown spotting, which is generally an indicator of older blood, around the time they ovulate. The blood may turn brown as it exits the body.

The other possible explanation for ovulation spotting is that the spotting is a result of a woman’s changing hormones during ovulation. As a woman’s body prepares to ovulate, follicles will start to grow and mature. As they mature they produce more estrogen. This increase in estrogen triggers a surge in LH, another hormone involved in ovulation. When LH surges it signals the mature egg to burst from the follicle. Estrogen rises sharply right before a woman ovulates and it is thought that the increase in estrogen levels may cause light spotting to occur.

When does ovulation spotting occur?
Ovulation spotting normally occurs right before ovulation or during ovulation. It may appear as light bleeding or brown or pinkish spotting. Sometimes it will be mixed with egg-white looking cervical mucous. This is just what happened to me! There are other causes of mid-cycle spotting but if the spotting occurs around the time ovulation is expected, there is a good chance that the spotting is a result of ovulation.

Timing Intercourse with Ovulation Spotting
Normally ovulation spotting will last for one or two days and most women will ovulate shortly after. If you notice ovulation spotting, this is a good time to start having intercourse. OKAY I WILL THEN :sex: It is helpful to use an ovulation prediction test to help further pinpoint ovulation. You may notice egg-white looking cervical mucous or ovulation pain around this time. Cervical mucous gets thinner and stretchier as ovulation approaches. After ovulation cervical mucous dries up and ovulation spotting usually disappears. The closer you time intercourse with ovulation the better. It is a good idea to continue having intercourse for a few days following ovulation spotting to be sure that ovulation has occurred. You may also want to keep a bbt chart to help confirm when you ovulated.
Kels I really hope this cycle is it for you and that you catch this egg :hugs: :hugs: It's so annoying why everything has to be such a struggle!!!
that sure does sound like what you had Mel!! what do your OPKs look like today?? You would think they would be negative by now, right? How many days did you have a positive OPK? That would be a great turn of events for you! When's your scan again??

Sorry for so many questions!!
Thanks Lindsay. Well they are darker this afternoon, so can't wait for my scan tomorrow :wacko:


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Lindsay that's so exciting that baby is moving more! I agree with jessie, there can't be any more awesome feeling in the world! I can not wait to someday feel that, just seems ssoooo unimaginable. :cloud9:
Jessie so glad they got the progesterone worked out, and what a bonus that you get samples! Can't wait for you to get back to TTC, but you'll be off having the time of your life and I'll only be able to think about what you're experiencing in your 2WW. How many days until vaca begins? And girl, you celebrate turning 39 and fabulous!! Nnooo :cry:, it will be your birthday, but you can not cry if you want to :flower:
Mel, WWTTHHHH!!!! :gun: Thank goodness your appt is tomorrow, hopefully you get all your questions answered. It sure does sound like that could have been ovulation spotting--have you ever had that before? Have you still been BDing?
Rach glad you're still going to temp, in the long run it'll be nice for you to see your cycle clearly. This is going to be YOUR MONTH!! You and Andrew will be busy every other day until you get that positive OV. Did you get the smiley faced OV tests? Your diet sounds really nutritious, but noo fun. :) I'm horrible with healthy eating. Good for you, maybe you'll inspire me.
AFM, I thought FOR SURE I'd get a +OPK last night, but it was still negative! A lot of times for some reason I don't get a positive until my actual OV day, so hopefully tonight I get one (anybody else first get a positive on OV day?). But, my temps have done weird things in the past so maybe tomorrow my temp will drop more indicating OV? I hope not! My BD'ing schedule has been: CD8,10,12,14 and then even if I don't get a positive OPK tonight I'm planning on bd'ing again tonight and tomorrow and then maybe take a day off and then again. I have such high hopes for this month because of changing my clomid days and having the HSG clear things out, if AF comes again it'll be hard to take. :wacko:
Kels I have heard of SO many women getting pregnant after HSG as you know. Ohhh I really really hope this is it for you and you get maybe 2 for your trouble!! :baby::baby:
I have had positives on the day of ovulation :hugs: that's not anything to worry about it just means that the egg is released 12 hours later or something in that time frame.
Kelsey - your BD schedule sounds great! I hope you guys are having fun with it too ;) I think it's completely normal to get a positive OPK in the same day you O. I've only used OPKs once and my positive OPK was actually on the day that I O'd - and I got preggers so maybe it's a good thing! Your chart looks good so far so I've got everything crossed for you! Let us know how your OPK goes tonight! Do you use the smiley OPKs? I still have a pic of mine on my phone that I sent to DH so he knew what he was coming home to that night :p
Mel- I think that ov bleeding sounds like a really good sign. I hope you get a SUPER O this month to make up for your body being so rotten to you!!! I'm anxious for your scan tomorrow to see what the docs say. Good luck!

Kelsey- your BD schedule sounds really good. I hope the changes this month will be just what your body needed :thumbup:

Rach- your diet sounds great. It's good you are so motivated about it. I always have good intentions, but then the plan just fizzles!

Well I got my progesterone today. My doctors office gave me 35 samples, plus I got a box of 6 last week and I still have about 20 left over from last time so I should be good!
Hi Ladies!!

Last belly picture posted - I put it on facebook too but figured I should share it here for you ladies :)

How are you guys doing today?! It's Friday!!! yay!! I couldn't be more excited that the weekend is here! I worked from home yesterday so it was nice to sit around and work in sweatpants but I want to just sit around and do nothing in sweatpants haha.

I'm going to check everyone's charts and then post again :) <3 you guys!


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I'm too early for charts except for Jessie - and yours is so steady!! mine was always all over the place! I used to confuse myself so much!

I'll check back later!
Morning Lindsay! :baby: Happy Friday to you too!!! I am so excited it's actually here!!!

I LOVE your bump pic! You look so cure pregnant!!! Awwww!!! :happydance:

My chart is really looking good this month. I will be interested to see what happens around O. Maybe my body really did need a 6 month break to get things back to normal!
Thanks Jess! Yea your chart is awesome! This break might have been perfect for you to get back on track so next time will be smooth sailing!

Kelsey - I see you got your positive opk last night! Yay! And a temp rise this morning so you prob o'd and with your great BD schedule and the hsg this is gonna be it! BD again tonight too :)
Kels YAY for +opk! Omgggg wish your 2WW was over with already! GAH! I remember when i was just a day or two ahead of you. Now my cycle is all f'd up and i'm like a week behind lol. Stupid body and stupid AF! I hope hope hope this is the month! AHH. I just wanna go do a summer salt! Your BD schedule sounds awesome. Andrew and i kinda just haven't been wanting to keep our hands off each other! So our BD schedule has been very good so far LOL.

Lindsay omgggg look at that buttercup in there! He is just a growing!! You look super duper cute. How is Kirk liking the bump? Is he always rubbin it? This is all just getting so exciting! All you girls that i met when i first got on here when we had our MC's are starting to actually get CLOSE to having their baby! Omg.. just so exciting!!! Can't believe it lol. I forget... did you chose a name yet?

Jessie i love love love when drs give me samples. Sounds like you've got enough! I really really really hope this 6 month break did your body good and you get your rainbow!!

Mel how are you hanging in there girl? How did the dr appt go?

What's everyone's weekend plans? I'm going yard saling tmrw :thumbup: I love finding shit! Other then that just spending time with my lovebug. He is just such a doll. Love him. So.. someone needs to spank me extra hard bcz i forgot to temp this morning. FML x 43534902. DAMNIT. What is wrong with me?! OMG when the hell is this cold front going to pass? it was like 80+ 2 weeks ago and the last 2 weeks it's been so blah. Like going down to 32 at night at 65 during the day! It was in the friggin 80s for like 2-3 weeks! GRR. Just wanna sit outside and enjoy the heat! I had the AC on and everything. Now i have the heat on. SOB!
Oooh thank you girls for the reassurance! And yes Linds, I use the smiley OPK's. Nothing better than seeing the :) I caught DH right before he left for work for a quick BD. So I HOPE we have our bases covered! And just in case another lucky egg drops, we'll cont. for a couple more days.
Aww...Lindsay your baby belly is the cutest! Such little legs and arms---I hope I'm like you and all belly when I'm PG. And happy 25 weeks!
Jessie, your chart is looking amazing--I wish my temps were so stable! Mine are so erratic until a couple days before OV, then they seem to settle down a bit.
Mel--thinking of you today! Will be stalking for an update from you.
:hi: Rachael and Sam! TGIF!!!
I have no big weekend plans---my husband is a highschool baseball coach--and they have 3 games this weekend so I won't get to see him too much. I'll go to 2 of his games, as long as the weather is ok.
Kels YAY for +opk! Omgggg wish your 2WW was over with already! GAH! I remember when i was just a day or two ahead of you. Now my cycle is all f'd up and i'm like a week behind lol. Stupid body and stupid AF! I hope hope hope this is the month! AHH. I just wanna go do a summer salt! Your BD schedule sounds awesome. Andrew and i kinda just haven't been wanting to keep our hands off each other! So our BD schedule has been very good so far LOL.

Lindsay omgggg look at that buttercup in there! He is just a growing!! You look super duper cute. How is Kirk liking the bump? Is he always rubbin it? This is all just getting so exciting! All you girls that i met when i first got on here when we had our MC's are starting to actually get CLOSE to having their baby! Omg.. just so exciting!!! Can't believe it lol. I forget... did you chose a name yet?

Jessie i love love love when drs give me samples. Sounds like you've got enough! I really really really hope this 6 month break did your body good and you get your rainbow!!

Mel how are you hanging in there girl? How did the dr appt go?

What's everyone's weekend plans? I'm going yard saling tmrw :thumbup: I love finding shit! Other then that just spending time with my lovebug. He is just such a doll. Love him. So.. someone needs to spank me extra hard bcz i forgot to temp this morning. FML x 43534902. DAMNIT. What is wrong with me?! OMG when the hell is this cold front going to pass? it was like 80+ 2 weeks ago and the last 2 weeks it's been so blah. Like going down to 32 at night at 65 during the day! It was in the friggin 80s for like 2-3 weeks! GRR. Just wanna sit outside and enjoy the heat! I had the AC on and everything. Now i have the heat on. SOB!

Oops, you must have been posting when I was! Our weather here has been crap too! 2 weeks ago it was in the 80's and now it's been 31 in the morning and high of 50 throughout the day. Ugg, I want suummeerr!!!
I know, I hate that our cycles got so far apart. Crazy things our bodies do...:growlmad:
Well that's good you and Andrew can't keep your hands off each other :kiss: You little love bugs :kiss:
How can you forget to temp rach!!!??!!! :haha: Mybe you have baby brain already!!
Kels love that you've got bases covered and your hubby is a baseball coach! Think all bases will be covered with before work :sex: :yipee:
Lindsay fab bump Hun! :cloud9:
I posted this in my journal so sorry for the laziness here it is copied:
Well just got back and have answers. Had a scan and the doctor has concluded I never ovulated! My lining is still thin and I am bleeding heavily now!! He said that the lining can't build up without ovulation. As for my 'damage after ERPC' scares he said no way and that it's all hormonal. I also texted another doctor I know and he said I was reading far too much into lining worries and to not be concerned with it at all. And I've had that scan which showed no scarring whatsoever so I think I'm just going to have to trust it. Also I had been bleeding for 2.5 days before the scan this morning and it was heavy by 6am this morning so I'm putting that worry to bed.
So he has put me on a monitored follicle tracking cycle with clomid again. I start clomid today so that would mean taking it on days 3-7, then he is starting the scanning process next Thursday. Once he sees follicles ready to go he will give me a trigger shot and hopefully I will get pregnant or my lining will thicken and I'll have one of my normal heavy gushing periods!
I'm going to stay on my journal now and post pics of my ovulation tests every day! I forgot to mention to him that my opks were nearly positive now but he could see on the scan that none of the follicles are developing yet. He said I had normal ovaries and plenty of eggs so that's good. There is no way I could get pregnant with no proper egg release (there was some kind of possible corpus luteum there) and no thick lining. All those pregnancy tests!! :dohh: :dohh: :dohh:

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