1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

My first was about the same---but the first round of clomid didn't work for me, so that may be why it didn't impact AF much. But especially my last one was quite a bit shorter with only the first day having a real bleed.
Aww, your poor thing. I was just reading your journal, seems like you're going through soo much right now!! :hugs: I read often that Clomid REALLY messes with people hormones/emotions making them very sad/angry. I was lucky and never noticed much difference. Although, I worry that my no s/e is a result of clomid not working. :dohh:
Hi Ladies!

How's everyone doing?? I just had another cervix check - only one more to go! It's still looking nice and long - shorter than last time but he said it's still way above average and variation is normal. The little guy was being a wiggle worm and so there were no profile pictures for me, but everything else looks great - so that's all I care about! Have my last appointment with the perinatologist in 3 weeks and my glucose test in two weeks. I need another shot of Rhogam (I got it when I had my d&c) in 3 weeks I think.

Sorry it's cold there Kelsey! I just put the A/C on as it's around 90 out and DH works outside all day so I wanted to make sure the house wasn't roasting when he got home.

The pictures of the bathroom so far are up on facebook. Hopefully DH will be grouting the tile tonight and putting the toilet/vanity in tomorrow and who know when the trim will go up but I don't care as long as it's functional! haha.
kels what's s/e? Sorry! Yeah I am quite worried now that some damage was done after the ERPC. I am seeing a specialist tomorrow so i'll update. I didn't even ovulate on the clomid last time as I never got a positive opk. My ic strips are usually gearing up and dark as dark can be by the time there is a peak on my CBFM but on clomid my CBFM and OPKS mismatched. So I got a peak but no pos opk. I am on round 2 now but this time im being monitored and triggered. Your womb lining is important as baby can't implant in less that 6.5mm ideally 8. Maybe you could get that checked out? xxx
Mel- i think s/e is side effects.

Lindsay- what is the Rhogam for?
So girls, FF says I O'd on CD 15!!! Not sure if that is right or not. Its been a strange month since my temps have been so stable. But I guess the last year of temping I have been in and out of pregnancies so who knows. I don't remember get any EWCM this month but I did have some cramping on CD15 :shrug: We will see what my temps do in the next couple days.

How's everyone else doing?

I am still feeling a bit under the weather. Last night I was coughing a lot although I did not have a fever so hopefully that won't affect my temps.
Yaahh Lindsay for having another good check! And your remodel pictures look great---I bet that's so exciting for that to be almost done. I'm soooo jealous of your high temps, it's soo fricken cold and WINDY---yesterday the winds were 40MPH! Ugg...
Jessie---I think you meant CD12! My 3rd cycle of clomid I O'd on CD12 and was shocked! I think our cycles just rub off on each other, because sometimes they really mimic each other. If only I could get my temps to mimic your beautiful temps :) Our LP is usually about the same length, so we should be getting AF around the same time. Hope you feel better!! Maybe you just need a lil fun in the sun, because I'm sure like Lindsay, your temps are just amazing. :growlmad: lol
Mel---thinking of you today, hope you get some answers. I just find it so odd that they gave you Clomid last month to bring on AF. I don't think you have any damage from the ERPC, I just think when Clomid got added to the mix your body had nnooo fricken clue what was going on, and everything just got a bit outta wack. Personally, I think I'd want to just take a month off, temp and make sure that everything is doing what it's supposed to be doing. I know that's FOR SURE easier said than done though. Can't wait to hear how your appt goes. :hugs: Oh, and on clomid I stopped using my CBFM because I would first get a Peak a couple of days AFTER my OPKs, and my temps usually reflected that my OPK's were accurate.
Rachael---where are ya lady? Have you decided to NTNP this month and forget the temping?
Sam---hope you and baby are feeling good!!
Has anybody heard from Eliza??????
Jess - rhogam is for my blood type. I am A- so since kirk is O+ if the last baby was + and so is this baby my body could have developed antibodies against it. So the rhogam is an injection that neutralizes antibodies against the Rh+ antigen. They gave me one when I got my d&c but they said most likely it was too early for my body to have developed any antibodies it was just precaution. But this time its really important so that if I have another baby in the future that is Rh+ my body won't reject it early on just due to blood type. Does that make sense? If you Google Rh- during pregnancy someone else probably explains it better than I do lol. And yay for o! Your chart still looks good and I didn't get ewcm the month I got pregnant and I never really followed it before then so I wouldn't read into that too much.

Kelsey - how you doing? Your temps look really good! I really good that second dip was a second egg released! That would be so exciting if you had twins!

Sam, Rach, Mel, and Eliza - how you doin?!

I saw Eliza post on Facebook that she didn't feel good so hopefully that means the pregnancy is going great :)
Kelsey - I think our charts do mimic each others a lot. I think yours this month looks like mine last month. I really hope that was a double eggie for you!!!! If this happens to not be your month then our cycles should be in line to be TTC buddies next month!!! :happydance: I better start early :spermy: next month if is does turn out that I O'd on CD 12 (yes that's what a meant, my head is a little foggy with this cold LOL).

Lindsay :baby: - you know I remember reading about Rh values and I remember asking my doc about them at one of my first appointments (Chris and I were OK there). But I guess I never realized what the whole word was. Did you find that out early in your last pregnancy? That's pretty crazy about the antibodies!

I sent a message to Eliza on FB too because I saw her message about being sick. I hope everything is OK and that its just a case of MS!! :)

Rach - what is up with your temping girl!! :trouble:

Mel - Any news? :hugs:

Sam :cold:- I hope you are feeling OK.

AFM - its my 39th birthday this weekend (booohooo!) :cry: Chris and I are planning to head out to the boat Friday after work and we took off Monday too so we won't be back until Monday afternoon. I can't wait!!! Its been windy the last few weeks so we haven't been out. And yes Kelsey, sorry to say but the temps have been great here too.... in the 80's. You need to pack up and move south!!! :plane: Ugh, and I am still fighting this damn cold. Yesterday I felt like crap and had terrible a headache. Today I feel a little better and its down to a persistent dry cough so I hope it goes away soon!!
Sorry girls i only have a quick minute to update. I know y'all are mad at me with the temping. FML! I been forgetting, no joke. How does that even happen??! I guess it may be because i'm in a lay back mood this month. Just don't even feel like doing anything. Jess i love your smiley.. you know the one with the baseball bat! LOL. You and Kels cracked me up today on FB about that. tehehe. Well i've got to get going. I hate it that i haven't been on here much. Wahh!! Love you girls.
Kelsey- look at that nice temp today! Woohoo! You should move south! I'm not really south but I feel like I'm south enough that I get a nice fill of summer but still et snow in the winter. I think I would miss winter even though I kind of really hate it but it makes me savor summer that much more. I used to live in nj and its just north enough that I can tell the difference...we get a longer spring/summer here thankfully!

Jess - I saw your temp dropped today but you have an open circle...did you take it at a different time?

Rach - its not too late to temp the rest of the month :)
Morning Lindsay! :coffee:
Yeah not sure how accurate my temps are today. I had a terrible night of sleep with all of the coughing. I usually take my temps pretty consistently between 5:45am and 6:00am but this morning I was up at 5:15am getting more cough syrup so I figured I needed to take it then. I was also up at about 1:15am getting cough syrup so not really a restful night of sleep.

Rach - I propose that you hang the thermometer around your neck. You won't forget to temp then!!! LOL
Oh I was wondering what the rhogan was too! When I had my D&C I was getting ready to leave and they were like omg wait, sorry we totally forgot to check your blood to make sure it wasn't a certain type---I forget what..?? I don't think I know what DH's blood type is, and I forget what mine was all I know is they said it was good. and I agree about liking winter---bbuuuttt I'd much prefer it to only be about a month long, and then have a much longer spring/summer like you. Again, why do I live in WI if that's the weather I want?? :)
Jessie---you will have a great birthday weekend, enjoy every minute of it. I hope you feel better hun---how awful! It's been such a long time since I've had a cold (knock on wood now). Will be curious to see your temps tomorrow--it's possible your last couple days temps were higher because of being sick? But---looks like you had ewcm on CD12 so I still think that's OV day.
Rachael you're still ok if you temp a couple days before OV. So at least you can pinpoint OV so you know when it's time to test or get AF. I see you remembered to temp yesterday--yyaah! :) I like Jessie's idea, hang it around your neck :haha:
AFM---had my progesterone test today and should find out my number hopefully on Friday (Dr.'s not in on Thursdays, ugg). Since my temps have been ok, I'm thinking my progesterone will be ok. I hope so, I don't want to get upped to a higher dose. It's rainy, windy and 40's here today. Please, everybody feel sorry for me. :growlmad:
I think i'm going to walk around with my thermometer up my ass so that way when i remember i can just pull it out and there's my temp all done and ready! ;) I remembered to temp again this morning! I'm going to try to remember real good now because of how OV is close. I am not using opk's though this month. Just don't feel like it. I started 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels. OMG that is so hard! My ass, vagina, knees, everything hurt LOL. I feel so dead. I've lost 2.8 lbs though! yay! Right now i'm nawing on celery and peanut butter! lol.

Kels can't wait to hear back about the progesterone. I hope it all turns out good so it will be one less headache to think about!

Jess awhh i know how you feel about being sick! I hate it!!! I hope you start feeling better soon. There's so much sickness going around right now. So many different variations of the flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, viral infections. It's insane!! Get some rest!!
Omgosh girls, I have a funny story for you....
so I just got home from work, checked the mail and porch like I always do and whoa!!!!.... what do I find... a PACKAGE!!!! :wohoo:
It's my birthday, it seems fitting that I would receive a box at my door right!!!??? It was well packaged and said "perishable" on the side, so I thought what is this... maybe someone sent me a dessert for my birthday!!! :happydance: Well I open it up (super excited still about the arrival of it) only to find that its a box if vaginal inserts (progesterone) in a huge box packed with ice packs and bubble wrap. WTF :growlmad: That's no birthday :cake: present!!! On top of that they sent me a $60 bill to go along with it!!! :troulble:

Ugh, so 30 minutes on the phone with my insurance and apparently when my doctor office sent in my authorization, my insurance decided to take it upon themselves to fil the prescription without contacting me. I don't know, I filed a dispute with them about it so we'll see what happens. I have so many now, I am hoping I won't need them. or if I do I will fill the prescription then.
LOL omg-whata birthday present Jess! That proesterone has been such a pain in your ass!!!!!! Just keep thinking, 2 more days until your perfect weekend get away!
Off subject-but did Eliza ever respond to you? I got nothing...:shrug:
Kels - Mother Nature is really pissing me off! I have no idea why fronts always come on the damn weekend. The weather has taken a turn for the worst and they are calling for high winds and seas!!! : growlmad: I don't know we are going to look at it again tomorrow and decide. And yes that Progeterone has been a real pain my ass!!!

I have not heard from Eliza either :shrug: I hope everything is ok.
Oohhh no Mother Nature better behave herself! I'll take one for the team and keep the crappy weather here so you will have good weather :)
Morning ladies!

Kelsey - holy temps girly! Looks great! How you feeling? I have everything crossed for you! This is your best chart by fwd since I've been stalking you lol

Jess - happy birthday! Sorry about the progesterone! Haha what a mess! Hopefully the weather will behave this weekend! I heard we're supposed to get rain here :( its beautiful here today with a high of 70.

Rach - temp this morning! I had a really hard time remembering at first so I would put it on the sink right next to the toilet and as I did my morning per I would take my temp then and as long as you're doing it the same thing every day its accurate enough. Once I got into it I was dying to take my temp every morning and moved it to my bedside and never forgot from there on. Maybe that will help?

Afm- I fell asleep at 7 last night! I haven't done that in so long! My feet were killing me and all I wanted to do was lay down and next thing I knew it was 930 and DH was watching tv in bed with me lol. I couldn't even stay up then and went back to sleep!
I know Linds!!!! I'm trying sooo hard not to get my hopes up because it could just be the clomid---and in Feb. I did have 2 or 3 days of these temps but it wasn't until around 10DPO. So, unless my temps cont. to stay higher like this it'll just end up being some of my fluke temps that I've had in some other months. This chart is def. different than ANY of my other charts. But, I need to just keep reminding myself that it could be the clomid and maybe my ovulation was just better this month, not necessarily that the egg caught. AAHH! I'm actually scared to temp in the morning because I'm so afraid that my temp will go back down and it's so disappointing and starts my day off horrible.
Ok, sorry for a big rant that's all about me!
Lindsay--how cute you were out by 7 last night! I bet the closer and closer you get to your due date the more tired you'll be because your baby will be bigger and taking more and more of your energy! sooo exciting!!! Now we just have to get you passed your glucose test and then it's smooth sailing until labor!! AAAHHh!! :yipee::holly:
OMGosh Kels. I got goosebumps looking at your chart! WOW!! I REALLY HOPE this is it!!! I am so anxious now. HURRY UP NEXT WEEK!!!

Jess yesterday was your bday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It didn't say it was on fb. WAHH. I cant believe they sent you all that progesterone. WTF.

I remembered to temp again this morning. YEEEHAW! lol. Going to skip BDing today but going to the next 3/4 days starting tmrw. I think that's when i'll be O'ing. Like i said, i'm not really 'trying' this month. Well... getting ready to do day 3 of this shred. UGH. Someone shoot me.

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