1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Yay Rach for remembering this morning! Keep it up!! Maybe since you're being more relaxed about BDing this month - it'll be just what you need for your BFP! Is your workout thing hard?? what's it called again? is it a diet too? I bet you'll feel so great when you finish it!

Kelsey - I know what you mean about not wanting to temp for fear it would go down. I had a dip at like 5DPO and I remember being SO disappointed! but thankfully after that it shot back up and made me happier lol.

Jess - how's the weather looking for the weekend now?? I hope the front went away!!

AFM - I work with a bunch of doctors and one of them their wife works in the cardiology lab at the hospital and they brought me in for a fetal ECHO today so I got to see the ins and outs of our little one's heart - which looks great! he was not behaving himself very well! He kept "mooning" us and wiggling around lol. He's so cute haha.

Hope you guys had a great day!! Friday tomorrow! woohoo!! I'll be driving up to NJ after work though so hopefully the weather will behave for us and it won't be too bad of a drive. It'll be my last trip to go up and see my college friends before the little one comes.
Awhh Lindsay! That is so neat. The technology now a days is just insane! I'm glad he is doing okay. I bet he is going to look like a ham!!! Be careful on your way up to NJ. The shake i told you about was Body by Vi, but i am not doing that right now lol. I changed my mind. I am just trying to eat super healthy and getting in 1200 cals. Been doing the 30 day shred dvd which Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser is the trainer. She is tough! Tmrw will be day 4.

Can't wait to have sex tmrw! ;)
Jess- what's up with the temps the last couple of days? How weird!

Kelsey- yay for another high temp this morning! Woohoo! Getting close to testing time too! Plus I think you said you should get progesterone results today :) let us know!

Rach - gonna remember to temp today? The jillian michaels thing is supposed to be really good! If you like that you might like some of the beach body products...they're tough but a great workout!
Lindsay that cracked me up with him mooning you guys!! :) Now wait, does "him" have an official name yet? Sorry if you've already said and maybe I missed it? How fun you're going to see your college friends, how often do you get together with them? Are any of them mothers yet?
Oohh Rach, Jillian Michaels is probably kicking your lil booty around! She don't mess around! You'll have to let me know how you like it. I wonder how similar it is to something like P90X? DH did that one for awhile, but it looked way too hard for me to try and attempt. I'm so proud of you for remembering your temps! It's always nice to at least pinpoint OV.
Jessie---my fingers and toes are crossed for good weather this weekend! oh, and yes, what the heck is up with your temps? It's a weird temping month for you and I, I guess? :shrug:
AFM---I was doing a lil dance this morning when my temp was still good. The whole while I was taking the temp I was saying over and over "be prepared for it to be down and don't let it ruin your day". At least these next 2 days won't be work days so if it's back down and i'm bumming I don't have to go to work and put a happy face on. I dreamt that I went and knocked on a door and a guy opened it and was like oh hey girl, wow you're PG aren't you!! And I was like no, not yet? And he was like ohhhh yes, yes you are hunny! I've had pregnancy dreams before though so I know it doesn't mean squat, but it was a fun dream.
Mel, how are you feeling hun (actually, I probably need to go in your journal huh, I'm an idiot)? Sam, where have you been? CCooommmeee bbaaccckkk!!! :)
Ohhh and Eliza finally wrote me back! She said she's 8 weeks today, and had a scan and everything is measuring how it should. She said she's been very sick. :happydance:
Kelsey YAY FOR THE GOOD TEMPS!!! I pray that it stays up and you're pregnant. You deserve it SO much!! I can't wait to check in everyday. I hate them prego dreams!! I had one the other day actually. I don't remember too much of it. Last night i had a dream i bought a digital opk from dollar tree LOL and the line zoomed across the window and it was the 2 darkest lines i've ever saw. So it was 1/2am and i told andrew it's time to nut up! HAHA. Stupid dreams! GRR! I really do hope you're prego. I'm glad Eliza is okay and everything is good on her end.

Hmm.. maybe you should test tmrw if your test is still up! ;)
Rachael I can't wait to check in on your temps either!! Can't wait for OV, it feels like your first 2 weeks went really fast, now bring on the next 2 weeks! Your temps seems lower this month than last month, I wonder how your post ov temps will be. Can't wait to see! You aren't using OPK's this month, right?
Right! I know OV could change and all that but i'm going to BD according to the CD i O'd last month. if it doesn't work, it doesn't work! Just trying to be blah about it, ya know?! Lol. I am going to BD today, tmrw and the next day which is CD 15, 16 and 17. Last month i O'd on 16. Hopei may catch the egg. Will prob BD one more time CD19.
Well my Progesterone was 24.86....last clomid cycle it was 39. Idk if it's lower because this month it was taken on 6DPO and last time it was on 7DPO? The nurse said the number is great but I am of course overanalyzing it. :dohh:
I think we've settled on the name oakley for our little one :) we're getting some resistance from family but its making DH want that name even more lol stubborn stubborn :p

Yay Kelsey for a good progesterone! Something is working with those great temps of yours! When you gonna test? Or are you going to wait as long as you can?
Baby Oakley!! Awh! What about a middle name? I have never met an Oakley before. I do own a pair of their sunglasses though! lol. That's so cute. I love unique names!!

Kels don't over analyze it!! Last month it was 39, but did you get pregnant? Nope. Obviously just because it's high doesn't mean you're going to get pregnant. F that number! As long as it's good and healthy that is what matters!!! Just pay attention to your temps! Have you been feeling any symptoms?!?! I am just so excited!!!!! TEST TMRW MORNING! mwahaha.. i'm such a devils advocate. Hmm maybe the drop on 2dpo was implantation? Yeah i know, very early but it happens! If it did then that means you're HPT would be MORE THAN positive by now! Or maybe 5dpo? oooo still it would be positive tmrw!! GOSH i am such a bad friend.

Oh and i think maybe my temps are lower this month because last month i was getting sick? Do you think? Is it bad that my temps are low? dangit!!
Aww I really REALLY like the name Oakley!! From now on, we'll call him Oakley. :)
Idk, I hate even thinking about a test day because so far that's always jinxed me!! Buuttt of course I have, and I'd like to wait until 13DPO which would be Wednesday, but in my head I keep thinking I want to test on Tuesday because that's the day I got my BFP last year. Now, if my temps start dropping, then I won't have to think about testing at all. :growlmad:
Baby Oakley!! Awh! What about a middle name? I have never met an Oakley before. I do own a pair of their sunglasses though! lol. That's so cute. I love unique names!!

Kels don't over analyze it!! Last month it was 39, but did you get pregnant? Nope. Obviously just because it's high doesn't mean you're going to get pregnant. F that number! As long as it's good and healthy that is what matters!!! Just pay attention to your temps! Have you been feeling any symptoms?!?! I am just so excited!!!!! TEST TMRW MORNING! mwahaha.. i'm such a devils advocate.

Oh and i think maybe my temps are lower this month because last month i was getting sick? Do you think? Is it bad that my temps are low? dangit!!

No, not bad at all! Everybody's are different, and my pre-ov temps are pretty identical to yours.
and thanks for the words of encouragement, because you're exactly right, last time they were high and no BFP.
Ohh I love you girls, you help me stay sane. :hugs::kiss:
Thanks girls! Yea we really love the name! His middle name will be Daniel for my dad since my brother and his wife don't want to have kids. So oakley Daniel :)

Kelsey don't test too early! I tested at 9dpo and it was super negative! I made myself wait 2 days and tested at 11dpo and that was when I got my positive this time. Last time I have no idea when I Teresa but it was the day of my expected period but it was my first month off the pill so who knows what my body was up to! I'm so excited to see your temp tm! :)
Oh Lindsay - I love that name!!! :baby: Oakley Daniel!!!

Kels - don't test too early. Its just a waste of a test and the outcome will be the same regardless. Wait until Tuesday. I have everything crossed for you this month. Your chart is looking great! :thumbup:

AFM - still fighting this damn cold!!! My chart was looking so good earlier in the month and now its looks crazy. :shrug: I cancelled my vacation day for Monday because the weather is supposed to be crap and I'd rather not waste the day. I am just planning on doing some relaxing this weekend and finishing up my research for the trip.

Anyone else doing anything exciting?
OMG Kels! temp is still high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how different your temp is this month than the past! I'm so excited for you. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!

Ugh i didn't forget to temp this morning but.......... my temp is an hour later than i usually do it. I totally didn't set the alarm. FML. Oh well.. at least i have something to work with right'?

Jess i hope you start feeling better hun. :hugs: i think i may be getting sick again myself. I woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose. UGH!!
Omgosh Kels! Your chart I really looking good!!! I can't wait until you test!!! I have everything crossed.

Rach - yes, having some temp is definitely better than no temp.

AFM- I feel absolutely like crap today. This morning I got yo at 2:30am and could not go back to sleep so that's the temp I used. I am going to look at FF nd see if I can do some time correcting. Anyway, I called my doctor and got some prescription drugs so hopefully this will help get better faster. Back to bed for mr I think. I'll check in with you girls later.
Awh Kels, i just saw your chart :sad1: I hope tmrw it picks back up. You aren't out till that witch comes! I still have hope for you. :hugs:

Jess i'm so sorry you're still feeling poopy. Are you feeling any better today? My nose is still super stuffy. I feel like i have to fight over it to talk. I hope we start feeling better soon. It's no fun at all. :nope:

Well, took my temp half hr earlier than usual this morning. It was pretty high. I don't see how i O'd on CD14. I'm thinking my temp is gonna drop tmrw indicating OV. It's not impossible though for me to have O'd on CD14. I would be HAPPY. Then i'd have a regular 28 day cycle! YAY! Closest i've gotten to that was 29, but OF COURSE i didn't BD that day! lol. Oh well. This cycle is a relaxed one! :)

Hope everyone is doing good. Where have you been Sam and Mel?!! :sad1:
Aww lindsay that is such a lovely name!
Kels so hoping for you!! :dust:
I've got 2 eggs, my lining is thickening and I have EWCM on this monitored Clomid cycle. Don't think I will go on Clomid again though next time. I don't seem to have a natural LH surge on Clomid do you Kels?
Hey Ladies!!
I had a really nice weekend in NJ with my old college/high school friends! It's super rainy here all day today and pretty chilly so we just ordered some chinese food and are going to have a quiet night in - although DH is trying to drag me to home depot to finish up the shower so we can use it tomorrow morning but I'm pretty tired from the drive home (4hrs).

Kelsey - it's just one temp - I'm still holding out for tomorrow! I hope you're not too bummed about it!

Jessie - Happy Birthday!! :) I'm sorry you don't feel well!! Take it easy tonight and make DH spoil you!

Rach - I used to just take my temp when I woke up in the morning on the weekends. I usually wake up around the time I get up for work naturally but sometimes it would be an hour or so off and it never seemed to make too much of a difference. If I had a weird one then I would do the time adjuster thingy.

Mel - got my fingers crossed for you, hun!!

Sam - where ya at?!
Happy Birthday to Jessie, Happy Birthday tooo Jessie, HHaaapppyyy BBBIIRRTTHHDDAAAYYY TOOOO YYYOOUUUU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TO YOU :kiss: Hope you feel better toots, being sick on your birthday is so unfair.
Rachel when I did your temp correcter for yesterday it puts you at 96.7 and when I do todays correcter it puts you at 97.4. Sooo I'm thinking you may have OV'd! I've had weird cycles where I've O'd way earlier than normal like that. FX'd it'll mean great things for you this month!!
Mel my OPK's always worked while on clomid, so does that mean that's a natural surge? Yeaahh for the lining thickening and and 2 eggs! I forget if you said, and I'm assuming because they're monitoring you that you are TTC this month?
Lindsay glad you had a fun weekend with friends! Oh gosh, after driving for 4 hours I wouldn't want to do a THING!
Yeah, I was pretty bummed this morning, but I've been kind of figuring on a temp drop one of these days. Even on my PG cycle, I had a temp drop at 5DPO and 14DPO. Of course I've been googling 10DPO temp drops and it's at least possible it could be an implantation dip. The rational side of me is saying probably not, though :(. Had a bit of pinkish cm in the shower today, which I'm trying to think positivly and blame it on implantation spotting? lol A girls gotta cling to whatever hope she can, right? :) Really really thought this was our month, and in my head I was even thinking how and when we'd be able to tell our family. DH hates when I do that stuff cuz then he knows what emotions I go through when AF shows AGAIN.

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