1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Kelsey... where is that pic of the BFP you said you were gonna upload!? [-X hehehe. I'd love to see it! I am just so in shock. You'll have to let us know what DH says!!! I am just so happy for you! I truly mean it when i say that! SO OVER THE MOON for you! I'd say 7/8 week checkup would be perfect. That's when the baby will have a heartbeat. So happy hunny! :happydance::dance::wohoo:\\:D/:headspin:
Morning ladies!

How you feeling this morning Kelsey?! I kept talking to kirk about you last night telling him how happy I am for you and he says Congrats :) I had showed him your chart a few days ago telling him I thought you were pregnant...he prob thinks I'm crazy but humors me anyway :p

Rach - you still doin your flush thing? How's it going? How's the kitty?

Mel - how's meanie and mo? Haha too cute!

Jess - yea I think we definitely will get an rv. We will just wait until the baby is here to make sure we can afford it since I'm not sure how much more money we will be spending with him around.

Afm- the pubic bone pain is still there but not as bad as before...I think the little man has shifted positions in there and its pushing on my area down there making it sore. I have a doc appt on Monday (glucose test) so I'll ask the doctor then and maybe I'll have my SIL take a look at my cervix with the u/s.

Hope you all are doing lovely! Have a great day!
Sorry I was going to take another test today and post the progression but then didn't test today! Ugg, I'll post tonight when I get home. Dh was beyond thrilled, smiled all night.
Jess I know my Dr. doesn't believe in progesterone, so that's kind of why I haven't bothered calling because I know she won't do any extra tests until ultrasound. I'm really worried now...Today I feel much better than yesterday, which I wish I was sick!
Oh and Lindsay about the RV, we had one growing up too, and we went camping most weekends and then once a summer we took one big trip out of state. Awesome memories! So that's awesome, Oakley will LOVE it :)
Aww and tell Kirk thanks! How cute that we all talk about each other but have never met. I think DH even knows most ppl by name lol
I forget, when did you start getting sick and throwing up?
Have you asked your Dr. Bout your pain? I really think it's just the way Oakley is laying in there.
OMG OMG OMG- I am so happy for you Kelsey!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: This is such wonderful news!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I agreee with Jess about the progesterone, I have another freind who just got her bfp (due same day as you!) and she was getting 7dpo checks for progesterome that came back (maybe) low and when she rang GP (not her usual one) he ssid he had never heard of such a thing! WTH? As for the scan 7-8 weeks seems about right although it is hard to wait that long. Wow so happy!
Sorry I have been MIA. I haven't really been posting much, even on my journal. I think the worry of the scan was beginning to get to me, symptoms getting less etc etc. Work has been busy and it has been my MIL 60th birthday so lots of family gatherings for that. I'll try to post more often from now on.

Rachel - fingers crossed this month. I too normally get ov pains but this time round I didn't really get them which was a bit suprising as they are usually quite sore but obviously mine popped! Your bd-ing timings look good too. Keeping it all crossed! How are you getting on with the cat? Are there not any charity shelters/vets that can help? I am a huge sucker for animals and wanted to be a vet nurse but my massive allergy of cats stopped that!

Mel - following your journal but those pains sound like what my ov were like most of the time, all over aches, occasionally one side more than the other, sometime right in the groin area too. I am sure meany and mo are popping as we speak.

JEss - hope you are feeling a bit better and sorry your birthday weekend wasn't quite what you had hoped due to the illness. Did you see the Dr? I agree with the others about an RV. We didn't have that but a very small touring caravan (very similar) and I remember lots of good childhood holidays in it, even down to the whistling kettle!

Lindsey - I hope your SIL can check your cervix but it may be round ligament pain from the hip bones widening. I think it can happen from 2tri onwards.
Thanks Sam! My 7DPO progesterone levels came back really good, so hopefully I'm worrying for nothing.
HAPPY 10 WEEKS!!! Can't believe it, how fast that's gone! Now you've had your scan already and it came back great, so you're not worried now, right?
Were you sick right away?
Kelsey I felt perfectly fine until around 5.5 weeks and didn't start throwing up until 6.5 weeks and I would have random days that I would feel fine imbetween so don't worry! I even had days I couldn't move my boobs hurt so badly and days I could squeeze the heck out of them and didn't hurt...so I would freak!

You might as well call your doc and let them know. I would get a scan at 7 weeks if you can. I got one at 6.5 weeks and saw the heartbeat and it just made me feel so much better!

I haven't talked to the doctor as the pubic pain is still there but.not as bad. I think little oakley is moving around and getting heavier and just causing pressure.pain...plus we have a tempur pedic mattress and I think the hotel bed might not have been nice to my body but who knows! If it gets worse I will def call my doc but for now I'm going to 'chill out' lol
Thank you for the reassurance Lindsay! I had to lol a little about the "squeezing the heck out of them"---because I've been pretty squeezy too :) They're sore, but not real painful.
There were other threads that I randomly followed that talked about round ligament pain, like Sam mentioned. Ssooo jealous of your tempur pedic bed!! I totally want one in a couple years, unfortunately we just got a brand new bed set when we got married 4 years ago, so I don't think DH will like the idea of already getting rid of the bed (we have a queen, and I want to upgrade to a king).
Rach--waiting to see your temps today! Almost halfway through the 2WW! Didn't one of your psychics say April for conception???
Jessie, hope you're feeling better today, it's been long enough now!
Kels - nausea from pretty early on peaking between 6-8 weeks, no puking but all day nausea and hungover feeling. Boobs sore from few days post ov, only now settling down. Headaches common symptom too but I was okay on that front. The variability of symptoms are worrying but normal, mine had reduced so much this last week I was convinced scan today wasn't going to go well.
Lindsay i know this is totally off subject, but you said you were a vet tech. I was thinking about maybe going to school for that. What exactly did you do? You don't put animals to sleep, right?

Kelsey don't worry about the symptoms. Like Lindsay said, hers was on and off so much in the beginning. I remember her fretting about it too. Try to relax. Don't think too much. I bet you will be feeling sicker than a dog in 2 weeks!! I am just so happy for you! Ahh!

Sam how are you doing sweety?! Thanks for crossing them fingers! Would be nice to get a surprise bfp but i'm not expecting it at all. When is your next appt?

Well the cat has a vet appt. tonight! Can't wait for it to get cured. I hope nothing is wrong with it. I was thinking of pet names last night and i seriously can't think of any. Do any of you? Something thats strong and inspirational? I don't wanna use Lucky lol. I like faith and grace. Stuff like that but those are my nieces middle names LOL. I don't wanna use that! It's appt is tonight around 515. So happy! I pray everything goes good. Poor kitty! I'd like to know how old it is and if its a boy or a girl LOL.
Good luck Rach!! What about Stella meaning 'Star'? if she's a girl? I really like that name if we ever have a girl...
I am good thanks Rachel. Had my 10 weeks scan today and that was fab. As for names what about atlas for a boy Azura or Beltane for a girl
Oh Rach I'm so proud of you for taking care of this kitty! Is he/she coming around more or still pretty skittish? Ohhh Mel, I like Stella!!! Isn't there a movie, how Stella got her groove back, or something like that??
Sam---do you have any pics from your scan today?! Are you going to find out if you're having a boy/girl?! It looks like you must have a journal, I need to get better and looking at peoples journals, I never think of it for some reason!
Rach - I have a bachelors in biology and thought I wanted to go to veterinary school but after working at the vet clinic realized I would be better suited in research and a phd was a better route. Anyway...unfortunately a lot of what you assist in as a vet tech is euthanasia. I'd say I helped in at least one a week. It was a great job but it is very demanding physically with restraining animals and depending on the clinic you can be running around like a mad woman on your feet all day. I liked it bc the days flew by but I was always exhausted at the end of the day. I decided I didn't like it bc of having to deal with the animal owners - good and bad ones were often difficult in their own ways. I don't think much training is required to get a vet tech position. Probably depends on the clinic.

Sam - so glad to hear your scan went well! So exciting! I would love to see a scan pic!

Jess - what's up with your chart? How you feeling?

Kelsey - how you doing? Still squeezing those boobies? Lol you will be for a while! Wait until you get to where I am and they leak when you squeeze them :blush: haha
Omg Rach!! Just read on facebook bout the Kitty! Cant fricken believe he was neutered so he was somebodys pet! Oh people fricken piss me off with how they throw away animals. So how expensive is it going to be-will they give you a break at all? Did they clean him up for you-make sure he's flea free?
Aaaww Rachael, such a great person you are.
Hi girls :wave:
It's been so crazy at work that I haven't had much time to check in with you girls during the day!

Kelsey- did you get any sleep last night? You must be grinning from ear to ear! I know I am for you!!! Oh I have been reading my book before bed. You won't need it now :happydance: but for the rest of you TTC girls, it's pretty good!

Lindsay - glad the pain has gone down some. I definitely think that it's the pressure that might be causing some bruising/pain.

Sam :cold: - so glad your scan went well! I need to go check your journal for pics! :thumbup:

Rach- I thought Suri you mentioned the other day was a good name, or survivor. And since it's a boy it still fits. Of course I love the name Stella, that was my little kitties name :cry: but I don't think it would fit for a boy.

Mel - how's Meanie and Mo? Have they made their appearance done the runway yet? I need to check your journal.

AFM- starting to feel a bit better. I saw the doctor on Monday and she gave me a 6 day Predisone pack. Last night was the first night I actually got some decent sleep in about a week. I don't know what's up with my chart this month. FF took away O for me so not sure if I ever did this month. We'll see if AF shows up in the next couple days.
Awh thank you Kelsey!!! Such a sweetie. Well what they did to the kitty was first try to see if it was a boy or girl. They stretched his back legs and the cat is obviously in A LOT OF PAIN and it snapped at the lady and broke skin on her hand. Stupid idiot she is! She screamed and jumped. I'm like you f'n ratard. How long have you been doing this? :dohh: anyways, after that they decided to knock him out. Which i think they should of done in the friggin first place. After he was out they cut all the hair off its side (which wasn't much because he was pretty much bald there anyways). They put that iodine looking stuff all over it and kept rubbing to get a lot of the infection out. They said they think it was in a bad fight with something. He said he couldn't test for leukemia or give any vaccines yet because he wants him to start feeling better first. He's on amoxocillian for the next 14 days. Then we can bring him back to get tested for leukemia and all that. I pray he doesn't have it. Poor baby. He was out for like 2 hours. I bet he's sleeping good though! The vet did say some sores may heal over the infection which may make like a boil type looking thing and they will just have to lance it open. I really wish i could tell the history of that cat. Like where it's from, how long it's been homeless and what kinda fight it got into. If only animals could talk! The vet thinks the cat is around 4 years old. His gums were pure white. The doctor said he hadn't been feeling good for awhile. I am so glad we could help him out! The cost was only.... $48!!! You can't beat that at all. I was in shock. His name is Jaxon!

Lindsay, thanks for all the info. It's something i'll have to think long and hard about. I put in an application to our shelter to volunteer to help out 2 days a week. How is the baby?! When is your crib due to arrive?!

Jessie, i'm so happy you're starting to feel better :hugs: I hope you start feeling fantastic here soon. Don't feel bad, my temps are real weird this time too. Hang in there sweety. It might be because of you being so sick.

Mel i love the name Stella, too bad it wasn't a girl! I would have chosen that name.
Rach - I can't believe they only charged you $48! That's awesome! I think that's a great idea to volunteer so you can see if you like it! I did love spending time with the animals a lot! It had its good and bad days...like when you saw kitties like yours come in bc someone just threw them out :( so heartbreaking! Baby oakley is doing good! Packing the pounds on for sure lol. Crib is in but we need to clear out his room before we set it up. Now that DH is nearly done with the bathroom - just trim left to put up and shelves in the closet - hopefully we'll get to that soon.

Jess - hope you got some good sleep last night! I'm so sorry you'be been feeling so awful :( atleast you can get it out of your system before your trip!

Kelsey - how you doing today? Call the doc yet?

Mel and Sam - I'm gonna go check your journals now :)

Afm - woke up with more pubic pain and I think its from the way I sleep...its.better with the pregnancy pillow - which I did not use last night so I might stick to that from here on out and see how it goes. Glucose test on Monday! Can't wait for that to be over and hopefully tami will have time to sneak me in and peek at our little man.

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