1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Morning girls! :coffee:
So I got up this morning and no sign off AF so I tested. Just as I presumed BFN!!! It's just my body being difficult this month. Maybe it just needed a little more time so I don't have to worry about testing on my trip. I dunno. :shrug: I took my temps really early today when I got up to pee so who knows if they are right but I do feel a little crampy today so I hope the witch is on her way!

Did any of you get out to see the moon last night? So beautiful!
I hope you get your AF soon Jess. I hope you're enjoying yourself! I did get to see the moon last night! It was beautiful. It didn't look a whole lot different to me, but it sure was super bright! I LOVE full moons because of that reason. So, last night i was excited!!

AFM bfn again this morning. Just going to hold out until that bitch arrives. Ugh so annoyed with it all. lol. My temps have taken me on a roller coaster ride this trip. Not happy! lol. I think maybe from all this dieting and stuff it's made it messed up. GREAT! I hope AF comes on time according to FF.
Hi ladies,

Rachel - it horrible that inbetween stage waiting for AF/BFP and sometimes temping doesn't help. I know a few people stop at 5/6dpo and only temp enough to confirm ov.

Kels - it si totally normal to have those feelings, and symptoms do vary but that doesn't stop us worrying. I had panic attacks thinking everything was not right. One day at a time.

Jess - haven't been on FB to see your pics yet. Didn't get to see the moon last night but might try to catch a glimpse tonight

Lindsey - hope you are well.

afm- have had a very scary day today. I woke to red bleeding on wiping and not from my uti. We ended up going to A&E who sent us to the Gynae ward to wait for a scan. After a few hrs wait and nice Dr scanned me (after admitting she was no expert scanner and the machine was older than the scans I have already had). Any baby moving about well with hb which made me burst out crying in relief. I still have bleeding (when straining on the loo) but nothing on pads. I was told no obvious reason for bleed but I don't think she was very experienced as she didn't specifically look at the placenta etc. I just have to take things easy for the next couple of days.
Girls I got my :bfp: today :shock: there are pics on my journal https://www.babyandbump.com/ttc-jou...fter-4-soggy-cake-mixtures-12-months-148.html
I'm 11dpo and have a pink line on a 10miu :shock:
5th pregnancy!!!!
Pink I'm writing on your journal but massive hugs to you :hug: :hugs: and yes take it very very easy. Xxx
:happydance::happydance:Omg!! I am so happy this has made my crappy day wonderful!!! Off to look at you bfp line!!
I just wrote in your journal, but I'll scream my congrats in here too! CONRATULATIONS MEL ON YOUR BFP!!
Sam honey thinking about you big time, how scary! Do you have an appt with your reg Dr. Tomorrow? Just lay low and let hubby wait on you hand and foot.
Jessie and Rach-boo to the BFNs!! :( Rachael are you back to TTC this month or still NTNP?
OMG congrats Mel!!!! How exciting!!!!! What's the plan for you??? Calling the doc asap tomorrow morning?!

Sam - so sorry you're going through this but rest and relax and call your regular doctor first thing tomorrow morning!!

Kelsey - how you feeling today??

Jess and Rach - I agree with Kelsey - boo to the BFNs but you'll be seeing lines too very soon - I can feel it!

AFM - trying to get the house clean but my motivation is pretty low today for some reason. I got all the laundry done and cleaned out the guest room (which was Kirk's new construction supply cabinet) and did *most* of the dishes lol I found some after I finished and so now they're the new batch - always happens to me!! Kirk is heading out for golf and I'm heading over to my parent's place for dinner - so excited to not have to cook!!

Hope you all are doing well and Sam - you'll be in my thoughts today!! Everything is going to be ok, hun!!
Thanks girls, bloody typical but tomorrow is a public holiday so Dr's/EPU closed till Tuesday so nothing more I can do unless things get worse in which case I can phone the gynae ward.
oh no!! well keep us updated :hugs: and stay off those feet!! You mentioned something about placenta problems - did they see something abnormal with your placenta before or something??
Hi ladies!

Mel - congrats!!! :happydance: I am so excited for you!!! I have not checked your journal yet but whats your plan now?

Sam - OMG I would have freaked!!! I am glad everything went well with your scan and hope you get to your regular doc soon!

Rach- your temps are still up! I have everything crossed for you!!!

Lindsay- yeah for getting some chores done! Are you still feeling really tired or has that subsided?

Kelsey- where are you?

AFM - no sign of AF yet
First off - AWESOME news Mel! I just wrote on your journal! Congrats hunny.

Sam - i am so sorry you had that scare earlier. I couldn't imagine the things you were feeling. I am SOO happy you heard the heartbeat. Wow, i bet that was the best feeling you've ever felt thus far in life! Makes me mad the lady didn't know too much of what she was talking about. Grr! When do you go back? I'd hate not knowing why exactly i was bleeding. I'm sure you're fine, but that crap bugs me!! Take it easy hun. Don't do any lifting, etc.

Kelsey how are you doing sugar pie? Hopefully you're feeling terrible!! I can't wait till that appointment!!

Lindsay haven't heard much from you lately! Hope you're doing okay!

Jessie did you enjoy yourself this weekend?! I always wished i was where you are. Just makes me wish i was chillin on a boat with a nice ice cold beer in my hand! mmm. Oh and getting a tan! I friggin wish!!

AFM well i have had some spotting today. I imagine it's AF. Just feel like screaming, but i knew it probably wasn't going to happen since BD wasn't the best. This upcoming month i am probably going to go full TTC. Then again i wonder if i should just take it easy and continue to try and lose weight. It's so damn hard! Ugh. Just wish i could lose all this weight over night. I wish i could go to the gyno and see wtf is wrong with me or Andrew. Nothing i can do right now. Booo! I seriously can't sleep anymore. Idk what's wrong with me! I just can't sleep at all.
Morning ladies! How's everyone doing?

Jess - my tiredness went away after the first trimester for the most part. I have random days that I feel really tired but not like at first. I do sleep more though and have random days that I'm asleep by 7 lol. I also get headaches in the morning now but I don't know if its allergies or pregnancy lol.

Sam - how you doing today?

Kelsey - how are the symptoms?

Rach - sorry you got some spotting...hopefully it will go away! Next month keep bding for a week after o to be sure!

Mel - how you doing today? Still in shock? I'm so happy for you!

Afm- hips and pelvic bone still hurting. I asked the doc about it and she said its very common. I'm going to ask my high risk doctor on Wednesday - which should be my last appt to check my cervix, very exciting! Got my maternity leave settled at school...they don't have much in place for what is normal...which surprised me a lot. I'll get from July 15to October 1st. So a little over two months...prob going to be so hard to go back!
It most certainly will be hard to go back. You will wish you could be a stay at home mommy!! Whenever it happens for me, i know i'll feel the exact same way. It will be nice to have the rest of the summer off too! I hope you start feeling better with the whole hips and pelvic thing.

well AF is here. fuckin bitch! i knew in my heart this cycle was over before it even started. Ready for a new start. I've done the whole skipping sex every other day thing, i've done the several times a day around O thing, i've even done BDing as little as possible except right on O incase Andrews spermies aren't good. Nothing has helped. I think it's something so far out of my control. I don't know what to do. I can't even think about it anymore because there's literally NOTHING i can do. What will be, will be i guess. I don't know why God doesn't think i'm ready for babies yet. Like, what needs to change before i get my baby?! I keep sitting here thinking.. and i just don't know. When i got PG last time i had been dieting for like 4 months. Maybe that's what he wants me to keep doing? I have no idea!
Rach - sorry the witch arrived for you. Can you send her to my house. That hag has really been pissing me off this month!!! Any word on your job? I think you need to get some health insurance so you can see a doctor about whats going on. It doesn't sound like timing is your issue. It could be something small they can correct with meds or maybe the dieting like you said. It just seems like for some of us that everything needs to line up perfect for us to be sucessful. You just need to find out what you need to do to get there.

Lindsay - sorry you are in pain still! Does it just hurt when you stand or sit up or is it all the time? Hopefully hearing the same thing about it being normal from your specialist will help put your mind at ease a bit. I guess there's nothing you can take for it right...???

Sam - I was just thinking about your bleeding.... did they ever see a subchorinic bleed on any of your ultrasounds? I had one on mine. They said this is normal but to not be alarmed if I saw a little blood due to this. I hope this is all it is for you.

AFM - this morning I woke up to heavy cramping. I thought for sure I would see some blood but nothing yet. I don't know what's going on!!!??? I am trying to look at my chart and if I did O around CD23 (after all those crazy dips) then I should be about 13 DPO now. Still seems like the hag should be here.

Mel - did they ever tell you why it took so long for your AF to come back? I am wondering what is going on with me this month!!! I guess I won't have to worry about bringing tests etc on my trip, I won't be due to test until after I get back.
Thanks Jess :) I haven't heard back yet about the job. I'm going to call 2mrw. I called 2 weeks ago tmrw to tell her i wanted to come back. She told me to call in 1 week. So i called last Tuesday, told me it could take up to 2 weeks. So i'm calling tmrw and getting a friggin answer. I'd love to go back and get my insurance. I hear ya on the whole cramping thing. I am cramping so bad right now. I'll make sure to tell her to show up at your door LOL. Maybe you should test tmrw in case she doesn't come. Just to have a finalization that AF is just being a doozy!

All i have done today is CLEAN. At least the house smells nice! I hate mopping and sweeping. I'm so weird. It just pisses me off when i mop and saw i missed a little bit from sweeping and then it just smears on the floor. OMG such a pet peeve i have. I just sit there and stare at it and get so mad! LOL.
Jess - it only really hurts when I go from sitting to standing and for the first few steps and then my whole pelvic bone hurts when I roll from one side to the other in bed...mostly when I'm on my back...that's the worst. Also I can't sit too long...its better if I walk around. But honestly I'm totally fine with it as long as he is ok in there! My SIL said he's turned so his head is down and pointing toward ny right hip which is the one that gives me pain at night so I'm sure he's just getting big enough that its putting pressure awkwardly down there. So as long as its not a sign he's going to try to join us too early then I can put up with it lol. I just might bitch about it every once in a while :p
I hope AF shows for you soon!

Rach sorry the witch got you but hopefully you'll get to a doc soon and can figure out what's going on! Maybe just try to be healthy for now and get answers from the doc later.
Girls I just quick skimmed but I'll write tonight after work---it's been CRAZY nonstop today. Barely had time to eat a snack which made me really lightheaded and shaky--thought for a minute I would flip off my chair :)
Rachael, BOO to AF :( :( I really think if you try one or 2 months of the every other day plan along with OPK's it could work?!?! Then if you're doing it that way and you're still not getting PG, then hopefully you'll have insurance by then and can see a Dr. Does Andrew get insurance? It's supposed to be best for sperm to do it every 48 hrs until you get a positive OPK and then bd that day and the next day and then I think you take a day off and then BD the day after that. We followed that and it worked out perfectly with my OPK this time. Also, have you ever read anything about preseed? Just in case you don't get EWCM (I think you do though?) the first month I tried this with my first pregnancy I got PG and then this time I tried Conceive Plus (we don't have it here in the us though) and got PG. Just in case your CM is hostile to his sperm, it'll give them a friendlier envirmonment to swim in!
Ok, back to work and I'll catch up soon. JESSIE, HOPEFULLY AF COMES TODAY!!!!!!!!! LINDSAY, have you ever tried anything similar to physical therapy? I'm sure it's just the way he's laying, but my hips get all twisted weird and then my hips start to feel weak and I get weird pains. I started seeing a woman and she said it's something I can even do when PG.
Mel and Sam---hope you're both doing great today!
Ok, for real now, back to work :)
Hi Ladies,

Rachel - :hugs: I am sorry to hear AF turned up and she is being nasty. It sounds like you have done everything you can bd wise and I agree with Kelsey, have you tried preseed? I do get ewcm, lots of it on EPO but still used preseed. You so deserve to get your baby and I hope with insurance you'll be able to get some things checked out. Does your OH have insurance to get hiw swimmer checked, if he is up for that? I am not sure how these things work in the US.

Lindsey - sounds like SPD. Can you get a girdle support that might help? We will put up with a lot if things to make sure our babes are ok. I hope things settle soon.

Jess - hope AF turns up very soon and that Rachel sends her your way. Planning your wonderful holiday will take your mindoff things when she shows up.

Kelsey - Hope you feel better now you have had something to eat, and work eases of a bit.

Mel - off to stalk your journal again.

afm- still red bleeding this morning but no cramps or pain so have to hold onto that hope. CSH has not been mentioned to me but I wonder if they have ever REALLY looked properly at the placenta at ant of my scans. I think the main focus has been seeing a bean and hb. That was what I was thinking of when I got home yesterday that maybe the placenta was low or sch. i am going to phone the EPU tomorrow to see what they say. I have just been taking things easy today and am not going to work tomorrow.

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