Ok Lindsay, your ticker confuses me, I thought when I quick checked this morning before work it said you were 30 weeks, but now it's saying 29w4d!? If you're 30 weeks like I think you are,
HAPPY 30 WEEKS OAKLEY!!!! I can't wait to see a picture of the room, because I've never heard of a floor being painted so I can't picture it but it sounds like the coolest idea ever! Only 10 more weeks until you get your sub!!

Are you not drinking soda at all---or just not drinking caffeine? I'm not much of a soda drinker, but I have been craving cherry 7 up. I need to read up on this nipple business, because I'm afraid my nipples will not work for breastfeeding! I kind of cringe though thinking about somebody inspecting my nipples!
Jessie, you are now on the way to your trip of a lifetime! Safe travels dear, we'll miss your lil butt.
Mel, I think I did have some mild cramping, but nothing steady. Every now and then I'll still have a little twinge or something that will make me worry, but it never lasts. 10 days until your scan! And just think, you found out you were PG 11 days ago and how fast those days went!
Rachael you are rock'n this month! No matter how hot and bothered you get today, you save it for tomorrow with Mr. Andrew

You're doing awesome with this whole schedule! Omg I almost puked when I thought about poor Jax! That's crazy that there were lil worms in his puke! When my cat had worms growing up, there was just a spiraly thing coming out of his butt that looked like a rubber band. It didn't actually look like a worm. Did he get in to see the vet? I hope it's nothing too serious and something they can clear up quickly! Lindsay has a great point about keeping Sadie out of his litter---dogs are so gross and I remember growing up if we couldn't find our dog on occassion we'd find him in the basement crunching on the cat's dirty litter box! Omg, all this is literally giving me mouth sweats. So sorry for such a gross convo I just turned this into!! lol Yeah and I'm still pissed that I paid all that money for my CBFM and then have not used it in like 6 months. I have a ton of sticks left for the monitor, but my sister is going to start TTC after her wedding in June so I'll probably give them to her.
Sam I forgot about the thing with icecream---what is it---we can't eat soft serve ice cream? Does that mean like no dilly bars and everything--or what exactly is "soft serve"? Not like I need to crave anything else, but what are soldiers?
AFM-happy to not wake up to spotting today, but still checking every 2 seconds. I'm freaking a tad because I feel like my bbs aren't sore today. Ugg, just can't wait until tomorrow is over with. It's at 8 am, so less than 24 hours!