Aww Jessie you did get on!!! How sweet to check, I'm glad you have arrived and the fun has started

Glad you're able to get your temps logged still!
Sam DH got a lil emotional (I'm sure he wished I wouldn't admit that to anybody). But, it's been a long road and he's wanted to start having babies before I was ready to start trying. So, he's been a patient man. I didn't realize what a stressful week you were having, your poor thing! I'm sure the exam went just perfect---you've got 2 lil brains in you working hard

Sorry Rachael to hear about the job. Do you have a lot of restaurants by you? Now that you like the idea of hostessing you could look into any place like that and with it being summer a lot of places will probably be hiring. FX'd you find something! And don't worry about the OPKs, if you do the every other day thing until you have a def. temp shift you should be fine.
And thanks Mel and Lindsay! Yes, still on cloud nine, but still worrying. Gosh, will it ever stop? I think after my 10 week u/s I'll feel a little more relaxed. I've been ravenous these past few weeks, but then last night I started getting a sinus headache and today it's full force and won't go away. I'm miserable and if I even think about eating food I get nauseous. I also have a pulled muscle in my back, so if I stand up or sit down it kills. Wow, I just complained, a lot! Sorry, back to my cloud 9 spot...
Rachael have fun at your cook out--hope you get to make some smores! And Lindsay have fun with your parents--that should be nice for you to all spend sometime together! Mel, keep cooking that lil bun.