1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

hi everyone me and my husband have been trying for 4 months now,ive also been sympton spotting and had everything in the last months except this month not so much,my af is due 22nd december and im now 9 dpo,if its ok id like share my symptons with you to see what you all think
1-4 dpo nothing except creamy cm
5 dpo brown discharge and a little blob of red blood mixed in cm too sorry tmi
6 dpo 2:30am woke feeling very hot and stuffy,felt sick and did be sick in the end and really bad cramps,9 am still had bad belly n went the toilet 3 times before dinner time but it wasnt runny sorry again,a little cm and a little stretchy
7 dpo hardly any cm and nothing else
8 dpo really bad af bellyache to the point i thought af was going to be very early and hardly any cm again
9 dpo stringy clear discharge mixed in with creamy discharge,cervix high but not hard or soft,please help ne understand what might of happened and i also hope this has helpped others if they have simular signs :)
Hi wishing4baby3, that's all sounding pretty positive to me! Do you think you possibly had ib at 5dpo?
hi toots3495i was also wondering if it could have been ib but alot of sites says it doesnt happen that early but i also understand everyone is different,i dont have sore boobs or anything else either but i neva had any signs in my other 2 pregnancys but also wasnt looking,its just odd for me to have any brown discharge and a little blood after my af.
I definitely think everybody is different and if it was something unusual to experience then I'd take that as a positive sign:happydance:. Will you test early or wait to see if af arrives?
im thinking of testing friday but not sure because i dont want to see a bfn and af is due the 22 i think so also thinking should i wait till christmas eve if af hasnt arrived as it would be a nice christmas suprise and i dont want drink if there is a chance on christmas day but its hard waiting hahaha :)
It is really hard to wait especially when you've got quite positive symptoms! A bfp for Christmas would be brilliant:thumbup:. How old are your other two children?
it is like torture,are you still trying or have you had a bfp,i hope you all the luck either way,i have a little girl who is 4 and a little boy who is 22 months and would just like one more to complete our family,thankyou for replying too and letting me know what you think :)
I think I'm on my 23rd cycle, its been so long now I've lost track! Oh and I are ttc our first and not having a great deal of luck. We've just recently been to the hospital to begin tests to find out what's going on. I wish I'd started all this years ago but the timing was never 'right', never in a million years thought it would be such a nightmare! While we're being tested etc we have decided to kind of ntnp as the stress was getting to both of us and I just want to enjoy Christmas.
Wishing4baby3, I agree with Toots! Sounds pretty good to me! Can't wait to see you test!

Toots, how ya feeling?
I'm good thanks Jojo although I'm starting to panic about Xmas, I've done hardly any shopping:dohh:. I've got a mental block at the moment and got no idea what to buy anyone.
How's things with you? Have you had another scan yet?
sorry it took so long reply was doing the school run.awww im sorry but fingers crossed once you have been tested at hospital it could take something simple to grant you your wish,i have a friend who has been trying for over 2 yrs and still nothing to yet,it isnt nice and then you get me thats lucky to have two and moaning cause i want one more sorry,i hope you have a great christmas and all the luck for the new year :)
thankyou jojo for your coment and just hope it could be my month but as soon as i decide to test i will let you both know the outcome on here :)
It hard Hun regardless of whether you're ttc first or third. Keep us informed of how things go. We're a friendly bunch on here
aww thankyou and will do,its the first time i have ever joined anything like this but my hubby has had enough of i wonder if its a sympton and been looking on these sites for months so thought id try it out :) but this month is defo different as the past months i have had aching boobs,tiredness and alot more but this time i feel really well in myself and like on top of the world if you know what i mean but that could be cause im on vitamins but we will see and thankyou again :)
My oh got a bit tired of me getting his hopes up every month with my symptoms! That's the reason I joined as well and like you it's the first time I've ever done anything like this. So glad I did cos the girls have been the best support and we even manage to have a laugh a long the way:haha:. Just putting some Xmas decs up at the moment but we still haven't got round to getting the tree:dohh:
hahaha dont think men with eva understand us ladies and when we talk about thing they dont get they just turn off but we have to listen to them ramble on about rubish lol,well 9 dpo in the pm and instead of having pasta bake like planned i really didnt want it and for some strange reason decided to have ham,cheese and beans on toast even though im not a cheese or toast person so dont know if its a sign or my body lacking in something and then ive got backache,bellyache as if bloated but not and my hip bones are aching really bad like ive done alot of exercise even though if im honest i havent done much today as felt tired,got popping sensations under my ribs which will be trapped wind sorry if tmi but i dont think i usually get this till a few days before af,i also wasnt in the mood to cope with the kids playing me up big style so ended up putting them bed early but they did go flat out lol so must have been tired anyway.
Hi all

How are we all doing? Beth fx'd honey I think its ur body getting rid of what would have been AF and spotting for u... I'll check on tomo during my christmas lunch night out find out what dr said, Happy Happy Birthday to u when it comes

I'm doing ok OPK getting more and more positive so hopefully i'll ovulate soon whoo hoo, I'm really painful down below just now thou to the point don't wanna bd but no pain no gain, cm playing ball today thou :)

he everyone well today at 10 dpo im feeling very low and moody and just want to be left alone and could easily cry for no reason but can be like this around af time so who knows,im soo tired too :(
Hey ladies! How is everyone doing? How are you Beth?

Well, I've been feeling pretty ill but this morning I feel great! Its amazing how good you can feel when your head isn't in the toliet! Another busy weekend here but what's new!! I can't believe that I'm already 11 wks! I feel like my baby was just an apple seed and now its a lime!!

Toots, how are you doing? ANy progress with the bloods and Dr.s? Any answers yet?
Hi all

Any news from Beth yet?

Welcome back to the world of the living Jojo xx

How are u doing Toots how many DPO are u now??

I have been trying for an hour now to upload a photo for u all too see whoo hoo I have my positive OPK its so pretty wanted to show you all


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