1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

toots he just told me he isnt ready right now at this point in his life... Last month he would cum in me once a week and i was fine with that bc it gave me a little hope in having a baby but he just told me he will not cum in me untill he is ready and i asked him how long he said he doesnt no when he feels its right to have a baby he will let me no... im so upset i could just pack my things and leave... OMG
I'm sorry you're upset Annie. I do think that you both need to be agreed that a baby is what you both want as its a huge commitment. It must be gutting to be told he doesn't feel ready but I suppose at least he has been honest with you, its better to find out now rather than when a baby had actually arrived. Maybe he'll feel better about it in the new year.
toots i hope ur right... he is being really rude now.. im gone lay down and probably cry myself to sleep.. thanks..
Sorry to hear that Frankie. How many dpo are you?

About 9 or 10 but my dates could still be out so who knows just wanted to fall this cycle so we could aim for my hubbys birthday lol x
Annie I'm sorry DH asked you to lose weight. You know if you are comfortable with your weight.

I agree with Toots. You and DH need to be on the same page with regard to having a baby. Having a baby can put a strain on the best of relationships!
You both need to be ready for such a massive commitment!!!
You should sit him down and tell him how you feel!

i tried that so many times he just says nope im not ready right now.. so im giving up .... i think he told me too get out this am as well.. i dk no what is goin on so he is about to be home so il get back to yall later,,,
Hi there

I'm doin ok couldn't see the dr today hopefully tomorrow fx'd for me, fantastic news Beth knew it wud calm down, still early Frankie

big cuddles to everyone
Hi all,
How is everyone today ?
I am very hungover - work Christmas party yesterday - I am pretty alcohol intolerant and get a hangover on 1 1/2 glasses of wine and had about 4 so not good !
I also recall blahhing away to my male colleague about how hard it is trying for a baby - i think i really chewed his ear off !!
anyway, couldnt do my opk test as figured the alcohol would ruin it and my husband is away for 4 days anyway !
Morning ladies! Sorry haven't been on as much. Still trying to recover from this flu thing and it seems Mr. Morning sickness has come back t visit! How's everyone doing this cold,cold, morning!
Evening ladies

How did it go in the docs fee?

Duck sounds like you had a heavy night! I really fancy a snowball but I can't :(

Has the flu almost gone Jojo? I hope I'm lucky and font get morning sickness!

My spotting has only been brown again today and lighter. I'm wondering if it's imitating my period. I usually last 8 days and it's the 8th day tomorrow!
My boobs feel heavier and more painful and I've got really bad pinching in my back like a trapped nerve.

Oh wow Beth that sounds totally true thats how so many people don't know they are pg I'll be chuffed to hear when it has completely stopped!! I'm doing ok didn't manage to see dr again today great eh,... pain has subsided again though so fx'd its going away for good

I'm so tired and full of the cold today yuck!! Can't believe I'm on cd 8 already do u think I will ovulate later I do but not sure, think I'll start testing with OPk's on 12th day rather than day 10 like normal what do u think??

Beth just watch out for the nipples oh me they made me cry in the cold ha ha

hey ladies well me and dh talked last night and he asked me to just drop the who ttc subject and see what happends... so thats what im gonna do.. im kinda glad bc the ttc thing was about to kill me im was starting to obesses over it and it causing problems between me an dh.. But i will check in from time to time... love yall girls...

Hope you get to see the doctor soon Fee!
Sorry your not feeling well!
Not sure about Ovulating later. Maybe start opks CD11 it's in-between both then.
I hope it's your month!!!

Good luck and best wishes Annie.

Speak soon Annie :)

Beth how many days do u tend to bleed for I've never bled for 7 days before I know it can be normal for some ladies bbut dh made a good point lastnight before the mirena coil which I had put in when my wee one was 2yrs old I did bleed for over a week!! How do we forget these things he said he was always frustrated that it was still here so maybe this is me returning to normal i.e fertile??

Who knows eh, well we have decided to bd a lot this month but only when we wanna I'm gonna do the OPK's out of interest but gonna try and not try if that makes sense my head is just so tired with it..

We both still want a wee one more than ever just didn't realise it was gonna be this hard so going to releave the pressure on us both which means have a drink!!!

How u feeling today honey?
Im out but to be fair I can now calculate my dates properly I was using 28 days when its 26 so thats a positive x
You do forget don't you! Mine have been lasting around 8days :(
Today is day 8, but I had some red spotting b4 bed last night and again this morning :(
Still don't have any cramping so I'm trying to stay positive!

Sounds like a good plan this month fee!

Sorry AF got you Frankie :hugs:

Oh honey u r gonna be fine just think about how hard beanie has to stick no wonder there is some spotting... I will warn you at 8 wks I had serious spotting with my wee one ur talking A&E tears and everything absolutely fine placenta being formed ha ha its non stop honey but so worth it...

U are gonna be one good trained mummy for the worrying xxx
You do forget don't you! Mine have been lasting around 8days :(
Today is day 8, but I had some red spotting b4 bed last night and again this morning :(
Still don't have any cramping so I'm trying to stay positive!

Sounds like a good plan this month fee!

Sorry AF got you Frankie :hugs:


Just one of those things aint it at least I have some proper dates to play with now

How you feeling anyway hun? x
hey ladies well af still anit got me yet... i was due on the 8th and she hasnt arrived i was spotting for 4 days before the 8th but then stopped no cramping are anything.. i tested thurs night bfn.. if i dont get her by mon i guess im gonna test again.. i really dont have any symptoms though just a pimple by my mouth an thats about it..
evening all
I am so excited, i got my first positive ovulation test at CD 15 which means YAY i am ovulating, so it is still possible we are just not BD at the right time ! obviously i know you dont ovulate every month, but still, im pleased as I was about to go to the doctors and tell them i didnt think i was ovulating.
Unfortunately husband is away till Tuesday night so we are out of look this month, but January, we are doing the SMEP !!
Love to all, hope everyone is ok

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