1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

hi jojo glad ur feeling beta now and they do say when pregnant ur always warmer than normal :), ive got go bk 2 wks today,think it will be the longest 2 weeks of my life lol x x
hey wishing i think its normal to get put back a week then all of a sudden bubs gets a growth spurt and measures correct at next scan, i got put forward a week at my 12 week scan and thats almost an impossibility as i know when i ov'd. it works both ways so dont be too worried, xxx

jojos glad you are feeling better, we are having a lovely day here, the only downside is that suddenly there is lots of pasty white flesh on show!

Hows everyone else today????
Hi everyone.

Soz I've been away for a bit been really busy in work and had to work late Monday and tues so just wanted to go to bed :)

Still in limbo and I haven't tested. I did buy some cheapies on my way home today so will test in the morning. I'm not expecting anything to show up except for the control line!

Lou I'm so happy ur back with us! U had us really worried!
Fee I'm loving the digi!
Wishing I'm sorry you didn't see what u were hoping to see but like Nand said I don't think it's very accurate at such an early stage. Can understand your worry tho. :hug:
Jojo keep crossing those legs for a little bit longer!!
Duck enjoy your break away and plenty of BD please!!!
Nand how u feeling?

Nand you are too funny!!I can't wait to be able to show off my skin! There is a lot extra this spring than last but that's ok with me!

Beth what DPO are you?
No idea Jojo. Had some ovary pain on Sunday so maybe 3DPO going on that but I'm not 100% certain haven't tested since March 17th

Morning ladies.

Just tested and as I suspected a BFN :(

Was lying in bed before going to sleep last night and had 4/5 sharp stabbing pains in my uterus each one only lasted a second but made me flinch! Really strange! Any ideas what it could be?

How's everyone else? xxx
Could it be baby getting comfy in there and implanting? You think you could be around 4dop right?
So ladies I need some advice. I let my "best Friend" ( who I;m having problems with anyway) but I gave her the Travel system ( the stroller and car seat) we had for my DS when she got preggo with her son. I told her she could use it and if we had a another baby and it was a boy she would give it back. I gave it to her almost 2 yrs. Well, I also gave her a bunch more stuff like his playpen etc. I went there last night to pick it all up and she said she didn't have the car seat because she left it at her dad's house and her dad put it outside and its been sitting outside for awhile so she has to "clean" it. I was really upset because it was a very expensive seat. Now I don't know how bad it is, I might be able to wash and bleach the plastic part and wash the fabric but I'm not really happy about sticking my newborn is something that has been sitting outside for almost a year. Its not just about how it looks its a safety thing. This is suppose to protect my baby if we get into a car accident. What if the fabric has been weaken on the straps or theres rust somewhere on the metal parts? I was really upset. Then I asked well is the stroller outside too and she said well no its in my trunk but I was hoping I didnt have to give that back until the babies born because I still use that. So, my hubby said we should just by a new one but its so much money that we don't have. And more, its money we shouldn't have to spend! Do you think I should wait to see how bad it is and try and save it or just say F*ck it and buy a new one? UGH!!! I'm sooo mad!
hi ladies how are you all doing,have any of you heard off star as she has been rather quiet the last few days which isnt her,hope she is ok,
jojo im so sorry what ur friend has done to you,how rude is that,you borrow something you look after it end of,im sorry but id ask her to give you some money towards a new one as its wrong what she has done fair enough blame ur dad for it but it doesnt excuse that it was her job to look after it,i personally would buy a new one because its going to be hard to clean it up well enough so that its hygenic enough for your new born never mind the saftey of it too,i honestly cant believe she has done this to something you were kindly enough to lend her,its shocking,can you not get one for around the £50 mark as it will still be safe just not stylish as you would like or did you want it to match your pushchair again,im really sorry you may have to pay out for something you shouldnt n really havent got the money for but i would personally tell her to shove it where the sun dont shine x x x
Hi all

Wishing sorry u didn't see the heartbeat just too soon bet u anything it is loud and proud now!! Just think when u get it done u will see so much more XXxxx

Jojo well where do I start this is the same friend that pi**** me off when you told her about the baby wasn't it? Well if it is and I'm sure it is then sorry but she is no friend to u, u are the friend in the relationship giving and she is a b**** sorry but she is.... sorry but she should be round at ur house everyday picking up ur kids or giiving u some time off with all that is going on right now... I'd wash my hands with herand buy shiny new

Hey Beth how are u? OOOoooooh could be implantation..... love how exciting this is getting XX

I'm doing ok got my contract for new job it is superb built myself up to quit went in and came out confused they are trying to keep me and want to promote me I would then get the pay I deserve and get maternity pay and leave for 1 year the other job no benefits as I don't qualify wasn't an issue as I can afford 5-6 month off but now chance of year with my baby 8 months full pay and 2 months statuatory really confused

Oh Jojo that's terrible! Your right to worry about the safety of the car seat after it's been left outside to fight the weather! You should insist that she buys u a new one! And what a cheek asking u to wait for something that belongs to you!
I'm always extra careful if I borrow something off someone... I guess not everyone is like us!

Fee good luck on figuring out the job situation! Sounds very confusing!

Fee & Jojo I really really hope the pain I felt could be implantation. Had a heavy feeling this eve in lower abdomen.

hey ladies--

Im srry i anit been on i have been glued to FF chat rooms... OMg its awsome..

Jojo wow what a scare.. I hope everything goes alright with u sweetie... i was born 3 months early and i weigh 1lb and 6 oz.. stayed in ICu for 75 days... i didnt start talkin untill i was almost 3 wow... anywayys.. im healthy and that was almost 23 yrs ago!!!!!!

Star- congrats on ur BFP

AFM- i Ovulated for sure 16 days ago.. My Lp is 16 days long and i started af this morning.. but its ok bc i go to the dr Monday to get my results back and show her my chart.. ANd my BBT chart was SO BEAUTIFUL this month.. oh well always next month at least i no im ovulating now so thats awsome... and me and dh are offically ttc now harder than ever :)
jojos firstly i would definitely buy new stuff as if she had such disregard for the stuff you lent her then god knows what abuse it has gotten, she has such a cheek to ask to keep the buggy til your lo is here, and i agree with star she should be there offering you all the help you need until baby is born, bloody cheeky b**ch...

star if i were you i would stay put if they are gonna give you all they are offering, a year with baby is something you will never get back and to be paid for most of it so no money worries either. what does your oh think?? apart from that how are you feeling? any new symptoms?

wishing i hope you arent worrying too much, star couldnt have put it better, loud and proud is exactly what it will be! xx

beth hope that heavy feeling is a big old fertilised egg nestling in. xx

toots how are you? xx

had my scan today, placenta still low moved a whole 1.5cm in 12 weeks, bubs was using it as a pillow. got to go back in 4 weeks, they think it will be far enough away to have a natural birth but got to see bubs face and totally fell in love, it was amazing.

pic from today xx
Nand, the pic is so beautiful! I bet your getting so excited!!!!

Star, it is the same "friend". I've ben having a lot of problems with her for awhile now. She is very selfish, lazy and rude. But, really I don't think she's doing it on purpose. I have def kept my distance and am trying to pull away from her slowly. The hard part is not only is she my "best friend" but she is my hubby's cousin's wife. So my hubby doesn't want me to say anything because he doesn't want family problems and to top it off I watch their son during the day so she's also my "boss". We dont hang out hardly at all anymore because she has other friends she goes out and parties with and I'm not that kinda person. She has said 2 things the last couple weeks that was the last straw for me. A couple weeks ago I was talking about when I think the baby will be born and she said " Well he can be born whenever but he better not be born on Carlitos (her son) birthday ( june 30) I asked her why and she said because she doesn't want her baby to have to share a birthday with my son. I asked why not and she said because its already bad enough that her son isnt gonna be the baby of the family, and that my baby will be taking all the attention that she doesn't want the attention to be taken off her sons birthday too. :growl: Like me baby isnt important?She is throwing her hubby a surprise bday party this sat aNd then the other day when I was so worried about the baby being born early I was talking to her about how I was worried about who was gonna care for my 2 older kids and she said " well thats gonna suck if the baby is born on Sat because then you guys aren't gonna be there for the party." I thought aww she really wants us to be there, but no she said " If you have the baby does that mean Carlos ( my DH ) wont be able to take my hubby out so we can surprise him?" UUGGGHHH! She drives me crazy!! ANywho, sounds like your job is really fighting for you!! Have you made a decisions yet?

Beth, sounds like implantation to me! ANy symptoms today?

Wishing how you feeling?
Hi there

Oh jojo u are the biggest saint I know... Bless ur heart I'd be furious but totally understand the difficulty now with family,.. Do u knOw what not sure if it's sitting here looking in but I'd say she is so very jealous of u and if I was u I'd take the higher ground because that ways upsets people who want attention the fact that u aren't rising to it

She is a horrible individual but I feel bad for her that she can be that spiteful xx

NAND thanks I'm doing good fx'd got midwife apt on mon so hopefully get to see bubba not pining all my hopes on it though I am too bug for my clothes got big fleece on today to hide midrift!! Lol I have given them till tues to make me an offer then I wud stay like y say a whole yr with baby is priceless but what is meant tone will be

Oh Beth can't wait to hear what is going on with u x

Lou I'm getting angry at ur Internet connection lol gonna come visit u for a chat xx

Wishing and duck how are u boyh doing today??

I have my good friends 40th party tonight nothing to wear and nobody but my best friend knows but hey she is 37 weeks pg so maybe I'll look tiny next to her lol x
Hi there

Oh jojo u are the biggest saint I know... Bless ur heart I'd be furious but totally understand the difficulty now with family,.. Do u knOw what not sure if it's sitting here looking in but I'd say she is so very jealous of u and if I was u I'd take the higher ground because that ways upsets people who want attention the fact that u aren't rising to it

She is a horrible individual but I feel bad for her that she can be that spiteful xx

NAND thanks I'm doing good fx'd got midwife apt on mon so hopefully get to see bubba not pining all my hopes on it though I am too bug for my clothes got big fleece on today to hide midrift!! Lol I have given them till tues to make me an offer then I wud stay like y say a whole yr with baby is priceless but what is meant tone will be

Oh Beth can't wait to hear what is going on with u x

Lou I'm getting angry at ur Internet connection lol gonna come visit u for a chat xx

Wishing and duck how are u boyh doing today??

I have my good friends 40th party tonight nothing to wear and nobody but my best friend knows but hey she is 37 weeks pg so maybe I'll look tiny next to her lol x
Fee is right Jojo your a saint!!!!

Enjoy the party fee!!

Fantastic picture Nand!!!

I've been at an event all day so haven't had much of a chance to think about symptoms.
But i did notice the stabbing feeling Again this afternoon not so powerful but I was busy!
Still heavy af feeling and feels like I have pressure down below especially when I'm sat on the loo( tmi sorry) Creamy cm
I don't want to get my hopes up tho.

sounds really good Beth! do you have a feeling either way? I don't want to get you all ramped up and excited but can't help being excited for you myself!!!
If I'm honest I don't think I am :( the last 2times I was my boobs hurt but there isn't much activity with them. The odd ache now and again but that's it :(

I'm living in hope that i am though!

How u feeling Jojo? Have u spoken to your friend?


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