1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

awwww i bet you are as it does give you that safe kind of feeling doesnt it,aching/painfull boobs must be a good sign then, i really cant wait till we both reach 12 weeks i honestly cant as i think thats when we will enjoy being pregnant a 100%,my mil thinks ive just over done it so she has told me off and said i best rest in which i replyed tell ur son and granchildren to let me then lol x x x
Evening ladies.

Wishing hope the spotting stops. Ur lines still look good!

Jojo- what a fantastic bump!!!! Loving it!

Fee- yay for achy boobs!

Duck- good girl for all that practicing!

Nand-how u doing?

Anyone heard off Lou(toots)? She hasn't checked in for a while. I hope she's ok!

Cd 60. Well I still don't know if I've Ovulated. My nipples seem a bit tender but nothing major. I've been avoiding too much poking so I'm not making them sore myself. Lol.
I've also had some af type cramps today. Been to the toilet a few times to check.

Went to buy some cheapies today but the shop had shut by the time I got there.
I'm still rattleing from all the tablets I'm taking. Lol

Hey Beth

How are you honey? What is going on with ur body that is nuts CD60!!!!! WTF lol :) I am also very worried about Lou I checked her hread that she started and they had mentioned that her brother was due an operation for kidney stones hope he and she are both ok.....

With out sounding like a complete stalker she should be ovulating about now too so hopefully she is just too busy making bambinos, missing her though

Go get tests tomorrow and I can't wait to see what they say!!

I'm ok. Got some pinching by my right ovary today so maybe today is OV day. Who knows. Didn't get tests today. Prob won't bother unless I feel anything really.

I hope Lou and her brother are ok!

How u feeling Fee?

Hi all

We slipped onto page 2.... :( lets stay on page 1

hi ladies how has your weekend gone,beth i have my fingers crossed that its ovulation time you and ul soon be in your 2ww and star how are you feeling,
how is everyone else,it has gone quiet on here a little,hope all is ok,
well for me no more spotting and cramping has calmed down,sickness kicked in again today,very bad bkache and very tired so off bed soon,only 3 more sleeps till i go for my checkup too now that cant come quick enough for me lol x x x
hi ladies how has your weekend gone,beth i have my fingers crossed that its ovulation time you and ul soon be in your 2ww and star how are you feeling,
how is everyone else,it has gone quiet on here a little,hope all is ok,
well for me no more spotting and cramping has calmed down,sickness kicked in again today,very bad bkache and very tired so off bed soon,only 3 more sleeps till i go for my checkup too now that cant come quick enough for me lol x x x
Whoo 3 more sleeps i'm doing ok got cramping thou :( wee bit freaked out as cramping got really bad before m/c?? hoping its just stretching going on in there

sorry about the 2 posts the same it said it hadnt sent because of an error grrrrrrrrrrrr,

arrrr star try not worry too much n im sending you a big :hug: as ive had alot of cramping on and off since 4 weeks and also my friend whos a midwife told me some cramping can be caused by not drinking enough fluid so when ever the cramps kicked in id have half a pint of water and it did calm them loads or even stop them so maybe see if that works,i know its hard not worry too hun as i do the same 24/7,i even said to oh today if anything is going happen i wish it would hurry up but if not the 12 week mark cant come quick enough,i try keep myself busy and when i cant stop worrying i get my tests out to remind me how good the lines are,have you tested again today x x x
Hey honey thanks I was wondering bout the drinking I have been drinking lots of iced drinks can't get enough Ice I wonder if it's fizzy juice not helping had quite a bit today??? Gonna go get more water right now anything to make bean stick role on 12 weeks cx x
Not tested today will tomorrow though xx
star i am a fizzy drink lover but since my bfp i cant drink it as it was causing bad belly cramps,i stick to either water,apple juice and the odd cup of tea,we are already full of gas with the change in hormones so im sure fizzy drinks dont help,let me know how the testing goes and if the cramps calm down once u drink more water and still drinks,o ive also heard oranges are good for helpping the beanie stick so i do try drink at least one glass of pure orange a day or just eat one :),i feel so sick on n off this morning so thats helping me believe everything is ok still and the craving of ice is a great sign for you too hun,im sure our beanies are doing just fine x x x
hi all,
wishing bet you cant wait for your check up, has the brown spotting stopped? you sound like you are having lots of symptoms which is great (in the nicest possible way)

star how are those cramps? I had cramps daily until about nine weeks and still get them every now and again, its your body making room for snuggly bum to get comfy.

beth have you figured out whats going on yet? cd62? what a cycle, i think you should test again. fingers x'd hun xxx

duck have you worn him out yet?

jojos hows things with you? is your throat any better?

toots hope you ok xxxxxxxx

All good my end, looking forward to my scan on thurs, looking forward to finding out how I'm gonna get this baby out, but one guarantee which ever way its not gonna be pain free!!!!!
:kiss: hi girlies, sorry I haven't been on here but I've been having Internet probs:dohh:. What have I missed?!! I'm busy at work at the moment so I'll try and log on later.
hi nando awww bet its loverly getting to see your little one again,ul have get ur scan up,for me the spotting has stopped and its now my cm is a wierd colour like a tint of green/brown colour so thinking infection but will get told when i go hospital if it is but its not spotting now which is good,i woke in the night feeling sick and dizzy which shows my hormones are going crazy and felt sick on and off all day and very tired,i have had a pulling /stitch kind of feeling by my belly botton today so not sure what that is,i also agree about the cramping too,ive had it since before no show of af and while looking it up on the internet its says its most likerlt stretching pains,im so on countdown for wednesday now,
hi toots how are you,how rubbish that uv had no internet,i would honestly be lost lol,ooo and ur also in the 2ww how brill :) x x x
Well ladies, here we go again! Last night I was sleeping with a pillow between my knees, I woke up really hot and moved the pillow and I was soaking wet down there. In between my thighs, in the creases of my legs and all over down there! It was so much I ad to get a towel and wipe myself off. I really thought it was just sweat but nothing else was sweating. I went back to sleep but I didn't sleep well. Having lots of uncomfortable-ness (sorry for that made up word) in my tummy and back. I kept leaking again for most of the morning but now it has slowed down alot! The uncomfortable feeling is still there. Baby is moving around great but I'm so scared to go to the Dr. I can't be put into the hospital for 3 months guys. I just can't:nope: I have no one to take care of the kids. I'm so scared and so done going thru this emotional roller coaster. I don't know what to do!
awwww jojo you must be really in limbo,i know its hard but is its worth getting checked out because you dont want put urself in danger or your little one,it sounds like your waters for sure and i dont know how much you have to loose before you can get an infection easily,id defo go get checked though hun,do they really need to keep you in though as cant they suggest as much as poss bed rest and a midwife that comes out to you to check how your doing so that you havent got stay in,how old are your kiddies sorry and cant oh get some time off work to help before n after school or are they all at home still,sending big :hugs: and hope you decide what to do soon x x x x
Oh jojos you have to go get it checked out again, i know how you feel about being put in hosp, but you and the baby are the priority at the mo and things would work out with childcare somehow, and it may not even come to that, they may say go home and rest.

toots glad you are back in the land of cyberspace, hows the 2ww going so far? did you get lots of bd in????

wishing that belly button pain is normal, odd but normal, oh i hope you dont have an infection but at least that can be easily dealt with, glad the spotting has stopped. xx
i agree with you nand with jojo,i know its hard with kids but you also have to look after youself too,
ive heard infections can cause spotting so if it is that could explain it and like you said it could soon be sorted,glad the wierd pain is normal lol,i cant remember them from my other 2 kids but it was a few years ago now lol x x
wishing its amazing what you forget and how quickly too. my ds is only 17 months so it wasnt that long ago, but there are things you do remember like a weird tummy button pain. lol

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