1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Oh Beth I'm so sorry but hopefully this can be a proper cycle for u and get u back on track.... XXxxx

Duck poor u that is agony I have had my fair share of those and boy are they uncomfortable try and sleep that always makes it go quicker lots of rest... xx

Jojo so happy to see wee man still where he should be good luck tomorrow and get on here quick to tell us what is going on whoo hoo xxx

Lou I still love ya xxx

Wishing can't wait for us both to have our scans to confirm due date xx

Well I'm having drama again...... well my boss is a liar it is official he made everything up about promotion and they cant promise anything, he said today more stress more work and I just had to lump it so tried to call new company today as I've decided to tell them about baby annd if they still want me I'm gonna go

Petrified the stress at my job gonna make me loose my baby Xxxx
well im soo peed off arrrrrrrr lol,just wrote a full esay for the internet crash so going keep this short haha,
star ur boss is a tosser and hopefully the other company will take you on so you can tell ur boss to shove is job up his arse and lump it hahaha,ive got everything crossed for the new place for you and im sure your little beanie will be fine stressed or not stressed :),make sure you wind down once ur home with cuddles of ur little man and big man :hahaha: and nice relaxing baths,i soooooooooooo cant wait either im on count down now :),when is your scan again sorry my mind has completerly gone already lololol x x
Knock knock.... only me! How's everybody doing?
Beth I'm sorry to see af got you. She got me as well which is not really much of a surprise anymore. We dtd cd6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 15 but that seems to still not be enough! Oh wants to try one more cycle before iui but I know it's a complete waste of time.
I must have missed absolutely loads of news and goings on! I've been super busy at work as my bosses wife has been diagnosed with cancer so she is having quite intense chemo and radiotherepy at the moment as they can't operate on her. He's not been at work much so I've been maning the ship! It's difficult trying to find appointments for patients in the limited time hes there.
It's chucking it down with rain here which is totally miserable. I intend to have a nice hot bath and a glass or two of wine a bit later!
awww toots im sorry the :witch: got you too :hugs:,
it must also be so stressfull at work for you too and what a shame about ur bosses wife,i hope she gets beta,
sorry to ask but with not going through what you have ttc i dont know what iui stands for,if anything though you need do what you think is need to get ur bundle of joy which im sure will happen soon for you,it must be so hard and tiring for you both x x x
Hey wishing, iui is basically artifical insemination. I'm sure thats what they do to farm animals!! It would appear that I have a hostile environment which means my antibodies see oh sperm as an invader so they attack and kill them:gun::gun:
The iui procedure places the sperm inside me so it by passes my defences. I'll have to take drugs to halt my own ovulation and I assume more drugs to ovulate when the specialists are monitoring me. They need to pinpoint exactly when the egg is ready so the sperm is waiting at just the right time. Its not exactly how I planned to have a baby! I've recently read on a website that the drugs they give for iui can cause ovarian cancer which is bloody scary but I'm not sure how correct that info is. We get 4-5 goes under the nhs and if that fails we get 1 go at ivf. It's all v depressing to me to be honest, seems so unfair but who said life was ever going to be easy!
awwww it does sound like alot of hard work for you and ur body but you have got to think what uv gone through already so im sure ud cope just fine :hugs:,
you need to also think how many ladies have there babies this way and are fine,the chances of ovarian cancer prob have nothing to do with this procedure,its also great the nhs are offering to help you both as they can be very tight,i hope when you make ur mind up which way you want to go with things its works for you,i honestly cant understand what ur feeling right now and how you feel but i am thinking of you and ur oh,life can be very cruel at times and when its on people like urself n oh who will look after ur little one 100% it makes me angry because so many people take this for granteed,big :hugs: again hun x x x
Thanks hun:hugs:. It makes me mad to when I see so many skanks that are having dozens of children and they can't look after them properly. I saw one the other day walking through town looking like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards and her daughter was trailing miles behind her, she only looked about 3-4. The mother turned around and told her to get a f*@!king move on! Makes me sick to see it.
Hows things with you?
omg as if you would speak to a child that age like that,actually you wouldnt do it to your child no matter what age,well fingers crossed it wont be long for you now :),
im great thankyou,feeling sick tired and moody but all worth it but i am finding it a little hard with school being closed as my daughter and son fight like cat n dog all the time at the mo hahaha,got my scan a week today too so should be able see the heartbeat :) x x
It'll all be worth it in the end hun. It's the third time you've done it so all the symptoms obviously doesn't put you off! Are you hoping for a boy or girl or not really bothered either way? Is oh over the moon?
it defo is worth it :),my little girl isnt my ohs but he did take her on from 1yrs old so would loverly to have his little girl with having oscar together but as long as its healthy id be very happy either way,he is excited but dreading the birthing bit haha,i had a brill labour with oscar and he was a great support but he said he doesnt want think about seeing me in pain but i honestly cant wait to do it all again hehe,i must be mad :rofl:,being pregnant doesnt put me off one bit but defo finding it harder this time round as i cant sleep in the day like i did the other 2 times plus kids have me up at 6 half 6 every morning,it passes at about 12 weeks though and then kicks in again about the 25 to 30wk mark because the sleppless nights kick in,defo all worth it though which you will find out for yourself soon :) x x x
Hi there

Well saga over....... :) Handed in my notice today I phoned new job and they want me and the baby I almost burst into tears on the phone they are going to give me a maternity package too I am delighted :) last day at work 6th May whoo hoo xxxxx

Lou ur back whoo hoo so sorry AF got u honey and there are no words for what ur boss is going through big hugs to u for the stress and for making his job a lot less stressful, iui will be so very much worth it Lou u are gonna be an amazing mummy Xxxx

Wishing my scan is on Monday I'm nervous but excited too how are u feeling? Xxxx
Good to have you back Lou!!!
Your boss is lucky to have you at such a difficult time for him and his wife!
Sorry Af got u 2! Try getting that PMA back for your last cycle b4 iui!!!!
Are you going to try anything different or go with the flow?

Fee that's great u stood up to your boss and that the other company are being so helpful!

Wishing are u counting down till your next scan?

How r u Duck, Nand & Jojo?

:wohoo: :wohoo: star that is great news,bet ur going love handing your notice in to ur idiot of a boss,he deserves whats coming to him for the way he has treated you,awww ur scan will be here before you know it and it will be great,uv made it this far so i just know all will be great just like it will be for me :hugs:its going be great having a bump buddy ive got to know well and be due around the same time so when im up at stupid o clock cause beanie is keeping me up kicking you will be the same hehe :),will you find out the sex too,i know i will lol,
beth how are you doing,im very excited now and only 6 days to go,i know all is going be fine because ive been feeling sick all day on n off for the last 4 days now and boobs keep getting more n more achy and my god ive gone up a bra size already :rofl:
how are you jojo,toots n nando x x x
Hi all

I vomited this morning whoo hoo lol dafty can't believe how happy I am at throwing up so funny

Notice in and last day 6th may fantastic news well chuffed xx
awww star your worse than me then as i only feel sick but ive neva been sick with any of my pregnancys but its defo a great sign that beanie is doing great :) and bring on the 6th of may for you :)

well here are a few pics of my belly so far, top one is first thing bump or small bloat what you think

second one defo bloat as it grows the moment i eat lol x
i so cant wait for it to be a constant bump now as seeing it grow gets me very excited lol x x x
I have spotted today freaking out, no pain didn't sleep lastnight now lying on sofa with pillow and duvet not gonna move petrified xx
awww star try and relax ive spotted twice now and so far beanie is staying put,im sure it is left over from ur last af or implantation,defo rest though and if your really worried get urself to hospital for an early scan just for piece of mind,also no cramping is good too,big :hugs: hun x x x

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