1 DPO Today (15th Sept) anyone want to share the 2WW with me?

Phoned midwife earlier and she was nice said no one available for scan today or this wknd I've got my original scan at 8.30am on Monday so fingers crossed, it's just weird was there no cramping no more spotting?? Cx
well if its stopped n with no cramping i really wouldnt worry as you sound the same as what ive had twice and i know baby is still in there growing because im feeling more n more ill every day,it could of been the stress of work or anything so try relax till you see little beanie on monday and at least its first thing in the morning :),big :hugs: hun x x x
Hi all

Well I was a wee paranoid person last night so went to my bed at 9 pm just woke up now no more spotting all lastnight nor this morning I pee'd as normal 5.30am and again now and nothing oh I'm praying so much it was just a freak leak

star, sorry you are having spotting, fx'd it is all ok - all sounds positive as has all stopped now.
good luck for Monday

I have shooting pains in my breasts - oh no here comes symptom spotting!
how is everyone today ??
Thanks Duck, still totally freaking out had 2 bm's today and had brown cm both times, no cramping don't know what to think bbs still very sore and large still got water retention bump too, hungry, tired and thirsty had a nice midwife talk to me today she said brown cm common between 6-7 wks as implantation so trying to be positive

Whoo hoo on the bbs for u fx'd for u honey

I also gave in and poas if in doubt pee eh..... The control took ages to come up compared to the line :) hoping this is a good sign


PMA PMA PMA all the way hold on in there little bean XXxxx
look good to me !!
i wonder if we should buy shares in POAS brands as i dread to think how many we all use
the most expensive pee in the world - £10 !

brown blood is also ok i read, as it is old blood so i am sure all will be just fine.
Good luck for tomorrow - i can't read B&B at work but will be on at 7pm when i get home to see your beautiful picture (if they give you one)
Hi girlies, hope everybody is having a fab weekend. The weather is gorgeous here.
Fee, hope you're ok hun. Try not to worry about the brown cm. Can't wait to see your scan pic:happydance:
Beth, how's everything with you? Is nasty af still with you?!
Jojo, how's you and bubba?
Duck, let the symptom spotting begin!:haha:
Wishing, cute bump! Hows early pregnancy going?
I'm cd5 today so might dtd tonight if I can be arsed:haha:. Can't really get into the right frame of mind about ttc at the moment. I think it's finally battered me down!
Anyone got any nice plans for easter?
star that is a loverly test,i honestly hope tomoz will help you relax more,im so excited to hear how the scan went and defo get a pic on if your given one,
duck hope this 2ww goes quick for you and good luck with the symptom spotting :haha:,
toots sorry ur struggling getting in the mood to try again,how about a nice romantic night out with oh and see if that helps or get him give you a massage :),
nando n jojo how are you both doing hope all is ok,

well we have had a loverly day today here,paddling pool out n kids just had a whale of a time playing in the garden all day,really nice for here in april so hoping it means a great summer is on its way,im feeling sick and smelling things or seeing things i dont like makes me gag,im finding the tiredness the hardest but its all worth it so not going complain,my tooth broke in half this wkend so off the dentist tomoz which im dreading as i HATE the dentist lol and thats at 12.25 and then go see my midwife for the first time at 1pm:) and then got my scan on wednesday so got a good week on its way now apart from the dentist :rofl: x x
hey wishing - at least the dentist is free now !!! LOL
Fee - any more spotting ? - i bet you cant wait till the morning
Beth - how are you ?
Nands and Jojo - how are you, any bump growth ?!
Toots - i know how you feel, am sick of BD'ing !

tired now so bath and bed
Morning everyone!

How's everyone doing?
The sun has been shining all weekend! Looks like it's going to continue for mine and DH's week off :) we are going away for a few days. I can't wait!
Af up and left yesterday :) Time to start BD all over again. And opks.

Fee I hope scan goes well today. Thinking of you!
Wishing hope yours goes well! Will be thinking of you!!
Duck do u have anymore symptoms?
Lou I'm cd7 today so we r really close in our cycles! Fx
Jojo how's things?
Nand how r u feeling?

morning ladies glad it looks like we have all had a wonderfull wkend of loverly weather,well ive woke up nerves all over the place about going the dentist and feeling like im going be sick any minute and the thought of the taste of rubber gloves is making me think i might be sickon the dentist lol,i may get free dental care but id prefer give birth than have a filling,i am a wimp but i dont care hahaha,ill have go see my midwife for the first time with a numb mouth too :rofl: or can they not use the injection when pregnant,o i hope so lol,well i hope the weather does last for us all because it really is nice it being like summer :) x x
Hi Ladies

Well I had my scan it was amazing really strong heart beat and I could make out the baby on the scan hope u can too couldn't let my girls down by not getting a picture....


She guess-timated the dates from the baby but it wasn't easy as it was an external scan not internal she thinks I am 6wks not 7wks 3 days I knew this though because I ovulated later so fx'd everything ok I have another scan in 2 weeks to make sure beanie is progressing as they should be

The relief for today is immense

Wishing good luck at the dentist you will be fine, I had awful teeth when I was pregnant so yes they will numb u first even when pregnant

Oh fee I'm so happy that beanie is doing so well and had a strong heartbeat! Fantastic pic!!!

Wishing hope ur not sick over the poor dentist! I'm a wimp with the dentist too!!!

star so glad all is fab with bubs, great pic. you must be on cloud nine xxx
wishing hope the dentists isnt as bad as you think, xxx
duck , beth, toots and jojos hows things with you all. xx
all ok here, kids driving me mad but loving being at home with them, bump is fast running out of room but it doesnt stop him/her trying to make room xx
MOrning ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Fee, I'm soooo happy for you hunni! Can't wait to see the next scan!
Wishing, when do you get another scan? GL at the dentist. I hate the dentist too!
Toots, what's your plan for TTC this month?
Beth, congrats on AF gone!! Have fun BDing!!!!

Well, for me having more problems here. Went to get my scan the other day to check the baby, the good news is he is growing and doing great! 2.9lbs already!! He was literally standing up with his head up in my ribs and his feet practically hanging out of my girl bits!! Little bugger wouldn't show his face but he looks strong. Have another scan @ 34 wks. But, for the bad news my headaches have been out of control and I have really been feeling bad. I talked to the high risk Dr and she is very concerned about my Blood Pressure. I have to take it 3x a day, and keep a log. I have an appt with my regular OBGYN on Thurs and she wants me to see a neurologist. I've been taking my blood pressures and I'm really not happy. They have been really high even for a person with normal blood pressures, but my blood pressure is usually on the low side around 118/80. So for my bp to be 162/98 is really scary! I tried to rest as much as possible this weekend because I really don't want to have to go early but in reality I am trying to prepare myself for it happening. My DH is trying really hard to help me as much as possible and I've cut out most salt, drinking even more water and trying to get it under control! UUGGHHH! Ladies, this is really killing me! But, I'm trying to keep myself busy with my DS 6th birthday this week, he also got his first loose tooth this weekend too, and Easter this Sunday. Sorry for the rant I've just been so emotional with this whole thing.
oh jojos you poor thing, you got to hold on to the fact that bubs is doing really well and if he has to come early you have done everything to give him the best start. he is a good weight already and if he does come early he will be fine, i know its a worry but you need to be well aswell so that you can take care of him, your drs know best and will do what is necessary for both of you just trust in them, sending you lots of hugs n cuddles to you and beautiful baby, and hope that things settle a little bit for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
oh fee that is just fantastic news, fab picture - had a little cry looking at it.
jojo thats not great news - sorry hun
nand - how are you doing ?
That will be Beth, Toots and me soon
Beth - yes we are very near
so symptoms for me
incredibly sore breasts
thirsty (which was my sign last time)

but i am not going to get my hopes up as i dont think i could cope with the let down.
i am on antibiotics again for 5 days as my kidney infection hasnt improved which is rubbish

awwww star that is brill glad you can finally relax,
jojo stay strong ur little man is doing great and like nando has said ur doing everything you can to give him the best start,
nando you sound just like me kids driving me mad but loving them both being here,aww not long now for you till you get meet bump is it,bet ur getting very excited,
duck try keep urself busy as that helped me loads when in the 2ww and i have everything crossed for you n sorry ur still not well,hopefully these antibiotics will clear it up for you,
well i went the dentist and my god having the filling killed as my mouth hadnt gone numb when he started so felt it all,i was almost in tears lol,also went see my midwife who has rebooked me in for 2 wks time because the notes from my scan is saying inconclusive with only seeing the sac n yolk sac its not classed as being defo pregnant,i know i am but its made me feel very worried for wednesday now,what if there isnt a heartbeat n they only put me back a week because they thought id lost it and didnt want to say there n then without double checking,o i dont know but i dont think ill sleep much now till then x x

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