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1 or 2 DPO, testing around April 25th - buddies wanted!

Hi ladies, can I join you?? I typically have a short LP so I don't usually join "Testing on X day" groups, but this cycle is my first on progesterone suppositories, and miracle of miracles, I've actually made it to 13dpo!... so I'll be testing tomorrow :) Ahhhh nervous!

BabyAwait, I noticed you're on progesterone as well. How have you found it? I got super bloated for the first week or so when I was on them, but that's gone down now. My temps are still super high though. Did you get any bleeding from the suppositories? I've had minor pink bleeding yesterday morning and today (TMI only when I wipe), but it usually disappears by midday so I'm inclined to hope it's the progesterone irritating my cervix and not AF... but maybe that's too optimistic, who knows!

If tomorrow's test is negative and AF arrives, I get to go through the HSG flush. I'm actually not too opposed to getting it done, since I had an ectopic last year... it'll be relieving to know that the tubes are still open. So whichever way the test goes, I'll have an interesting next couple of weeks :)

Best of luck and baby dust to all you ladies!
Alikat I've found it the same as what you've described. I haven't spotted but I have noticed a very slight yelliw/brown tinge to my cm which I've heard is normal. Luckily my cervix hasn't felt very irritated. You are only one day ahead of me! I'm testing tomorrow too :) It is pretty amazing to have a normal luteal phase. The only time mine has been longer than 9 days was when I was pregnant before my cp. It's hard not to believe I've pregnant again just because of that. I will say the first couple of days on it I had side effects until I adjusted. FX for us! :)
How's everyone doing today? I'm 6dpo and woke up last night with twinges and AF like cramps, which is really weird for me. I don't usually cramp until AF is here. I've actually had O pains 1dpo-4dpo, then nothing 5dpo, then the AF like cramps today. Also, I still bf my 20 month-old and my left nipple was definitely sore, which isn't unordinary during the luteal phase for me.

I tested and my trigger was barely, just barely there this morning. Last time it left my system at 7dpo, so I think by tomorrow it'll be gone. Then the real fun begins! :wacko:
I've been stalking but need to join in. Dobby, as in "I am a free elf"? We named our 2nd Alistair after mad eye. Lol and our dog is hagrid. We are strange. Anyway I am 6dpo and tired, constipated and a POas addict. This cycle is seriously going soooooo slow. Good luck to all of you!
I just took an hpt and opk, both stark white bfn tests... Boring!!!!
I got bored... here are my noon tests.. opk and hpt.. boring I know!!


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I'm thinking whether or not to get a test as according to the Internet I'm 1 day late but I'm scared of seeing a bfn don't know whether to hold off and see if I'm late tomorrow xx
Sarah16x I'd say :test: ... I really think you should!!!!!! :)
So, I'm having some serious hot flashes and dizziness, I'm also thirstier than normal and drinking lots of water, having sharp pinches in my boobs.. This is all feeling so familiar... I keep convincing myself I'm pregnant, but then I reason with myself and make myself believe I'm not so I'm not disappointed.. but these symptoms are just so typical for me in pregnancy so I really feel like I am !!! Only time will tell, what are yall's symptoms today?!
Sarah if you are late and past 14dpo your chances of a bfn are slim. I'd say test! :) And I am an avoider of early testing.

Pink I am the exact same way. I know I am pregnant. I just have to wait long enough to get a decent bfp. The last time and only other time I felt this way I was pregnant. Waiting sucks! :growlmad: Might I add I am also moody.... lol
Just checking in!

So many of your symptoms sound promising ladies, both those who are earlier/mid TWW, and those nearing the end! And it sounds like many hopefully missed AF dates are just around the corner! So exciting! I can't wait to see some lines!
Hey ladies! Been following along all day, but I was too busy to post. I'll join the symptom spotting. I'm so tired, headachy, nauseated, bloated... I'm also peeing more often and my urine is almost clear each time (so kidneys functioning at a higher efficiency). Everything indicates pregnant, but haven't tested since this morning. I just feel like if I feel it, I should see it on a test. Ugh.
Well ladies, I'm officially out of the running this month unless this is just some crazy (and painful) implantation bleeding. We've been at it for three and a half years now, I suppose I can wait one more month for my bfp. Good luck to everyone still in!
Sorry to hear that, Holly. :( Glad to hear you're keeping a positive outlook.

I wanted to test, but after a 2 hour hold and about to burst it was crystal clear! Ugh!
Fingers crossed for all of you that are going to test soon. Dobby, I hope you get to test with some fmu! Holly, I'm so sorry :( I hope next cycle you get your bfp!

Tonight I felt some sharp, shooting pain down near my ovaries, on the left side. It only lasted a few minutes, but I've felt lots of pressure since. Tomorrow I'll be 7dpo and I'm getting so impatient with all the waiting! I need ya'll to feed my poas addiction and post some more tests ;)
Haha I would but I keep peeing clear!!! Grrr. I just posted about it, but I just Google and if frer detects at 6 I shouldn't test positive earliest until tomorrow afternoon. Still going to test with fun though cuz i am crazy and up to my ears in tests
Due Wednesday according to Internet and I'm late by 2 days so far as I've woke up with no af and I usually wake up with my af but sometimes it can come late in the day.

Symptoms, light cramping yesterday, and today pain in boobs and cm

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