1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Hey ladies. I had. A crazy busy day at work so I'm just catching up now. Gohan I'm still praying for you.. God is in control.

I had a super vivid dream last night that I was sitting and holding my belly. I was super pregnant. I can still imagine how it felt holding my belly and the feeling just won't go away. I've been thinking about it all day. I would give anything for that dream to be true. I want to be pregnant so bad I can't even bear it..

11dpo today. Lots of pinching and my hips were spasming earlier. Boobs still incredibly sore. No cramping or spotting.. No sign of AF. Still expecting her Saturday or Sunday.

I just tested a dollar store test when I got home and it was a BFN. Trying not to feel down as I still just 'feel' pregnant and I know I'm not out yet. Come on let's get some more bfps in this thread. I'm really enjoying you all and hope we can stick together in the coming months as well!!!
Hey ladies. I had. A crazy busy day at work so I'm just catching up now. Gohan I'm still praying for you.. God is in control.

I had a super vivid dream last night that I was sitting and holding my belly. I was super pregnant. I can still imagine how it felt holding my belly and the feeling just won't go away. I've been thinking about it all day. I would give anything for that dream to be true. I want to be pregnant so bad I can't even bear it..

11dpo today. Lots of pinching and my hips were spasming earlier. Boobs still incredibly sore. No cramping or spotting.. No sign of AF. Still expecting her Saturday or Sunday.

I just tested a dollar store test when I got home and it was a BFN. Trying not to feel down as I still just 'feel' pregnant and I know I'm not out yet. Come on let's get some more bfps in this thread. I'm really enjoying you all and hope we can stick together in the coming months as well!!!

Reading this made me so excited for you!! I hope so much you get your BFP!!

I hope we can all stay close in the coming months as well.
Hi Ladies!

I'm a bit worried tonight, as the few red bumps on my thighs have multiplied severely and have become very itchy. I am becoming unable to type with my right hand, as my computer desk isn't very big and my arms dangle off the edge which causes pain in my arm. My neck and shoulders are beginning to become affected by the same pain. Stiffness and lack of movement. I was able to take a shower today, but I had to let my MIL brush my hair out, as I cannot do it with either hand. I had her put it in a braid, so it shouldn't tangle as fast(I have kinky curly hair!). My legs were getting better, but my right leg(my ankle in particular) has become stiff and painful. I can't find any comfortable position to sleep in. It's becoming a nightmare!

I did cave and test this morning(I think I might have already posted that) with one of my FRER's, but again... :bfn: I'm kind of indifferent about it now. I'm apparently very ill and I don't want to harm a baby.

As I am sitting here, though, I am getting stitches in my left side. Not literal stitches, just that pain, like you would get when you ran too fast right after having a whole bottle of water in middle school. I've been constipated today, and I haven't noticed a lot of CM recently, so that's kind of a bummer. Although my emotions are just out of whack. I never know how I'll feel the next minute. I don't feel like AF is coming, though. I "feel" pregnant, but I also don't have much hope for a :bfp: ...if that makes any sense. :cry:

Anyway, I hope you ladies are hanging in there! The thread has been quiet today! Let's bring this thread back to life! *applies CPR to thread* :haha:
AF got me this morning :( Temp dropping as well so I'm definitely out :( I am really sad as this time around I felt so positive...

I hope all of you girls get your BFP this cycle!
AF got me this morning :( Temp dropping as well so I'm definitely out :( I am really sad as this time around I felt so positive...

I hope all of you girls get your BFP this cycle!

Oh no, Mrs. Vet! :nope: :hugs: I'm so sorry, dearie. Next cycle could be it! I have my fx'd for you, my sweet! :hugs: :kiss:
Hi ladies

How are you all doing?

Gohan I'm really worried about you. Maybe go back to doctor...sounds like it's getting worse :( please be very careful and I hope u feel better soon.

Mrs Vet I'm so sorry the :witch: got you. It can feel so disappointing I know but try your best to keep your chin up. We're all here to support each other either way. :hug:

I had a very vivid dream last night too that I got a very clear bfp. Of course I tested this morning and bfn :( I think I'm just thinking about it too much. Need to focus for my exam tomorrow.

10 dpo. Bbs are huuge today and very sore. Stuffy nose but dh has a cold... that's about it. Temp still the same.
Hi ladies

How are you all doing?

Gohan I'm really worried about you. Maybe go back to doctor...sounds like it's getting worse :( please be very careful and I hope u feel better soon.

Mrs Vet I'm so sorry the :witch: got you. It can feel so disappointing I know but try your best to keep your chin up. We're all here to support each other either way. :hug:

I had a very vivid dream last night too that I got a very clear bfp. Of course I tested this morning and bfn :( I think I'm just thinking about it too much. Need to focus for my exam tomorrow.

10 dpo. Bbs are huuge today and very sore. Stuffy nose but dh has a cold... that's about it. Temp still the same.

I'm worried about me, too. I've broken out in hives and my knee is beginning to get affected by this pain and paralysis. I've officially crossed over into 10dpo! Still no signs of AF...and still have that feeling that I'm pregnant. No new symptoms for me, though. Did have a bout of diarrhea earlier. I've been really picky about what I eat and extremely emotional. Meh.
When do u expect af gohan? In 3 days? It sounds promising. Please see a doctor in the morning. Are you getting hives from an allergic reaction?

I just don't feel pg. Nothing is giving me a "sign" lol. I feel pretty normal like my usual pms.
aw mrs vet, gutted for you, hope its a painless AF and you can move on and start ttriung again soon x

gohan your illness sounds awful, hope you get to see a dr today and can feel better xx

wishingforbub - still plenty of time to get that bfp, hang on in there! no news can be good news x

im still feeling nauseous, although i am convinced im 7dpo so i know its impossible did a test anyay and of course it was negative. ah well. just wan my period to hurry up so that i can get enxt month right!
Ummmm what looked like full blown AF starting stopped after an hour? Now there is only a bit brownish/pinkish spotting left? WTF? 14dpo today, could it still be implantation bleeding? It did have clots in it.. confused now...
Ummmm what looked like full blown AF starting stopped after an hour? Now there is only a bit brownish/pinkish spotting left? WTF? 14dpo today, could it still be implantation bleeding? It did have clots in it.. confused now...

My AF does that too sometimes. Unfortunately mine always comes right back.

I woke up today to more spotting. It was only on the toilet paper but my temps are also coming down slow and steady so I'm pretty sure I'm out for this month. I don't feel sad. I feel angry and a little depressed. I did break down and cry on the way to work this morning but mostly I'm ticked off.

I'm just having trouble understanding why such good people have so much trouble getting pregnant and some people just think about being pregnant and "poof" they are pregnant. I guess it's not something I'm meant to understand.

I hope you are all having a better day than I am. I will keep you updated on when AF officially gets here. If not today, I will probably still test tomorrow.
Aw lilsoybean I'm sorry :shrug: I hope that it's not full blown af though....let's hope it's just af. With ds I did have a temp dip for a few days before bfp. Are you still above coverline? What gets me are those who don't want to get pregnant but do so in one go! Then complain about it. Grrrr... I just wish it wasn't so complicated. Chin up hun. You will get your bfp and a sticky bean.

Mrs vet I hope your af/spotting stays away too!! Doesn't the witch get it! We don't want to see her for 9 months lol.

Nothing new my side...pain in side, sore bbs...nothing new to report. We have a dinner to go to tonight so I might throw on a dress lol.

Gohan how are you???

Weeni how about you? Are you going on your own charting to say you're 7dpo?

So good to have you all to keep me half sane during this Tww. Thank you all!
:dust: to us all
Aw lilsoybean I'm sorry :shrug: I hope that it's not full blown af though....let's hope it's just af. With ds I did have a temp dip for a few days before bfp. Are you still above coverline? What gets me are those who don't want to get pregnant but do so in one go! Then complain about it. Grrrr... I just wish it wasn't so complicated. Chin up hun. You will get your bfp and a sticky bean.

Mrs vet I hope your af/spotting stays away too!! Doesn't the witch get it! We don't want to see her for 9 months lol.

Nothing new my side...pain in side, sore bbs...nothing new to report. We have a dinner to go to tonight so I might throw on a dress lol.

Gohan how are you???

Weeni how about you? Are you going on your own charting to say you're 7dpo?

So good to have you all to keep me half sane during this Tww. Thank you all!
:dust: to us all

My temps are still above the coverline and it does make me feel better to know that I have all of you girls to vent to/with. It also makes me feel a little better that you had a temp dip before BFP...maybe there is still a little hope.

When I found out I was pregnant in the spring, my best friend found out she was pregnant too and we were only two weeks apart. They tried for all of two months. Then my other good friend got pregnant with their second after only trying for one month. They also only tried for a month with their first. They are both wonderful girls but it's so hard to be around them while they complain about what I should be going through with them. Thankfully, I think they try to keep the complaining to a minimum while I'm around.

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement everybody. I would go crazy without you! I will try to stop complaining for awhile :)
Hi Ladies.

10dpo! :happydance: Still no signs of AF, but I'm gonna test a bit later on this morning with a FRER and a Dollar Store HPT.

I woke up to my knee being completely dislocated and the rash covering most of my extremities. My legs, arms and my back are now covering in hives, which have now suddenly become very, very itchy. I can barely walk now, as my knee dislocates with every step, and it is very painful. I had to take one of DH's lorazepam's again last night plus a Benadryl. I am beyond miserable right now. :cry:

I had some shooting pain in my right breast last night and some pressure in my pelvis last night, as well. Hoping that's a good sign.

I emailed my Doctor and hopefully I can get in ASAP. Thanks for being so caring, ladies!

I hate to post and run, but I need to lay back down, so I'll be back on in a couple hours to check on all of you. Love and :dust: being sent to each and every one of you! :hugs: :kiss:
:thumbup: hi wishingforbub xxx im not charting, just using opk's but i messed up and thought any line meant a positive, not the darkest it should be, so im not sure when/if I o'd as i stopped doing them once i got a line. my period is due next week so thats why im just guessing im 7dpo, as an average x next month i will be all prepared lol x

oh gohan you are in the wars, really hope the dr can sort you out x what a stressful time for you xx let us know your test goes though!!

mrs vet, fingers crossed its not af! x

lilysobean, completely empathise x our daughter was born with clubfoot and for ages we were in the 'why us' stage, when like you say, not so nice people can have perfect babies. can be hard to accept, but dont lose faith and hope xx
Oh Gohan that sounds miserable!! I hope you get seen asap!

lilsoybean my AF has never done this before :-S Isure hope shewon't come back! lol
I'm so sorry about the spotting and you feeling down :( I hope it's not AF and the temp goes back up, for both of us! Iwill never understand why people who shouldn't even have kids seem to get pregnant by looking at a man and those who really want are going through this for months and years.. not fair!

I am having some cramps but still only slight spotting... I'll sacrifice a FRER tomorrow morning and my last one in a few days if necessary..
And I think I am finally getting a full blown cold, after 2 days of a sore throat I am sneezing non stop now!
Wow, you ladies are all up early today!!

Firstly - Gohan. I'm so worried about you. I really hope you can see your dr soon. That sounds absolutely miserable. Please continue to take it easy on yourself. Tons of prayers coming your way.

Mrs. Vet sorry to hear that AF has shown. But as she seemed to have stopped maybe it isn't her after all!? Keep us posted!! our bodies do crazy things sometimes so who knows!!

All the rest of you who are feeling down - just remember we are not out until AF shows. I'm also trying to remind myself that we are all different. Just because we aren't having certain symptoms doesn't mean we aren't pregnant. We need to stay positive and let our bodies do the work.. I really hope we all get our BFP's soon!

As I posted last night I got another BFN on a dollar store test. But it was the middle of the afternoon with no hold. For the second night this week I woke up with horrible stabbing/shooting pains around my pelvis. I've never had pains that low before. It was a few inches below my belly button on my whole front side. Really hoping it means something. My hips are still pinching/spasming which is very uncomfortable. I also have an off and on shooting pain in my left shoulder. Last night I melted peanut butter in the microwave and dipped a banana in it. I've never done anything like that before but it was DELICIOUS. I laughed at myself afterwards thinking 'maybe this is a craving!?'

My antibiotics for my bladder infection have definitely kicked in but last night I peed 2 times before I fell asleep. More frequent than normal that's for sure. I still haven't had any cramping or spotting. My CP is VERY low and firm. It has taken a very distinct cone shape with a blunt end. Never had that before. I'm having tons and tons of creamy CM as well. Boobs are still very sore. Hubby and I DTD last night and my cervix was so tender. He got yelled at for touching my boobs as well! Haha. Today I'm 12dpo, AF scheduled to arrive on Saturday. just PRAYING she stays away!!!!!
Gohan, you really need to see your doctor ASAP. But you know that. I'm sure you can get in since your doc knows what's up and that it's important.

As for most of the rest of you, I am sort of in the same boat! Ok, so last night, as I went to the bathroom just before bed, I noticed some brown streaks in my underwear. I was confused since I've never experienced that before. Then a light bulb went off. Could this be that spotting everyone talks about when they mention IB?

So I looked up brown spotting and 11 DPO, and the vast majority of the internet agrees that it can totally be IB even at 11 DPO! :happydance: I've never spotted or streaked before AF, only after and it's always red or pink spots, not brown streaks.

I looked up when I should take an HPT once I've noticed this spotting, and it's generally considered a good idea to wait a week. A whole freaking week! So basically, I'm going to wait it out. AF might be early, or right on time (in 2 days) or late. But AF is never late, so if she is, I'll have another really hopeful sign! :dust: to me and all of us!
Gohan, you really need to see your doctor ASAP. But you know that. I'm sure you can get in since your doc knows what's up and that it's important.

As for most of the rest of you, I am sort of in the same boat! Ok, so last night, as I went to the bathroom just before bed, I noticed some brown streaks in my underwear. I was confused since I've never experienced that before. Then a light bulb went off. Could this be that spotting everyone talks about when they mention IB?

So I looked up brown spotting and 11 DPO, and the vast majority of the internet agrees that it can totally be IB even at 11 DPO! :happydance: I've never spotted or streaked before AF, only after and it's always red or pink spots, not brown streaks.

I looked up when I should take an HPT once I've noticed this spotting, and it's generally considered a good idea to wait a week. A whole freaking week! So basically, I'm going to wait it out. AF might be early, or right on time (in 2 days) or late. But AF is never late, so if she is, I'll have another really hopeful sign! :dust: to me and all of us!

Good luck!! I really hope that IS IB!! :dust: It sure sounds promising!!!!
Hi ladies :hi:

gohan I'm so glad you contacted your doc I truly hope he contacts you soon or u should call or just go in. Sounds awful what you're going through and I hope it goes away asap! Your symptoms sound really promising! !! Please let us know

lilsoy yes my temps definitely dipped. Not by much but it did go down and stayed down a few days then shot up the day I got my bfp. I actually had a read of my old posts on here when I was in the tww with my son. I didn't have much or any symptoms then neither so still hopeful.

mrs vet I hope you still don't have any af and that it's ib!! How are you feeling?

wannabemamaz funny you said that about the banana and peanut butter lol...last night I made some tuna mix I make with mayo etc for dhs lunch for work and I don't know why but I grabbed a digestive biscuit and put some tuna mix on it! It was soooo good and dh thought I was crazy lol. So good about your meds working for your uti.!!

geekgirl oooh that's sounds like IB to me!!!! And you can test a day to three days after I believe so maybe wait a couple of days.

:dust: to all of us lots of it!!!

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