1DPO! TWW Buddies?

i feel like i'm going crazy today. my boobs have not stopped tingling, shooting pains, itchy nipples, etc. and my abdomen has such a dull achey feeling that won't go away. and my lower back pain is really bothering me. i'm 13dpo so i keep thinking maybe i should take another test today.. but i really don't want to see a bfn again. it's so depressing. also who knows if a dollar store test would even work today. and i really don't want to spend money wasting a frer. AF is supposed to come anytime between tomorrow-sunday. not exactly sure still. my thought process is, 'maybe if i take a test it WILL be positive today and then i could get excited!!' but then i think about the heartbreaking of a bfn. what would you ladies do if you were me?
eeek I am such an addict that I would have to take the test! with my daughter I got a positive at 11dpo using cheapie test, then bought a digital frer that same day. good luck whatever you decide! x
i feel like i'm going crazy today. my boobs have not stopped tingling, shooting pains, itchy nipples, etc. and my abdomen has such a dull achey feeling that won't go away. and my lower back pain is really bothering me. i'm 13dpo so i keep thinking maybe i should take another test today.. but i really don't want to see a bfn again. it's so depressing. also who knows if a dollar store test would even work today. and i really don't want to spend money wasting a frer. AF is supposed to come anytime between tomorrow-sunday. not exactly sure still. my thought process is, 'maybe if i take a test it WILL be positive today and then i could get excited!!' but then i think about the heartbreaking of a bfn. what would you ladies do if you were me?

I would probably cave and take it in the morning. I would use FMU.

Wishing- looks like "the pain" isn't coming today .. Maybe it will come tomorrow. Still only brown spotting.

I would like to stick with this thread to ... I accidentally stumbled on another thread and I was like , " oh no, these aren't my ladies!!" Ha! Let's stick together.
Did the test and it was bfn again. Ugghhh. Only a 2 hour hold though. So sad.. Feeling so bad.
Hi Ladies!

A Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate(d) it! :flower:

Today, I am 11dpo. About to cross over into 12dpo in a few hours. Tested this morning with a FRER, and got a :bfn: I don't know what to think anymore. I'm starting to think that a lot of the symptoms I had were actually due to the Staph Infection, and not pregnancy. AF should be here tomorrow sometime, that is, if I am not pregnant.

So my dream of calling my family to tell them I'm pregnant on Thanksgiving was a bust. But I'm not out until AF shows! :af:

I'm preparing myself both physically and mentally to head off to Target to go black Friday shopping at midnight. Not looking forward to the mass amounts of people in the store. Not one bit. Hello lorazepam before leaving! :haha:

For Thanksgiving I went to DH's older brother's house with DH and my IL's. I was feeling great! I fell asleep at a decent time, didn't wake up at all during the night, and woke up feeling rested. So, after I ate Thanksgiving dinner(well, in the middle of eating it) I had to use the restroom, and I had the runs really badly(she made cheese potatoes of some sort, I am Lactose-Intolerant BIG TIME!) and I clogged the toilet. Michael's plunger is the sorriest excuse for a plunger I have ever seen in my life. I asked DH to help, he couldn't work the dang thing. So my FIL came and tried...no luck. So, Michael(DH's brother) came in and did it. Boy was I embarrassed. Not only did they have to unclog the toilet...but it took 4 people to do it! :oops: I was so uncomfortable the rest of the afternoon. I made myself literally sick out of embarrassment and I had to go home early. I came home, put on some sweats and crawled into bed for a couple hours. It wouldn't have been so bad, if it hadn't happened at Michael's house. I don't know why...but I always try my best to be likable and sweet around Michael. I guess I just like his attention. He's super sweet and kind. And to think that he had to do that nasty work because of me...kills me inside. :sad1:

But anyways, now I'm up, and I feel somewhat better. My lower back hurts really bad, and I don't know why. I feel like I'm starving(since I ate no more than half of my dinner, since I got sick and after that I was embarrassed to even drink anything!) and my rash that seemed to get better overnight, seems to be returning and becoming much more of a nuisance.

But related to the topic of this thread and website. Still no signs of AF. My acne has gone out of control even for pre-AF acne. It's unusual for me to have this kind of acne. I've had to take 2 benadryl pills so far today, and I am in desperate need of another...I'm only 21...why am I so sick!? :cry:

Anyway...how are you ladies doing? :hugs:
Hi ladies

12dpo. Bfn this morning. I'm just hoping my test is not sensitive enough. It's a test I've only heard of here and no idea on its accuracy. Fxd. Temp went back up. Bbs hurt a bit not as much as yesterday which worries me. So we'll just have to see.

How are you all?

Gohan..oh that's dreadful but at least it was family and not a strangers house but I can imagine how you feel. Hope you're feeling better though.

Wannab..when did u test?
Did the test and it was bfn again. Ugghhh. Only a 2 hour hold though. So sad.. Feeling so bad.

I'm sorry you are feeling down. I am too . I tested again today because AF still hasn't come, and it a BFN. I plan on trying to distract myself with a funny movie and focus on de-stressing for next month. We will get our BFP's someday.
Hi ladies

12dpo. Bfn this morning. I'm just hoping my test is not sensitive enough. It's a test I've only heard of here and no idea on its accuracy. Fxd. Temp went back up. Bbs hurt a bit not as much as yesterday which worries me. So we'll just have to see.

How are you all?

Gohan..oh that's dreadful but at least it was family and not a strangers house but I can imagine how you feel. Hope you're feeling better though.

Wannab..when did u test?

Sorry about your BFN too. Like I keep trying to tell myself, we aren't out until AF shows. I wish she would just get here already so I could start the next cycle! I know she's coming.
Aw lilsoybean I know what you're saying. Hopefully a miracle happens. But yes I don't want to stress about it.
2 hour hold I think is if you hold your wee for 2hrs before testing.

I've been mega moody today. Dh commented on it and asked if I have af :( I'm still hopeful she doesn't come. More af cramps this evening and bbs are not that sore.
Hey my lovely ladies.

14dpo for me today. As I wrote last night, I took a dollar store test yesterday after work and it was BFN. Sorry for the confusion - 2 hour hold meant I had only held my pee for 2 hours before taking the test. I know that dollar store tests aren't very sensitive but I see so many other ladies posting faint positives on dollar store tests super early.. I guess I must just be out for this month.

Last night I was also SO moody. I went up to bed and slammed the door - for no reason.. hubby came in a bit later and went into our bathroom and clipped his nails. Every single time the clippers 'clicked' I FUMED. I was so mad. I was just vibrating. How ridiculous is that?? He wasn't even doing anything!!!! Ugh!! Luckily I didn't say anything to him so we didn't get into a stupid fight over nothing.

I slept through the night last night for the second night in a row. I must me exhausted. Boobs still super sore and heavy. Lots of pinching still happening around my belly button. I'll check my CP in a few and update you all. Hubby and I are decorating for Christmas this weekend so I will have something to keep my mind busy. This is such a joyful time of year and I don't want to waste it feeling down. Still no cramping or anything so we shall see..

Gohan - so sorry to hear about your upset stomach last night. Try not to worry about it.. Family will love you no matter what! I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) so I definitely can relate with lots of embarassing stories. Hang in there, girl! Hope you are feeling MUCH better today and can have a lovely weekend.

Hope you all have a great Friday. I'm sure I will be on here many times today so let me all know how you are doing. =)
Hi wannab and all :hi:

I know how you feel re being moody. Good you guys didn't get into a fight or something. And decorating for xmas is a great distraction. You will enjoy it! Def update about cp.

My mood has improved slightly. . I always get moody before af. So I'm not so hopeful now but ok. Af was only meant to start on sunday but feels like she'll be here any minute. I checked cp before and my C was waaay up high and a tad soft. But my cm was creamy with the slightest tinge of pink (sorry tmi). I checked again just recently and nothing...I really pray it's not the start of af.fx Big time.

My ds will be 3 next sunday so I'll be planning that this week so hopefully my af won't get me too down. Plus we're planning on moving so we're in the process of packing up so lots to do as well.

How are you all?
There are a lot of good distractions going on. I should get on top of decorating as well.

I'm just waiting for AF to get here. I've been spotting for 5 days now! I hate being in limbo...!! If it doesn't come tomorrow, I won't know what to think. I'm 13 dpo today....that has been my longest luteal stage so far. I haven't really had much cramping...boobs are a little sore. Nothing else to report.

I hope everyone else is doing well. It seems like a pretty chill day for everyone.
Last I checked CP was low, firm and a bit open. Same as it has been for several days. It has not closed since O - which is completely different than last month. It closed up completely and then opened again. So definitely odd for this month. Lots of sticky/lotiony CM still as well. And lots of pinching/twinging still happening. I keep thinking maybe I am PG as all these symptoms sound so good.. but we shall see. Thinking about heading over to the mall after work in 15 minutes. We don't really do any justice to black Friday here in Canada.. but we do TRY! Target has a ton of deals going on.. and they have some boots I am DYING for! I might go treat myself.. I'll let you ladies know if I get anything good!!

The best part of today was going through the drive thru at Tim Hortons (it's like dunkin donuts or kinda like Panera but the Canadian Version) and the people in front of us paid for us. It was so uplifting.. like God was saying, 'Don't give up hope! I will cheer you up!!!' Today at work has been insane. So so so busy. I'm so ready for the weekend.

It sure is quiet on here today.. Gohan I hope you are resting lots today!
Last I checked CP was low, firm and a bit open. Same as it has been for several days. It has not closed since O - which is completely different than last month. It closed up completely and then opened again. So definitely odd for this month. Lots of sticky/lotiony CM still as well. And lots of pinching/twinging still happening. I keep thinking maybe I am PG as all these symptoms sound so good.. but we shall see. Thinking about heading over to the mall after work in 15 minutes. We don't really do any justice to black Friday here in Canada.. but we do TRY! Target has a ton of deals going on.. and they have some boots I am DYING for! I might go treat myself.. I'll let you ladies know if I get anything good!!

The best part of today was going through the drive thru at Tim Hortons (it's like dunkin donuts or kinda like Panera but the Canadian Version) and the people in front of us paid for us. It was so uplifting.. like God was saying, 'Don't give up hope! I will cheer you up!!!' Today at work has been insane. So so so busy. I'm so ready for the weekend.

It sure is quiet on here today.. Gohan I hope you are resting lots today!

I have definitely been resting. After I left Michael's house, I slept for a couple hours and I got back up. At 11pm we left for Factoria to go Black Friday Shopping, and I ended up blowing $160. But, I got presents for DH, a gift for my MIL, a gift for my FIL, my two BIL's SO's, and I got DH and I a new micro-fleece blanket for our bed which makes it even harder for me to leave my bed in the morning! :p DH ended up working until 4AM at Target, and we stayed around until then. We got home, ate a little something and then went straight to bed. DH had to be back at work at 12 noon, and he gets off in about 5 hours or so. I miss him like crazy! :( But I just woke up, and it's 3pm here in Washington. Gonna wrap some presents and maybe make something delicious on the new stove!

But as for symptoms. All mine have pretty much disappeared. But I don't feel like AF is on her way, either. She should be here today, but I have NO signs of her coming. I'm not even testing today. I'm running out of tests! (3 FRER's and 3 Assured HPT's left)

Anyway. How are you ladies?
Well, I'm out. :( After the brown streaking, it turned into a lighter flow. The next day, it was definitely medium to heavy. It has run the gamut of brown to bright red. Also, my temps dropped. I feel pretty confident in saying that this is AF. I was cramping and my bbs miraculously stopped hurting, which is usually what happens when AF starts. I'm on day 3 of it, and it seems really super light. So, in all, it's probably done with, and lasted about 3 days, which is a little short (I usually go about 4 or 5 days) but there you have it, I guess.

I'm feeling ok about it because being stuck in limbo is pretty hellish, so an answer is nice. But just thinking about trying again, for the 11th time this coming cycle...I just feel like it's all so pointless. :(

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving or, if you're not American, day where you go about things completely normal! Lol. Keeping my fingers crossed for y'all!
Hi ladies just woke up to a low temp and brown spotting. I'm out :( my instincts were right...so let's roll on next cycle!!

Geek girl sorry about your af but if it's done sooner you can start your cycle!!

Hope you all had a great day. Hopefully I don't get horrible cramps today. On the plis side I'll get my nails done to up my mood.
Awww ladies! I'm so sorry that AF got you both! :hugs: I have my fx'd for next cycle! Let's keep this thread going, though! :happydance:

Today has been no less eventful than the rest of this TWW. Another day in the ER for me. I spent a ridiculous amount of time shopping and walking. Well, I went to bed, and woke up just fine. Walked around and went to start wrapping Christmas presents, and when I stood up, I heard and felt my big toe go "CRACK!" and pain went all through my foot and big toe. I hobbled to my MIL and told her, she looked at my foot...my toe was 3 times its normal size! She said, "it's either broken or dislocated, we need to go to the ER now." She looked nervous. So my MIL and FIL got dressed, I put clothes on over my PJ's and put a pair of slippers on and barely got down to the car. We went to a different ER(much better care, for sure!) and I found out it's sprained all the way through. So now I'm on Vicodin. Whee. Still getting BFN's on tests, so I'm just waiting for AF to arrive. So lots of rest for me, again! :sleep:
Aw gohan you have had such a rough time. I hope things get better for you soon. :hug:

My af cramps have kicked in big time. For the first time ff was right in determining my O date. My lp is always 14 days. So that means dh and I missed o day by one day as he was travelling and we only bd very late that night so we definitely missed it. Boo. But nothing we could do. My cycles normally alternate each month so this new cycle I'm due to O sooner so fx we catch it this cycle. Unless dh has to travel again. Ggrrr.

Hope you all have a great weekend. :)
Hi ladies, sorry to hear about all the BFN's, looks like we are on to the next cycle together. Is there anyone else still in?....wannabe??

Still waiting on full blown AF... My temp dropped today, boobs don't hurt as bad, and I'm starting to feel cramps.

Gohan- Sorry to hear about your continuing health issues.

I hope everyone has a good day!

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