1DPO! TWW Buddies?

I'm officially 8dpo, and I'll test in the morning for sure. I've got hood vibes! Right now all I can think about is eating a Burrito Supreme from Taco Bell. But I see my Doc tomorrow...but I'm gonna hold out until after AF doesn't show to get a blood test done. Praying for all of you and try to keep your hopes high! You're not out until the witch shows! :happydance:
I'm ok... Cleaning house and trying to think about Xmas shopping to keep me distracted. I've been feeling hopeful and then negative and everything In between...wish I had more symptoms but I don't really have any.

I feel bad that some of you are having such hard times. I wish I could help.

I guess I just feel kind of numb ... Like , "whatever happens, happens" . I can't imagine getting another BFP .... And if I do, I'm afraid to get excited in case I lose it again.

That's good that you are trying to distract yourself. I'm the same way, I feel hopeful, then negative and every emotion in between. My issue is, though, my symptoms are so abnormal for me(not counting the leg swelling stuff) and they fit perfectly into the Early Pregnancy Symptom category. I don't wanna get my hopes up too high, because like you, I'm afraid that even if I do get my BFP...I'll lose it again... I'm just trying to stay calm, I guess(but it's not working). I've been very flustered and agitated for the past couple days. When I wiped today after peeing, I think I saw a wee bit of pinkish blood...so I have my fx'd! I'm praying for you, soybean. :hugs:

Thanks Gohan, I'm praying for you too. It stinks that we will never have a naive worry-free pregnancy if that even exists for anyone. I will probably be worried the whole time about losing it again. But I guess I have to get pregnant first.

Let us know how your test goes. I'm still waiting until Thanksgiving morning to test. I will be either 12 or 13 dpo on that day so 9 or 10 dpo today. I'm not having any symptoms of pregnancy but I'm not having any symptoms of AF either so I guess that is good.

Fingers crossed, baby dust, and positive thoughts for everyone!!
Hey ladies!! I tested this morning at 10 dpo on a dollar tree test and got a :bfp:!!
Hey ladies!! I tested this morning at 10 dpo on a dollar tree test and got a :bfp:!!

See I'm still stalking you from the mirena forum lol !! Congrats wow!!!!! So exciting !!!! You must be over the moon. Best of luck to you in your pregnancy :):)
Thanks! It hasn't set in yet. I'm still in "what have I done" mode. Lol. DH is crazy excited.

I had a clue yesterday when the same crazed hunger pains I had with my first started. That and I was smelling everything and stupid moody. I have a follow up ultrasound with my obgyn tomorrow so good timing there.

I'm honestly scared of multiples though. Lol. When I ovulated it was insane. Like they were making up for lost time. 1 bean please!!! Lol
Hey ladies, I'd love to join your thread.

I think I'm around 8dpo today, assuming my cycle is normal this month. (I had a chemical, and was late by 4 days my last cycle--which should of began Nov 1, but after two positive tests, I began bleeding Nov 4th.)

I'm really crossing my fingers here that what I've read is true and you're more fertile after a chemical/mc....I'd really enjoy a strong BFP this time around!
congrats lovedbaby2b that is so exciting!! you should post all your symptoms for us and which dpo they happened!! also, please post a pic of your test for us!!

I am 9 dpo today. i don't plan on testing until later in the week. still having lots of symptoms today. my boobs feel so full and they hurt so bad. last night hubby and i were watching tv and i was leaning on my boobs.. i had to reposition because they were so sore!! no cramping but my lower back is still sore. bladder infection antibiotics seemed to kick in. still peeing more than usual but not as bad as I was on Friday. AF is supposed to arrive on Saturday. I just hope this week flies by!!

how are all my ladies today?
congrats lovedbaby2b that is so exciting!! you should post all your symptoms for us and which dpo they happened!! also, please post a pic of your test for us!!

I am 9 dpo today. i don't plan on testing until later in the week. still having lots of symptoms today. my boobs feel so full and they hurt so bad. last night hubby and i were watching tv and i was leaning on my boobs.. i had to reposition because they were so sore!! no cramping but my lower back is still sore. bladder infection antibiotics seemed to kick in. still peeing more than usual but not as bad as I was on Friday. AF is supposed to arrive on Saturday. I just hope this week flies by!!

how are all my ladies today?

The only symptoms I have started yesterday. My appetite was craaaazy. It reminded me of the way I felt when pregnant with my son. OH, and smells. I was smelling things yesterday that I'm pretty sure did not even exist. lol

other than that, I'm just feeling "meh". Not exhausted, but not 100%.

oh! I have had a constant dull "ache" (not really an ache..just annoying) since I ovulated on my right side. I'll find out tomorrow at the obgyn what that is all about. No implatation bleeding, but I didn't with my other two. No sore boobs either, but they never did before so I wasn't expecting them to.
Congrats loved!!!

I posted my new test in the test gallery, can you ladies have a look?? Pleaseeeeee!!
OMG! Congrats, lovedbaby2b! See? I knew this thread had :bfp: vibes!

AFM, took a Dollar Tree test at 8dpo this morning with FMU, got a :bfn: It's still too early to tell, though, I know that. But you know, just to give my POAS addiction something to feed off of. I probably won't test again until Wednesday, though. Giving it some time. But if I have a BFN on Thanksgiving, that will be so depressing.

But I'm so happy for you, lovedbaby2b! I pray for a healthy and happy 9 months for you and your LO! :baby:
Oh my gosh, Loved! I'm so glad for you! Congrats! Send some of that good luck our way, will ya? Lol
Oh our first bfp !!! :yipee: congrats loved!!!!! Such amazing news :) was this the first day you tested? Please post a pic! Let us know how you go at your doc tomorrow.

Well ladies I've been so tired today I can hardly explain it. I nearly fell asleep going to the loo...washing my hair in the shower. If I didn't have my ds home to look after I would have slept all day lol. I felt like a zombie lol. Now I need to study a bit before going to bed. I normally get tired the day after O which I experienced but this today takes the cake! I really hope it's a sign.
Gohan I'm sure you saw my earlier post that I got bfn today too. We're not out! ;-)

Wannabemamaz I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. :)

Weeni I'm holding onto hope too. Fx'd for all of us xxx
Thanks! It hasn't set in yet. I'm still in "what have I done" mode. Lol. DH is crazy excited.

I had a clue yesterday when the same crazed hunger pains I had with my first started. That and I was smelling everything and stupid moody. I have a follow up ultrasound with my obgyn tomorrow so good timing there.

I'm honestly scared of multiples though. Lol. When I ovulated it was insane. Like they were making up for lost time. 1 bean please!!! Lol

Oh my gosh multiples !! Lol I've been thinking about that too they say post mirena it sure is a possibility lol :) either way what is meant to be is meant to be. I am so happy for you :) enjoy your wonderful pregnancy !!! Let us know if twins are in your future ;) ill get out of your thread now ladies just had to extend my happiness and well wishes lol :):)
i am nuts. I posted that i am 9dpo today but i am actually 10dpo. how could i mess that up!? i am having TONS of lotiony/watery CM today. good sign?
10 DPO. One of the things I've noticed this TWW is that I am not actually exhausted. Usually, I "O", and then I just want to sleep, preferably until my period ends. Lol. But I've had more energy lately. I heard that this could be a sign, but really it seems unlikely. Most everyone I talk to says they were exhausted.

My bbs are still super sore. So sore, in fact, that DH gave me a hug yesterday, and it was quite painful. I told him this, and he reminded me that every time I O, I complain that my bbs hurt more than they ever have, so I dunno if that can even be a symptom. And then last night! I ate dinner with DH and got full. About an hour later, I was hungry again. I ate a little snack and went to bed, but I was still hungry. DH kept saying, "How can you possibly still be hungry?"

When I woke up this morning to take my BBT, I was hungry again (or still). I'm usually never hungry in the mornings. My temps are still nice and high. As for the hunger, I wouldn't say I was "starving". So, I dunno if it can really be called a symptom either.

I've thought about maybe taking the test on Thanksgiving, but we'll be at my husband's parents' house. How awkward would it be trying to be quiet when you really want to freak out? Or just feeling so down and depressed that you would rather stay in bed all day than be with the family? What do you guys think? Should I just skip POAS and wait for AF? Or take it on Thanksgiving? I just don't want to announce to everyone until I know that baby is going to stay for a long while, you know? But not knowing whether I am preggers or not is driving me nuts.
Well, I am 8dpo. The pain that had gotten a bit better in my legs is now excruciating in both my arms. I can't bend my wrists at all! I had the most vivid baby dream last night that I had ever had! I dreamed (PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A DREAM!) that I was here at home, and on Ovuline, and my chart said I was "Triphasic". I went and I took a test, and it was + so I took 5 more, same thing! Positive! So, I went to the hospital, and I was told I was having twins. And then at the end of my dream, I gave birth. It seemed so real! I never, ever dream about having babies. If I do, I somehow end up losing the LO and searching all over a huge mansion to find him/her. But the past 3 or 4 nights I've had dreams about babies. So, hopefully that a good sign! :happydance:
Gohan I hope it comes true for you!

Geek that sounds promising! I would probably test anyway because it would be a nice Thanksgiving Surprise for you guys!

I keep obsesding over that test I took! I don't want to get my hopes up until I took another one in the morning! Sooo long until then!

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