1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Well, AF has finally made her arrival. Bordering 5 days late...but she's here. I'm just trying to relax right now. Sipping on some Fuzzy Navel and trying to make the best of this. At least now I know that I'm not pregnant. I will start my Progesterone Therapy in 14 days, and I should have a better chance of conceiving and keeping it full term as the therapy continues. Trying to look on the bright side. Anyhoo. That's where I'm at. I guess we're in this together, lilsoy! :hugs:

How are you doing, Mrs. Vet? :hugs:
Gohan I'm glad you are finally out of limbo.. Sorry it didn't turn out the other way. Good luck next cycle!! Enjoy your last few drinks because this cycle could be it for you!!!!!
Oh, AF is being a pain this cycle! I had to take a Vicodin just to keep me from going into a full blown panic attack because of the pain! Ughh. Whenever she's late, she's always a witch with a capital B! ](*,)
I'm so sorry Gohan! I was so hoping this would be your month! I hope the pain gets better!

My temp is up a lot more than the last few days! If it stays there my chart might be triphasic! I never had that before so I hope it is a good sign. Having no symptoms at all this cycle though so I'm not really hopeful that this could be my month...
Well, today has been eventful. I spent my entire morning at the Emergency Room. I was trying to sleep and my face began to twitch. Shortly after, I went into a full seizure. That seizure was followed by 3 more seizures right after another. My DH, MIL and FIL took me to the ER, and DH took a sick day at work, as did my FIL. I found out my seizure medication isn't working well and they raised the dose. I was also extremely dehydrated and anemic due to how heavy AF is this cycle. So, I have an appointment to see a Neurologist on this coming Wednesday.

But, on a good note...I have my first fertility appointment on Monday! YAYYY! :happydance:

How are my ladies doing? It's been awhile since I've heard from anyone! :hugs:
That sounds awful Gohan! It seems like you can't catch at break!

As for me, I have some good and not so good news. The good news is that my cyst has shrunk enough to start taking Clomid today so Yay!!

The not so good news is that my hubby's SA came back pretty good except for the has low sperm morphology which I guess means that many of his sperm are oddly shaped and therefore can't penetrate the egg. I don't know what this means for us exactly. We can obviously get pregnant since we have before but I think it means that it will take us a long time. He goes to the urologist later this month to get some more info. and see if there is anything we can do to improve his percentage of good sperm. The doc didn't seem too concerned and said it's pretty common.

I've gone from being completely positive to completely freaking out that I will never be a mom. The freaking out came from too much Googling so I've grounded myself from researching it. So I'm just waiting to see what the urologist says.

So that's it for me...just trying to keep it together and be ready for whatever news we will get later this month.
I'm so sorry Gohan! I was so hoping this would be your month! I hope the pain gets better!

My temp is up a lot more than the last few days! If it stays there my chart might be triphasic! I never had that before so I hope it is a good sign. Having no symptoms at all this cycle though so I'm not really hopeful that this could be my month...
Sounds like a good sign, Mrs. Vet! Don't worry about symptoms. Some women have none!! Keep us posted!

Well, today has been eventful. I spent my entire morning at the Emergency Room. I was trying to sleep and my face began to twitch. Shortly after, I went into a full seizure. That seizure was followed by 3 more seizures right after another. My DH, MIL and FIL took me to the ER, and DH took a sick day at work, as did my FIL. I found out my seizure medication isn't working well and they raised the dose. I was also extremely dehydrated and anemic due to how heavy AF is this cycle. So, I have an appointment to see a Neurologist on this coming Wednesday.

But, on a good note...I have my first fertility appointment on Monday! YAYYY! :happydance:

How are my ladies doing? It's been awhile since I've heard from anyone! :hugs:

Oh Gohan. I'm so sorry you went through that. That sounds absolutely terrifying. I hope your appointment goes fantastic on Monday!

That sounds awful Gohan! It seems like you can't catch at break!

As for me, I have some good and not so good news. The good news is that my cyst has shrunk enough to start taking Clomid today so Yay!!

The not so good news is that my hubby's SA came back pretty good except for the has low sperm morphology which I guess means that many of his sperm are oddly shaped and therefore can't penetrate the egg. I don't know what this means for us exactly. We can obviously get pregnant since we have before but I think it means that it will take us a long time. He goes to the urologist later this month to get some more info. and see if there is anything we can do to improve his percentage of good sperm. The doc didn't seem too concerned and said it's pretty common.

I've gone from being completely positive to completely freaking out that I will never be a mom. The freaking out came from too much Googling so I've grounded myself from researching it. So I'm just waiting to see what the urologist says.

So that's it for me...just trying to keep it together and be ready for whatever news we will get later this month.

Good luck with the Chlomid! I hope it goes well for you! Sorry to hear about the SA results. But it's exactly as you said - you know you are capable of getting pregnant. It WILL happen. Also - stay away from google! I've realized Google is a very bad bad thing!

When are all you ladies testing this month?? I want to write it down so I can pray for you all! I want some of you to join us preggo mamas in the first tri!

I'm doing pretty well. I will be 5 weeks tomorrow. I've had a lot of diarrhea. Tummy is starting to get hard. That happened really fast with my sister as well. No bump obviously but just firm. My boobs are unbelievably sore. I actually can't even get over how bad it is. I actually wake up in the night a few times because they are so full and sore when I move without a bra on. I think I will need to start sleeping in my sports bra!

I've tried to join in a few new groups of ladies in the first tri and I just don't find myself fitting in anywhere except here. I really plan on sticking around with all you ladies!!

Praying for you all! My hubby is away now so I am lonely and bored.. Update me on how you all are!! Lots of love to you all! :hugs:
I'm so sorry Gohan! I was so hoping this would be your month! I hope the pain gets better!

My temp is up a lot more than the last few days! If it stays there my chart might be triphasic! I never had that before so I hope it is a good sign. Having no symptoms at all this cycle though so I'm not really hopeful that this could be my month...
Sounds like a good sign, Mrs. Vet! Don't worry about symptoms. Some women have none!! Keep us posted!

Well, today has been eventful. I spent my entire morning at the Emergency Room. I was trying to sleep and my face began to twitch. Shortly after, I went into a full seizure. That seizure was followed by 3 more seizures right after another. My DH, MIL and FIL took me to the ER, and DH took a sick day at work, as did my FIL. I found out my seizure medication isn't working well and they raised the dose. I was also extremely dehydrated and anemic due to how heavy AF is this cycle. So, I have an appointment to see a Neurologist on this coming Wednesday.

But, on a good note...I have my first fertility appointment on Monday! YAYYY! :happydance:

How are my ladies doing? It's been awhile since I've heard from anyone! :hugs:

Oh Gohan. I'm so sorry you went through that. That sounds absolutely terrifying. I hope your appointment goes fantastic on Monday!

That sounds awful Gohan! It seems like you can't catch at break!

As for me, I have some good and not so good news. The good news is that my cyst has shrunk enough to start taking Clomid today so Yay!!

The not so good news is that my hubby's SA came back pretty good except for the has low sperm morphology which I guess means that many of his sperm are oddly shaped and therefore can't penetrate the egg. I don't know what this means for us exactly. We can obviously get pregnant since we have before but I think it means that it will take us a long time. He goes to the urologist later this month to get some more info. and see if there is anything we can do to improve his percentage of good sperm. The doc didn't seem too concerned and said it's pretty common.

I've gone from being completely positive to completely freaking out that I will never be a mom. The freaking out came from too much Googling so I've grounded myself from researching it. So I'm just waiting to see what the urologist says.

So that's it for me...just trying to keep it together and be ready for whatever news we will get later this month.

Good luck with the Chlomid! I hope it goes well for you! Sorry to hear about the SA results. But it's exactly as you said - you know you are capable of getting pregnant. It WILL happen. Also - stay away from google! I've realized Google is a very bad bad thing!

When are all you ladies testing this month?? I want to write it down so I can pray for you all! I want some of you to join us preggo mamas in the first tri!

I'm doing pretty well. I will be 5 weeks tomorrow. I've had a lot of diarrhea. Tummy is starting to get hard. That happened really fast with my sister as well. No bump obviously but just firm. My boobs are unbelievably sore. I actually can't even get over how bad it is. I actually wake up in the night a few times because they are so full and sore when I move without a bra on. I think I will need to start sleeping in my sports bra!

I've tried to join in a few new groups of ladies in the first tri and I just don't find myself fitting in anywhere except here. I really plan on sticking around with all you ladies!!

Praying for you all! My hubby is away now so I am lonely and bored.. Update me on how you all are!! Lots of love to you all! :hugs:

I'm not sure when I'm testing since I'm not sure how the clomid will effect my ovulation but I will let you know!

My boobs were sooo sore when I was PG! Hugging was the worst! Haha! I used to sleep in these bralet type things I got from Kohls. Like a cloth bra but not as restrictive as a sports bra so a little more comfy to sleep in.
They were a life saver for me. Not too much to report..just temping and trying to lead a healthier lifestyle with my hubby so we can whip those sperm into shape! Ha!
Hey everyone,

haven't been online for a few days because I was so busy!
Temperature dropped on friday and I had cramps, thought AF was coming but she never did, temp went back up and even more up this morning!
Still having random cramping on and off. IC are BFN so far and I'm going to hold out using other tests as long as I can as I don't want to waste them..

Fingers crossed for you girls!
Well, Ladies. Tomorrow is the big day! I see my Fertility Specialist at 11am PST! I'm SO nervous but excited! Please pray that all goes well for me and Hubby during our appointment!
Hey ladies! I just arrived for my next appointment, but I did see the fertility specialist. I had my blood drawn to see if I am immune to rubella and something else. I also had my testosterone drawn. She said since I had the miscarriage, I need to wait until June until I have my HSG and ultrasounds and other tests done. I go in on the 3rd to have my progesterone tested again, as she said my doc tested at the wrong time. She also said I need to lose about 60 pounds to get a better shot at getting pregnant, so I made an appointment with my dietitian to get a plan going. I'm feeling pretty confident, as she said since I'm getting positive OPK's and my periods are pretty regular, I probably have no issues ovulating. And since I'm so young, I have time. She also raised my Synthroid to lower my TSH to a good level for pre-pregnancy. I'll be scheduling an appointment with the high risk doctor due to my unique situation. But altogether, I'm feeling pretty good! How are you all doing?
Sounds like they are getting you all figured out Gohan! That is great! Continue to keep us updated.

Nothing much new here with me. I took my last dose of Clomid today so I should ovulate 5-9 days after today..which will put me at Feb. 15-20 for ovulation. Time to start doing the dance!

So Mrs. Vet ~ Are you planning on testing soon? Do you have any idea what dpo you are?

Wishing and Wannabe ~ How are you ladies doing?? Anything new? We haven't heard from you in awhile.

Well, I hope you are all well tonight. Sooo sleepy so heading to bed!
Gohan sounds like you are getting some good answers! I hope you can get things going now and will have your BFP soon!

lilsoybean crossing my fingers now, I hope clomid does it for you!

AFM My temp had been rising for the last 3 days so it looked hopeful still, today it went down a bit but is still high enough. Most likely 14dpo, no AF but still BFN. I took ICs and one of the regular tests you can buy over here, all BFN. So I am expecting AF to arrive any day now.
I failed my driving test yesterday so I am pretty frustrating, can repeat it in 2 -3 weeks. It's very strict here and one little mistake is enough to not get your license. And I failed like 2 minutes before it was over so I am really annoyed about it. Plus I am writing a paper so I have a lot going on. At least it takes my mind of TTC a bit but it sucks that nothing seems to be going right lately..
Soooo temp is up again, we did BD this morning and I was spotting pink afterwards (never happened before I think). Took a test and got this. Not sure if it has pink in it or not.

I never got an evap line on these tests in almost a year, I left them out for days sometimes and never got the hint of a line?


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Soooo temp is up again, we did BD this morning and I was spotting pink afterwards (never happened before I think). Took a test and got this. Not sure if it has pink in it or not.

I never got an evap line on these tests in almost a year, I left them out for days sometimes and never got the hint of a line?

I think I see a little something too!!! It's super faint though. I think evaps are more likely with blue dye instead of pink. Maybe take with FMU tomorrow...or today. I'm not sure what time it is where you are. It's 7 am here in Indiana. That is exciting! Good luck!!
Took 2 more tests after a 4 hour hold, BFN :( Maybe just a nasty evap even though I never had evaps with them. It was SMU with a 4 hour hold as well. Will do another in the morning but I think it'll be BFN again :(
That's too bad Mrs. Vet. Maybe FMU will give you your BFN. Keep us posted!
Thanks for all the updates ladies. Continually thinking about you all and your journeys. Remember positive thoughts!!

AFM.. I am sick as a dog with a horrible flu. Horribly achey, fever, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, etc. it sucks not being able to take anything. I went to the dr today and she told me to take regular strength Tylenol. I just can't believe how miserable I feel.

My boobs are still so painful. It is unreal. I had to start sleeping in a sports bra because the weight of them unsupported was too painful. Still having minor cramping every once in awhile. Some pinching and stretching in my uterus. I feel like time is going by so slowly. I just can't wait until my first ultrasound on march 5. And for my first trimester to be over on march 29. Praying for my little Appleseed every day..
Oh gosh, Mrs. Vet! I do see a line! I'm praying it's going to turn into your BFP! Praying for you, as well, wanna, and your little appleseed!

AFM...I've started up acupuncture again for fertility. My fertility specialist referred me to a high-risk doctor and they should be calling to schedule my appointment. Waiting for March 3rd so I can get my progesterone tested again. I'm also waiting for a call about my rubella test. Hubby and I are saving up, as we are considering IUI if we don't conceive in the next 6 months. Also we are saving for his SA. We are knee deep in bills right now. I'm not looking forward to the next one, for my seizure ER visit. But on a god note, I was able to get my student loans forbeared for another year; we just have to pay this months payment. My Brother got a new job, so I'm happy for him. Oh, speaking of which, I had mentioned months ago on the forum somewhere that my brothers ex was pregnant. She had her baby early, and he did the DNA test, and it's not my Brothers. So relieved. I see my Doctor tomorrow for a follow up on my med change. Also seeing my counselor. My acupuncturist is having a baby. Last time I saw her she had just found out, but now she found out she is having a boy! So happy for her! Sorry for rambling...insomnia is taking over. :p

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