1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Here's a CBD for you all!

I still can't believe it! :happydance: :baby:


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Aren't the digitals just the best??? Enjoy it because my digi died 2 days after I took it!! I was so sad!! With that saying 1-2 I don't think you could have been Preggo last month.. You must just be newly pregnant!!! I'll be so curious to find out your due date!!!
I would love to add you ladies on fb and Instagram if any of you are interested! No pressure if you would rather not. I just feel like that is the next step in our friendship!! None of my fb/Instagram friends know I'm Preggo except family and 3 best friends! Message me if you're interested!!
I would love to add you ladies on fb and Instagram if any of you are interested! No pressure if you would rather not. I just feel like that is the next step in our friendship!! None of my fb/Instagram friends know I'm Preggo except family and 3 best friends! Message me if you're interested!!

I messaged you, wanna! :happydance:
Oh gosh. Now I am noticing everything. I guess I just thought I knew I wasn't pregnant, but now that I am, I am noticing everything. My boobs feel heavy and sore and they throb. I'm SOOOO constipated it's painful. I tried to eat a banana and almost puked. This is all so foreign. Praying I can take this head-on! Baby Samuelsen is cookin'! :baby: :yellow: :cloud9:

Hah. First thing DH said after he saw the HPT's was "Yes! At least my sperm aren't blind like me!" :spermy: LOL.

I'm pumped! :happydance:
Wow Gohan! Congratulations! That is crazy because I thought you were still waiting to ovulate. So happy for you. I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months.

Wannabe~ How is the spotting now. I don't want to freak you out because some spotting can be totally normal. However, I would call the doc to make sure. I don't know if they would be able to do much though since you are so early in your pregnancy. I'm sure it's fine but if it were me, I would want to call doc and double check. Good luck with that and I'm praying for you!

Also, I'm not preggo but we can still be FB friends if you want. I will message you!
Thanks lilsoy. I did call and they said not to be concerned at all unless I started to be in pain or the bleeding was heavy. It has stopped again and at this point it has probably totaled the size of a pea. It has been mixed with mucus each time. Bodies are weird!!

I would still love to be your fb friend! It doesn't matter that you aren't pregnant yet!! But you will be soon!!!!!!!!
Lil - message me again. Your previous one disappeared all of a sudden before I got your name!!
lilsoy: I thought I was, too! I'm just as shocked as you are! But, you can't deny those pregnancy tests! :happydance:

I'm having spotting too, it's not as light as wanna's, but it started yesterday afternoon and it hasn't stopped, but it hasn't gotten any heavier. Usually with AF, once I spot one day, the next day it turns into heavy flow. Also, I have no cramps or anything. So, I'll mention it to my Doctor today. :thumbup:

Also, lilsoy, you can message me too, so we can be FB Friends, too! :hugs: I plan on sticking around here, I don't feel like I would fit in at the First Trimester thread. Plus, you ladies are my friends! <3 :hugs:
Just called my OB! She said that it's actually pretty common to have a "period" in the first month or two of pregnancy. And she said if I had such a positive test, that I didn't JUST get pregnant. Cuz DH and I hadn't had sex since January 22nd of last month, until V-Day. So that's obviously when I got pregnant. She used her "Pregnancy Wheel" and I am 5weeks and 6days pregnant! AHHHH! She said for me to get a blood HCG at my Doc's today, and for him to repeat it on Wednesday or Thursday, and fax results both times to the clinic. I can't believe it! AHHH! :happydance: :baby:
OMG Gohan!!! I can't believe it! You must be in shock! I'm so overly happy for you!! Congrats!!

So now that we are getting more and more BFPs here I want it to be my turn! lol

I don't have instagram, should I get it?
Lil - message me again. Your previous one disappeared all of a sudden before I got your name!!

Did you get it this time? I don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this...ha ha!! Let me know if you have trouble finding me!

Mrs. Vet ~ I don't have Instagram either. I think we are the last two to get our BFP's...at least from the original group.
Mrs. Vet - I KNOW! I was so shocked! But SOOO excited!

lilsoy - I got your message, but it won't let me add you on FB. I messaged your FB account, and it's probably in your "other" folder.

AFM...just got back from my GP's office! I am PREGNANT! Blood test confirmed it!

HCG level is 147.8! That means that I'm about 4-5 weeks! YAY! :happydance: :baby:

We are team :yellow: :baby: :cloud9:
Gohan~ I think I sent you a request. Just an FYI, I'm not open to all of my FB friends about our journey to conceive so no baby stuff please (about me anyway...haha!).

Wishing! ~ I hope your move went well and that you get internet soon so you can join the chat again! Too bad about morning sickness. I've heard that the worse the sickness is, the better chances of a healthy pregnancy. However, that could just be an old wives tale.

Still waiting to ovulate. The meds should make me ovulate 5-9 days after the last pill and I'm on day 8 after last pill so I'm hoping to get a positive OPK today and ovulate tomorrow. I don't know though because my other signs of ovulation aren't matching up. I guess we'll see. I can't wait to test later this afternoon.
Gohan that is such great news! I can't believe it just happened like that when you were not expecting it!!

Lilsoybean we will stick this out until it's our turn!!

I am CD 4 only so waiting to ovulate.. i got my blood drawn for hormone tests yesterday so I think I will call them on friday to see if they have results yet. I still need to make an appointment for DH to get his sperm tested, it's just so hard to plan anything with his schedule!
lilsoy - I totally understand! Not a lot of people knew DH and I were trying, either. No one knows we are pregnant, though. So please don't post anything about it. :)

Mrs. Vet - Praying the hormone test comes back great!

AFM...the spotting has basically stopped, no cramping at all, so I'm pretty sure we're fine. Although the nausea is awful. The full on MS hasn't started yet, but I have a feeling it will be fierce. I'm having some shooting pain in my belly, but I'm sure it's because my uterus is beginning to stretch and stuff for the baby. :blush: The constipation is switching to diarrhea on and off. It's weird. I have a repeat of hCG levels on Thursday, so please pray it's going UP! :thumbup:

You know...I'm getting sick of being called "Gohan" you all can call me Elena for heavens sake! It's not like we're strangers here! :p
Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. It's been really stressful. Saturday night I had a teensy bit of brown when I wiped. It scared me but I tried to be calm. Sunday I was fine until the evening. I had a bit of light pink when I wiped. Nothing much again. Monday is had a bit of brown and a bit of pink throughout the day. Again hardly anything. But then I started getting cramps. My cramps are usually very severe but these were mild but constant. I decided I should go to emergency. They did my blood work. Hcg was 1783. They checked my cervix and it was closed. They gave me an ultrasound yesterday morning. I saw my little bean!! It measured right at 6 weeks 2 days as expected.. And I saw the heartbeat!! 108bpm and the doctor was very happy with that. They couldn't find an explanTion for the spotting (which they aren't even classifying as spotting since I have never had anything on my underwear, just when I wipe). Dr said baby is in the exact right spot in my uterus. They did discover that my blood type is o negative (which I knew) and that since I was spotting I needed the rhogam shot. It covers me for 72 hours and I will need it again on Friday (and again and again) if I continue to "spot". It doesn't affect this baby at all but it would affect future pregnancies if I didn't get the shot. So crazy. Anyways - I'm having bad lower back pain which I don't believe is cramping just stretching pains.. A bit of cramping still and a bit of brown discharge today. Hoping it clears up soon. Please keep me and my little bean in your prayers.. thanks so much loves.
Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. It's been really stressful. Saturday night I had a teensy bit of brown when I wiped. It scared me but I tried to be calm. Sunday I was fine until the evening. I had a bit of light pink when I wiped. Nothing much again. Monday is had a bit of brown and a bit of pink throughout the day. Again hardly anything. But then I started getting cramps. My cramps are usually very severe but these were mild but constant. I decided I should go to emergency. They did my blood work. Hcg was 1783. They checked my cervix and it was closed. They gave me an ultrasound yesterday morning. I saw my little bean!! It measured right at 6 weeks 2 days as expected.. And I saw the heartbeat!! 108bpm and the doctor was very happy with that. They couldn't find an explanTion for the spotting (which they aren't even classifying as spotting since I have never had anything on my underwear, just when I wipe). Dr said baby is in the exact right spot in my uterus. They did discover that my blood type is o negative (which I knew) and that since I was spotting I needed the rhogam shot. It covers me for 72 hours and I will need it again on Friday (and again and again) if I continue to "spot". It doesn't affect this baby at all but it would affect future pregnancies if I didn't get the shot. So crazy. Anyways - I'm having bad lower back pain which I don't believe is cramping just stretching pains.. A bit of cramping still and a bit of brown discharge today. Hoping it clears up soon. Please keep me and my little bean in your prayers.. thanks so much loves.

Aww! I'm so glad you saw your little bean! At 6 weeks, did they do a transvaginal or a belly US? My OBGYN says I'm 6weeks1day, (my ticker is wrong, I need to change it) and I have to have an US soon. Let me know. :)

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