1DPO! TWW Buddies?

Elena~ I've been keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.. I hope you are making it through ok.

I don't know where I am in my cycle. Well, I know that I am on CD 20 but I haven't gotten any positive OPK's and my temps are all weird. I'm not sure if it's a side effect of the Clomid or maybe it didn't work or even had the opposite effect and made me not ovulate. I don't know how that would be possible. I don't know if I'm waiting to ovulate or I already have ovulated and missed it.
Gohan the poem is beautiful! You are such an amazing woman, the fact that you even care how we all are doing when you are going through such a terrible thing yourself is just amazing to me! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I will continue to pray for you and your husband to find comfort and strength. :cry:

She never called back on friday, I am calling again tomorrow and am going to let them have it if they don't connect me..
I am stressed out a lot this week, I have to turn in a paper in one week that is 30% of my graduation and I am not even close to being done, new problems keep coming up. I want to get up when DH leaves at 5am tomorrow morning and go to the library to work on it, now it's 11pm and my iPad has been restoring for the last hour.. guess it's going to be a short night.. oh well..

Thank you so much. It's not been easy, and it's not getting any easier. I'm sure DH is getting tired of my nightly "I want my baby back" break-downs. It usually hits me at night, right before bed. That's why I'm trying to stay up as late as I can, because the less I focus on bedtime, the less I think about everything... :cry: But the bleeding is slowly beginning. The cramps are much worse...I've taken Midol 3 times today...

I'm praying that your OB gets back to you, love. And I'm also praying the words for your paper for school comes to you like magic! :hugs:
I can imagine night time is the worst! :( I hope at least the physical time will stop soon.. :(
Your prayers have been heard! I finally got a hold of my doctor and everything came back normal. Getting DH tested next and meeting her again if I'm not pregnant by april...

And I did make some good progress on my paper today, thank God!
Hi ladies

How are you?

Gohan I'm so so sorry you are going through this very difficult time. I hope that time will heal and you will feel better. You have very special angels watching over you. Thinking of you xx

Mrs vet. So glad things came back normal and you made progress on your paper! :)

Lilsoy how are you doing? Any sign of O yet?

Wanna how are you feeling?

I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow. Still haven't been able to get an appointment with the doc! Ms is still horrible. No throwing up in 2 days though (touch wood) even though I came really close to today. I hope my hcg tapers off a bit and the ms goes away...it's really getting me down despite being so happy! I feel like a crazy person lol!

I hope you all have a great week. Xxxxxxxx
Hi ladies.

Update from me. Started miscarying yesterday. Devastated. Heart broken. Crushed. Don't have the energy to give any details right now. Hubby and I don't plan on trying again until at least after the summer is over. Not sure if I will stick around or if I just need a break. Can't wrap my mind around anything right now. Thank you for all the love and support you've given to me in the last serveral months. It has been invaluable.
Hi ladies.

Update from me. Started miscarying yesterday. Devastated. Heart broken. Crushed. Don't have the energy to give any details right now. Hubby and I don't plan on trying again until at least after the summer is over. Not sure if I will stick around or if I just need a break. Can't wrap my mind around anything right now. Thank you for all the love and support you've given to me in the last serveral months. It has been invaluable.

I'm so sorry...that is terrible news. It's such a hard thing to go through and I wish you didn't have to feel such pain. I wish I knew something to say to take it away and make you feel better. I will pray for you.
Oh wanna I'm so sorry :( I know we can say can really ease the pain but I truly hope in time you will be ok. Thinking of you and sending you the biggest :hug: xx
Oh wanna my heart is breaking for you!:cry: I am so sorry!

I totally understand needing a break, just remember we are here if you want totalk! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies.

Update from me. Started miscarying yesterday. Devastated. Heart broken. Crushed. Don't have the energy to give any details right now. Hubby and I don't plan on trying again until at least after the summer is over. Not sure if I will stick around or if I just need a break. Can't wrap my mind around anything right now. Thank you for all the love and support you've given to me in the last serveral months. It has been invaluable.

Oh wanna... :cry: :hugs: I'm so sorry, my dear. We completely understand the need to take a break from the website and TTC. Just know I am here for you and if you need to talk, you know where to find us. We all love you! :hugs: I am praying so hard for you and your DH. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Stay strong, love. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

hey guys..help please...
do this chart looks like anovulatory one? im really confuse. thanks ya

hey guys..help please...
do this chart looks like anovulatory one? im really confuse. thanks ya

Hi there~ maybe you o'd on CD 14 or 15? It's not real clear so I guess it could possibly be anovulatory.
I'm kind of in the same boat...can't figure out when I o'd this month..
How's everybody doing? Awful quiet on here...

Hey lilsoy. I'm hanging in there. Still bleeding...but the cramps are mostly over. I bought a book called "I Never Held You: Miscarriage, Grief, Healing & Recovery" by Ellen M. DuBois. I haven't started reading it yet, but I read the back and it looks really good. I'll probably start it tonight. But overall, I'm doing alright. I'm getting excited about my mom coming to visit me in a few weeks. I'm also going shopping this weekend to buy some much needed pants(all of mine are worn out!). I'm getting sick of wearing leggings and sweats all the time. :p

Just praying through this and clutching to DH. He's at work right now, gotta bring home the bread. :thumbup: Anyway, how are you, lilsoy? :hugs:
Not much new here, waiting to ovulate. My friend who got pregnant by accident has reached 12 weeks and is so excited now, I am kind of avoiding her posts. I am happy that she is happy but I am really having a problem with being jealous these days..

Finished my paper today, now I just have to wait for my parents to read it for typos and print it and turn it in monday! Hopefully I can finally relax a bit then!
Not much new here, waiting to ovulate. My friend who got pregnant by accident has reached 12 weeks and is so excited now, I am kind of avoiding her posts. I am happy that she is happy but I am really having a problem with being jealous these days..

Finished my paper today, now I just have to wait for my parents to read it for typos and print it and turn it in monday! Hopefully I can finally relax a bit then!

I know how you feel about the being jealous thing. All my friends are pregnant or have just had babies...some of them are on their second. It's really hard even though you are happy for them.

Good luck on your paper!
How's everybody doing? Awful quiet on here...

Hey lilsoy. I'm hanging in there. Still bleeding...but the cramps are mostly over. I bought a book called "I Never Held You: Miscarriage, Grief, Healing & Recovery" by Ellen M. DuBois. I haven't started reading it yet, but I read the back and it looks really good. I'll probably start it tonight. But overall, I'm doing alright. I'm getting excited about my mom coming to visit me in a few weeks. I'm also going shopping this weekend to buy some much needed pants(all of mine are worn out!). I'm getting sick of wearing leggings and sweats all the time. :p

Just praying through this and clutching to DH. He's at work right now, gotta bring home the bread. :thumbup: Anyway, how are you, lilsoy? :hugs:

Hi! That book sounds great. I hope it helps you through your healing process. Let me know how it is... It might be good for me to read something like that. Also, glad to hear that you will have some family around soon...moms make everything better!

I guess I'm about halfway through my TWW. Testing on Thurs/Fri. I have sensitive nipples and some weird tightness in my lower abdomen but I'm not really expecting a BFP this month since my cycle was so confusing. I basically gave up out of frustration about halfway through my cycle. But I guess time will tell.
Crossing my fingers for you lilsoybean!!

Nothing new to report here, still not ovulation.. pretty stressed out, turned in my paper today, repeating my driving test tomorrow and I'm really scared to fail again.
I am overly tired today and nauseated all the time, I think it's just being stressed out.. I don't think I'll get pregnant this month with everything going on..

Oh and on a side note, a girl in my church is pregnant too now. I am happy for her but it still bugs me that everyone around me gets pregnant and it just doesn't happen for us.. :( I don't know her well so they might have tried for a while too. She is as skinny as I am which is giving me hope. So I just chose to be happy for her but can't help that it stings..
Mrs. Vet ~ I'm sorry you are having a hard time. It's true though about not knowing other peoples stories. When I started school again this year (I'm a teacher), I had just lost the baby and my best friend and three other colleagues were announcing their pregnancies. It sounds bad but I would secretly curse the pregnant women (not my best friend :)). Anyway, come to find out that one of the girls had three miscarriages and had done IUI and had been trying for like 3 years....and finally found got pregnant naturally after basically giving up. I felt kind of bad after that since she had obviously been through her fair share and "deserved" to finally get her baby.

Just hang in there. I'm sure you'll get your BFP someday soon. And good luck on your driving test!! Are the driving tests there so rigorous because of the autobahn? Just curious.

Depending on my temps tomorrow morning, I will probably be testing sometime between tomorrow and Friday. However, temps have started to dip so I'm guessing it will be under cover line tomorrow :(
hey lovely ladies. i've missed you.

thought i felt ready to come on here and tell you my story of losing our sweet little baby.

as you all know, i started spotting on feb 15. it was nerve wracking at first but it was hardly anything. just a bit of brown when i wiped. over the next few days it progressed to sometimes being a bit pink.. and when i had a bowel movement it was bright red. on the 17th i went to the ER. they drew my blood - HCG was at 1800 and did an ultrasound. I saw my sweet little baby. The heartbeat was 108. I knew going in that was a bit slow (I was 6w3d) but the dr told me that was totally healthy and that since i had seen the heartbeat my risk of miscarriage went down to 10%. i left the hospital that day feeling a bit apprehensive but just trying to remember that everything was out of my control. that week the spotting continued. it did not increase or decrease in anyway - except for during bowel movements. i would get a wipe of bright red blood every time definitely coming out of my vagina. i did some research with dr.google and found that some women just have a very sensitive 'engorged' cervix. i figured that had to be what it was. fast forward to sunday. i was at church and had to get up in the service to go to the bathroom because i felt weird. i wiped and there was some clots. the first i had had. this freaked me out. so i left church immediately and went home. (hubby was getting home from africa that day. talk about timing.) i laid down in bed for 3 hours with the worst cramps i have ever had. went and picked up hubby from the airport. brought him home. he had a shower and we went straight to ER. I could not stand the cramping. at the ER they immediately drew my blood. they told me to stay positive as it was very possible that everything was fine. a little while later they came in with my results. my hcg was at 2700. the dr told me it should have been at least at 8000 (since i was 7w1d). they said it didn't look good and that i was probably having a miscarriage for sure. they sent me home and booked me an emergency ultrasound for the next morning. sure enough, baby was there with no heartbeat. i couldn't believe the shock and pain. only one week ago i had seen my sweet little bean with its heart beating. the dr looked at my previous ultrasound and concluded that the baby had not grown. he said it was very possible that the baby died right after my ultrasound the week before. the cramping and bleeding was like nothing i could have ever imagined. i had my blood drawn the next day and hcg had dropped to 1700. 2 days later it was 1600. Saturday it was 400. i passed the baby on friday night. it was horrible.

i had an appt with my family dr who i trust dearly. she looked over all my test results and said that the heartbeat from the original ultrasound was VERY low. she said that typically a baby with a heartbeat around 100 or lower will not live through the first trimester. she said that the dr who told me my rate of miscarriage had gone down to 10% since i had seen a heartbeat was incorrect.

it has been the worst week of my life. i can't even believe it. the physical and emotional pain has been worse than anything i have ever experienced. but every day i feel a bit more human. since i passed everything on friday night i have not had any more physical pain. thank the Lord.

i know my story is sad.. but i owe it to you all to know what happened. i trust and appreciate you ladies so much and i wanted to share. it has been hard to type.. but i know it is for the best to share..

hope you are all doing okay. gohan - how are you?
Oh wanna I am so sorry! I can't imagine how painful it must have been!
I hope you will find strength to get through this and the emotional pain will ease off over time! It's just not fair! :(

Laying awake here at 5.30am unable to sleep.. I am stressing over that driving test so bad!

lilsoybean It could be why they are so strict. Funny thing is, so many people here are rude and crappy drivers! I'm wondering if people would drive more careful if it was easier to pass the test!
It just bugs me, I drive really well by now but if I make the slightest mistake they will not give me my drivers license! I have seen people on the streets who drive wayyy worse than I do but they got their license 20 years ago when they weren't that strict yet..

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