1DPO! TWW Buddies?

They tried doing a belly ultrasound but couldn't see much detail. They did a transvaginal instead and saw everything they needed. I didn't find it uncomfortable T all. How exciting that you're father along than you thought! My next ultra sound is in 2 weeks
Wannabe~ I'm so glad you got good news when you went to the ER! I will keep praying for you and your little bean. I know how scary all that can be.

As for me, I am super frustrated because I was supposed to have ovulated by today on the Clomid and I still don't have any positive OPK's!! They seem to be getting darker though and I am feeling some pain on my left side which I usually get when I ovulate but no positive OPk. Also, my temp is unusually high. I don't know what the heck is going on with my body right now!

My hubby and I meet with the urologist on Monday so I'm getting nervous about that as well. I'm trying to stay positive but I'm not expecting very good news.
Wannabe~ I'm so glad you got good news when you went to the ER! I will keep praying for you and your little bean. I know how scary all that can be.

As for me, I am super frustrated because I was supposed to have ovulated by today on the Clomid and I still don't have any positive OPK's!! They seem to be getting darker though and I am feeling some pain on my left side which I usually get when I ovulate but no positive OPk. Also, my temp is unusually high. I don't know what the heck is going on with my body right now!

My hubby and I meet with the urologist on Monday so I'm getting nervous about that as well. I'm trying to stay positive but I'm not expecting very good news.

lilsoy, I know it seems bleak right now, love. DH and I tried for a year, and after one MMC, I felt hopeless. I was concerned that something might be wrong with DH, since I have regular cycles and I ovulate regularly. DH and I had just seen the specialist the Monday before we found out we were pregnant with our little one. She said there was a good chance with his family history(one of DH's father's brother's is completely sterile and the other has low motility and morphology) that he could have major issues. Apparently, nothing is wrong, and we have a little bean. Please don't get discouraged, dear. :hugs: :flower:

AFM...the spotting has gotten much lighter, which is good. It never got on my panties, so that makes me feel a bit better. Last night I felt like I had to pee but I didn't. Kinda like how you feel with a UTI. But the feeling was gone this morning and hasn't come back. I have awful diarrhea right now, too. My parents, DH and I had a long talk about what's going to happen. We've known for a long time that when I fell pregnant we would have to move back to my hometown. DH's parents work full time and work overtime on the weekends, so with DH working more than normal, it's just not conducive to me being pregnant, especially since I'm high-risk. So, we have basically NO time to get this show on the road. We have to move in May. My in-laws are visiting my MIL's dad in Michigan in May, and I'll be right in the middle of my 2nd Trimester then, so it's the best time to move. I need to start making a list of things to do before then. The nice thing is, since DH told his bosses that we're expecting, they've given him a lot of extra time at work. So this week, instead of working his usual 22 hours, he's getting over 30! We are so blessed! So I'm kinda feeling confident, but nervous. For the short-term, we'll be living with my family. We were planning to live with my grandparents, but my Grandmother had a bad report at her Neurologist a couple weeks ago. Her Doctor told her that her Althzeimer's(sp?) has progressed much more rapidly then we thought. This time two years ago she had 85% memory retention, now it's only at 50%. So her condition is now been labelled "Rapidly-Progressing Early-Onset Althzeimer's". I'm devastated. :nope: :cry: She's only 70. :cry:

Other than that, I'm hanging in there. I'm beginning to get more nauseous as the days goes along. I'll think of something I want to eat, and when I make it and it's done, it makes me nauseous to even smell it. I don't even know. I need to be eating more...but the only thing I can eat right now is really chicken nuggets and plain bagels with cream cheese. :wacko: Oh well, at least the little one is there. :)

Tomorrow I go in for my next hCG level. Please pray that it has gone up, ladies. I'm worried. :nope:
Hi ladies
I finally have internet! !!!

Gohan!!! Congratulations! !! What wonderful news!!!! So happy for you! I'm sure your hcg will go up perfectly! Such exciting times ahead.

Wanna how are you feeling? With ds I had a bot of spotting around 5 weeks. Doctor said my cervix was just sensitive after bd. Try not to worry too much. I'd love to have you on instagram. I don't have fb. But also no one really knows I'm pg yet :) I'll msg you.

Lilsoy and mrs vet how are you doing? ?

My ms is so horrible. Overwhelms me and my day. I can't wait for it to be over. Been so sick. I have to still go for a scan. We're just sorting out my insurance here. Fxd I will get to see our bean soon.
hang in there lilsoy.. you never know what could happen! positive thoughts. we are all here supporting you and rallying around you. it WILL happen. Good luck on Monday.. .keep us posted!

OH man that is a lot to deal with Elena. I hope you can get it all sorted out and keep your stress level low. Sorry to hear about your Grandmother. That must be really difficult. Glad to hear your spotting has gone down. Have you had much cramping at all?? I'm sure your HCG levels will be great!! Let us know once you hear back.

Yay wishing! Glad to have you back!! I really hope your ms clears up soon. I havent had any nausea so I'm very thankful for that. I can imagine it must be very stressful!!

I'm feeling really good today. Still having a bit of spotting here and there. It is just watery brown at this point. Nothing major. My doctor said she is not concerned at this point especially with my great ultrasound results. I just need to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesnt progress. The ER dr said it would be concerning if I was completely filling a pad once every two hours. I am no where NEAR that. It is literally only when I wipe. Never on my underwear. I wondered if it had anything to do with BD.. but hubby has been in Africa since last Wednesday. The spotting started the Saturday after that so I can't imagine it would have been due to that.. hmm. All my cramping has seemed to gone away which makes me very happy.. but still having lots of stretching pains. I'm happy with that though.. gotta get ready for the bean to grow!! It does reassure me wishing that you had some spotting. the DR said it really can be very normal. I also read a statistic online that said once you have seen a heartbeat on an ultrasound your risk of MC goes down to 5%. I wonder if thats true??

Hope you are all having a fantastic day. I am praying everyday that the spotting goes away 100%.. but I also know God is in control and has a plan for me and little bean. Just gotta trust!!
Ladies I'm freaking out a bit here!
My OBGYN tried to call me at 7.15pm!! I missed the call and called right back but inly got their answering machine as it was wayyy after their office hours!
My hormone levels should be back now and she had said she is only calling me when there is something really abnormal and here she is, trying to call me way after they closed!
I am so scared it could be bad news!

Calling back first thing in the morning! Meanwhile I will try not to think about it!
Gohan!!! Congratulations! !! What wonderful news!!!! So happy for you! I'm sure your hcg will go up perfectly! Such exciting times ahead.

My ms is so horrible. Overwhelms me and my day. I can't wait for it to be over. Been so sick. I have to still go for a scan. We're just sorting out my insurance here. Fxd I will get to see our bean soon.

Thank you, wishing! It is so exciting! I'm just worried that my levels won't go up. I'll post as soon as I know what the levels are. :thumbup: My MS hasn't started full out yet. I do gag and spit up a lot in the AM and before bed. Thinking it's gonna be a doozy. :wacko:

OH man that is a lot to deal with Elena. I hope you can get it all sorted out and keep your stress level low. Sorry to hear about your Grandmother. That must be really difficult. Glad to hear your spotting has gone down. Have you had much cramping at all?? I'm sure your HCG levels will be great!! Let us know once you hear back.

I'm feeling really good today. Still having a bit of spotting here and there. It is just watery brown at this point. Nothing major. My doctor said she is not concerned at this point especially with my great ultrasound results. I just need to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesnt progress. The ER dr said it would be concerning if I was completely filling a pad once every two hours. I am no where NEAR that. It is literally only when I wipe. Never on my underwear. I wondered if it had anything to do with BD.. but hubby has been in Africa since last Wednesday. The spotting started the Saturday after that so I can't imagine it would have been due to that.. hmm. All my cramping has seemed to gone away which makes me very happy.. but still having lots of stretching pains. I'm happy with that though.. gotta get ready for the bean to grow!! It does reassure me wishing that you had some spotting. the DR said it really can be very normal. I also read a statistic online that said once you have seen a heartbeat on an ultrasound your risk of MC goes down to 5%. I wonder if thats true??

Hope you are all having a fantastic day. I am praying everyday that the spotting goes away 100%.. but I also know God is in control and has a plan for me and little bean. Just gotta trust!!

I know, I need to stress less. I'm just so worried. My spotting is exactly the same as yours. Just when I wipe, never on my panties. Praying that it stays that way or goes away completely! I'm having a lot of stretching pains, too. The only other pain I have down there is constipation pain. :haha: Praying for a protective hedge around my little bean. I know God is in control, and I need to trust him with this little life growing inside me.

Ladies I'm freaking out a bit here!
My OBGYN tried to call me at 7.15pm!! I missed the call and called right back but inly got their answering machine as it was wayyy after their office hours!
My hormone levels should be back now and she had said she is only calling me when there is something really abnormal and here she is, trying to call me way after they closed!
I am so scared it could be bad news!

Calling back first thing in the morning! Meanwhile I will try not to think about it!

Praying that everything is okay, Mrs. Vet! I will pray very hard all day today! For ALL of us! For me, that my levels go UP! And that my stress will go DOWN! For wishing, wanna and myself for healthy little beans and continuing growth. Praying for you, Mrs. Vet that everything is alright with your test and it is actually wonderful news! And praying for dear lilsoy, that she will get her +OPK and will get her :bfp: ! I love you ladies so very much. You are all my dear friends. So glad to know you all and have your friendship. <3 :hugs: :kiss: :flower:
Please pray for my husband and me. We got the results of the HCG test, and our level went from 147.8 all the way down to 27.6. I went to the ER and they won't do anything. We just have to wait this out...I'm so heartbroken. I can't do this again...my heart can't take it...
Oh no gohan. Can you ask them for a scan? Hang in there sweety :hug:

Mrs vet hope you get some good news xxx fxd for you both!
Oh no gohan. Can you ask them for a scan? Hang in there sweety :hug:

Mrs vet hope you get some good news xxx fxd for you both!

The ER said at the level my hCG is at, they wouldn't be able to see anything even with a transvaginal US. They refused to even admit me and do blood work. They said it's not an "emergency situation" which is total bullshit(pardon my language) because this is MY baby. A human being is living inside me(or was :cry:) and the fact that that human may die isn't an emergency?! :cry: I hated that they kept calling my baby an "embryo" a "fetus". NO. It's a baby. MY baby. :cry: I feel so helpless... :cry:
I took a FRER, an IC and a CBD. The IC and FRER were now both negative, but the CBD still said the same thing it did before, which isn't good either, as it should say something different by now. I'm also starting to bleed. So please pray for my husband and I. This is something that we feared. We were tormented with satanic nightmares all last night. Satan is trying to get the best of Erik and I...but we're fighting him...I just want my baby back. :cry:
Elena. I'm so so sorry that you are going through this. I'm going to say a prayer for you right now.

Father, I pray that you would be with Elena and Erik in this time of grief they are dealing with. God I pray that you would watch over them and protect them. Lord I ask that you would be with their precious baby now that he or she is with you. We know that this baby is safe and in your loving arms. Lord please give Elena and Erik a sense of peace knowing that they will meet this baby one day in heaven. Lord in your name we ask that you would keep satan away from them. Protect them with a forcefield of your angels and your love. Remind them that you have a plan for them and that you love them. You are not forgetting about them. Be with Elena especially Father. Heal her body and please protect her heart and mind in this difficult time.I ask that you would give clarity and wisdom to the doctors that they may find some answers. Lord please surround Elena and Erik with friends and family who can give them comfort in this time. We love you Father and we know that you are our Lord and Saviour.

In your name,
I am so heartbroken for you! :cry: I can't believe you have to go through this again!
I will pray for you both, I can't imagine what you're going through..

I called my doctor this morning and was told she'd call back after the office closed, she never did. Calling them on monday and won't leave them alone until they tell me what is going on, this is ridiculous.
Elena~ I'm so so sorry. This is the worst feeling in the world. I praying for you. I don't even know what to say to comfort you but just know that you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers.
I've slept almost all day today. I didn't get up until 4pm and slept from 5:30 - 7:30pm again. I feel so...broken. I'm not bleeding. The blood I saw earlier was from a scab when I shaved a few days back. I have no blood yet. I am cramping some, but not horribly. Just trying to wait this out...DH took today off, but he has to go in tomorrow morning. I'm getting a bunch of sympathy from friends and family members...but I just...I just don't feel better. :cry: I wrote a poem for my little one. I'll post it in the next post...
The Love I Never Met

~Dedicated to My Angel Baby~
Conceived January 21st, 2014; Left us on February 20th, 2014

Two pink stripes,
Tears of joy.
Excitement, laughter;
A girl or boy?

So many things ran through my mind;
What crib, what colors, which teddy bear?
Then, almost in an instant,
You suddenly weren’t there.

My heart broke; I heard it.
My soul aches; I feel it.
My eyes weep; I see it.
But you were just here…how can you be gone?

My precious baby left me;
That day, I will never forget.
And I will always remember you,
As the love I never met.

I loved you before you existed.
I loved you while you were here.
I love you now, even though you’re gone.
But even so, I still shed a tear.

For a beautiful life,
We will never know.
My child, my baby,
Why so soon did you have to go?

You took a piece of my heart,
When you flew up to heaven to stay.
Watch over me, my darling,
As I sit here and pray.

You will always be my little angel.
My heart lives within you.
Although, for now we must be apart.
I hope and pray, I will see you soon.
Aw gohan your poem is beautiful. I'm so so sorry you have to go through this. Thinking of you and your husband. Xxx stay strong
Hi ladies, just wanted to check in. The bleeding has yet to start, but the cramps are continuing to slowly get worse. I took another HPT and it was completely negative. I looked at the ones from yesterday later on in the day, and the FRER and the IC had a faint line. The IC from today is stark white. I'm expecting the bleeding soon.

But, I don't want to rain on everyone else's parade. How is everyone else doing?

wishing, wanna, how are you guys holding up with MS?

Mrs. Vet - have you heard anything back from your OBGYN?

lilsoy - how are you doing? Where are you in your cycle?

I'm still going to stick around, but I'm not expecting to ovulate any time soon. After my last MC in June, it took until November to O again. (that's actually when I made this thread.) I want to keep up to date with all of you, though. :hugs:
Gohan the poem is beautiful! You are such an amazing woman, the fact that you even care how we all are doing when you are going through such a terrible thing yourself is just amazing to me! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I will continue to pray for you and your husband to find comfort and strength. :cry:

She never called back on friday, I am calling again tomorrow and am going to let them have it if they don't connect me..
I am stressed out a lot this week, I have to turn in a paper in one week that is 30% of my graduation and I am not even close to being done, new problems keep coming up. I want to get up when DH leaves at 5am tomorrow morning and go to the library to work on it, now it's 11pm and my iPad has been restoring for the last hour.. guess it's going to be a short night.. oh well..

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